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Vivinavi Hawaii
Euro Exchange Locations(347view/2res)
Question Today 01:46
Vivinavi Hawaii
Admission to KCC(746view/4res)
Question Yesterday 22:31
Vivinavi Los Angeles
Citizenship Application(92view/5res)
Question Yesterday 16:05
Vivinavi Hawaii
I have a question for Mint Mobile users.(398view/2res)
Question 2024/07/01 17:52
Vivinavi Hawaii
Conversations with People(492view/4res)
Question 2024/07/01 02:16
Vivinavi Los Angeles
High blood pressure in the elderly, measures(318view/12res)
Question 2024/06/30 09:25
Vivinavi Los Angeles
Prefab ADU(331view/16res)
Question 2024/06/22 09:40
Vivinavi Los Angeles
I'm not a Japanese citizen, but I would like to re...(3kview/158res)
Question 2024/06/20 15:11
Vivinavi Los Angeles
Hide of Hide Shiatsu(3kview/40res)
Question 2024/06/17 05:57
Vivinavi Hawaii
Disposal of cassette cylinders(1kview/3res)
Question 2024/06/12 10:08

Vivinavi Hawaii
Euro Exchange Locations

  • アマルフィ
  • mail
  • 2024/06/04 12:25

I am planning to travel to Italy and Spain in the summer.
I would like to convert some into Euros there, but where is the best place to do it?
Anyone who has converted USD to Euro, please let me know.
Recently, there seems to be an exchange place near the center court of Ala Moana Center.
Is it better to go to a bank or something?

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I use an app called Firstwise to exchange money because the rates are pretty bad if you do it at a bank or exchange office. You can put money in dollars and change it to the currency of the country you are in and keep it in the app. I either withdraw it with my debit card or use it as a debit when I travel.

As for banks, SHWAB allows me to withdraw money from ATMs all over the world without any fees, so I have that too. I don't carry cash, but I don't carry the smallest amount of cash because touchless machines work everywhere in Europe.

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Vivinavi Hawaii
Admission to KCC

  • KCC
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  • 2024/06/17 01:57

I have lived in Hawaii for a long time, but my English is not good and I have never studied in an American school.
I would like to study at KCC, but is there an English exam beforehand ??

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F-1 ( Student Visa ) is required and classes are determined by an English test when you apply.

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  • KCC
  • 2024/06/18 (Tue) 03:50
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Thank you M.
English is not my strong point, but I am not considering English classes. Do immigrants take English classes first and then take the courses they want to learn?
Please let me know if you have studied at KCC.
My visa is for permanent residence.

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To find out that kind of information on the College's web or by making a phone call is what learning is all about in the first place ・.

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Vivinavi Los Angeles
Citizenship Application

  • 市民権申請
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  • 2024/07/01 18:38

Has anyone applied for citizenship this year ? If anyone would be so kind, I would be very, very grateful if you could contact me with a few questions.
Thank you very much.

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  • dobon
  • Yesterday 07:12
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Using a lawyer is a lot of work, but handling it yourself is easy, quick, and inexpensive, so
I highly recommend it.
I felt sad when I renounced my Japanese nationality, but I will never forget how grateful I am to be a former Japanese citizen.

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  • 昭和のおとっつぁん
  • Yesterday 08:43
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If you could also post it on the information board, it would be a great way to get the right answers to your questions.

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  • ボケのおとっさん         .
  • Yesterday 15:18
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2 I think it's the other way around ?
It's hard to do it yourself, but with a lawyer it's easy.

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  • ポケのおとっさん      .
  • Yesterday 15:58
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Using an expert will increase your expenses accordingly, but it is safe and reliable.

4 don't write down the obvious, ask the questions and answer them accurately.

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  • 昭和のおとっつぁん
  • Yesterday 16:05
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Please read the question and tell them exactly what you mean.

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Vivinavi Hawaii
I have a question for Mint Mobile users.

  • ミント
  • mail
  • 2024/06/26 04:53

I am thinking of switching carriers from Spectrum to Mint Mobile.
Is the signal in Hawaii good ?
Was it easy to switch carriers on your own ?
What are your thoughts on this?

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I've been using Mint for about 3 years now ? The first time I migrated to Mint, I had to contact Mint customer service because my original carrier wasn't a major carrier either.
I have no problem at all with the reception.
I switched from physical SIM to eSIM when I changed my phone, which was also easy to do by myself.
My only complaint is that unlike major carriers, I cannot automatically connect to domestic partner carriers ( such as Softbank ) at no extra charge when I return home.

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  • ミント
  • 2024/07/01 (Mon) 17:52
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Thank you for your reply, ma.

Glad to hear from a user. The Spectrum promotion expires this month, so I will switch to mint as soon as possible.

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Vivinavi Hawaii
Conversations with People

  • Yamu
  • mail
  • 2024/06/28 19:45

I have a neighbor who I usually just bail or Hi when we see each other, and we talk a little once every few months. But with that person, we always have the same conversation and reaction, and I feel like I've time-traveled back in time. The person is a normal healthy person, just before 50 years old. I think he is just not interested in me at all and always forgets what we talked about, but this has been a year now and I'm thinking it's a little strange. Next time I'm going to try not to get into that conversation.
If you have any sympathy or ways to deal with this, I'd be happy to respond.

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If you only see each other once every few months or so, and you don't really want to get to know each other better, I think it's easier to have a set topic of conversation.
Since you don't seem to want to get to know each other better or have a close relationship, I think you should just leave it at that ?
If you wanted to get to know each other better or have a closer relationship, I think you would broach the subject on your own.
I've lived in the same neighborhood for over 10 years, and there are neighbors who only say "hi," and there are others who work together to
help another neighbor who is sick. Maybe the words are not quite the same, but I guess it is a choice.

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  • Aloha
  • 2024/06/30 (Sun) 15:08
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I once had a person who lived in the same condo who asked me the same question every time we met.
He appeared to be a very normal looking gentleman. I told him the same story every time I saw him, the same questions about the dog's name, etc.
I told him the same answers every time. A few years later I found out that he was telling me the same thing every time because he had a disease. When I found out, I was so glad I didn't ignore him or be sarcastic.
I don't know if it's too much to ask for just a quick answer once every few months
sometimes tomorrow is your own day.

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I don't think they are interested in Toby and don't want to have a conversation with him because he is bothering them.
I am the type of person who just says hello and doesn't particularly want to have a conversation. Even if you want to talk to them, sometimes they don't, so you can interpret that ?.

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  • Yamu
  • 2024/07/01 (Mon) 02:16
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Thank you for your response !
I have a relationship with his wife, and she is planning to move out in another year, so I certainly don't want to get to know her any better, and she thinks so, too. If it's a sign of illness or something, that's tough.

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Vivinavi Los Angeles
High blood pressure in the elderly, measures

  • 高齢者
  • mail
  • 2024/06/22 10:48

Question for the elderly.

I take prescription high blood pressure medication.

However, even with the medication, if I am not careful, it rises.

So, this question is about seasonings.

Soy sauce is 6 grams ( for women ) and that is Net information.

6 grams means a teaspoonful

Is this correct ? It is a very small amount.

I don't want to complain about it being too little,

I want to know what is right.

What other things do you do for your blood pressure

on a daily basis for the elderly, other than eating?

If you have any recipes that are low in salt and still delicious, please let us know.

Thank you very much _ <m(__)m>

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  • dobon
  • 2024/06/23 (Sun) 01:08
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I remember learning that a gram of water is one cubic centimeter
I think you misunderstood something ?.

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  • dobon
  • 2024/06/23 (Sun) 01:33
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Taking a walk for an hour or so without thinking about it helps
Hamaiya juice seems to be good
Vegetarian food is recommended
If you don't overwork your brain, your blood pressure will go down.

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  • いいかげんな弁護士
  • 2024/06/23 (Sun) 07:11
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When I walk, I only think about how fast I can walk.
When I drive a car, I think only of the same driving.
It's a bad habit.

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Vivinavi Los Angeles
Prefab ADU

  • tbml2024
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  • 2024/06/16 15:31

I would like to build a guesthouse in my garden, but I haven't heard much about people close to me who have built something on a budget using something like prefab or manufacuture houses, but I think the demand is actually high. If anyone has recently built or is building a guesthouse, I would be very happy if you could share the information with us. I'm wondering where to start since there are so many vendors to look into and the prices vary so much. Thank you in advance.

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  • 昭和のおとっつぁん
  • 2024/06/17 (Mon) 09:02
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There seems to be a lot going on. _gl=1*snk107*_gcl_aw*R0NMLjE3MTg2NDAwNjUuQ2owS0NRand2Yi16QmhDbUFSSXNBQWZVSTJ2S2Z3eDlHX282TU9KelR4cEdVS3E0MVcwMFdkV1p1YnJRbm1NcWE5 ZllTVzJXWnoxYm1wb2FBbFRURUFMd193Y0I.*_gcl_au*MTA2MjEyMDIyMS4xNzE4NjQwMDY1*_ga*NzU1MTExNDI5LjE3MTg2NDAwNjM.*_ga_GR2R2M4DVR*MTcxODY0 MDA2My4xLjAuMTcxODY0MDA2My42MC4wLjA.

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  • ムネオハウス
  • 2024/06/17 (Mon) 18:20
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tbml2024 asks only for "those who have recently built or are building a guesthouse".
Showa Otouto used this company studio-shed ?

What are good and bad points of studio-shed ? How satisfied are you ??

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  • 昭和のおとっつぁん
  • 2024/06/22 (Sat) 09:40
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I need to see a sample first to see which one is better before I proceed.

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Vivinavi Los Angeles
I'm not a Japanese citizen, but I would like to retire early in Japan.

  • 太郎くん
  • mail
  • 2024/05/31 04:02

I am in my 30's and single. Do you think it is possible to retire early in Japan since I have saved more than 100 million yen so far?

I am not a Japanese citizen and would like to know how I can do it !.

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  • 昭和のおっとっつぁん
  • 2024/06/12 (Wed) 15:54
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Some people retire extremely poor, others save a million dollars in their 30s.
They may be strong, but they are still frustrated, so they assume they are looking good.

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  • 太郎くん
  • 2024/06/13 (Thu) 04:32
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People with a million dollars are not that rare.

Various dentists, restaurant owners, plastic surgery clinics, etc. on this site. People like that seem to have more money. I don't know why you don't trust them.

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  • 寂しい人生
  • 2024/06/14 (Fri) 21:22
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I mean, I have goals like
traveling with family and friends
getting together with everyone
spending happy time with my kids
looking forward to their growth
traveling in Japan with my Japanese family
pursuing my hobbies
going out to eat with my hobbies friends
I have a normal day to day life
I achieve small goals everyday
Traveling to the same place can be completely different depending on my age and
the people I go with
I can experience many things
just by spending time with different people
even just everyday life I have a lot of experiences <1366> Living far away or traveling is fun
but to enjoy the mundane everyday
may be the most difficult thing
at my age I think

if you have money you don't have to work
that is my goal.
I'm sorry if I'm wrong
I just want to move to a country where I can live cheaply and comfortably
because I have money, but I don't feel anything else.

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  • テスタ
  • 2024/06/19 (Wed) 22:48
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100 million in my 30s, not bad, but
early retirement with 100 million ?
500 million in total assets in my 40s is still not enough
My dream is to have enough disposable income to travel the world gracefully
I can achieve it with about 200 million in annual income
It's still a ways away. I'm still a long way off,

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  • テスタ
  • 2024/06/20 (Thu) 10:02
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No, I don't know many Japanese people
I was wondering if there was anyone I could make friends with
I used to peek in, but
I get beaten up
I get treated like a liar and a pretender

I don't usually meet people with different living standards.

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Vivinavi Los Angeles
Hide of Hide Shiatsu

  • Katakori
  • mail
  • 2024/03/21 14:35

Has Mr. Hide of Hide Shiatsu retired ? or is he just temporarily absent ? I would appreciate it if you could let me know.

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  • 昭和の おとっつぁん
  • 2024/04/16 (Tue) 12:39
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"What if we connect?" good for you.
Just write down the details of what you heard from someone who wants to know and tell you.

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We offer Shiatsu massage. Depending on location, we are a visiting massage service. I am a licensed judo therapist in Japan.

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  • 昭和のおとっつぁん
  • 2024/06/10 (Mon) 08:39
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You say "visiting massage" but is it female or male?

Isn't it scary to go to a man's house for a home massage?

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  • 昭和のおとっつぁん
  • 2024/06/10 (Mon) 09:31
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If the visiting masseuse is a woman, it takes courage to visit the other person's home.

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Who is a Shiatsu practitioner who is better than Hide-san ?
Please tell me.
Please do.

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Vivinavi Hawaii
Disposal of cassette cylinders

  • ガス
  • mail
  • 2024/06/11 17:12

We purchased a cassette stove and cylinder for use in times of disaster after the major power outage caused by the 2006 earthquake, but since then we have not had any disasters that would require a cassette stove, so we have not used them. However, since we have not had a disaster since then that required a cassette stove, we have not used it. Since many years have passed, we would like to dispose of the cassette stove and replace it with a new one, but is it acceptable to dispose of the old unused cassette stove in the garbage? If anyone knows where to dispose of them, please let us know.

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  • こーの字
  • 2024/06/11 (Tue) 17:31
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Iwatani describes how to dispose of gas cylinders. It is very dangerous to dispose of them in the trash as is. %E3%83%B3%E3%83%99%E3%81%AE%E4%BD%BF%E7%94%A8%E6%9C%9F%E9%99%90%E3%81%AE%E7%9B%AE%E5%AE%89%E3%81%AF%E3%80%81%E8%A3%BD%E9%80%A0%E3 81%8B%E3%82%89,%E3%81%A6%E5%BB%83%E6%A3%84%E3%81%97%E3%81%A6%E3%81%8F%E3%81%A0%E3%81%95%E3%81%84%E3%80%82

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  • ガス
  • 2024/06/11 (Tue) 19:18
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Dear Koji
Thank you for your prompt reply. I have read the URL you provided, but since I live in a condo and not in a house, there is no soil in the space I own. Would it be a violation to vent in a public place such as a beach or park ??

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  • こーの字
  • 2024/06/12 (Wed) 10:08
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As for violations, I have no idea, but
if you're in a park or on the beach with no one around and no fire, I don't think it's a safety issue. If it were me, I would think that I might sneak out and vent on my lanai but good ventilation is a prerequisite. Then there is the relationship with the neighbors.
Or maybe I'll just lurk on the street in front of my apartment.

Also, there are some collection services, but I don't think it's necessary to go this far with household gas cylinders ~ ?.

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