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アニュイティー (個人年金:Annuity) について
In a way, annuities look like a reverse life insurance policy.
The primary difference between an annuity and life insurance is when payment is made. Annuities pay a set amount of money monthly, quarterly, or annually to meet future financial needs, usually in retirement. Life insurance pays the value of the policy at the time of death.
With life insurance, you make a bet with the life insurance company. You make payments to the policy, for example, $1,000 per year, and if you die too soon, the company will pay the death benefit to your beneficiary. In this case, your family wins; the company loses.
With an annuity, you give them a lump sum or accumulated premium, for example, $500,000, and bet that you'll live a long time.
If you live long enough, the company keeps paying you monthly. In that case, the company may end up paying you more than what you put into the annuity; thus, you win. But if you die too soon, the company wins
because they will stop payment or only pay up to a certain period.
Thus, annuities are a good solution for people who worry that they may live too long and run out of money. Annuities can help them feel confident about their financial future.
Annuities offer different interest strategies.
♦ Fixed Annuity: Guarantees a fixed rate of return
♦ Fixed Index Annuity: Interest is credited based on the movement of a market index, such as the S&P 500. The index normally has a minimum floor and a maximum cap, for example 0% to 8%. Thus, if the S&P 500 goes higher than 8%, it will credit max 8%. And if the index has a loss, it will hit a 0% floor; there is no loss in the account:--
ln the U.S., unlike IRAs and 401 (k)s, annuities have no limits on contribution. You can put in as much as you want.
Also, due to lifetime payouts, it is a vehicle of choice for many people to rollover or transfer their 401 (k) and IRA into annuities, so they can get the advantage of the payout phase.
* The guarantees of fixed annuity contracts are contingent on the claims-paying ability of the issuing insurance company. Annuity withdrawals are taxed as ordinary income and may be subject to a 10% federal penalty if made prior to age 591⁄2. Surrender charges may also apply during the policy's early years.
** Index Annuities are typically linked to a major stock market index, such as the Standard & Poor's Index of 500 common stocks, but do not represent direct participation in the stock market. Past performance of the S&P 500, or any other index that these types of annuities may be linked to, does not guarantee future results. In the event that any given index has a negative return, the issuer of the index annuity may credit a minimum interest rate guarantee, which is generally around 3%, or no interest may be credited. This will depend on the terms of the contract that can vary greatly from one contract to the next. You should also note that in some fixed index annuity contracts, the stated participation rate may not be credited at all if the annuity is not held to the contract term which may be several years.
*** Generally, principal is guaranteed by the issuing insurer when the annuity is held to the end of the guarantee period. Guarantees are based on the claims paying ability of the issuing insurance company. Participation rates, caps or other components of the formula used to calculate credited rates vary and can change. Withdrawals prior to the end of the guarantee period may be subject to market value adjustments; therefore, you may receive less than you originally invested. Withdrawals during the first several years are subject to surrender charges and withdrawals prior to age 591⁄2 may be subject to a
10% federal tax penalty.
0**Fixed index annuities can be complicated. Before you purchase an equity index annuity, read the contract and any sales literature and be sure that you completely understand all of the terms and provisions of any fixed index annuity you are considering.
ハワイ州で各種生命保険・個人年金(アニュイティー)・介護保険・401K, IRAロールオーバーなど、各種保険及び、ハワイ州不動産ブローカー・ライセンスを所持し、ハワイ州の不動産売買も取り扱っております。合わせて、ソーシャル・セキュリティー受給申請の際の最も有益な申請の方法などを、個々人やご家庭に合わせてご案内をしております。(NARSSA メンバー: National Association of Registered Social Security Analyst )
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