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Vivinavi Los AngelesMy Japanese wife is a liar
- #1
- Kevin
- 2018/11/07 11:05
Watch out for my lying, cheating, physically abusive Japanese wife. She looks like the Apple of your eye. But she has rotted to the core. She couldn't trust because she had a secret she couldn't share. She was a hostess. A drop out in high school .She hid from me because she knew it was vulgar. But she couldn't trust because she sat and drank with so many men. Her thinking was they were all the same. Her mind was tainted. I lived in her HELL! Her Xhusband told me her many secrets. Secrets that before I even knew, my intuition told me were true. Now she roams with a broken heart. I don't feel bad for this is what she has sown. Just her child will live in the horror of the mom's sin. So watch out and beware of the apple that will bite you like a serpent,it is rotted to the core.
- #2
- ぎゅぎゅ
- 2018/11/07 (Wed) 11:58
- Report
Remind you that I'm not taking your wife's side, but are you telling us that you have never ever commit any sin in your life?
Nobody forced you to marry her. It was your own choice.
Stop blaming her like your wife is the only reason for the failed marriage.
File for divorce, and move on.
- #4
Not cool. I'm not taking your side. It wasn't right for her to hid her work from you. I enjoy hostess bar but no one wants to marry bar girl. This type no good for family.
- #5
- な
- 2018/11/07 (Wed) 13:57
- Report
- #6
Bar girls are to have fun with, not marry with.
All the same is right, they are for fun and that is the only reason guys go to those places/girls.
Move on! If you want to marry a nice girl? Take your time and find out what she is and who she is before you do anything, I mean anything!
- #7
- 無知
- 2018/11/07 (Wed) 16:34
- Report
- #9
- ぷっ
- 2018/11/07 (Wed) 17:20
- Report
- #10
Kevin-san, so why did you marry her in the first place?
- #12
- 馬鹿野郎
- 2018/11/07 (Wed) 18:39
- Report
Your wife used to be a hostess? So what? Big deal! You are an idiot. You have no right to insult your wife in public like this. Don’t you realize what you are doing is vulgar? She didn’t want to tell you about her past because she loved you and wanted to be with you. Your merely wanted a pretty looking innocent Barbie doll and you never loved her as a person. That’s all.
- #13
- good luck
- 2018/11/07 (Wed) 19:58
- Report
Sorry to hear your bad horror experience with Japanese woman. Hope you will find nice one. No more bar girl!!!!
- #20
Really!!?? This is fucking joke and shame on you!!!!How could you do this!!You are a very weak person how you posted this on social media!!!
Don’t matter what she is your wife and you are her husband!!! I god a divorce with my husband because he was cheating on me and he picked tha girl, not me but I never talked shit on my husband!!! You know why!!??Because he was my husband and anyone else should not know our personal business becide your good friend, not people from social media!!! Take off your post RIGHT NOW!!!!Where is your wife now?? Where are you now?? Think what you did wrong! If I knew you, I punch your face!!!!!
- #21
- stingy
- 2018/11/10 (Sat) 10:27
- Report
I know who you are lol
You are a firefighter aren’t you?
You should get counseling!!!!
- #23
- 無知
- 2018/11/10 (Sat) 11:56
- Report
- #24
- 負け犬
- 2018/11/10 (Sat) 15:17
- Report
If having a brand name bag (Gucchi, Chanel, Vuitton, etc) makes a young girl look as if she sleeps with clients, then most Japanese young girls are either a bar hostess or a hooker. DON’T Stereotype !!
Kevin, you’ll probably end up next with a Japanese girl who wants to marry you for the green card lol
- #25
- ゴキブリホイホイ
- 2018/11/10 (Sat) 16:31
- Report
>Kevin, you’ll probably end up next with a Japanese~
- #26
- 遊学生?
- 2018/11/10 (Sat) 17:19
- Report
>bag of brand,
>customer of guy
>She just worked at the bar that is not problem.
- #27
- Haha
- 2018/11/10 (Sat) 22:25
- Report
Kevin, if you are an American citizen you can find another nice Japanese girl soon
because many Japanese girls wants get green card. lol
- #29
- 笹
- 2018/11/11 (Sun) 12:12
- Report
25 ゴキブリホイホイ
- #30
- 馬鹿野郎
- 2018/11/11 (Sun) 12:28
- Report
#29 同感!
- #31
- ぷっ!
- 2018/11/11 (Sun) 20:33
- Report
- #32
- サクラ
- 2018/11/14 (Wed) 12:59
- Report
- #33
- ゴキブリホイホイ
- 2018/11/14 (Wed) 14:03
- Report
Well Im guessing, Kevin is just a Japanese loser never had a girlfriend or just a Japanese student wanted to practice his lame English. Either way, its not worth giving him any advice.
Let me ask you #32,what do you think about Kevin?
Does he look similar to you? Is that why you got so upset?
Now its your time to practice your English#32.
- #35
- yeek
- 2018/11/14 (Wed) 15:29
- Report
Aw well hell my English suxx big donkey cack.
- #36
- Oh well?
- 2018/11/14 (Wed) 15:56
- Report
Where did YOU study "Yo!"?
Do you actually have any American friend?
We dont really use "'" all the time cock sucker Lol
- #39
- yeek
- 2018/11/14 (Wed) 18:50
- Report
↑ reflect, man, reflect
- #42
- #38
- 2018/11/14 (Wed) 22:44
- Report
Are you stupid or something? Lol
I could clealy tell you are not a native speaker.
You the one mind your own business moron.
Oh good luck study at school. Seems like you are way too far to make good money with your 1st grade English Lol
- #43
- ゴキブリホイホイ
- 2018/11/14 (Wed) 22:46
- Report
#32 返信まだー?
- #44
- yeekwww
- 2018/11/15 (Thu) 08:53
- Report
#38 Yo!
- #47
- hey stupid Yo! Lol
- 2018/11/15 (Thu) 12:22
- Report
Oh my gosh, I am so sorry that you have a son. He might ended up with a loser like you.
Will you stop writing in English? Your English is just so awful and hurting my eyes. You don't think logically, you write it first in Japanese and then translate it in English.
Now go make some money cause you can only make minimum wage, sucker Lol
- #48
- hey stupid Yo! Lol
- 2018/11/15 (Thu) 12:30
- Report
>You can hallucinate all you want, but no need to prove that you’re an idiot.
Can anybody help me understand this? I tried to understand what this moron trying to say but no clue.
He's stupidity is just insane.
- #49
- yeek
- 2018/11/15 (Thu) 14:24
- Report
Don't fuck with my HN boi !!
- #51
- 茶々
- 2018/11/15 (Thu) 16:55
- Report
Maybe there isn't showain this topix cuz he can't read English and can't read over two lines even though Japanese.
But he has been living in U.S. more than 20 years.
- #52
- 英語だけが唯一の取り柄な馬鹿
- 2018/11/15 (Thu) 17:24
- Report
- #54
- loser
- 2018/11/15 (Thu) 22:41
- Report
Kevin is firefighter in Los angels
He is American
- #56
- 茶々
- 2018/11/16 (Fri) 05:23
- Report
If u really think so, u should say so to him in English.
- #58
- hey stupid Yo! Lol
- 2018/11/16 (Fri) 06:24
- Report
You just translate your Japanese to English, doesnt make any sense in English. You are too stupid to realize it. Only you could understand your stupid Japanglish. Lol Say hello to your stupid wife who made your offspring moron.
- #59
- さすがloser
- 2018/11/16 (Fri) 06:42
- Report
- #63
- #64
- hey stupid Yo! Lol
- 2018/11/16 (Fri) 12:05
- Report
That's all you can say stupid ass? Go outside and have ACTUAL American friends then you know your correction doesn't make any sense. I can't stop laughing seeing that you writing "It should be" because your English is so horrible.
So sorry that your English is so poor, must have hard to find any job loser. Lol
Oh my bad, you are merely a language school student doesn't have any future. Go back to Japan and fuck yourself loser.
- #67
- Abe
- 2018/11/16 (Fri) 12:58
- Report
- #68
- yeek
- 2018/11/16 (Fri) 13:40
- Report
Kevinはネイティブだと思うよ。唯一、え?と思うのが、"she has rotted to the core."
"She is rotted to the core"と書けば流れが良いのに、hasにしてtenseを混ぜるから、読んでてズッコケる。
- #75
- yeek
- 2018/11/16 (Fri) 16:42
- Report
I'm sorry yeek, I'm sorry
- #79
- yeek=Yo!
- 2018/11/17 (Sat) 12:48
- Report
rotten is adjective.
↑ reflect, man, reflect
Thanks for the correction. I misspelled it. I won’t blame anyone, but myself.
- #80
- ゴキブリホイホイ
- 2018/11/17 (Sat) 12:57
- Report
ちなみにplain formはrotだから。
- #81
- カモ
- 2018/11/17 (Sat) 21:00
- Report
- #83
- ながれこ
- 2018/11/17 (Sat) 22:43
- Report
- #84
- ゴキブリホイホイ
- 2018/11/18 (Sun) 07:45
- Report
Haha! Loser at his best. You can’t argue without cussing at me. Learn how to express yourself. That’s what educated people do.
- #85
- ゴキブリホイホイ
- 2018/11/18 (Sun) 08:01
- Report
>Also, I’m not yeek, and I don’t know who he/she is.
2018/11/16 (Fri) 16:42報告
I'm sorry yeek, I'm sorry
- #86
- は?何言ってんの?
- 2018/11/18 (Sun) 10:46
- Report
#68 全然ネイティブじゃないよ!どう見てもFOBだよ!
- #87
- は?何言ってんの?
- 2018/11/18 (Sun) 10:57
- Report
- #88
- うざい者同士
- 2018/11/18 (Sun) 11:09
- Report
- #89
- peach pie mmm
- 2018/11/18 (Sun) 14:39
- Report
Thanks for the correction. I misspelled it. I won’t blame anyone, but myself.
- #90
- 馬鹿レイラ
- 2018/11/18 (Sun) 15:11
- Report
お前だってすぐムキになるだろ 何言ってんの
- #91
- WTF?
- 2018/11/18 (Sun) 15:51
- Report
$86 なんでお前が英語うまいか下手か評価してんの?見てやるから書いてみろよ。
- #92
- Mr.ジャッジ
- 2018/11/18 (Sun) 18:05
- Report
>I’m not an English teacher, but I do my best to communicate clearly with everyone. Formality is there for a reason.
- #93
- ゴキブリさん
- 2018/11/18 (Sun) 21:41
- Report
- #94
- は?何言ってんの?
- 2018/11/18 (Sun) 22:31
- Report
- #95
- くるり
- 2018/11/18 (Sun) 23:44
- Report
- #96
- フフ
- 2018/11/19 (Mon) 03:58
- Report
- #97
- フフ
- 2018/11/19 (Mon) 04:04
- Report
- #98
- 馬鹿野郎
- 2018/11/19 (Mon) 09:47
- Report
- #101
- ホップ
- 2018/11/19 (Mon) 11:03
- Report
- #102
- yeek
- 2018/11/19 (Mon) 12:59
- Report
She looks like the Apple of your eye.に始まり。。Apple of your eyesの意味知ってる??目に入れても痛くない、という意味だよ。そう見える女性だけど、実は芯は腐ってる、と言ってる。Appleだから、芯を使ったわけだ。
そして締めくくりは、beware of the apple that will bite you like a serpent,it is rotted to the core (リンゴかと思ってたら)蛇の様に噛むリンゴに気を付けろ。実は芯まで腐ってるから。と来てる。ちゃんと纏めてるんだよ。そして、これは旧約聖書にもかぶせてるんだよ、AppleにSerpentときて。ラフに見えて、かなり能力あるよ。だから日本人じゃ書けないって言ったんだよ。ネイティブでない日本人には分からないよ、これ。
- #103
- yeek
- 2018/11/19 (Mon) 13:01
- Report
- #104
- 馬鹿野郎
- 2018/11/19 (Mon) 13:13
- Report
- #109
- 2018/11/20 (Tue) 11:46
- Report
"Stop! In The Name Of Love"
Stop! In the name of love
Before you break my heart
Baby baby, I'm aware of where you go
Each time you leave my door
I watch you walk down the street
Knowing your other love you'll meet
But this time before you run to her
Leaving me alone and hurt
(Think it over)
After I've been good to you?
(Think it over)
After I've been sweet to you?
Stop! In the name of love
Before you break my heart
Stop! In the name of love
Before you break my heart
Think it over
Think it over
I've known of your, your secluded nights
I've even seen her, maybe once or twice
But is her sweet expression
Worth more than my love and affection?
This time before you leave my arms
And rush off to her charms
(Think it over)
Haven't I been good to you?
(Think it over)
Haven't I been sweet to you?
Stop! In the name of love
Before you break my heart
Stop! In the name of love
Before you break my heart
Think it over
Think it over
I've tried so hard, hard to be patient
Hoping you'll stop this infatuation
But each time you are together
I'm so afraid I'll be losing you forever
Stop! In the name of love
Before you break my heart (Baby, think it over)
Stop! In the name of love (Think it over, baby)
Before you break my heart (Ooh, think it over, baby)
Stop! ...
- #112
- Finding a Japanese wife?
- 2018/11/20 (Tue) 23:16
- Report
Kevin, here is a tip for you to find out if a Japanese woman was a hostess. Let her order water or something when she and you are eating out at a Japanese restaurant. If she says "sumimasen" she probably was not a hostess. If she says "onegaishima-su" she was definitely a hostess.
- #113
- good
- 2018/11/21 (Wed) 00:10
- Report
よくご存知ですね。 バーにどのくらいのお金をつぎ込んだんですか? how old are you?
- #114
- 平成最後のおっかさん
- 2018/11/21 (Wed) 10:29
- Report
I used to be a hostess but it doesn't apply to me!
- #115
- found my LOVE
- 2018/11/21 (Wed) 11:44
- Report
Kevin, here is a tip for you to find out if
your wife is breaking your heart or not
each time you leave my house you are
breaking my heart oh baby please don't
leave me again knowing your other love
you'll meet me again.
I'm so afraid of losing you forever
Think it over Kevin
- #117
- yeek
- 2018/11/21 (Wed) 14:07
- Report
The fact of the matter is, we never know what our women have done in the past. (alright, men too, cuts both ways, get that out of the way)
We just have to take their word for it, true with most women. Sometimes ignorance is a bliss. I don't even think about it. I don't even ask. Better off not knowing, you're buying a used car. Don't sweat it.
Hey at least you got yourself a looker. Well, she was nice enough that you married her, right Kevin? Just that you now know too much.
- #118
- 常連
- 2018/11/21 (Wed) 16:13
- Report
>Sometimes ignorance is a bliss. I don't even think about it. I don't even ask. Better off not knowing, you're buying a used car. Don't sweat it.
That's doesn't apply for marriage. Look at Kevin, you will find out eventually whether you like it or not.
- #121
- 常連
- 2018/11/22 (Thu) 04:42
- Report
>Do you ask every woman about their past sexual partners? Do you really want to know who they have been in bed with?
I am not only talking about partner's sexual past. I am just saying you can't marry to someone being ignorant.
Not sure what yeek guy was using "it" though. wanted to ask him
- #122
- マダム
- 2018/11/22 (Thu) 06:32
- Report
- #123
- 馬鹿野郎
- 2018/11/22 (Thu) 07:09
- Report
#117 例え話に中古車持って来るところがセンスがないというか幼いというかアメリカ的というかちょっとガッカリ。
- #125
- Yoyo
- 2018/11/22 (Thu) 09:55
- Report
It should be, "Ok, I get it!".
- #126
- 茶々
- 2018/11/22 (Thu) 18:26
- Report
- #127
- おとっつぁん
- 2018/11/22 (Thu) 18:50
- Report
- #129
- gobble
- 2018/11/22 (Thu) 19:21
- Report
↑Especially you moron.
- #131
- 馬鹿野郎
- 2018/11/22 (Thu) 22:47
- Report
おとっつぁん面白い 笑
日本人コミュにわざわざ英語で書く必要ないでしょ〜〜?私にはそれは面倒くさい。英語で書いてる人達は日本語も読めてるんじゃない? 別に本人だけにリプしてるわけでもないから読めてなくてもいいしね。
- #132
- うちの旦那も
- 2018/11/22 (Thu) 22:52
- Report
- #138
- 茶々
- 2018/11/23 (Fri) 04:53
- Report
This time I told in Japanese to some person who wrote in Japanese.
I already wrote in Englosh to who wrote in English.
- #139
- Chacha
- 2018/11/23 (Fri) 10:15
- Report
Why your Japanese and English are both so bad? You don't check before you submit it?
- #140
- 000じゃー
- 2018/11/23 (Fri) 10:52
- Report
- #141
- ウザい奴
- 2018/11/23 (Fri) 11:50
- Report
- #142
- 000じ
- 2018/11/23 (Fri) 13:46
- Report
- #143
- 馬鹿野郎
- 2018/11/23 (Fri) 14:00
- Report
- #144
- Going my way
- 2018/11/23 (Fri) 14:20
- Report
How would you define "native speaker of english"? Someone who has been speaking English since the day he was born? Or someone who come from a race which orginally speaks English?
- #147
- DiDi
- 2018/11/23 (Fri) 15:32
- Report
- #148
- 馬鹿野郎
- 2018/11/23 (Fri) 15:36
- Report
I consider that you are a native speaker if your primary language is English. You can be a native speaker of multiple languages too. It has nothing to do with the race. You can also learn the language at a young age and become a native speaker. My nephew came to the US when he was five, not knowing how to speak English, but then he learned it and became a native speaker. Japanse is his second language now.
- #149
- 馬鹿野郎
- 2018/11/23 (Fri) 15:40
- Report
- #154
- ホイホイ
- 2018/11/24 (Sat) 01:17
- Report
- #155
- フフ
- 2018/11/24 (Sat) 05:49
- Report
- #158
- ホップ
- 2018/11/24 (Sat) 11:03
- Report
- #159
- あっぱれ
- 2018/11/24 (Sat) 11:11
- Report
158 その通りと思いますねー
- #160
- Maco
- 2018/11/24 (Sat) 11:29
- Report
- #164
- 茶々
- 2018/11/24 (Sat) 17:45
- Report
- #166
- 馬鹿野郎
- 2018/11/24 (Sat) 20:28
- Report
- #176
- 茶々
- 2018/11/27 (Tue) 05:13
- Report
- #177
- 平成の母
- 2018/11/27 (Tue) 06:47
- Report
↑ 俺にはアメリカ人の友達しかいないし、仕事もプライベートも英語だけ。
- #178
- タレ
- 2018/11/27 (Tue) 09:41
- Report
- #179
- 2018/11/27 (Tue) 10:37
- Report
Ohhhhhh myyyyyyyy goooooooosh stop this already lol 😱😱😱
- #181
- あっぱれ
- 2018/11/27 (Tue) 11:17
- Report
It can't be true! You're English is so suck!!
- #182
- #184
- 馬鹿野郎
- 2018/11/27 (Tue) 13:50
- Report
あなたの前向きな姿勢はいいと思うしミススペルはご愛嬌だけどこれはBroken Englishの域を出ていないからちゃんとした文章にするにはもう少し努力が必要。頑張ればいいだけだ。自分の文章を友達に見てもらえばいい。もちろん私も英語の英語もNative並みというにはほど遠くて死ぬまで勉強と思ってるよ。だから大真面目にお互い頑張ろうと言った訳だ。
>This time I told in Japanese to some person who wrote in Japanese.
>I already wrote in Englosh to who wrote in English.
- #185
- タレ
- 2018/11/27 (Tue) 15:34
- Report
- #188
- タレ
- 2018/11/28 (Wed) 11:55
- Report
- #192
- 恥ずかしいやつ
- 2018/11/28 (Wed) 23:28
- Report
>You're English is so suck!!
- #194
- 冬子
- 2018/11/29 (Thu) 21:19
- Report
↑ それは茶々でしょう。
- #195
- 000じゃー
- 2018/11/30 (Fri) 05:10
- Report
- #196
- 昭和の母
- 2018/11/30 (Fri) 06:49
- Report
#あの人はアメリカに来て20年にもなるのに簡単な英語もGoogle translateにかける人ですよ。
- #197
- ソミュール
- 2018/11/30 (Fri) 16:05
- Report
- #199
- 昭和の母
- 2018/11/30 (Fri) 20:58
- Report
- #200
- 英語得意
- 2018/12/02 (Sun) 02:11
- Report
I was get a just 200 !!
- #201
- Yo!
- 2018/12/02 (Sun) 06:44
- Report
Fuck off you freak!!
- #203
- ソミュール
- 2018/12/03 (Mon) 04:35
- Report
- #204
- 2018/12/03 (Mon) 07:07
- Report
- #205
- ぷっぷっぷー
- 2018/12/03 (Mon) 07:28
- Report
- #206
- ぷっぷっぷー
- 2018/12/03 (Mon) 08:59
- Report
#205 偽物。
- #207
- Yo!
- 2018/12/03 (Mon) 10:25
- Report
Fuck off you cunt!!
- #209
- Yo!
- 2018/12/03 (Mon) 12:39
- Report
Get a life loser!
- #211
- week
- 2018/12/03 (Mon) 14:02
- Report
get lost morons you don't belong here
- #213
- 2018/12/03 (Mon) 16:03
- Report
- #215
- 茶々
- 2018/12/03 (Mon) 17:34
- Report
- #216
- 茶々
- 2018/12/03 (Mon) 17:38
- Report
- #217
- メカジキ
- 2018/12/03 (Mon) 18:12
- Report
- #218
- おい、低脳ども
- 2018/12/04 (Tue) 05:34
- Report
- #220
- 82%
- 2018/12/04 (Tue) 06:40
- Report
- #221
- 昭和のボケ老人
- 2018/12/04 (Tue) 07:44
- Report
- #223
- 茶々
- 2018/12/04 (Tue) 08:52
- Report
- #224
- 茶々
- 2018/12/05 (Wed) 14:58
- Report
- #225
- garimaru
- 2018/12/07 (Fri) 02:08
- Report
- #226
- ぷっぷっぷー
- 2018/12/08 (Sat) 08:28
- Report
↑ 茶々
- #227
- 茶々
- 2018/12/08 (Sat) 16:33
- Report
↑ おとっつぁん
- #228
- Pathetic
- 2018/12/08 (Sat) 17:48
- Report
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- Find local business with Town Guide
- Tranquilidad de acuerdo con sus planes d...
Cuando compre una casa, póngase primero en contacto con su compañía de préstamos. La mayoría de la gente se pone primero en contacto con un agente inmobiliario al comprar una casa. Entonces le pregunt...
+1 (206) 679-3371Groves Capital, Inc. (Mitsuko Miller)
- Se ofrece auténtica comida china a preci...
El restaurante dispone de mostrador, mesa y sala de tatami, y es adecuado para un amplio abanico de clientes, desde familias con niños pequeños hasta grupos. Todos los días ( y también los sábados y d...
- Somos una empresa de transporte marítimo...
Nuestro personal japonés le ayudará sinceramente desde la recepción hasta la entrega de sus mercancías a Japón y al resto del mundo. Independientemente de si exporta o importa, nosotros nos encargamo...
+1 (310) 834-5500Interline
- Creativo restaurante junto al mar CAMA K...
CAMA Kitchen es un restaurante de pizzas al horno y cocina creativa situado a 30 segundos del mar. Usted puede comer con sus mascotas en la terraza, así que si vienes a dar un paseo hasta el mar, por ...
(04) 7096-7307CAMA Kitchen
- Se buscan donantes de óvulos. Honorarios...
★ Mujeres sanas de entre 20 y 30 años ★ Gastos de transporte pagados *Por favor, no se preocupe si no tiene coche. ★ Si se inscribe desde lejos, por ejemplo en otro estado, le pagaremos el billete de ...
+1 (310) 444-3087LA Baby Fertility Agency
- HIS tiene 440 oficinas en todo el mundo,...
Disfrutemos más del mundo de Canadá al mundo incluyendo Japón Billetes de avión baratos, hoteles en varias ciudades, JR PASS, paquetes turísticos en Canadá y en el extranjero, excursiones opcionales,...
+1 (604) 685-3524H.I.S. Canada Inc.
- Es una organización sin ánimo de lucro q...
FLAT ・ FLAT es una organización sin ánimo de lucro con sede en Nueva York y que opera en todo EE.UU., poniendo en contacto a profesionales sanitarios y pacientes de habla japonesa y apoyando a la comu...
+1 (772) 349-9459FLAT ・ふらっと
- Clubes deportivos abiertos a principiant...
Personas de todas las edades ! Edad ・ Independientemente de la forma física, desde principiantes hasta aquellos que quieren llevar su ejercicio al siguiente nivel Tenemos programas divertidos para l...
+81-43-236-5588スポーツクラブ ビッグ・エス千城台
- [Jornada de puertas abiertas en otoño] V...
Nishiyamato Gakuen California Nishiyamato Gakuen California, filial de la renombrada Nishiyamato Gakuen Junior & Senior High School de la prefectura de Nara, lleva 30 años satisfaciendo las necesidad...
+1 (310) 325-7040Nishiyamato Academy of California
- [Dr Yamada es japonés OK ・ Se aceptan va...
El Dr. Yamada fue votado como uno de los mejores dentistas por los lectores de la revista Honolulu Magazine, y desde su apertura en 1985, los visitantes han confiado en él por su excelente atención y ...
+1 (808) 955-2439Melvin T. Yamada, DDS
- Es una organización sin ánimo de lucro q...
FLAT ・ FLAT es una organización sin ánimo de lucro con sede en Nueva York y que opera en todo EE.UU., poniendo en contacto a profesionales sanitarios y pacientes de habla japonesa y apoyando a la comu...
+1 (772) 349-9459FLAT ・ふらっと
- " Votada Empresa Nº 1 en Salud Reproduct...
Miracle ・ Angels ・ Reproductive ・ Group ( MARG ), homólogo japonés del ACRC, es una agencia especializada en medicina reproductiva asistida, que investiga tecnologías de reproducción asistida estadoun...
+1 (949) 418-8146Angels Creation Reproductive Center Inc
- Si quiere vender su coche, acuda a Bubka...
Somos especialistas en la compra de coches con oficinas en Torrance y Costa Mesa. Nuestra mayor fortaleza es el alto precio de compra debido a nuestra minuciosa reducción de costes. Si desea conocer e...
+1 (424) 271-0838Bubka!
- World Online Doctor] para hospitales en ...
5 preocupaciones al recibir tratamiento médico en el extranjero 1. Preocupaciones sobre el hospital
P1. cuál es el mejor hospital para enfermedades ・ y lesiones ? A1. informe a su médico de... (+852) 5632-1500世界オンラインドクター
- Si quiere comer pescado local, venga a n...
Banquetes disponibles ! Tateyama ・ Disfrute del pescado local más fresco y fino de las aguas que rodean la zona desde Minami-Boso hasta Sotobo ! Disponemos de una amplia selección de platos, así como...
+81-470-23-9022美味い家 若鈴