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Vivinavi Los Angeles
U.S. Presidential Election 2020

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  • 傍観だけでは終われなくなった3
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  • 2020/10/10 09:05

Here is an example of what Trump has actually done.

He has further reduced the estate tax bracket, which was only relevant to the top 0.2% of the very wealthy, and he himself has saved over $1 BILLION in taxes, and his original salary is $400,000 even though he is President without pay, so you can see what he is trying to accomplish with just one shot ?. He and his friends have also benefited greatly from the fact that he has lowered the income tax rate for large corporations and people who make over $500,000 a year.

To make up for the shortfall in revenue, he cut Medicare and food stamps, for example, and cut funding for various research programs, ignoring science. The disease control program that Obama created for things like the new coronas, Trump cut the budget and now we are in this mess.

Obamacare was just nullified with no alternative plan, and the insurance companies were left to do whatever they wanted. Those of us who already had business insurance and who were bought into the propaganda of the Republicans and their backers, the big insurance companies, that Obamacare was bad because of skyrocketing premiums, will realize how dangerous it is after this Corona.

The wall, which was originally ineffective, was built half-heartedly with taxpayer money, further increasing military spending and the national deficit, and it was a lie that Mexico was going to pay for it.

The failure of the anti-corona measures was also terrible, and in the midst of the spread of the infection, dozens of people were forced to work in meat factories by presidential decree, killing dozens of them. The forced reopening of schools and the economy is another example of putting the economy before human life.

While spouting conspiracy theories about mail-in ballot fraud, he has intentionally delayed the mail-in process by having the head of the USPS shaved down to his most ardent supporters, firing his entire executive staff, and forcing the removal of mail boxes and sorting machines. Some people died because they did not receive their medicines.

The BLM's peaceful demonstration rather defended the white supremacists and radical right who incited the riots and the Attorney General who tries to frame Antifa anyway, who of course Trump replaced with his predecessor. Furthermore, the military has even been deployed to suppress peaceful demonstrations=anti-Trump groups with unjustified arrests, tear gas attacks, and violence.

What he is doing is either to gain popularity among his supporters, or to deceive and harass his opponents for re-election, or to satisfy his desire for discrimination and revenge, or to benefit himself and his friends financially, or any of these. It is always.

Biden would have made a lot of money from his son getting favors from foreign countries. It seems like a normal possibility. But that kind of story is exactly the same thing with the Trump family. Both are self-serving blacks. Trump has been blatantly doing that kind of lobbying to collect money, and that is exactly ? what he is talking about.

Trump's Republicans would do just about anything that would please their base of Christians, gun lovers, white supremacists, etc., in addition to favoring the wealthy and big business.

Biden Democrats, like Trump, will also give some preferential treatment to big business. They are both backers. But they will also do things that will please their supporters, such as the middle class and below and labor unions. That's probably the main difference between the two.

If you want to get away from the current domination of the wealthy and have politics for the common man, you have to increase the number of politicians like Sanders, AOC, SQUAD, Katie Porter, and others. These are all Democrats who do not take donations from big business.

Also, the Democratic takeover of the Senate is essential to eliminate the blasphemers of democracy who plan to take the presidential election, a referendum, to the Supreme Court, where they are sure to win, and settle it with nine members. It is also a good idea to donate to Senate candidates in states that are likely to flip.

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  • 分断
  • 2020/11/20 (Fri) 16:59
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Both the left and the right end up picking up sources they like and believing each other to be correct, so the gap between them will never be bridged.

Information on the Internet lacks credibility because it is improvised because time is of the essence, and the subjectivity of the source is inevitably involved, so it is better not to believe it.

Biden is trying to correct the division of the American people, but it is the media that is fueling the division, and it is an impossible picture as long as the radical media exists.

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  • 訳がわからない
  • 2020/11/20 (Fri) 17:25
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What else to write ? now that the presidential election is over?

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  • やはり
  • 2020/11/20 (Fri) 19:01
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Eh ? Election over ?

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  • 1515
  • 2020/11/20 (Fri) 19:01
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Then you should write about politics, too, instead of writing about irrelevant things.

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  • やはり
  • 2020/11/20 (Fri) 19:01
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Eh ? Election over ?

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  • はい
  • 2020/11/20 (Fri) 19:19
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Eh, long live Trump!

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  • やはり
  • 2020/11/20 (Fri) 19:21
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↑ Trump wins in a way, but lol
Not half as popular.

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  • リベンジ
  • 2020/11/20 (Fri) 19:31
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Normally I don't care about presidential elections at all, but this one was as interesting as the Super Bowl. As expected of Trump, he is a different actor. There are rumors that he's going to run for president in 2024, so I hope he does well and gets his revenge.

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  • 傍観だけでは終われなくなった3
  • 2020/11/20 (Fri) 20:54
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> Both parties are willful and don't think for the people.
You are right.

> I think Pelosi should have conceded on this one.
I hate Pelosi too. Because she is not much different from the Republican senators.

But it might be difficult to give in at that time because it would just be a complete political show. I really don't like the idea of handing out checks with the crook's name on them again. I want to say to him, "It's funded by the people's taxes, not yours, and don't get all big-faced if you don't even pay enough income tax.

Also, I don't want to see big corporations take a lot of money like they did last time: in 2019, corporations only contributed 7% of federal tax revenues, and there are a lot of very large corporations like Amazon that pay zero taxes, and they're taking $500 BILLION in Corona, which is a joke. But if a Republican administration had done it, it was sure to be repeated. So I felt that careful measures were necessary.

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  • まだわからない選挙結果
  • 2020/11/20 (Fri) 22:16
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Biden on why he's rushing to transition to power

Oh dear, signs of a reversal ?

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  • 大変だわ
  • 2020/11/20 (Fri) 22:25
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If the rigged election is discovered, Biden, as well as Camara, will be relieved of their masks. Hypocrites. Get out of the media.

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  • 面白くなってきましたね
  • 2020/11/20 (Fri) 22:42
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Lawyer Haruo Kitamura ( 64 ) updated his Twitter page on the 19th. Quoting a video of President Trump's lawyer ・ Giuliani, who claims that there was massive fraud in the chaotic U.S. presidential election, he posted, "This is getting interesting !.

Giuliani said, "Let me tell you how they found out about the rigged election. The number of votes Trump got was more than they expected. They had to throw in a lot of counterfeit votes in the middle of the night to exceed it.

Trump received 71 million votes, the highest ever for a sitting president, but Biden received an even larger number, 78 million. Trump's side is planning to take the matter to the Supreme Court, but will they have the trump card?

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  • 面白くなってきましたね
  • 2020/11/20 (Fri) 22:47
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"Benford's Law" points to fraud on Biden's part. "Benford's Law" points to fraud on Biden's part.

・ He may be rushing to transition to power to prevent the corruption from coming to light.
Why is Biden rushing to transition
The probability of 1 coming first in a set of numbers based on Benford's Law ~ The probability of 9 ( Courtesy of the author )
The outcome of this year's (2020) US presidential election is becoming more and more confusing. The reason is not that President Trump, who "lost" the election, is still clinging to his position. It is because former Vice President Biden, who is "sure" to win the election, is unable to dispel the allegations of election fraud. For example, for some reason, the Democratic candidate did not fare well in the Senate and House elections, even though Biden himself "won big. Generally, the party whose candidate wins the presidential election also does well in the Senate and House elections. As of November 19, in some of the battleground states, President Trump's side has filed election fraud complaints in some states. So the U.S. presidential election is not yet over.

Nevertheless, why is the Biden campaign rushing to transfer power? Of course, there is nothing better than a smooth transition of power. But is that really all there is to it?

Management consultant Takahiro Suzuki's column "Some circumstantial evidence that there may have been 'fraud' in the US presidential election after all" ( Diamond ・ Online) is interesting.

Suzuki used "Benford's Law" (proposed by Frank Benford, a US physicist in 1938) to sharply point out the unnatural results of the US presidential election.

"Benford's Law" ( Hereafter, what is a "law" )? Benford exhorted that the numbers ( collected in nature ) such as the area of each country have a probability that the leading number is 1 ~ 3 more than 60% of the total.

Normally, ( one would think that the probability of 1 ~ 9 coming first in a non-random ) set number is uniformly 11.1%. In reality, however, the probability of a 1 coming first is 30.1% ( theoretical. The same applies to ), 2 is 17.6%, and 3 is 12.5%.

and then 4 ( 9.7% ), 5 ( 7.9% ), 6 ( 6.7% ), 7 ( 5.8% ), 8 ( 5.1% ) and so on as the number increases. The rate of occurrence decreases inversely, reaching 4.6% for 9 and only 15.3% for 1. Benford says he discovered the "law" after collecting more than 20,000 samples, including molecular weights and populations.

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  • 面白くなってきましたね
  • 2020/11/20 (Fri) 22:48
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Japan In-depth
Biden, Why the Rush to Transition
Biden Votes in Various Locations Inconsistent with Benford's Law ( Courtesy of the Author )
This "law" is also consistent with company financial results, election vote counts, etc. If the "law" is not conformed to, there is a high probability that fraud has taken place.

In fact, there is software that uses the "law" for auditing accounts. In fact, there is software that uses "laws" in accounting audits that can expose fraud if a company falsifies numbers in its financial statements ( However, there are occasional "false positives"<*).

"Statistical Analysis Reveals Surprising Secrets of Biden Vote" in "New Tang Dynasty", November 15, also uses "laws" to point out fraud on Biden's part.

According to the article, statistical inconsistencies occurred in the Biden vote in the battleground states of Milwaukee, Wisconsin; Allegheny, Pennsylvania; and Chicago, Illinois. On the other hand, the Trump vote shows no inconsistency.
Biden, Why the Rush to Transition
Rudolph ・ Former NY Mayor Giuliani Source : flickr; Gage Skidmore
By the way, Dominion vote tabulation machines were used in 28 states in the US in the upcoming presidential election. Dominion is a Canadian voting equipment manufacturer and tabulation software developer.

But Dominion's software is made by Smartmatic. The company's software was developed by Venezuelan leaders to manipulate vote tallies and retain power during elections. Note that Smartmatic Chairman Peter ・ Neffenger is a member of the Biden transition team.

According to President Trump's legal counsel, Rudolph ・ Giuliani, a former New York City mayor, in January 2020, John ・ Pross, CEO of Dominion ( Nancy ・ Pelosi, a former aide to US House Speaker ) Pelosi, was a member of the US Congressional hearing and testified that the voting machines manufactured by the company use LED LCD displays, chip capacitors, variable resistors, and other components made in China. This prose testimony revealed Dominion's ties to China.

Perhaps the CCP is clamoring for Biden's election. This is because the Xi Jinping administration must see President Trump's hard-line policy toward China as the biggest threat. Therefore, it would not be surprising if Beijing teamed up with the U.S. Democratic Party to plan to bring down Trump.

As is well known, there are doubts that candidate Biden has "dementia. Just before the election ( on October 24, ) the candidate said, "We have created the most extensive and comprehensive 'voting fraud ring' in American political history. A very meaningful statement indeed. But the details are now clear. Perhaps due to "dementia," candidate Biden may have unintentionally revealed the "truth. Perhaps, if President Trump is re-elected, the Democrats and the Chinese will be in a tight spot after the rigged election is exposed. Therefore, as a Biden candidate, he must complete the transfer of power before the fraud is exposed in the open. Otherwise, the unprecedented "crime" of massive fraud in the presidential election will be revealed. This is probably why Biden is actively pressing President Trump for the transfer of power.

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  • 都市伝説レベル
  • 2020/11/20 (Fri) 22:51
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It is understandable, if you know a little bit about politics, that China would find it more convenient to keep Trump on the Uyghur issue since he won't get involved in it...

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  • Yahooニュースでとりあげられるって
  • 2020/11/20 (Fri) 22:53
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It seems that the evidence Trump is talking about is finally being corroborated.

We have to have the final outcome of the lawsuit by 12/14, so it will be settled by then.

If it is realistically overturned, public outrage will blow up and riots are inevitable, but I hope Trump can stop that.

Good luck with the Trump campaign.
If there is injustice, I want it exposed. We can never allow injustice to go unnoticed.

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  • うける
  • 2020/11/20 (Fri) 22:55
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>China is better off with Trump in office because he won't get involved in the Uyghur issue, if you know anything about politics...

↑ That's news information after all ? LOL, you pretend to know a lot and just take the news for what it is.

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  • ボケて思わず言っちゃった
  • 2020/11/20 (Fri) 22:57
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As is well known, there are suspicions that candidate Biden has "dementia. Just before the election ( on October 24 ), the candidate stated, "We have created the most extensive and comprehensive 'voting fraud ring' in American political history. This is a very meaningful statement.

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  • 戦争になる
  • 2020/11/20 (Fri) 22:58
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The unprecedented "crime" of massive fraud in the presidential election comes to light.

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  • まあ
  • 2020/11/20 (Fri) 22:59
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Better than those who desperately read and believe in one person's urban legend level blog.

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