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My Westchester Newsletter – March 18, 2021

Westchester County’s WOW Awards are March 25 at 4 p.m. Register today, and join us for the virtual WOW Awards Ceremony!

County Executive Latimer and District Attorney Rocah launch campaign to encourage victims and witnesses of hate crimes to speak out.

The County’s incubator program is recruiting startups for its third cohort. Sign up today and get matched up with the right mentor.

El condado de Westchester publica el anuncio de servicio público COVID-19 en español con El Centro Hispano.

Registration is open until March 29 for the County Police Civil Service Exam. Sign up here for the test being given on May 15 or May 16.

Golf Season is officially open! Come practice your swing at one of Westchester County’s Golf Courses. Make your reservation here.

County Executive George Latimer celebrates Women’s History Month with Women in Government Video Series.

Enjoy the arts online and in person. Check out ArtsWestchester’s top picks for virtual & in-person arts happenings throughout the County.

#My Westchester Photo: Eastchester EMS is looking to a brighter future as we all work together through the COVID-19 Pandemic. With the support of our community and front line heroes, we can win the battle against COVID-19 in Westchester County. - Photo credit: Eastchester EMS.

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  • Posted : 2021/03/18
  • Published : 2021/03/18
  • Changed : 2021/03/18
  • Total View : 33 persons
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