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びびなび ニューヨーク私の友人がエイズ!
- #1
- jj
- 2002/10/28 20:23
- #33
- #34
I agree with you the most Coyote! Everyone is responsible for their own action and if you are not careful about it, then you pay the consequences. That's what I said at the beginning. But people like C blame all on men telling us that we are the dirty ones or the garbage who are responsible for spreading the disease, not only that, she disrespected others as well calling them a stupid and immoral. That's why I posted a message against her, and exactly what I expected, she did post another message telling me all these bull. I do apologize to those who were offended by the message that I posted, but I don't curse at people just because and that was only toward C. It's just that I don't show any respect to anyone who doesn't respect me. That's all, it doesn't matter what kind of race or nationality you are, or how much you have been influenced being in the US, so I don't even care what "businessman" and "student" said about me. Probably they only read some of the messages and not all of them. I was only trying to protect the fact that the all men are not like the way C thinks. If people really read the messages from the beginning, then I'm sure a lot of people agree with me and understand why I posted such messages against C. Someone like you is the real intelligent one who can discuss at the good level, and I really agree with what you said :)
- #35
- #36
Finally, there is someone who agrees with me. Thanks #27 M! To be honest, I was kind of shocked to find out that many Japanese people are like Anoymous. But it's good to find out that there are people like you, M!
- #37
Hey Anonymo, your mind is impotent!It seems that you don't understand what I'm saying, so I'll make it more simpler!
1. It does not occur to you to think that I'm using a public computer, and therefore I cannot type in Japanese. Thanks for calling me dumb. But guess what? I'm not. You are!
2.You lack common sense. If you think that I'm an old person, common sense, if you had one, will tell you that old Japanese people VERY RARELY become gay or lesbian.But still, Japanese people generally don't become gay or lesbian. I'm not a lesbian. Do you have a trouble accepting reality??? Well, regarding me as an old person is kind of a compliment -- it means that I'm matured. But you know what? I'm in your generation.
3. Do not worry. No one wants to "kiss" your smelly "ass". And you are the "ass".
5.You call that justice? "Justice" is a big word, kid. Putting them in a jail will certainly punish those people who did the terrible things. But it does not compensate for those who are innocent and have to suffer for the rest of their lives. And it does not solve the problem. There will be next people who will pray on women. Unless people eradicate thoughts like you have, no justice will be done.
6.Your reason why I have to be a lesbian does not work. If I were not attractive, then men would not try to get my attention or talk to me. You don't even remeber what I said in the beginning of my argument. Read my first message, and if you are smart, you'll find out why I say men are dirty, or more appropriately, moron.
7. Good, so you are in school. Being on the dean's list means that a person is intellectual. But it does not mean you are intelligent. And the GPA level for being on the list depends on schools. In some schools, you can be on the list if you are above 3.33,which is not a good GPA. What is more important is family education. Your mamma and dada didn't teach you anything about moral??? It's a shame!
8. So you don't respect anyone who does not respect you? Oh, how pity. I'm the same. Men don't show respect to women, and therefore exploit us.
9. You are also stupid enough to get "pissed at what I wrote and start talking all these shit back to me."
10. If you were really smart, then you would consider my points.
11. Coyote is saying what I said in the beginning. Ignorance is stupidity. I clearly said that the people were doing stupid things. That's why they resulted in the terrible outcome. But I don't agree with one thing. If you are really responsible enough, you'll wait untill you are married.
“ 私の友人がエイズ! ” に対する書き込みの有効期限は終了しました。
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