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- Join Us This Week
Westchester County Executive George Latimer
Invites You to Join Us
Tuesday, September...

- Chiba Higashi Police Station !.
Autumn Crime Prevention Campaign ・ Traffic Safety Dispatch Ceremony" will be held ! !
Date : September 23, 2024 ( Monday ・ Celebration ) 15 : 00-
Place : Inside Mitsuba Kitchen, 1F of Icoas Senjodai Special Spaces
BAYFM 3rd generation Bayside Freeway D...

- Please Join us in September
Westchester County Executive George Latimer
Invites You to Join Us
Tuesday, September...

- This September Please Join us for Two Important Events
Westchester County Executive George Latimer
Invites You to Join Us
Tuesday, September...

- Join us in Celebrating the Anniversary of The Americans...
Westchester County Executive George Latimer
and the Westchester County Board of L...

- Join us This Friday – Memorial Day Service
Westchester County
Memorial Day Service
Lasdon Park, Arboretum
& Veterans Memorial
2610 NY-35

- Join us on May 24
Westchester County
Memorial Day Service
Lasdon Park, Arboretum
& Veterans Memorial
2610 NY-35

- 2024 LGBTQ+ Pride Flag Raising
Please join the Westchester County LGBTQ+ Advisory Board,
County Executive George Latimer
and the Westchester Count...

- Memorial Day Service 2024
Westchester County
Memorial Day Service
Lasdon Park, Arboretum
& Veterans Memorial
2610 NY-35

- Black History Month Trailblazers Awards 2022
Westchester County Executive George Latimer,
The Westche...

- Veterans Office Grand Opening
Westchester County Executive George Latimer
Veterans Service Agency Director Ronald C. Tocci
Invite You to Join Us

- Please Join Us - Inauguration Ceremony
[Title: Westchester County Inauguration Ceremony - Description: Westchester County Inauguration Ceremony Westchester County Executive George Latimer Monday, January 3 2 p.m. Virtual Ceremony]<

- Wishing you a Happy Holiday Season
[Title: Wishing You a Happy Holiday Season - Description: Wishing You a Happy Holiday Season, a chance to reflect on the year and meaningful time spent with family and friends. George Latimer Westchester County Executive]
You are currently subscri...

- Westchester County Holiday Gift Drive
[Title: Westchester Holiday Gift Drive - Description: Westchester Holiday Gift Drive It’s that time of year... Brighten a child’s holiday by donating a new, unwrapped gift by Dec ecember 17 If you have any questions, send an e-mail to bms7@westchestergov.c...

- Stay Safe - Get Boosted
George Latimer
County Executive
December 8, 2021
Dear Neighbors,
For many of us, the holiday season is the most wonderful time of the year. It means spending time with our loved ones, making special ...

- Please join us
Westchester County Executive George Latimer Invites you to
Join Us
at Ridge Road Park as we Raise the Albanian Flag in Celebration of Albanian Her...

- Albanian Heritage Month
[Title: Albanian Heritage Month - Description: Westchester County Executive George Latimer Invites you to Join Us at Ridge Road Park as we Raise the Albanian Flag in Celebration of Albanian Heritage Month Wednesday, November 24 at 2 p.m. Ridge Road Park ...

- Veterans Day Ceremony
[Title: Veterans Day Ceremony - Description: Westchester County Executive George Latimer & Veterans Service Agency Director Ronald C. Tocci Invite You to Join Us Veterans Day Ceremony Wednesday, November 10 1:30 p.m. Lasdon Park, Arboretum & Ve...

- My Westchester Newsletter – Special Edition: Safe Sleep...
[Title: #My Westchester Photo: The headless horseman in front of the infinity path at the Great Jack O’Lantern Blaze - Photo credit: Tom Nycz. - Description: #My Westchester Photo: The headless horseman in front of the infinity path at the Great Jack O’Lantern Blaze ...

- Westchester County Budget Public Input Sessions
[Title: Westchester County Budget Public Input Sessions - Description: Westchester County Requests Your Participation at the 2021 Westchester County Budget Public Input Sessions Before the 2022 Westchester County budget is finalized, come and share your priorities...

- Italian Heritage Month
[Title: Italian Heritage Month - Description: Westchester County Executive George Latimer Invites you to Join us at Kensico Dam as we Raise the Italian flag in Celebration of Italian Heritage Month Tuesday, October 5 * 3:15 p.m. Kensico Dam Plaza 1 Br...

- Gold Star Mothers, 2021
[Title: Gold Star Mothers & Families Memorial Ceremony Tribute - Description: Westchester County Executive George Latimer and Veterans Service Agency Director Ronald C. Tocci Present Gold Star Mothers & Families Memorial Tribute Ceremony Kensico Dam, Valhalla...

- Hurricane Ida Cleanup Tips
[Title: - Description:]<>;
Clean Up Safety
With George Latimer
Westchester County Executive
Tips from the CDC
Prevent Mold Growth
* ...

- FEMA Information
[Title: - Description:]<>;
Hurricane Ida Update
With George Latimer
Westchester County Executive
FEMA Information
Westchester County i...

- September 11 Memorial Ceremony, 2021
[Title: 20th anniversary - Description: Westchester County Executive George Latimer invites you to join us 20th anniversary September 11th Unveiling of memorial Dedicated To Those First Responders Who Lost Their Lives From 9/11 Related Illnesses ...

- September 11 Memorial Ceremony, 2021
[Title: 20th anniversary - Description: Westchester County Executive George Latimer invites you to join us 20th anniversary September 11th Unveiling of memorial Dedicated To Those First Responders Who Lost Their Lives From 9/11 Related Illnesses ...

- September 11 Memorial Ceremony, 2021
[Title: 20th anniversary September 11th - Description: Westchester County Executive George Latimer Invites you to Join Us 20th anniversary September 11th & Unveiling of memorial Dedicated To Those First responders Who Lost Their Lives From 9/11 Related...

- Public Forum - American Rescue Plan Act Funds
[Title: SHARE YOUR THOUGHTS on the American Rescue Plan Act Funds - Description: Westchester County Executive George Latimer Invites you to SHARE YOUR THOUGHTS on the American Rescue Plan Act Funds New Rochelle City Council Chamber 515 North Ave. New Rochelle, N...

- September 11 Memorial Ceremony, 2021
[Title: 20th anniversary September 11th - Description: Westchester County Executive George Latimer Invites you to Join Us 20th anniversary September 11th & Unveiling of memorial Dedicated To Those First responders Who Lost Their Lives From 9/11 Related...

- Public Forum - American Rescue Plan Act Funds
[Title: SHARE YOUR THOUGHTS on the American Rescue Plan Act Funds - Description: Westchester County Executive George Latimer Invites you to SHARE YOUR THOUGHTS on the American Rescue Plan Act Funds New Rochelle City Council Chamber 515 North Ave. New Rochelle, ...

- September 11 Memorial Ceremony, 2021
[Title: 20th anniversary September 11th - Description: Westchester County Executive George Latimer Invites you to Join Us 20th anniversary September 11th & Unveiling of memorial Dedicated To Those First responders Who Lost Their Lives From 9/11 Related...

- Westchester County Memorial Day Service
[Title: Westchester County Memorial Day Service - Description: Westchester County Memorial Day Service. Lasdon Park & Arboretum. Katonah, New York. Friday, May 28 at noon. Watch on : logo - George Latimer, ...

- Join us tonight
[Title: State of the County Address - Description: Westchester County Executive George Latimer Invite you to Join us Virtually for the State of the County Address Thursday, May 20 7 p.m.]<

- Calling all teens!
[Title: Westchester Town Hall Series - Description: Westchester County Executive George Latimer Invites you to Share Your Thoughts. AN OPEN CONVERSATION ON COVID-19 & TEENS. With County Executive George Latimer. Executive Director of the Westchester Cou...

- Nothing says Mother's Day like...
[Title: Mother's Day Vaccination - Description: Nothing says mother's day like a vaccine. Show mom you love her by getting vaccinated together! To make an appointment, visit: Saturday May 8 | 11 AM - 3 PM Westchester Comm...

- State of the County 2021
[Title: State of the County Address - Description: Westchester County Executive George Latimer Invite you to Join us Virtually for the State of the County Address Thursday, May 20 7 p.m.]<

- An Open Conversation on COVID-19: Thursday, April 15
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- Black History Month and Our Trailblazers Awards Ceremon...
Westchester County Celebrates Black History Month
[Title: Black History Month - Description: The Sankofa symbol of a mythical bird refers to the need to learn from the past in order to create a successful future.]
T r a i l b l a z e r s F...

- Register Today!
Submit a WOW Awards nomination<>;
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- An Open Conversation on Covid-19
You are currently subscribed to mywestchester as:
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- WOW Conversations 2021
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- An Update on Vaccine Availability
[Title: westchestergov logo]
George Latimer
County Executive
January 11, 2021
Dear Neighbor,
We are eager to help you get the vaccine. However, this is a fluid time, and I do ask for your patience as we navigate these uncharted waters....

- Need something to do with the kids?
[Title: The New Westchester's Winter Wonderland - Description: Map of Westchester County with locations of Winter activities in cities and towns. Click the image to learn more.]<>;

- My Westchester Special Edition - Thursday December 24 -...
Preparing for the Holidays During COVID-19
For many people, the holiday season will look different this year. Often, the last few months of the year are busy with parties and v...

- Warm Wishes
Wishing You a Happy Holiday
Sending You Warm Wishes From Afar
While we cannot be together this holiday season,
may the memories of years past carry us through the end of 2020.

- An Open Conversation on Environmental Issues
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- Please join us today
[Title: Ribbons of Remembrance - Description: Westchester County Executive George Latimer Invites you to the Ribbons of Remembrance Ceremony Join us Virtually in honor of the Westchster Cunty residents we have lost to covid-19. Thursday, December 3 at 2 pm Faceb...

- Please join us
Westchester County Executive George Latimer Invites you to the<>;
Ribbons of Remembrance

- Spread the Word – Not the Virus
George Latimer
County Executive
November 19, 2020
Dear Neighbor,
As Westchester County continues to see a rise in Covid-19 cases, I am urging residents to remain vigilant and practice the proper behaviors to help stop the sprea...

- An Open Conversation on Veteran’s Issues
[Title: An open conversation on Veteran’s Issues - Description: Westchester Town Hall Series Westchester County Executive George Latimer Invites you to Share Your Thoughts An open conversation on Veteran’s Issues Wednesday, November 11 6 - 7 PM facebo...

- An Open Conversation On Women's Issues
[Title: AN OPEN CONVERSATION - Description: Westchester Town Hall Series Westchester County Executive George Latimer Invites you to Share Your Thoughts AN OPEN CONVERSATION ON WOMEN'S ISSUES Wednesday, October 28 6 - 7 PM Sub...

- Join Us - Budget Public Input Session Tonight
[Title: Title: - Description: County Executive George Latimer Invites you to Join the Conversation Westchester County Requests Your Participation at the 2020 Westchester County Budget Public Input Sessions]
Before the 2021 Westchester Cou...

- Join us - New State of the County Date
[Title: State of the County Address - Description: Westchester County Executive George Latimer Invites you to Join us Virtually for the State of the County Address]<>;

- Join Us - Budget Public Input Sessions Monday and Tuesd...
[Title: Title: - Description: County Executive George Latimer Invites you to Join the Conversation Westchester County Requests Your Participation at the 2020 Westchester County Budget Public Input Sessions]
Before the 2021 Westchester Cou...

- 2020 Westchester State of the County Address
[Title: STATE OF THE COUNTY ADDRESS - Description: Westchester County Executive George Latimer Invites you to join us virtually for the STATE OF THE COUNTY ADDRESS THURSDAY, OCTOBER 8 7PM]<

- An Open Conversation On Youth
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- Join us this Thursday
[Title: Italian Heritage Month - Description: Westchester County Executive George Latimer Invites you to Join us outside the Michaelian Office Building as we raise the Italian flag in celebration of Italian Heritage Month Thursday, October 1 * 12:30 p.m....

- 2020 Westchester State of the County Address
[Title: STATE OF THE COUNTY ADDRESS - Description: Westchester County Executive George Latimer Invites you to join us virtually for the STATE OF THE COUNTY ADDRESS THURSDAY, OCTOBER 8 7PM]<

- An Open Conversation On Housing
[Title: An open conversation on Housing - Description: Westchester Town Hall Series Westchester County Executive George Latimer Invites you to Share Your Thoughts An open conversation on Housing Wednesday, September 30 6 - 7 PM

- Please Join Us Today
The 2020 September 11th Memorial Ceremony will be held virtually due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Please join us virtually as we honor and remember the thousands of lives lost on 9/11 and those we have lost since.

- An Open Conversation On Economic Recovery
[Title: Westchester Town Hall Series - Description: Westchester Town Hall Series Westchester County Executive George Latimer Invites you to Share Your Thoughts AN OPEN CONVERSATION ON ECONOMIC RECOVERY Wednesday, September 16 6 - 7 PM

- September 11, 2020
The 2020 September 11th Memorial Ceremony will be held virtually due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Please join us virtually as we honor and remember the thousands of lives lost on 9/11 and those we have lost since. Details to follow.
- 1/1
- 1
Please contact the respective organization listed in the article for details.