Select [Beauty / Health]

Vivinavi Los Angeles
Please give me information about vaccination again...(21kview/65res)
Beauty / Health 2021/04/17 14:51
Vivinavi Houston
Useful information about Corona(689view/0res)
Beauty / Health 2021/04/07 22:09
Vivinavi San Francisco
I found information on telemedicine.(1kview/0res)
Beauty / Health 2021/04/07 21:52
Vivinavi Chiba
Will you take the Corona vaccine ? or not ??(2kview/5res)
Beauty / Health 2021/02/24 10:49
Vivinavi Hawaii
And cosmetic surgery.(3kview/2res)
Beauty / Health 2021/02/23 17:48
Vivinavi Hawaii
beauty parlor(2kview/2res)
Beauty / Health 2021/02/19 00:04
Vivinavi Los Angeles
Eyelash Extensions(671view/0res)
Beauty / Health 2021/02/11 17:54
Vivinavi Los Angeles
Beauty / Health 2020/12/13 10:36
Vivinavi Silicon Valley
Beauty / Health 2020/11/27 21:16
Vivinavi Los Angeles
Beauty / Health 2020/11/09 18:32

Vivinavi Los Angeles
Please give me information about vaccination against Covid-19

Beauty / Health
  • Hope
  • 2021/04/05 17:45

I wanted to post a topic about the Covid-19 vaccine, hoping to hear opinions and impressions about the vaccine from those who have already been vaccinated, those who are going to be vaccinated,
and those who are not planning to be vaccinated at the present time.
I myself have not been vaccinated as of yet, but I would like to refer to your opinions and impressions.
I am sure there are many people who will be inoculating themselves, so I would be happy to exchange information with them. Thank you in advance.

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  • UZAI
  • 2021/04/14 (Wed) 18:02
  • Report

People are really too annoyed with those who choose not to hit.

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  • アホですか
  • 2021/04/15 (Thu) 09:12
  • Report

It is also my opinion that #60 writes that everyone is annoying.
It is also my opinion that #61 takes it as a dada thing.

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  • 倍金萬
  • 2021/04/15 (Thu) 11:12
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I had my second one two weeks ago and my gf had her second one yesterday.

I only got chills the day after the second time, but today
she is feeling much worse, complaining of chills and not feeling well.
Now she is taking tylenol and sleeping. The women around her seem to have worse side effects
the second time around. Still, if this will give me antibodies against corona, then va-va-voom!

If this gets to the whole population, we can move freely again. We are planning to go to FL and NY to see relatives and friends we haven't seen in decades
. I hope we can go this fall.

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  • ヴァ苦シーン
  • 2021/04/16 (Fri) 04:20
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> But if most of the population is vaccinated, and after 10 years or so those people disappear, a few will survive.
Surviving in a world of only that few people would be a boring world. I'd rather not have a future where only my family survives and there are no people around to treat them ! That's what I've come to inoculate myself with.

That won't happen, but if it does,
if you don't take the vaccine and no one is around in 10 years, you can disappear of your own accord then, so that's not a reason to take the vaccine.

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  • 美人短命
  • 2021/04/17 (Sat) 14:51
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I think the note said that the vaccine only works in June. That may be too short, as expected, but we certainly vaccinate every year for influenza and other diseases, perhaps to deal with variants. It is good to use one's own judgment. It might be hard to get into Japan.

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Vivinavi Houston
Useful information about Corona

Beauty / Health
  • りさ
  • mail
  • 2021/04/07 22:09

Ask Japanese Doctors in Houston
New Coronavirus Infections ( COVID-19 )

"Doctor, Tell Me About the Vaccine !"

Online Study Session #3
Video Recordings,. lecture materials, and other useful information

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Vivinavi San Francisco
I found information on telemedicine.

Beauty / Health
  • みか
  • mail
  • 2021/04/07 21:52

Here is the URL I referred to. You can take a look if you like.

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Vivinavi Chiba
Will you take the Corona vaccine ? or not ??

Beauty / Health
  • チロ助
  • mail
  • 2021/01/29 13:58

It seems that vaccinations have started in the US, China, and other countries.
Do you want to be vaccinated ? or not ?

My friend who said he would not take the vaccine said that it has not been fully tested yet and
we will not know the real side effects until decades from now, so he said he would take care of his hygiene and
He said he would make a steady effort not to get corona.

It is true that nothing will ever be 100% safe, and I am a little scared.

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  • futurehemp
  • 2021/02/08 (Mon) 15:47
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I'm still scared. Maybe it's not fair, but even if I were to take it, I'd wait and see...

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  • 芥子
  • 2021/02/17 (Wed) 14:54
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Can I choose not to take it?

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  • ゆきみ
  • 2021/02/17 (Wed) 15:14
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I am pregnant and it looks like I have options. I am doing a lot of research.
I read this article.

The comments from someone who has done a lot of research were compelling, but I need to read more other opinions. I think I need to make a decision. It is a dilemma because it is hard to find the time.

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  • オレ様
  • 2021/02/17 (Wed) 20:26
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I don't want to hit it too hard.

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  • からん
  • 2021/02/24 (Wed) 10:49
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The person who hit it said he was sick for 24 hours after hitting it.

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Vivinavi Hawaii
And cosmetic surgery.

Beauty / Health
  • 焼き魚は大根おろしで
  • mail
  • 2021/02/22 13:11

These days, many people do cosmetic surgery and retouching because they don't have to worry about being seen in public with a mast mask. In fact, there are many people around me who are doing simple skin retouching(多分 ! ? \ \cH0000003}.
Yesterday, I was astonished to see one Hawaiian celebrity beautician's Instagram.
"Her face is changing irregularly ! ?" It's also changing weirdly. Is that what happens when you pursue beauty? To say the least, I was scared.

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  • オレゴン大好き
  • 2021/02/23 (Tue) 11:18
  • Report

Many people say that plastic surgery is possible because it's better to have a good face, but in fact not many people want to date someone who has had plastic surgery, and people will soooo shut up and avoid it.
People like normal ugly people better.

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  • 焼き魚は大根おろしで
  • 2021/02/23 (Tue) 17:48
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Oregon Lover

That's very kind of you to say for an ugly girl like me.
Even so, every ugly person wants to be pretty and beautiful, even if it's just a millimeter.
I was thinking of getting plastic surgery, but I was afraid that something would change not only my face but also my mind, so I decided not to go through with it. I need to be stronger and more beautiful on the inside. Thank you very much.

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Vivinavi Hawaii
beauty parlor

Beauty / Health
  • Koolau
  • mail
  • 2021/02/16 23:26

I have frizzy and curly hair.
I am looking for a hair salon because I want to re-hair it soon. I was wondering if you have any recommendations.

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  • サロンラヴ
  • mail
  • 2021/02/17 (Wed) 20:41
  • Report

I had my hair done at several salons, but I liked the results of the treatment at Citi New York because it was the most damage-free.
Although the price of ◯Ho is low,
there was damage after the treatment, so I don't recommend it.

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  • Koolau
  • 2021/02/19 (Fri) 00:04
  • Report

Dear Salon Love

Thank you for your very valuable feedback.
It is quite important to know if there is any damage after the treatment.
Even if it is a little bit expensive, I feel safer if the treatment is done considering the future.

Thank you very much.

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Vivinavi Los Angeles
Eyelash Extensions

Beauty / Health
  • Hikari
  • mail
  • 2021/02/11 13:29

I would like to get eyelash extensions, does anyone know a good place to get them done? ?
I'm waiting for information from anyone with experience ! I would appreciate it if you could also specify the price, duration, location and other details ! p(^^^^)q

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Vivinavi Los Angeles

Beauty / Health
  • Flu Shot
  • mail
  • 2020/11/13 09:06




  • あほ
  • 2020/11/13 (Fri) 16:07
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  • Flu Shot
  • 2020/11/13 (Fri) 18:02
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  • ひきこもり
  • 2020/11/17 (Tue) 00:14
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  • ひきこもり
  • 2020/12/13 (Sun) 09:55
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  • クリーントイレ
  • 2020/12/13 (Sun) 10:36
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Vivinavi Silicon Valley

Beauty / Health
  • りん
  • mail
  • 2018/08/19 22:46

パロアルト~サンノゼ間あたりでまつ毛エクステを施術してくれる日系のお店を探してます。(フリーランスで出張サービスしていただける形でも可) 情報お持ちの方いらっしゃればぜひ教えてください!

  • デザイン思考demo
  • 2019/07/15 (Mon) 20:42
  • Report

STEM Young。

  • 純米
  • 2019/09/10 (Tue) 14:14
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サンフランシスコの juicyeyelash のミリさんに結婚式でお世話になりました。

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Vivinavi Los Angeles

Beauty / Health
  • 高血圧
  • mail
  • 2020/11/08 17:44





  • はぁ?
  • 2020/11/09 (Mon) 07:23
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  • 高血圧
  • 2020/11/09 (Mon) 09:22
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  • 高血圧
  • 2020/11/09 (Mon) 16:37
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  • 高血圧
  • 2020/11/09 (Mon) 16:38
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  • ざこ
  • 2020/11/09 (Mon) 18:32
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察するに超軽症ですね。  はい、次の方どうぞ。

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