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びびなび ニューヨーク私の友人がエイズ!
- #1
- jj
- 2002/10/28 20:23
- #9
- #10
- #11
- #12
- #13
- #14
- #17
You guys SUCK!!!!!! What the hell is wrong with you people!!!! The question is not whether the guy has AIDS. The real problem is that people now a days sleep with each other without getting married. What they are doing is absolutely wrong. That's why they get terrible outcome. If they had had good moral, they would not have slept with the guy and could have avioded getting AIDS in the first place. So don't blame the guy for having AIDS. Blame those who were immoral. And one more thing. Men are animals these days. When a girl walks down the street, they always look at the girl's butt, regardless of whether he is with his date. THIS IS SICK!! Without considering whether they are handsome or not, and whether thinking they deserve attention from girls, they think that they can get attention from girls when they talk to them. They are absolutely GARBAGE! And when women want ask men a favor, men won't do anything until the men sleep with them! Yeah, disagree with me as much as you want to. I don't care. But probably, those who disagree with me will be the next victim of exploitation by men!!!
- #18
- #20
Yeah right. I am japanese 100%. The computer does not type in Japanese. SORRY! Just because I can write in English does not mean I am an American. HA! You guys seem to blame me for typing in English, but you read it! You said "who would read it," but you actually did!! If you don't want to read it, just don't. You stupidos! Probably, the two of you are immoral.
- #23
Hey c! I'm the one who posted #14 message in Japanese and you know what? I'll fuckin' tell you what's up in English! What you wrote here is just your point of view and not everyone else's, you dumb fuck! First of all, we all here are not even Christians, so it doesn't matter if we wanna sleep with someone before we get married or not. What you are saying is not even a moral issue for us, it's just your dumbass opinion! Who cares if people wanna have sex before their marriage or not? That's none of your god damn business! So stop calling people who you think they are immoral a garbage! They are just like others who are trying to "discuss" something and not a "garbage". To us, you are the real garbage who is trying to impose your stupid opinion on people! Second of all, you don't get AIDS from having sex, you get H.I.V from it! Don't fucking write something it's not even true if you don't know shit about it, you fuckin' idiot! You think you are the smart one and not the others huh? I just proved that you are wrong didn't I? If you can't respect the others on the open discussion board, then don't fuckin' post any messages! So take your stupidass opinion back or I'll shove it up in your ass if you don't!
- #24
I'm speaking on behalf of what good Japanese people used to have. It is a moral issue regardless of what faith you have. Yes. I'm just telling what I want to say, just as other people here are saying what they want to say. I have my own brain, so I say what I think. Hey #23, you seem to clam that I am imposing upon my "dumbass" opinion. But you are also imposing upon YOUR sick, stupid, and careless opinions!!! Think logically!!! Your brain is run by libido, not intelligence. And I did't say that you get AIDS from having sex. Read more carefully you moron!!! I know those biological stuff!!! And to #21, I did not say that I hate Japanese. What I'm saying applies to people from any race! I see a clear differece between female and male. Clearly, to men, what I'm saying damages your confidence or ego. You men SUCK!!!!! DIRTY!!!! What do you think women are???!!!!! WE ARE NOT A BATHROOM FOR MEN!!!!!!!!!
- #25
Yo #22, you immoral people are the ones who are polluting the minds of innocent people! BACK OFF!!!!
- #26
What the fuck are you saying!? Who the fuck do you think you are telling us that we are the dirty ones? What you are saying is so fucking wrong that it's making me laugh! If you think we all are the dirty ones then take a look at the statistics of how many women have sexual disease today! First of all, women have more sexual disease than men, and what's even worse is the number of women who have the sexual disease has been dramatically increasing in the past couple of years! So don't fucking tell us that we are the dirty ones! It's true that there are many men who treat women like nothing, but that also implies to women! But the difference between you dumbass and I is that I DON'T TELL ALL WOMEN THAT THEY SUCK because I understand and know that there are many nice women and men out there who have more common sense! But you don't, you just tell us that we all are dirty and treat women like shit so FUCK YOU AND YOU FUCK THE BACK OFF! If you hate all men then why don't ya be a lesbian, you bitch! and you know what? obviously you are the moron because you clearly said that you get AIDS from having sex! You can't even remember what you wrote before then how can you think intelligently, you whore! I'll impose my opinion all the way to you and only you because you are so fucking hilarious!
- #27
YOU SON OF A BITCH!!!!! Watch your language. A good Japanese person does not speak the f-word like that. YOU are the one who doesn't have common sense. HA! You stupid men cannot even REMEMBER whom you have slept with!! Yeah, right. You MAY appear to understand English, but you don't have common sense. So you can't even read what I wrote. Yes, I said people get AIDS because they are careless and sleep with everyone without maintaining ther dignity. BUT, I didnt' say they get AIDS instantly. Your reading comprehension clearly indicates that YOU are the MORON and uneducated. Intelligent men can understand my simple English! Not you!!! HAHAHA!!!!! All I was saying was that people can prevent getting AIDS by not sleeping in the first place. Yes, I agree that many women are stupid these days. But more than that, men know how to fake themselves and maneuver women. Men only think about themselves, and in the end, women are the ones who have to suffer. That's why when an unmarried couple finds out that the woman has a baby, the man dump her. What are you??!! You don't tell all the women that they suck because you are gonna spread your dirty germ until you find the right one whom you can maneuver for the rest of your life, or until the one gets pregnant. And make no mistake. I'm not a lesbian. I'm just an intelligent woman who is very rare in this society. You don't like inteligent women because you cannot control them with your tiny brain. You know what, f---? You don't have to try to appear cool or whatever. You can type in Japanese so that intelligent Japanese people can read what the hell you are saying. I can read in Japanese. It's just I cannot type in Japanese. If you want to shut me up, why don't you justify why it is OK for a man to sleep with 40 women and spread AIDS, ha? I bet you can't!!!! Koukai sakini tatazu... If your statistics is correct, you gonna regret when you get AIDS.
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