• 人材紹介・派遣
  • オフィス&事務

【OPT歓迎】在宅勤務可の事務アシスタント(知的財産部)@Manhattan, NY

Web Access No.2452213




雇用形態 人材紹介・派遣
募集職種 オフィス&事務
使用言語 英語/日本語
募集人数 1-2
勤務地 100 Park Avenue 16th floor, New York, NY, 10017 US
地図上はiiicareerの事務所を示しておりますが、実際の勤務地はiiicareerのクライアント先の Manhattan,NY となります。詳細はお問い合わせください。
勤務時間 09:00~17:00
・勤務時間: 9:00-17:00 (昼休み 12:00-13:00)
・在宅勤務: 週0-2日の在宅勤務体制 ※今後出勤日数変動の可能性あり。
・期間: 2025年3月初旬から3月末、2025年4月から1年間延長。さらに1年間の延長の可能性あり。
仕事内容 Japanese Non-profit organizationにて、知的財産部の特許部でアシスタントを募集しています。

•Budget management and accounting (accounting) duties
•Assisting in gathering information on the U.S. intellectual property system and preparing various statistical data
•Assisting in the preparation of documents related to the U.S. intellectual property system
•Support for preparation and operation of seminars, meetings, etc.
•General administrative work (answering phone calls and visitors, making appointments with clients, managing schedules, liaising with subcontractors, etc.)
•(Answering phone calls, greeting visitors, making appointments for visits, schedule management, liaison and coordination with outsourcing companies, etc.)
給与 時給 USD $24.00 ~ USD $24.00
休日・休暇 土日、およびクライアントが定めた祝祭日
待遇・福利厚生 医療保険、歯科保険、眼科保険(勤務開始3ヶ月後に適用)


会社名Interesse International Inc.タウンガイド
本社所在地100 Park Avenue, 16th Floor
New York, NY 10017
事業内容Placement, Staffing, and Outsourcing
設立June 1, 1996
代表者Masato Fujihara, President & C.E.O.


応募資格•Must be able to flexibly handle general administrative duties in general.
•Must be able to prepare vouchers, internal documents, and other documents.
•Must be able to work in a fast-paced environment.
•Able to handle detailed work such as preparation of vouchers, maintenance of internal documents, and editing of data.
•In principle, documents should be prepared in Japanese, but the candidate should be able to read and understand English and respond to telephone calls.
•The candidate should have basic Word, Excel, and Power Point skills.
•Be able to treat seminar participants and other customers appropriately.
•May be required to travel to the U.S. to provide on-site support for projects implemented by the Department (Once or twice a year, accompanied by a staff member)
•Expertise in the intellectual property system is not required, but the candidate should be cooperative and have a strong interest in the work.
•Expertise in the intellectual property system is not required, but the candidate should be able to work with cooperation and a strong interest.
掲載期間 : 2025年01月09日(木)~2025年02月09日(日)
* 状況により応募受付が早く終了する場合がございます
残り 31 日