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The 2023 Water Quality Consumer Confidence Report is Here!

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Santa Clara City News

2023 Water Quality Report [ https://www.santaclaraca.gov/our-city/departments-g-z/water-sewer-utilities/water-utility/water-quality/2023-water-quality-consumer-confidence-report ]

The *2023 Water Quality Consumer Confidence Report* is now available online [ https://www.santaclaraca.gov/our-city/departments-g-z/water-sewer-utilities/water-utility/water-quality/2023-water-quality-consumer-confidence-report ]! Each year we publish the Water Quality Consumer Confidence Report, containing the latest water quality monitoring results through the end of the prior calendar year and answering the most common customer questions. We hope it provides facts and perspectives you need to make an informed evaluation of your tap water.

The 2023 Water Quality Report is prepared in accordance with requirements of the Safe Drinking Water Act and State regulations. To simplify the report, only constituents that were detected in at least one water source appear in the water quality table. As required by the State, we also provide additional information for certain constituents appearing on the water quality table though the water meets all applicable drinking water standards.

Visit SantaClaraCA.gov/WaterQualityReport [ http://santaclaraca.gov/WaterQualityReport?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTAAAR3PLH6LymOWemQ_cRqwWElb9KsBSVs2xB-01Y_HRUOLWrI53zzSpUTzHW4_aem_AZEkKBC3rtaKpWht3onys16RG5qkpr0fdtsccxyRkclC9bd0bGi5ivzc_3kKFQO3fSS90NJZGOXEIcNPy4H8s0OS ] to view the report. Paper copies are available at City Hall, City Libraries, the Senior Center and the Community Recreation Center. To request a paper copy, email water@santaclaraca.gov or call 408-615-2000.

*FlipBook Version* [ https://online.flippingbook.com/view/834032603/ ]

*PDF Version* [ https://www.santaclaraca.gov/home/showpublisheddocument/84124/638533759049100000 ]

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