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My Westchester Newsletter – June 11, 2020

Westchester County is emerging from the COVID-19 pandemic with Phase II of reopening. Find out what you need to know.

Businesses looking to reopen must read the detailed guidance provided by NYS, and submit an affirmation. Find out if you qualify.

The Bee-Line Bus system will return to full service on Monday, June 15. All routes operational, and on regular schedule.

Think your stimulus check is missing? The County is encouraging residents to use the IRS Tracking Tool to find out your status.

County Executive Latimer and NYS Comptroller Tom DiNapoli discuss municipal finances during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Westchester Community Foundation awards Hilltop Hanover Farm a $32,000 grant to support those who are food insecure.

Enjoy the arts online. Check out ArtsWestchester’s virtual arts happenings including: livestreamed concerts, recorded performances, children’s activities and more.

#My Westchester Photo: In a time where we all feel confined by the four walls of our home, we can be easily reminded of the views around us by capturing our hometowns from a different angle. - Photographer: Frank Bellantoni, Pelham NY.

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  • Posted : 2020/06/11
  • Published : 2020/06/11
  • Changed : 2020/06/11
  • Total View : 61 persons
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