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Vivinavi ลอสแอนเจลิส
security camera(4kview/13res)
ปัญหา / ปรึกษาหารือ 2019/02/19 20:38
Vivinavi ลอสแอนเจลิส
คำถาม / สอบถาม 2019/02/19 07:21
Vivinavi ลอสแอนเจลิส
tax returnに関する質問(4kview/8res)
ปัญหา / ปรึกษาหารือ 2019/02/18 19:11
Vivinavi ลอสแอนเจลิส
ปัญหา / ปรึกษาหารือ 2019/02/18 07:39
Vivinavi ลอสแอนเจลิส
ความเป็นอยู่ 2019/02/17 17:43
Vivinavi ลอสแอนเจลิส
สนทนาฟรี 2019/02/17 10:21
Vivinavi ลอสแอนเจลิส
ความเป็นอยู่ 2019/02/16 14:07
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คำถาม / สอบถาม 2019/02/16 13:54
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คำถาม / สอบถาม 2019/02/16 00:09
Vivinavi ลอสแอนเจลิส
สนทนาฟรี 2019/02/14 18:43

Vivinavi ลอสแอนเจลิส
My Japanese wife is a liar

รัก / มิตรภาพ
  • Kevin
  • mail
  • 2018/11/07 11:05

Watch out for my lying, cheating, physically abusive Japanese wife. She looks like the Apple of your eye. But she has rotted to the core. She couldn't trust because she had a secret she couldn't share. She was a hostess. A drop out in high school .She hid from me because she knew it was vulgar. But she couldn't trust because she sat and drank with so many men. Her thinking was they were all the same. Her mind was tainted. I lived in her HELL! Her Xhusband told me her many secrets. Secrets that before I even knew, my intuition told me were true. Now she roams with a broken heart. I don't feel bad for this is what she has sown. Just her child will live in the horror of the mom's sin. So watch out and beware of the apple that will bite you like a serpent,it is rotted to the core.


Kevin-san, so why did you marry her in the first place?

  • 馬鹿野郎
  • 2018/11/07 (Wed) 18:39
  • Report

Your wife used to be a hostess? So what? Big deal! You are an idiot. You have no right to insult your wife in public like this. Don’t you realize what you are doing is vulgar? She didn’t want to tell you about her past because she loved you and wanted to be with you. Your merely wanted a pretty looking innocent Barbie doll and you never loved her as a person. That’s all.

  • good luck
  • 2018/11/07 (Wed) 19:58
  • Report

Sorry to hear your bad horror experience with Japanese woman. Hope you will find nice one. No more bar girl!!!!


Really!!?? This is fucking joke and shame on you!!!!How could you do this!!You are a very weak person how you posted this on social media!!!
Don’t matter what she is your wife and you are her husband!!! I god a divorce with my husband because he was cheating on me and he picked tha girl, not me but I never talked shit on my husband!!! You know why!!??Because he was my husband and anyone else should not know our personal business becide your good friend, not people from social media!!! Take off your post RIGHT NOW!!!!Where is your wife now?? Where are you now?? Think what you did wrong! If I knew you, I punch your face!!!!!

  • stingy
  • 2018/11/10 (Sat) 10:27
  • Report

I know who you are lol
You are a firefighter aren’t you?

You should get counseling!!!!

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