News Release - City of Toronto releases 2024/25 Winter Services Plan for people experiencing homelessness
- [注册人]City of Toronto
- [语言]日本語
- [区]Toronto, Canada
- 注册日期 : 2024/10/22
- 发布日 : 2024/10/22
- 更改日期 : 2024/10/22
- 总浏览次数 : 76 人
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News Release
October 22, 2024
City of Toronto releases 2024/25 Winter Services Plan for people experiencing homelessness
Today, the City of Toronto released its 2024/25 Winter Services Plan, outlining increased supports to assist more people experiencing homelessness during cold weather.
The 2024/25 plan offers more services than previous years. It will expand temporary shelter capacity, activate four Warming Centres, move people to supportive housing and open surge capacity during extreme cold. In total, approximately 1,200 shelter system and housing spaces will be available throughout Friday, November 15, 2024 to Tuesday, April 15, 2025.
Highlights include:
- adding up to 530 temporary spaces in the shelter system
- activating 218 spaces in four Warming Centres across the city when temperatures reach minus five degrees Celsius or when Environment and Climate Change Canada issues a winter weather event warning
- opening an additional 164 spaces for surge capacity, including an additional Warming Centre, when the weather reaches minus 15 degrees Celsius
- dispatching additional street outreach teams during extreme cold weather to encourage people to come indoors, provide warm clothing and sleeping bags
- bringing up to 286 new supportive homes and available social housing units online throughout the winter season
- extending operating hours at several daytime drop-in programs.
These efforts are possible thanks to multi-year leasing agreements and partnerships with the community, including the Better Living Centre at Exhibition Place, which will once again be used as a dedicated 24-hour winter respite starting mid-December. The City is also working to create 200 new spaces in refugee houses to provide supports and connections to settlement services.
Warming Centres
Warming Centres, which provide a place to rest, access meals, washroom facilities and referrals to emergency shelters with additional supports, will be available at the following locations:
- 136 Spadina Rd.
- 75 Elizabeth St.
- 12 Holmes Ave.
- 885 Scarborough Golf Club Rd.
- 58 Cecil St. (surge capacity during extreme cold weather)
Shelter demand
The number of people in need of shelter and housing in Toronto has continued to grow due to inadequate income supports, lack of affordable housing, increased costs of living and additional refugee claimant arrivals. Demand for services increases in the winter when cold weather makes living outside more challenging and dangerous. The City’s Winter Services Plan is one element of ongoing work to support people as they move from homelessness into housing.
While additional shelter space, Warming Centres and new housing will help many in need this winter, seasonal plans cannot fully address the increasing demand for shelter. More than 12,200 people are currently being supported in the shelter system and outside the shelter system in bridging hotels, and an average of 223 people are turned away each night because demand is currently greater than the system can accommodate.
The City recognizes that more shelter spaces are required to care for individuals experiencing homelessness, particularly due to a rise in the number of people living in encampments. Work is progressing on the Homelessness Services Capital Infrastructure Strategy (HSCIS) – a 10-year plan to improve shelter system stability, achieve cost savings and be more responsive to the needs of people experiencing homelessness. Under the strategy, the City will add up to 20 new shelter sites by 2033. More information about the first sites will be available in the coming weeks.
Toronto is also providing funding to create 200 new spaces in refugee houses, 100 of which will open during the winter season. More than half of the people currently using municipal shelter accommodations are refugee claimants. Refugee houses, which are smaller and provide refugee-specific supports and connections to settlement services, will lead to better outcomes for clients faster and at less cost than other shelter models.
Housing is the best way to lift people out of homelessness. After a six-month pause, Toronto is now examining details of its most recent allocation of the Canada-Ontario Housing Benefit (COHB), which would allow 1,700 households to secure permanent housing over the next year, including people in the shelter system. The City is working with all orders of government to add shelter spaces, affordable housing and social supports to better meet the needs of Torontonians.
The City will continue to evaluate the Winter Services Plan to determine where additional support may be needed.
Additional facts
- Winter Services Plan:
- Shelter System Flow Data:
- Daily and Overnight Shelter Usage Data:
“Toronto is in a housing crisis, and many people are struggling with rising rents, the cost of living, and the financialization of rental housing. Those most impacted in our city are people experiencing homelessness. Our support this winter season will include opening additional 24/7 respite spaces and expanding hours at daytime drop-in locations so people can access a warm indoor space and supports. We’re also continuing to build out the shelter system by investing in the Homelessness Services Capital Infrastructure Strategy and expanding the Refugee House model to provide shelter and housing services that best meet the diverse needs of different people. But we know that there’s more that needs to be done. We need the Federal and Provincial Governments to step up as partners and ensure everyone has a safe and secure place to call home, including real commitments to increase deeply affordable housing and supportive housing.”
– Councillor Alejandra Bravo (Davenport), Chair, Economic and Community Development Committee
“Enhancing our homelessness services during the winter is critical as we put people at the heart of the work we do. Everyone deserves to be treated with dignity. City of Toronto staff will continue to look for ways to improve how we help people experiencing homelessness, especially during the particularly challenging cold winter months.”
– Gord Tanner, General Manager, Toronto Shelter and Support Services
Toronto is home to more than three million people whose diversity and experiences make this great city Canada’s leading economic engine and one of the world’s most diverse and livable cities. As the fourth largest city in North America, Toronto is a global leader in technology, finance, film, music, culture, innovation and climate action, and consistently places at the top of international rankings due to investments championed by its government, residents and businesses. For more information visit or follow us on X at, on Instagram at or on Facebook at
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