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Vivinavi Los Angeles
U.S. Presidential Election 2020

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  • 傍観だけでは終われなくなった3
  • mail
  • 2020/10/10 09:05

Here is an example of what Trump has actually done.

He has further reduced the estate tax bracket, which was only relevant to the top 0.2% of the very wealthy, and he himself has saved over $1 BILLION in taxes, and his original salary is $400,000 even though he is President without pay, so you can see what he is trying to accomplish with just one shot ?. He and his friends have also benefited greatly from the fact that he has lowered the income tax rate for large corporations and people who make over $500,000 a year.

To make up for the shortfall in revenue, he cut Medicare and food stamps, for example, and cut funding for various research programs, ignoring science. The disease control program that Obama created for things like the new coronas, Trump cut the budget and now we are in this mess.

Obamacare was just nullified with no alternative plan, and the insurance companies were left to do whatever they wanted. Those of us who already had business insurance and who were bought into the propaganda of the Republicans and their backers, the big insurance companies, that Obamacare was bad because of skyrocketing premiums, will realize how dangerous it is after this Corona.

The wall, which was originally ineffective, was built half-heartedly with taxpayer money, further increasing military spending and the national deficit, and it was a lie that Mexico was going to pay for it.

The failure of the anti-corona measures was also terrible, and in the midst of the spread of the infection, dozens of people were forced to work in meat factories by presidential decree, killing dozens of them. The forced reopening of schools and the economy is another example of putting the economy before human life.

While spouting conspiracy theories about mail-in ballot fraud, he has intentionally delayed the mail-in process by having the head of the USPS shaved down to his most ardent supporters, firing his entire executive staff, and forcing the removal of mail boxes and sorting machines. Some people died because they did not receive their medicines.

The BLM's peaceful demonstration rather defended the white supremacists and radical right who incited the riots and the Attorney General who tries to frame Antifa anyway, who of course Trump replaced with his predecessor. Furthermore, the military has even been deployed to suppress peaceful demonstrations=anti-Trump groups with unjustified arrests, tear gas attacks, and violence.

What he is doing is either to gain popularity among his supporters, or to deceive and harass his opponents for re-election, or to satisfy his desire for discrimination and revenge, or to benefit himself and his friends financially, or any of these. It is always.

Biden would have made a lot of money from his son getting favors from foreign countries. It seems like a normal possibility. But that kind of story is exactly the same thing with the Trump family. Both are self-serving blacks. Trump has been blatantly doing that kind of lobbying to collect money, and that is exactly ? what he is talking about.

Trump's Republicans would do just about anything that would please their base of Christians, gun lovers, white supremacists, etc., in addition to favoring the wealthy and big business.

Biden Democrats, like Trump, will also give some preferential treatment to big business. They are both backers. But they will also do things that will please their supporters, such as the middle class and below and labor unions. That's probably the main difference between the two.

If you want to get away from the current domination of the wealthy and have politics for the common man, you have to increase the number of politicians like Sanders, AOC, SQUAD, Katie Porter, and others. These are all Democrats who do not take donations from big business.

Also, the Democratic takeover of the Senate is essential to eliminate the blasphemers of democracy who plan to take the presidential election, a referendum, to the Supreme Court, where they are sure to win, and settle it with nine members. It is also a good idea to donate to Senate candidates in states that are likely to flip.

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  • でも
  • 2020/12/13 (Sun) 09:39
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Mr. Biden will team up with the Europeans to destroy China slowly and steadily under the pretense that he is in bed with China. I know this is old news, but I wonder if it is true ?.

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  • 残念
  • 2020/12/13 (Sun) 10:02
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Today's people, informed only by the news, are at their wits' end.

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> I found the answer first, but I'd like to know what you think.
I saw this clause last night, too, and it was very surprising, but you were right, Topi
That means that the transparency and fairness of the voting and counting can only be guaranteed by the Poll Manager
On the contrary, if you drop one Poll Manager
I don't know how the Poll Manager worked in this election, but I think it is something to consider in the future

As for this election, I think you are right, it was a normal tabulation process.
But before that, I think it's a different question whether it was normal to remove the press and the observers, I

Poll Manager says there is no fact that he removed them, and several observers have given affidavits saying they were told to go home
. I still don't know which one of these is true, or if either of them are telling the truth.

> You don't think you're out when you spread the edited video as if it were a verbatim statement?
I think it's the same thing whether you believe the edited video as it is or doubt the whole thing because you realized it was an edited video

> The fact that even the US Supreme Court, which is extremely favorable to Trump, dismissed the case so easily proves how tenuous and unreasonable the series of lawsuits were with little basis and evidence. ?
The dismissals of the cases filed so far show that they had little basis to be heard by the Supreme Court
But what does Mr. Giuliani, who says he's still going to do it, have to say about what he's still doing and what he's still trying to do with this case? I don't know what he has and what he will come up with in the future, so I want to see that
I don't think that because he has failed so far, he will continue to fail
I want to see it all properly

> Is there a conspiracy theory that China is behind the rigged election ?
I don't know if it's just China, but if there is a suspicion that China is involved, it has to be verified
What exactly is going to be verified, and I want to see the evidence for that.
If all is said and done and nothing is found, we will be very happy

By the way, you don't think China is involved at all ?
I don't believe that China would meddle in other country's politics. ?

I may have mentioned this before, but I'm totally ok with political activity through officially registered lobbyists, but
I really don't like it when people go the other route and get involved on a larger level.

I don't want us to become a country like China
So, I have been saying from the beginning that I want to be very clear when there is doubt
Well, I'm sorry if I got sidetracked
> You've already talked about something not directly related to the election, but what did you think of the front media report that Trump had received at least $5 mil from China ?
I'm not sure it's even related
to nominating Biden, who is being held by China.

I didn't know about Trump's $5 mil, so I looked it up
It's not that he received it as president, but that it was a real estate lease he signed before he became president
I guess he's a businessman by trade. I just wonder if that's possible since he's a businessman turned president
I just hope that this will be verified to see if it's against the law or not so that we can be prepared for when someone becomes a businessman turned president in the future
So, at least, the $5 mil lease payment is not a big deal. I don't think that just because it was there, it was a favor to China, but
if it's legally gray, I want that to be made clear in black and white, so that there are no future repercussions.

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  • 傍観だけでは終われなくなった3
  • 2020/12/13 (Sun) 10:31
  • Report

This is an example of "proof of fraud" blown by the behind-the-scenes media that turned out to be fake.
・ Georgia Fraud Tally Video → Turns out to be just a normal tally video
・ Dominion Fraud Tally 1 → Georgia Hand Tally Matches Automatic Tally Results Within Error
・ Dominion Fraud Tally 2 → Michigan Hand Tally slight difference found to be human error
・ Dominion fraud tally 3 → forensic audit also found no system tampering fraud
・ fraudulent testimony by self-proclaimed Dominion worker → rallied and logically incorrect testimony
・ Dominion server seized in Germany in shootout with fatalities → Fake news
・ CIA director dead or arrested and under questioning → Fake news
・ Absentee/dead people vote fraud in Nevada → Military overseas, people who moved within a month, wives found to have voted
・ There is evidence of mass fraud → Most of the 50+ lawsuits are not about evidence of fraud, but objections to the extent of vote counting. No real evidence was presented, and all but one minor case was lost and dismissed by the U.S. Supreme Court

Incidentally, if the front media were to publish even one false story like the above, that media outlet would lose credibility and be in danger of extinction. At the very least, the reporter will be fired. That is the crucial difference between information media and propaganda/fake media.

It's already obvious which one of us has been duped ? ? Can you please quit spreading fake news here ?.

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  • arienai
  • 2020/12/13 (Sun) 22:42
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>Georgia's fraudulent tally video → turns out to be just a normal tally video

Is it normal practice to scan the same ballot three times ??

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  • 無知
  • 2020/12/14 (Mon) 00:21
  • Report

Don't shove to the sidelines what every citizen in the world knows.
You're too handicapped to recognize illegal as illegal.

I wrote this one myself, fair and square.
> Absentee/dead people voted illegally in Nevada → Military personnel overseas, people who moved within a month, and their wives were found to have voted
Definitely an election violation!

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  • 昭和のおとっつぁん
  • 2020/12/14 (Mon) 07:31
  • Report

We've had President Trump for 4 years
dividing the country, dividing the world
and it's going to be very difficult if he's in charge for another 4 years
he wants to keep the lid on the corruption and replace it with a country-wide change.

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  • 傍観だけでは終われなくなった3
  • 2020/12/14 (Mon) 10:03
  • Report

\{{misguided}} that everyone in the world knows \{misguided}} that Trump followers who watch backroom media are delusional

\{misguided}} because they are disabled and cannot recognize illegal as illegal
\{misguided}} even if a judicial decision says it is not illegal, they blindly believe it is illegal.

> It is definitely an election violation.
I'm sorry about that, but your phrase "without mistake" is just a bunch of mistakes, and you have no awareness of the fact that you have made many mistakes, and the most you can do to refute them is to try to make them worse.

The correct rewrite is as follows.
・ Absenteeism in Nevada turned out to be massively fraudulent voting → Turns out to be military personnel overseas and people who moved within a month
・ Dead in Michigan turned out to be massively fraudulent voting → Mostly same name and death record mistakes.
・ Dead people voting fraudulently in Georgia → Turned out to be wife voting

The last one is nothing fraudulent, just that the wife's registered name was confusing.
"Her voter registration was signed as Mrs. James E. Blalock, Jr. and that is exactly how she signed her name when she voted in the Nov. 3

But how dare you come in here with such a shameful and deceptive abomination, and then come in here and write from the top of the pile? You should change your handle to "I am ignorant" or you will be misunderstood.

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  • 無知
  • 2020/12/14 (Mon) 11:14
  • Report

Correctly rewritten, they are as follows.
・ Absentee massively fraudulent voting in Nevada → Turns out to be military personnel overseas or people who moved within a month
・ Dead massively fraudulent voting in Michigan → Turns out to be mostly same name or wrong death record.
・ Dead people vote fraudulently in Georgia → Turns out their wives voted for them

Duh, come on,
they're all election violations...their wives signed their husbands' ballots and voted ? ? that's a felony. ?
The problem is that a lot of ballots that should have been counted are being counted
Georgia counted the ballots twice and the bystanders claimed there was no fraud, but they didn't check the signatures, so it doesn't make sense!
This is the governor's decision, so it's on the front page of the news.
This kind of fact bending is anti-Trump
Sidelines, this guy has the same brain as the BLM.

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  • 傍観だけでは終われなくなった3
  • 2020/12/14 (Mon) 12:50
  • Report

> It's all an election violation
You're an idiot ? I no longer know what you're implying is a violation.

> His wife signed her husband's ballot and voted ? ?
Nobody said that, and I took the trouble to post an explanation, but a guy who doesn't understand this level of English can't possibly understand American elections or politics. He's really an embarrassment.

> You didn't confirm his signature, so what's the point
Trump repeated this. That's why it's so easy to be fooled.

You don't even understand that it doesn't matter what you say about signatures to check for Dominion tally fraud, but it's no longer a language problem, you're too fatally stupid to do it.

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  • そういえば
  • 2020/12/14 (Mon) 12:54
  • Report

Today's Elector

I wonder if he's decided yet.

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  • 昭和のおとっつぁん
  • 2020/12/14 (Mon) 13:01
  • Report

I guess the voting in California will start soon. 
But all the ballots will be sealed as is until January 6 ?
So the same people with nothing today.   Thoho.

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  • ぎゅぎゅ
  • 2020/12/14 (Mon) 13:05
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I just watched a video of the voting in Georgia, and each and every voter said something like "I vote for Biden".
So the vote itself will be sealed, but I think we will know the results today.

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  • 精神科医
  • 2020/12/14 (Mon) 13:10
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Gov. Stupid Newsom Recalled ! Biden's dementia may be next and he may press the nuclear button and order the military to kill American citizens ? Expect to see what kind of dementia ! !

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  • 傍観だけでは終われなくなった3
  • 2020/12/14 (Mon) 14:42
  • Report

Yes, it is settled with 302 electoral votes.
Good work~.

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  • 傍観だけでは終われなくなった3
  • 2020/12/14 (Mon) 14:47
  • Report

The election is settled, but I'll answer your question at the end ? just in case.

> I don't believe that China would ever stick its hand into the politics of another country ?
No, China and Russia would obviously try. In fact, it's like Russia let Trump win 4 years ago. But they are more wary now and it won't be easy.

> I think political activity through officially registered lobbyists is totally OK, but
I think lobbies are the very hotbed of corrupt politics, so we are completely disagreeing here.

> Real estate leases signed before he became president
The front media pointed out that the leases were illegal to begin with and were supposed to expire during his presidency, but may have been renewed, and that Chinese government-owned companies own at least 70% of AIC China, which in turn owns at least 70% of AIC China, which in turn owns at least 70% of AIC China. Bank, and in essence, the fact that China became a tool to funnel money to Trump.

Furthermore, while Trump has publicly stated that he has never made any money from China, some of his tax returns were leaked and revealed that the amount he claimed to have earned was actually at least three times as much as he actually earned, and hidden accounts were discovered in China. The amount of money that he reported earning was actually at least three times as much as the amount he had earned. If he loses the presidency, I am sure the investigation will proceed properly.

> I don't think that just because there was a $5M lease payment, that it was a favor to China

What makes you think so ? The front media article says that Ivanka was appointed White House counsel Since that time, about 40% faster than before her father's presidency, her trademark has been approved in China and she has won 41 of them. This is a case of leveraging it to your own benefit, though.

For example, there are articles with this main point.

In the first two years of Trump's presidency, 60 clients paid about $12 million ( about $1.27 billion ) to Trump family-owned businesses, and nearly all of them expanded their interests.

Specifically, the clients were corporate executives, billionaires, foreign government officials, influential lawyers, and lobbyists, who in return received benefits such as federal government contract awards, legal reform, and appointments as ambassadors and others.

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  • John
  • 2020/12/14 (Mon) 15:14
  • Report

Not so fast. Jan 20th is the real day.
Pennsylvania Georgia Nevada sent competing electors.
And on the 18th the director of national intelligence will release his report on election security.
If bad news that china did something bad...there will be big problems for people.
We will see.

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  • オーバードライブ
  • 2020/12/14 (Mon) 19:54
  • Report

I heard that there were duplicate ballots in 7 states, so if this is true, it's too early to say it's confirmed yet. After all, anything can happen until January 6.

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  • 昭和のおとっつぁん
  • 2020/12/14 (Mon) 20:22
  • Report

President Trump will fight the battle to the bitter end.
His last stand will be to abruptly resign as president before January 20
and his vice president will take over until the inauguration of the next president
and he will not have to attend the inauguration of the next president since he is now a civilian.

He could go
to a country that does not have an extradition treaty with the U.S. immediately after his resignation and live safely.

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  • チグハグ
  • 2020/12/15 (Tue) 07:20
  • Report

Bill Gates lives in Texas - a Democrat who lives in a state where he doesn't have to pay income tax. Don't make me laugh. I'm pretty sure he was here too. LOL!!!

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