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1. | Vivinavi Los Angeles 高齢者の方集まりましょう!!(257kview/861res) |
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2. | Vivinavi Hawai ハワイは配偶者と不倫相手に慰謝料を請求できますか?(400view/2res) |
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10. | Vivinavi Los Angeles オーバーステイ後の結婚、グリーンカード(346view/10res) |
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Vivinavi HawaiEconomic Impact Payment Card
- #1
- saitou
- Correo
- 2021/01/16 10:23
きのう、Economic Impact Payment Cardというものがとどきました。
- #2
そのカードはstimulus check です。
ダイレクトデポジット、小切手、EIP card の何れかで支給されます。
- #3
- #5
- #6
今後のStimulus Check支給により、カードのバランスに再び追加される可能性があるのでカードを捨てたり無くしたりしないほうが無難かと思います。
- #7
- ハワイ♡
- 2021/01/17 (Sun) 18:33
- Informe
これは2019年の納税者が750万ドル以下の人に自動的に送られて来ます! そしてカードは9/2024まで有効ですのでサンセットさんの言う通り捨てないで取っておいた方が無難ですよ!
- #8
↑ > これは2019年の納税者が750万ドル以下の人に自動的に送られてきます!
750万ドル⁇ どこで調べましたか750万ドル ?
- #9
Generally, if you have adjusted gross income for 2019 up to $75,000 for individuals and up to $150,000 for married couples filing joint returns and surviving spouses, you will receive the full amount of the second payment. For filers with income above those amounts, the payment amount is reduced.
- #10
- Nick
- 2021/01/18 (Mon) 13:42
- Informe
#7 ハワイ♡さん
これがトランプさんからの stimulus check だと思います。
- #11
Stimulus Check600ドルの支給条件などについてIRSサイトに全て書いてあります。英語が苦手な方々は英語堪能なご家族や友達を探して一緒に読んで下さい。17歳以下のお子さんの分を受け取っていない方々はIRSにお問い合わせ下さい。
Who is eligible for the second Economic Impact Payment?
Generally, U.S. citizens and resident aliens who are not eligible to be claimed as a dependent on someone else’s income tax return are eligible for this second payment. Eligible individuals will automatically receive an Economic Impact Payment of up to $600 for individuals or $1,200 for married couples and up to $600 for each qualifying child. Generally, if you have adjusted gross income for 2019 up to $75,000 for individuals and up to $150,000 for married couples filing joint returns and surviving spouses, you will receive the full amount of the second payment. For filers with income above those amounts, the payment amount is reduced.
Will people receive a paper check or a debit card?
For those who don’t receive a direct deposit by early January, they should watch their mail for either a paper check or a debit card. To speed delivery of the payments to reach as many people as soon as possible, the Bureau of the Fiscal Service, part of the Treasury Department, will be sending a limited number of payments out by debit card. Please note that the form of payment for the second mailed EIP may be different than for the first mailed EIP. Some people who received a paper check last time might receive a debit card this time, and some people who received a debit card last time may receive a paper check.
IRS and Treasury urge eligible people who don’t receive a direct deposit to watch their mail carefully during this period for a check or an Economic Impact Payment card, which is sponsored by the Treasury Department’s Bureau of the Fiscal Service and is issued by Treasury’s financial agent, MetaBank®, N.A. The Economic Impact Payment Card will be sent in a white envelope that prominently displays the U.S. Department of the Treasury seal. It has the Visa name on the front of the Card and the issuing bank, MetaBank®, N.A. on the back of the card. Information included with the card will explain that this is your Economic Impact Payment. More information about these cards is available at
- #25
- はなまる
- 2021/01/20 (Wed) 21:09
- Informe
・2回目のStimulus Check600ドルは1/4に受け取り済み
・2020年度(昨年)のTAX Returnの申告はまだ
今後どうなるかわからないStimulus Checkの追加に備えて
- #26
今回のStimulus Checkの場合は再発行してくれるみたいですので、次回も同じ流れになるのではないでしょうか。どのように再発行されるのかは問い合わせてみると良いかと思います。
次回のStimulus Checkが決まる前に、新しい銀行口座記入済のタックスリターン確定申告を出していれば大丈夫かと思います。2月から確定申告が始まるので早々と済ませれば間に合うのではないでしょうか。
Reissuance of Certain Economic Impact Payments - Following extensive work and discussions with our industry partners, the IRS will reissue payments for taxpayers who did not receive the second Economic Impact Payment because the temporary bank accounts identified in our records were closed.
- #27
- はなまる
- 2021/01/21 (Thu) 13:05
- Informe
Stimulus Checkが決まる前に、新しい銀行口座記入済のタックスリターン確定申告を
後はUIからのTAX Returnの書類を待つばかりです。
- #28
- ハワイ♡
- 2021/01/21 (Thu) 18:31
- Informe
- #29
Plazo para rellenar “ Economic Impact Payment Card ” ha sido vencido.
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