1. | びびなび ハワイ ハワイは配偶者と不倫相手に慰謝料を請求できますか?(580view/3res) |
疑問・質問 | 今日 14:15 |
2. | びびなび ロサンゼルス まさかトランプが勝つとは思わなかった。(1kview/43res) |
フリートーク | 今日 13:08 |
3. | びびなび ロサンゼルス 緊急車両に道を譲らなかった場合の違反(277view/13res) |
お悩み・相談 | 今日 11:42 |
4. | びびなび ハワイ キンダー&エレメンタリーのアフタースクールプログラムについて(216view/5res) |
お悩み・相談 | 今日 08:16 |
5. | びびなび ロサンゼルス グリーンカードのための健康診断(170view/1res) |
お悩み・相談 | 昨日 17:39 |
6. | びびなび ロサンゼルス 暗号資産(72view/1res) |
IT・テクノロジー | 昨日 17:39 |
7. | びびなび ロサンゼルス オレンジカウンティーの産婦人科(53view/0res) |
お悩み・相談 | 昨日 17:38 |
8. | びびなび ロサンゼルス 日本旅行に関することは、何でもアリ、のトピ(674kview/4332res) |
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9. | びびなび ロサンゼルス Palos Verdes パロスバーデスに住みたい(1kview/39res) |
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フリートーク | 2024/11/12 16:34 |
びびなび ロサンゼルスIdle Time
- #1
- 荒川静か
- 2006/03/07 17:35
最近、取引先の営業担当がnasty jokeをチョクチョク送りつけて来る・・・。 他愛も無いものが多いんだけど、中でも『シンプルだけどクククッっと笑ってしまう』ものを一つ。。。コレ分かる人は英会話(特にスラング)上級者です。
"The Only Way to Drink Guinness"
On Saturday afternoon, I was sitting in my lawn chair; drinking a beer and watching my wife mow the lawn.
The neighbor lady from across the street was so outraged at this that
she came over and shouted at me,
"You should be hung."
I took a drink from my Guinness, wiped the cold foam from my lips,
lifted my darkened Ray Bans and stared directly at this nosey bitch and calmly replied...
"I am, and that's why she cuts the grass."
- #2
- 通行人 X
- 2006/03/07 (Tue) 17:46
- 報告
釣れますか? M(^<ll>^)M
- #3
- さばおり
- 2006/03/07 (Tue) 18:40
- 報告
- #4
- ワロた
- 2006/03/08 (Wed) 10:22
- 報告
ま とにかくワロた。ww
- #5
- CatWoman
- 2006/03/08 (Wed) 14:23
- 報告
- #8
- オカマ!
- 2006/03/08 (Wed) 15:37
- 報告
A businessman boards a flight and is lucky enough to be seated next to an absolutely gorgeous woman.
They exchange brief hellos and he notices she is reading a manual about sexual statistics. He asks her
about it and she replies, "This is a very interesting book about sexual statistics. It identifies that
American Indians have the longest average pxxxx and Polish men have the biggest average diameter.
By the way, my name is Jill. What's yours?"
He coolly replies, "Tonto Kawalski, nice to meet you."
- #9
- ワロた
- 2006/03/08 (Wed) 15:48
- 報告
- #11
- 解説
- 2006/03/09 (Thu) 08:33
- 報告
You should be hung!って隣のオバチャンが言ってるのは『嫁に芝刈りなんてさせて自分はノンキに昼からビールかい?お前なんか吊るされちまえ!』って意味で言ってるわけですね。
最後の決めゼリフ「I am.」ってのは「そうさ、俺は巨x(の持ち主)だよ」って意味で、その後に「だからカミさんは芝を刈ってる(何でも言うことを聞く)」っていうオチなわけです。
- #12
- 荒川静か
- 2006/03/09 (Thu) 09:00
- 報告
One sunny afternoon, Superman was flying out around.
Crime was slow that day, so he decided to go to Spiderman's home.
Supe: Hey Spidey, let's go get a burger and beer!
Spidey: No can do. I've got a problem with my web shooter so I need to fix it within today.
Can't fight crime tomorrow without it.
Supe takes to the air heading over to Batcave to see Batman.
Supe: Hey Batman, let's go get a burger and a beer!
Batman: Not today, my friend. My Bat Mobile is down so I've got to fix it within today.
Can't fight crime tomorrow without it.
Disgruntled, Supe takes to the air while he flies over a penthouse in a typical rural
town in America. All of sudden Wonder Woman shows up in his vision, lying on the deck,
fully naked, and spread eagle!!! Supe gets a brilliant idea and he zzooooooooomms down
and does her in a flash before anyone can notice.
Wonder Woman gets up and says, "What the heck was that?"
Invisibleman gets off her and goes, "I don't know but it hurt like hell!"
- #13
- ワロた
- 2006/03/09 (Thu) 10:10
- 報告
聞いたことある気もするけどspread eagleのネタフリとinvisiblemanのオチが今見ても新鮮ですな。
There is a hooker living with her husband, no kids, just two of them, in the heart of downtown L.A., CA.
Her husband manages her in any manner as she is a genuine natural born fool with no workable brain at all.
She can't even count the number correctly sometimes.
One day, late at Friday night, the husband sends his wife to the customer's minivan parked in a no-light dark
parking lot beside a "closedown" grocery store. 100 year old looking buildings standing in one of the nastiest
areas in L.A. block the views from the main street and nobody else but three of them are there.
The wife comes back in 5 minutes and goes, "Hey Joe, how much am I supposed to charge for hand job?"
The husband answers, "Hand job? Well..., 50 bucks may be fine for that."
She nods, turns around, and runs back to the customer's car.
She comes back in only a couple of minutes and goes, "How much am I supposed to charge for mouth job, Joe?"
The husband answers, "Alright Cindy, $100 would be fine."
The wife turns around and rushes to the customer's car again.
In just half minute, she comes back and goes, "Joe, how much for the intercourse? The guy's got a huge hung."
The husband gives her the last advice, "Well, $200 would be reasonable."
The wife nods and quickly goes, "Can I owe you $200 now?"
- #15
- ワロた
- 2006/03/09 (Thu) 17:54
- 報告
投稿者でもないのに、おれなんかが勝手に解説していいんだろか? まええわい。
まず重要なネタフリとしてはspread eagleという言葉。
spread eagleってのは大股開き状態のことを言うんですわ。
素っ裸のWonder Womanがペントハウスのデッキで大股開きで横になってる絵を想像して下さいな。
そこへSupermanがズーーーーーーームイン!してdoes her in a flash before anyone can noticeってことは「誰も気付かないくらい素早く彼女に(Hを)する=intercourseのこと」という意味ですな、これは。
んでまたInvisibleman(透明人間=男)がgets off herだから「彼女から離れて」メッチャ痛かったって言ってるワケです。
つまり目には見えないけど透明人間は大股開きのWonder Womanの上に乗ってヤッテたわけですな。
Superman的にはWonder Womanが相手だと思い込んでるけど、実は透明人間(男)の尻に突っ込んでしまったってワケ。
お後がよろしいようで・・・。m(_ _)m
- #16
- 荒川静か
- 2006/03/09 (Thu) 18:59
- 報告
- #17
- ワロた
- 2006/03/10 (Fri) 09:06
- 報告
はい > #16
- #20
- #21
- 荒川静か
- 2006/03/12 (Sun) 10:20
- 報告
>#20 なぞなぞさん、
Tonto Kawalskiという名前は日本人の名前とは程遠いですよね。 では、どこの国の名前ですか?
>#8 オカマ!さん、ここから先は投稿者ご自身から解説して頂けますか?
- #22
- オカマ!
- 2006/03/12 (Sun) 10:40
- 報告
A dentist is talking to his patient about the sanitary problems some of his fellow dentists were facing. He said that one of his friends was touring a latex glove factory in Mexico, and saw how they make the gloves. One person would stick his hand in the melted latex, walk over to a vat of cooling water, then dip his hand in it to solidify the latex. The glove was then thrown in a finished products box. The dentist's patient was disgusted by the lack of care taken in making the gloves sanitary. Wanting to keep all the patients he could, the dentist didn't mention how they made condoms.
- #23
- 荒川静か
- 2006/03/12 (Sun) 14:39
- 報告
- #24
"It's just too hot to wear clothes today," Jack says as he stepped out of the shower, "honey, what do you think the neighbors would think if I mowed the lawn like this?"
"Probably that I married you for your money," she replied.
- #25
- 荒川静か
- 2006/03/13 (Mon) 00:50
- 報告
特に若い男性諸君の中に大いに勘違いする輩がいるかも知れませんが、女性の側から "Size does matter" と言ってるように聞こえます。
- #26
- ワロた
- 2006/03/13 (Mon) 07:57
- 報告
- #28
- 眉間にシワ
- 2006/03/15 (Wed) 22:41
- 報告
- #29
- jcr01
- 2006/03/16 (Thu) 00:48
- 報告
A golf teaching pro was giving an entry-level lesson to a group of women.
One of them was a gorgeous blond who wanted to learn the sport to play with her husband.
"Ok, in golf, the most important is the grip. Don't squeeze it. You must give
just the right pressure enough to hold it, not too strong, not too weak"
Everyone else was trying to do what had been just told but the blond had no idea what was going on.
Realizing she had never even touched a golf club before and was rather confused, the coach walked
up very close to her and whispered into her ear a more understandable explanation.
"Remember.... juuuust like when you handle your husband's... you know what I mean?"
then looked down to demonstrate by slowly wrapping his hands around his club.
The coach looked up to check how his beautiful apprentice was doing and shouted,
"No no no! Hands! Use your hands!"
- #30
- ワロた
- 2006/03/16 (Thu) 18:55
- 報告
- #31
- jcr01
- 2006/03/16 (Thu) 19:02
- 報告
- #35
- オカマ!
- 2006/03/16 (Thu) 23:10
- 報告
Two old ladies were outside their nursing home, having a smoke, when it started to rain.
One of the ladies pulled out a condom, cut off the end, put it over her cigarette, and
continued smoking.
Lady 1: "What's that?"
Lady 2: "A condom. This way my cigarette doesn't get wet."
Lady 1: "Where did you get it?"
Lady 2: "You can get them at any pharmacy."
The next day, Lady 1 hobbles herself into the local pharmacy and announces to the
pharmacist that she wants a box of condoms. The guy, obviously embarrassed, looks
at her kind of strangely (she is, after all, over 80 years of age), but very delicately asks
what brand she prefers.
"Doesn't matter son, as long as it fits a Camel."
- #36
- ワロた
- 2006/03/17 (Fri) 08:23
- 報告
- #38
- ギャハハハ!
- 2006/03/17 (Fri) 18:58
- 報告
- #39
- オカマ!
- 2006/03/17 (Fri) 19:31
- 報告
The new Marine Captain was assigned to a recon company in a remote post in the desert.
During his first inspection, he noticed a camel hitched up behind the mess tent.
He asks the First Sergeant why the camel is kept there.
"Well, sir," is the nervous reply, "as you know, there are 250 men here and no women. And sir, sometimes the men have ... m-m-m.... urges. That's why we have the camel, sir."
The Captain says, "I can't say that I condone this, but I understand about urges, so the camel can stay."
About a month later, the Captain starts having a real problem with his own urges.
Crazy with passion, he asks the First Sergeant to bring the camel to his tent.
Putting a stool behind the camel, the Captain stands on it, pulls down his pants, and has wild, insane sxx with the camel.
When he is done, he asks the First Sergeant, "Is that how the men do it?"
"Uh, no sir," the First Sergeant replies.
"They usually just ride the camel into town where the girls are."
- #40
- 荒川静か
- 2006/03/18 (Sat) 07:54
- 報告
Nice try!
- #42
- オカマ!
- 2006/03/18 (Sat) 10:19
- 報告
A mother and baby camel are talking one day when the baby camel asks,
"Mom why have I got these huge three toed feet?"
The mother replies,
"Well son, when we trek across the desert your toes will help you to stay on top of the soft sand".
said the son. A few minutes later the son asks,
"Mom, why have I got these great long eyelashes?"
"They are there to keep the sand out of your eyes on the trips through the desert",
the camel mother answers.
"Thanks Mom"
replies the son. After a short while, the son returns and asks,
"Mom, why have I got these great big humps on my back??"
The mother, now a little impatient with the boy replies,
"They are there to help us store water for our long treks across the desert, so we can go without
drinking for long periods."
"That's great mom, so we have huge feet to stop us sinking, and long eyelashes to keep the sand
from our eyes and these humps to store water, but... Mom?"
"Yes son?"
"Why the heck are we in the San Diego zoo?"
- #43
- jcr01
- 2006/03/18 (Sat) 12:16
- 報告
- #46
- はあ!?
- 2006/03/19 (Sun) 22:08
- 報告
- #47
- ギャハハハ!
- 2006/03/20 (Mon) 09:57
- 報告
- #48
- オカマ!
- 2006/03/20 (Mon) 13:39
- 報告
A man bought a camel from a woman at the market, the woman said "to make him go say 'phew' to make him stop say 'Amen'."
So the man hopped on the camel and said 'Phew' to make him go. The camel started running out of control. The man couldn't remember what to say to make him stop so he started calling out any old words "peanut butter sandwiches', 'abracadabra". He then noticed the cliff edge coming up, he prayed to god; "Please help me, save my soul, Amen...."
The camel stopped right there, inches away from the edge of the cliff.
Then the man said "Phew".
- #50
- 荒川静か
- 2006/03/20 (Mon) 14:17
- 報告
“ Idle Time ” に対する書き込みの有効期限は終了しました。
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