Information from Toyokawa (豊川市からの情報)
- [注册人]豊川市
- [语言]日本語
- [区]愛知県 豊川市
- 注册日期 : 2024/12/26
- 发布日 : 2024/12/26
- 更改日期 : 2024/12/26
- 总浏览次数 : 20 人
- 当地商业的『城市指南』
- 我们提供美国最受欢迎的麻糬甜甜圈、鲜榨勃朗峰软冰淇淋等。 请访问我们的网站和 I...
海甜品店提供咖喱猪排、蛋包饭、热饮/冰饮以及木薯茶、马卡龙、草莓大福、奶油泡芙和可丽饼等甜点。从 2019 年起,mochimochi 海甜品店还开始提供麻糬甜甜圈。2021年,我们将提供各种甜点。
KAI SWEETS2022 年,Kai Creamery 将开业 ! 提供鲜榨勃朗峰软冰淇淋、泡沫奶昔等。
- 我们可以处理夏威夷的建筑工程,包括新建建筑、翻新和店铺改建。我们还从业务构思阶段...
我们可以为您提供在夏威夷开展业务的建议、签证申请以及公司成立后的所有运营支持 ! 如果您已经在夏威夷开展业务,我们也可以帮助您开展业务。我们还提供在夏威夷新建、扩建和改建商业楼宇和私人住宅的建筑服务。 ☑ 商业 ( 商业 ) 建筑 ・ 新建店铺 ・ 翻新空置空间 ・ 独立的管道和设备工程 ・ 店铺所需 ☑ 住宅 ( 住宅工程 ) ・ 新建住宅和别墅 ・ 公寓的全面翻修
+1 (808) 772-2516KKP Global - ハワイ コンサルティング
- 我们经验丰富的造型师将解决你的头发问题。我们可以建议适合你的发型,解决你的头发问...
+1 (408) 296-9027Maria Hair Studio
- 成立于 1975 年。Chinese Cuisine Toyo ! 在木更津可以...
东洋中华料理店是一家成立于 1975 年的老字号中华料理店,在鸭川 ・ 和木更津店都可以品尝到深受欢迎的 "土锅丸豆腐"。! 此外,还提供包间座位和适合不同预算的宴会套餐。
+81-438-25-3687中国料理 東洋 木更津店
- ♪欢迎没有任何音乐经验的初学者 ♪"我想唱得更好"、"我想用钢琴演奏我喜欢的歌曲...
♪欢迎没有任何音乐经验的初学者 ♪"我想唱得更好"、"我想用钢琴演奏我喜欢的歌曲"、"我想学习弹吉他"、"我想在阅读和弦时自由演奏"、"我想作曲"、"我想伴奏"、"我想学习乐理以准备考试等"。这些完全是根据每个人的目标量身定制的课程。
+81-3-5244-5221アーティファクト ミュージックスクール 木更津ルーム
- 它是一个非营利性组织,将全美讲日语的医疗保健专业人员和患者联系在一起,并为日本社...
FLAT ・ FLAT是一个非营利性组织,总部设在纽约,业务遍及全美,为讲日语的医疗保健专业人员和患者牵线搭桥,并为日本社区提供支持。 随着越来越多的日本人及其照顾者在美国面临复杂的医疗保健和保险问题,随着越来越多的老年人随着年龄的增长而变得孤立无援,我们为他们提供所需的信息和支持。 我们还在网上积极开展活动,并向居住在纽约以外的人开放。 我们致力于通过与健康相关的计划满足您的需求,诚邀...
+1 (772) 349-9459FLAT ・ふらっと
- 成立于 1992 年,是美国最大的日本足球队。该球队满足了所有希望认真对待足球、...
每周六上午,球员们都会在东河公园挥洒汗水,并在赛季期间的周六或周日代表日本队参加 COSMOPOLITAN SOCCER LEAGUE(日本女子足球乙级联赛)。 不同技能、经验、性别和年龄的球员聚集在一起,挥洒汗水。 出于某种原因,大家都很喜欢在周六的清晨聚在一起踢球。赛季中,他们扛着太阳的旗帜,在纽约地区规模最大、历史最悠久、最传统的联赛--宇宙联赛中,与来自世界各地的球队一较高下。 ...
FC Japan NYC
- 🐍2025年 ! 通过ESL实现你的目标! ! 🍀 新年试听课程 ( 面对面 &...
洛杉矶ESL学院经验丰富的教师将负责 "你的课程"。 清晨课程 ★ 短期强化课程 ★ 周六强化课程 ★ 英语会话课程 ( 初级 ・ 中级 ・ 高级水平 ) ★ 西班牙语 ★ 韩语 ★ 高中跟YUKO老师上课考试英语语法 ★ 和妈妈一起上BABY课 ★ 儿童英语会话 ★ 商业电子邮件和文件的纠正 ★ 发音纠正 ★ 托业 ・ 托福 ・ SAT ・ 英语测试准备 ★ 本地学校作业纠正 ( 数学 ・ ...
+1 (310) 613-9414ESL Institute LA
- 我们可以帮助您在硅谷进行房屋买卖。我们通过房屋买卖为您的 "幸福 "和 "舒适 ...
我们支持客户通过寻找住房获得 "幸福 "和 "舒适"。 我们拥有 20 多年的房地产经验,深知搬到一个新地方所面临的挑战,并将帮助尽可能多的客户找到住房。我们将一起为您在美国找到 "家"。 我们为希望在日本养老的人提供免费在线研讨会。聆听日本和美国注册会计师、加利福尼亚信托律师、财务顾问以及能够帮助您在日本办理手续的公司的介绍。 我们还可以在出售房屋的初期准备阶段为您提供帮助,请与我们联...
+1 (408) 582-3777Takami Hamadani - Compass Hamadani Group
- 日语亲子游戏小组 "小鹿斑比 "招募会员,每月第三个星期二上午举行。
这是一个面向 0-4 岁儿童的日语游戏小组,位于旧金山日本城。
日本語の親子プレイグループ バンビ
- TOGO ・ 我们提供外送服务 ! 享受正宗丰盛的广岛大阪烧 ★ ★ ? 我们提...
大阪烧 ・ Teppan-yaki Chinchikurin 在广岛和东京有许多分店。您可以在洛杉矶吃到正宗的广岛大阪烧。 广岛什锦烧 寿司烧 虾蛋黄酱烧 罗勒奶酪烧 烧洋葱蛋黄酱烧 鱿鱼和鱿鱼烧 炒面荞麦面套餐 无汁担担面 广岛烤肉面 铁板烧鱿鱼
+1 (310) 478-0521CHINCHIKURIN
- 尔湾的日本建筑公司。翻新、改造、维修均按照日本服务标准进行。
有关改造和改建项目,请联系大谷公司。 与我们的合作团队一起,在了解日本质量的现场监理的现场管理下进行施工。 为客户提供细致入微的日语服务。我们可以帮助您进行小修小补、厨房和浴室改造、装修和扩建,以满足您家庭的需求和发展,一直到您的房屋出售。 有执照、有保险、有担保,大谷建筑公司让您放心。如需了解更多信息,请随时与我们联系。
+1 (949) 561-8539オオタニ工務店 UJ Thinktank Inc
- 我们可以帮助你庆祝重要的里程碑,如清福山、成年仪式、毕业典礼、婚礼和参拜神社👘。
把洛杉矶的和服租赁和穿戴交给TOKYO KIMONO来做。你可以从各种各样的和服中选择你喜欢的和服。我们的专业日本和服造型师将仔细协调你的和服,我们的专业摄影师将与你合作,直到你对结果感到满意。 我们还提供工作室以及外景拍摄,所以请随时与我们联系以了解更多信息。
+1 (310) 634-9897TOKYO KIMONO
- 位于木更津市亚那的隐蔽式家庭沙龙。包括全油护理・传统泰式按摩、时下热门话题的草药...
位于木更津市亚那的隐蔽式家庭沙龙。全油护理 ・ 我们提供包括传统泰式按摩、备受关注的草药脱皮、TOUKAMI ( 和 PEAKIN ) 护理在内的各种身体护理。毛孔张开和粉刺、干燥・、暗淡・、松弛、慢性疲劳和对寒冷的敏感性、肩膀僵硬・、浮肿、橘皮组织、姿势・、身体变形…等。 根据每个人的问题和理想的 "美 "进行护理。我们将引导您实现理想的 "美"。我们还可以提供现场治疗。
+81-70-3355-5512Naturalist room honey.m
- 桑尼维尔和圣马特奥唯一一家日本 NATA 认证的运动训练师和运动医学&脊骨神经学...
小池医生的诊所,小池医生是唯一一位拥有功能神经学(DACNB)和运动医学(DACBSP ®)两个学位的日本医生,也是一位获得 NATA 认证的运动训练师。在桑尼维尔和圣马刁设有诊所。如果您患有运动损伤、背痛或肩部僵硬,或有不明原因的身体问题,或希望提高运动成绩,请联系我们 ! ● 运动损伤 ● 腰痛 ● 坐骨神经痛 ● 背痛 ● 头痛 ● 肩痛 ● 颞下颌关节 ● 肩痛 肩撞击综...
+1 (408) 444-2202Health Integration Chiropractic
Disaster prevention drill was held with foreign residents
On November 17 (Sun.), 2024, disaster prevention drill was held in Kanazawa Town with foreign residents. In this drill, they did fire extinguishing training using water fire extinguishers. Furthermore, city officials gave a lecture on "Simple Japanese". In addition to evacuation drill, participants learned Japanese for communication between local residents and foreign nationals, and enhanced awareness of disaster prevention. If activities such as disaster prevention drill are held in your residential area, participate actively, and prepare for disasters.
International and Civic Activity Division (Shimin Kyodo Kokusai Ka)
Tel: 0533-89-2158
2. 税の申告がはじまります
Tax filing will start
The final tax return of income tax for 2024 will start from February 17 to March 17 (Except weekends and national holidays. The venue is open for March 2 [Sun.]))., from 9:00am to 5:00pm. The venue is Toyohashi Tax Office. For tax returns at the Toyohashi Tax Office, numbered admission tickets will be distributed to avoid congestion. Depending on the distribution situation, you may be asked to come at a later date. In addition, please cooperate for submitting the tax return form on the Internet or by postal mail (For postal mail: Nagoya National Tax Agency Task Center Toyohashi Branch Office (Nagoya Kokuzeikyoku Gyomu Center Toyohashi Bunshitsu), address: 〒440- 8535, Toyohashi Shi, Daikoku-cho 111 [Toyohashi Tax Office]). For details, please see city website, or contact Municipal Tax Division (for municipal and prefectural resident tax) or Toyohashi Tax Office (for national taxes such as income tax).
Toyohashi Tax Office (Toyohashi Zeimusho)
Tel: 0532-52-6201
Municipal Tax Division (Shiminzei Ka)
Tel: 0533-89-2129
3. 「書かない窓口」を始めます
“Counter without writing” starts its service
From January 20 (Mon.), regarding partial procedures at city hall and Health Center, “Counter without writing” starts its service to reduce visitor’s burden of handwriting. Before, visitors were asked to fill in application forms etc. by themselves, but staff will support the procedures by scanning information such as address, name, date of birth from My Number Card or driver’s license, or by asking the visitor for necessary information.
Eligible counter:
Civic Affairs Division, Insurance and Pension Division, Elder Care and Nursing Division, Disability Welfare Division, Child Rearing Support Division, Health Center, Municipal Tax Division, and Property Tax Division
Eligible procedures:
Procedures for moving, National Health Insurance, Child Allowance, certificate issuance etc.
Things to bring:
ID such as My Number Card, driver’s license, Zairyu card, and documents necessary for eligible procedures
When the counter is crowded, you may be asked to fill in application form etc.
Flow of procedures (Example):
(1) Confirm the person’s identity such as address, name, date of birth by using My Number Card etc.
(2) Visitor answers questions which were asked by staff, and provide other necessary information.
(3) Visitor confirms content of the application form with staff and signs
(4) Application is accepted, certificate is issued (Payment).
※Depending on procedures, there are items to fill partially in addition to signature.
Contact: Information Policy Division (Joho Seisaku Ka)
Tel: 0533-89-2128
4. 小学校就学通知書・入学説明会
School Attendance Notification and Enrollment Seminar for New Elementary School Students
■School Attendance Notification (Shugaku Tsuchi Sho):
The notification will be mailed to the guardians of a new student in January who will enroll in elementary school in April 2025. Fill in the notification and submit it directly to the school which your child will go to by respective deadline. In case of changing the elementary school due to moving etc., please inform School Education Division about it in advance. The Division will issue a new notification, therefore, when you complete the transaction of changing address, please visit Child Rearing Support Division (Main Bldg. 1F) or School Education Division (Otowa Branch Office 3F).
■Enrollment seminar for new students (Nyugaku Setsumei Kai):
Enrollment seminar is held at each elementary school on February 6 (Thu.) 2025 in the morning. For the content, information letter will be mailed to you by the end of January.
Contact: School Education Division (Gakko Kyoiku Ka)
Tel: 0533-88-8033
5. 市営住宅入居者募集
Application for Municipal Housing, Shiei Jutaku
Available Housing:
UENO B (2DK)=1
UENO B (3DK)=1
UENO A (4DK)=2 (1 Welfare Quota)
※Among 3DK Housing, YAWATA A Jutaku is available for single person (person aged 60 years and older, or person with disabilities etc.).
※For HIRAO, and CHIGIRI Jutaku, application is accepted at any time.
Expected day of move-in:
April 1 (Tue.) 2025
Eligible applicants:
Persons who fulfill the following conditions.
1) Persons who work or live in Toyokawa.
2) Persons who live or are planning to live together with its family in Toyokawa.
3) Persons who are obviously facing financial difficulties to search for a house.
4) Persons who meet the income requirement.
5) Persons who do not belong to any crime syndicates, so-called Boryokudan.
6) For 3DK housing, the residents have to be a family of 2 persons or more (Some housing is available for single person.).
7) For 4DK housing, the residents have to be a family of 4 persons or more.
8) For Welfare Quota, aged household, household with a disabled person, single parent household, child-rearing household and so on.
From January 6 to January 17, 2025
Bring the designated application form to the Building Division directly (North Bldg. 4F). The application form is available at the Building Division (You can also download from city website.).
January 22 (Wed.) 2025 from 10:00 am at No.34 meeting room (Main Bldg. 3F).
1 guarantor and the deposit of 3-month rent are required at the time of contract.
Building Division (Kenchiku Ka)
Tel: 0533-89-2144
6. 児童扶養手当を支払います
Child Rearing Allowance、Jido Fuyo Teate will be paid
Child Rearing Allowance, Jido Fuyo Teate will be transferred to the designated bank account on January 10 (Fri.), 2025. The payment of this time is for 2 months (November and December). The payment is NOT announced individually. Please check it with your bankbook etc.
Child Rearing Support Division (Kosodate Shien Ka)
Tel: 0533-89-2133
7. 国民健康保険料の納め忘れはありませんか
Have you completed National Health Insurance premium payment?
National health insurance covers considerable part of medical expenses, and collected premium is the vital monetary resource for it so that insured persons can receive assured medication in times of illness and injury.
It is not only unfair to keep overdue premium payment for other payers but also too much overdue payment can be the cause of functional difficulties of the system. Please pay the insurance premium by the due date.
For insurance premium payment, bank account transfer is available. The application is accepted at financial institutions etc. in Toyokawa city. When you apply for bank account transfer, bring your insurance premium notification or receipt, bankbook and registered Inkan to the financial institution.
Insurance and Pension Division (Hoken Nenkin Ka)
Tel: 0533-89-2118
8. 原動機付自転車や軽自動車などをお持ちの方へ
To person who owns a moped (Gentsuki) or a light vehicle (Kei Car)
Light vehicle tax (Type-based Imposition) is imposed on person who owns a moped or a light vehicle in Toyokawa city as of April 1. Even though you no longer own a vehicle physically due to ownership transfer or disaster etc., light vehicle tax will be imposed if necessary procedures are not taken for ownership transfer or vehicle scrapping. You must officially report any changes of ownership by the end of March. Since the counter is very crowded in March, we recommend that you report it at your earliest convenience.
Note: Registration offices differ depending on the type of vehicles.
Municipal Tax Division (Shiminzei Ka)
Tel: 0533-89-2129
9. 豊川市ホームページをリニューアルします
Toyokawa city website is renewed
For improving accessibility to necessary information, city website is renewed.
January 30 (Thu.) (Planned)
Access to the website may not constantly be stable on the day.
URLs other than that of home page will change. If you register the sites of previous website with bookmark or as favorite site, please change registration content for the new website’s URL from January 30.
Secretarial Division (Hisho Ka)
Tel: 0533-89-2121
10. 予約制の地域巡回健診を実施します
Regional medical checkup with reservation is implemented
Additional group medical checkup is implemented for free for those who could not take the regional medical checkup of this fiscal year.
January 18 (Sat.) and January 22 (Wed.) (Only in the morning on 22 [Wed.])
Reception hour:
9:00 am, 9:30 am, 10:00 am in the morning, 1:30 pm, 2:00 pm, 2:30 pm in the afternoon
Health Center (Hoken Center)
・Person who is insured by National Health Insurance (Kokumin Kenko Hoken) or the Late-Stage Medical Care System for the Elderly (Koki Koreisha Iryo Seido), and has medical checkup ticket (Jushinken)
・Person born between April 1, 1985, and April 1, 2009, who has no chance of medical checkup at school or workplace
・Person whose household is on welfare
Medical consultation, blood pressure / physical measurement, urine / blood test, and tuberculosis / lung cancer screening
65 persons for respective occasion (First come, first served.)
Reservation in advance is required. Make a reservation with one of the following ways.
1. Reservation on city website from January 8 (Wed.) 8:30 am
2. Apply directly or by phone to Health Center (Hoken Center) (Tel: 0533-95-0075) from January 9 (Thu.).
When the number of applications combined 1 and 2 reaches the capacity, it is the end of reservation acceptance.
Health Center (Hoken Center)
Tel: 0533-89-0610
To change your details or cancel your subscription, please use the following link.