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1. | Vivinavi Los Angeles Adultery More Common After Pandemic?(57view/1res) |
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2. | Vivinavi Los Angeles ナルシシスト/アスペルガーのパートナーの精神的虐待(1kview/36res) |
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Preocupaciones / Consulta | Ayer 19:10 |
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7. | Vivinavi Las Vegas ラスベガスへ引っ越す予定。色々教えてください。(6view/0res) |
Pregunta | 2025/03/04 21:37 |
8. | Vivinavi Hawai 採血後のしびれ(121view/2res) |
Preocupaciones / Consulta | 2025/03/04 21:17 |
9. | Vivinavi Los Angeles 小学校低学年 春休み何してますか?(239view/2res) |
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10. | Vivinavi Los Angeles 日本旅行に関することは、何でもアリ、のトピ(1009kview/4417res) |
Chat Gratis | 2025/03/04 17:53 |
Vivinavi Los Angelesリンパの下の腫れ
- #1
- Takahiii
- Correo
- 2020/12/03 18:49
- #2
- #3
- 昭和のおとっつあん
- 2020/12/03 (Thu) 20:21
- Informe
- #4
- まずは
- 2020/12/03 (Thu) 21:06
- Informe
- #5
- maru
- 2020/12/03 (Thu) 22:19
- Informe
- #6
- 昭和のおとっつぁん
- 2020/12/04 (Fri) 06:56
- Informe
まずは自分の身体状況把握を。 熱を測っておけば医者の助けになるよ。
無駄にはならないだろうから水分も多めに取る。 医者には行くのか?
- #7
- 昭和のおとっつぁん
- 2020/12/04 (Fri) 07:18
- Informe
- #8
You need to go to a doctor immediately. Don't send diagnose. It can be something serious like stroke or infection.I heard that stroke in neck area feels like tooth ache sometimes. General practitioner or internal medicine if you don't have a primary care doctor. Go immediately. Don't wait.
- #10
- とりあえず
- 2020/12/05 (Sat) 08:40
- Informe
Don't send diagnose.
I heard that stroke in neck area feels like tooth ache sometimes.
- #11
- まる
- 2020/12/05 (Sat) 13:51
- Informe
Don't send diagnose.だけでなくI heard that stroke in neck area feels like tooth ache sometimes.も意味不明だけど。stroke in neck areaって何?
- #12
Don't "self diagnose". It's a simple spelling correction software error. If you have intelligence and little imagination, you should be able to figure it out. You don't understand stroke in neck?? You can get stroke in the blood vessels in neck or brain. Duh. If you can't understand simple language or simple medical fact, may be #11 already had stroke and you're brain dead. LOL.
- #13
- バカですか
- 2020/12/06 (Sun) 09:08
- Informe
- #14
- バカじゃないの?
- 2020/12/06 (Sun) 09:12
- Informe
- #15
- くだらない
- 2020/12/06 (Sun) 09:28
- Informe
- #16
- ですよね
- 2020/12/06 (Sun) 09:36
- Informe
- #18
- 昭和のおとっつあん
- 2020/12/06 (Sun) 09:55
- Informe
- #19
- Hypocrites
- 2020/12/06 (Sun) 10:33
- Informe
- #20
- トミー
- 2020/12/06 (Sun) 10:34
- Informe
- #21
- 2020/12/06 (Sun) 10:51
- Informe
- #22
- やっぱり
- 2020/12/06 (Sun) 11:03
- Informe
- #23
- まる
- 2020/12/06 (Sun) 11:11
- Informe
- #24
- 必死
- 2020/12/06 (Sun) 11:16
- Informe
- #25
- 昭和
- 2020/12/06 (Sun) 11:30
- Informe
- #26
- ぷっ
- 2020/12/06 (Sun) 11:32
- Informe
- #27
- 最近の訛りが気になる
- 2020/12/06 (Sun) 11:45
- Informe
- #28
- まる
- 2020/12/06 (Sun) 12:23
- Informe
関西出身。日本語も訛ってるし英語も訛ってる。Don't send diagnose.だけでなくI heard that stroke in neck area feels like tooth ache sometimes.はまじで何を言おうとしてるのか意味が分からんのでどういう意味の文章なのか教えてよ。
- #29
Ischemic stroke is caused by blood clot in neck or brain. #11, if your American husband doesn't understand it, it's not because of my English. It's because your husband is stupid. Average American men are not very smart but especially the ones willing to marry Japanese women are below average.
- #30
- 勝手な推測
- 2020/12/06 (Sun) 12:42
- Informe
Send 送る?
- #30
Symptoms of stroke in neck (blood clot in neck) includes jaw pain sometimes. Some people mistake it as a toothache and don't go see a doctor immediately. If your American husband still can't understand it, #28, may be he needs to read medical journal or something......
- #32
- なんで?
- 2020/12/06 (Sun) 12:45
- Informe
- #33
- 同感
- 2020/12/06 (Sun) 12:47
- Informe
- #34
- 間違い探しに必死
- 2020/12/06 (Sun) 12:50
- Informe
- #35
- やれやれ
- 2020/12/06 (Sun) 13:01
- Informe
- #36
- いるよねそういう人
- 2020/12/06 (Sun) 13:09
- Informe
- #37
#32 exactly. If I could write Japanese, I would have said so. Good Japanese.
- #38
- まる
- 2020/12/06 (Sun) 13:58
- Informe
- #39
- なんで?
- 2020/12/06 (Sun) 14:02
- Informe
- #40
- ここは交流広場
- 2020/12/06 (Sun) 14:08
- Informe
- #42
- せっかく誉めたのに
- 2020/12/06 (Sun) 15:48
- Informe
#37 Average American husbands of Japanese women are stupid
- #43
- Japanese women can only marry the losers and they are duscriminatiry
- 2020/12/06 (Sun) 17:45
- Informe
- Borrar
#42. That's my observation and true statement. And that's my 1st Amendment. You don't understand the law and you don't know anything. Illegal discrimination applies to the large companies and employers of more than 100+ and if they are Federal contractors. Denying employment or housing based on age, race. religion, or sexual orientation is illegal discrimination. If you say "I don't want to date hairy Arab women because they smell", that's your individual legal right as an American. Duh. You and your STUPID HUSBANDS don't understand the laws nor understand anything. Before you start out arguments here, look at your own conducts. And No, I don't have to defend myself to the internet trolls like you. Why don't you defend yourself why Japanese women can only marry the losers and they are so proud if it? LOL.
- #44
- Japanese women can only marry the losers and they are duscriminatiry
- 2020/12/06 (Sun) 17:57
- Informe
- Borrar
And exercising one's opinion has nothing to do with class. Discrimination us prohibited in employment, housing, government grants, businesses, and other privileges. The cops and lawyers can't target certain races or give special treatment to married women or certain races. Other than that, our individual opinions are OUR rights. Using your ignorance to harass a poster, #42, is a discrimination. And Vivinavi was once very discriminatory because the posters are saying "Japanese speaking only". That's discriminatory statement.
- #45
- 昭和のおとっつぁん
- 2020/12/06 (Sun) 19:27
- Informe
- #46
- 昭和のおとっつぁん
- 2020/12/06 (Sun) 20:39
- Informe
- #47
- 昭和のおとっつぁん
- 2020/12/06 (Sun) 20:44
- Informe
↑ 精神の異常。
- #48
- 昭和のおとっつぁん
- 2020/12/06 (Sun) 20:58
- Informe
- #49
- 昭和のおとっつぁん
- 2020/12/07 (Mon) 06:51
- Informe
正常ではないが通常ではある。 トホホ
- #50
- 昭和のおとっつぁん
- 2020/12/07 (Mon) 07:04
- Informe
↑ 自分では通常ではある。と思うだけ。
- #51
- 自覚あり
- 2020/12/07 (Mon) 07:07
- Informe
- #52
- 紅夜叉
- 2020/12/07 (Mon) 07:34
- Informe
- #53
- 昭和のおとっつぁん
- 2020/12/07 (Mon) 08:07
- Informe
#52 あれま名前を変えて書き込んで。
- #54
- 自信過剰でネチネチ神経質な男
- 2020/12/07 (Mon) 08:19
- Informe
- #56
- No name
- 2020/12/07 (Mon) 15:12
- Informe
>Japanese women can only marry the losers and they are duscriminatiry
1. Check your spelling. What is Duscriminatiry.
2. This "opinion" tells a lot about you and how you were raised. It seems your parents have no college education.
3. Go exercise your opinion somewhere else. This is the Japanese speaking community.
4. Do not say anything you wouldn't say in person. You are a loser yourself.
- #57
- あほでしょ?
- 2020/12/07 (Mon) 15:15
- Informe
- #58
- 教えてあげる
- 2020/12/07 (Mon) 15:58
- Informe
- #61
- Why?
- 2020/12/07 (Mon) 16:13
- Informe
- #62
- なんで?
- 2020/12/07 (Mon) 16:43
- Informe
- #63
- 今北産業
- 2020/12/07 (Mon) 17:31
- Informe
- #64
- いや
- 2020/12/07 (Mon) 17:35
- Informe
- #65
- 読みにくいとは思わないけど
- 2020/12/07 (Mon) 17:44
- Informe
- #66
- 師走だね
- 2020/12/07 (Mon) 18:02
- Informe
+1 そう思う。ネイティブがやらない間違いしてるし文法もいまいち。
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