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251. | Vivinavi Fukui Tokyo Olympics Athletes associated with Fukui |
722 view | 0 res | Sports | 2021/07/23 10:57 |
252. | Vivinavi Ishikawa Tokyo Olympics Athletes associated with Ishikawa |
374 view | 0 res | Sports | 2021/07/23 10:54 |
Let's support the athletes associated with Ishikawa ! #TokyoOlympics2020 #I want to support the athletes #Be careful of... |
253. | Vivinavi Toyama Tokyo Olympics Athletes associated with Toyama |
347 view | 0 res | Sports | 2021/07/23 10:53 |
Let's support athletes related to Toyama ! #Tokyo Olympics 2020 #I want to support athletes #Heat stroke and corona. Be careful. |
254. | Vivinavi Nagano Tokyo Olympics Athletes associated with Nagano |
534 view | 0 res | Sports | 2021/07/23 10:52 |
Let's support Nagano related athletes ! #Tokyo Olympics 2020 #We want to support athletes #Heat stroke and corona. Be careful. |
255. | Vivinavi Yamanashi Tokyo Olympics Athletes associated with Yamanashi |
303 view | 0 res | Sports | 2021/07/23 10:50 |
Let's support the athletes associated with Yamanashi ! #Tokyo Olympics 2020 #We want to support the athletes #Heat stroke and B... |
256. | Vivinavi Niigata Tokyo Olympics Athletes associated with Niigata |
740 view | 0 res | Sports | 2021/07/23 10:49 |
Let's support athletes related to Niigata ! #Tokyo Olympics 2020 #I want to support athletes #Heat stroke and corona. Be careful. |
257. | Vivinavi Kanagawa Tokyo Olympics Athletes associated with Kanagawa |
750 view | 1 res | Sports | 2021/07/23 10:48 |
Let's support the athletes associated with Kanagawa ! #Tokyo Olympics 2020 #I want to support the athletes # Be careful of... |
258. | Vivinavi Tokyo Tokyo Olympics Athletes associated with Tokyo |
661 view | 0 res | Sports | 2021/07/23 10:46 |
Let's support Tokyo related athletes ! #Tokyo Olympics 2020 #I want to support athletes #Heat stroke Be careful of heat st... |
259. | Vivinavi Saitama Tokyo Olympics Athletes associated with Saitama |
631 view | 0 res | Sports | 2021/07/23 10:39 |
Let's support athletes associated with Saitama ! #Tokyo Olympics 2020 #I want to support athletes # Be careful of heat s... |
260. | Vivinavi Gunma Tokyo Olympics Athletes associated with Gunma |
537 view | 0 res | Sports | 2021/07/23 10:31 |
Let's support athletes related to Gunma ! #Tokyo Olympics 2020 #I want to support athletes #Heat stroke and corona. Be careful. |
261. | Vivinavi Tochigi Tokyo Olympics Athletes associated with Tochigi |
628 view | 0 res | Sports | 2021/07/23 10:29 |
Let's support athletes related to Tochigi ! #Tokyo Olympics 2020 #We want to support athletes #For heat stroke and corona Be care... |
262. | Vivinavi Ibaraki Tokyo Olympics Athletes associated with Ibaraki |
796 view | 0 res | Sports | 2021/07/23 10:27 |
Let's support athletes related to Ibaraki ! #Tokyo Olympics 2020 #I want to support athletes #Heat stroke and Corona. Be careful. |
263. | Vivinavi Fukushima Tokyo Olympics Athletes associated with Fukushima |
540 view | 0 res | Sports | 2021/07/23 10:26 |
Let's support athletes related to Fukushima ! #Tokyo Olympics 2020 #We want to support athletes #Heat stroke and Be careful wit... |
264. | Vivinavi Yamagata Tokyo Olympics Athletes associated with Yamagata |
875 view | 0 res | Sports | 2021/07/23 10:25 |
Let's support the athletes associated with Yamagata ! #Tokyo Olympics 2020 #I want to support the athletes #Heat stroke and Be c... |
265. | Vivinavi Akita Tokyo Olympics Athletes associated with Akita |
764 view | 0 res | Sports | 2021/07/23 10:22 |
Let's support Akita related athletes ! #Tokyo Olympics 2020 #I want to support athletes #Heat stroke and Corona. Be careful. |
266. | Vivinavi Miyagi Tokyo Olympics Athletes associated with Miyagi |
642 view | 0 res | Sports | 2021/07/23 10:21 |
Let's support Miyagi-related athletes ! #Tokyo Olympics 2020 #I want to support athletes #Heat stroke and Corona. Be careful. |
267. | Vivinavi Iwate Tokyo Olympics Athletes associated with Iwate |
805 view | 0 res | Sports | 2021/07/23 10:19 |
Let's support athletes related to Iwate ! #Tokyo Olympics 2020 #I want to support athletes #Heat stroke and corona. Be careful. |
268. | Vivinavi Aomori Tokyo Olympics Athletes associated with Aomori |
455 view | 0 res | Sports | 2021/07/23 10:18 |
Let's support Aomori-related athletes ! #Tokyo Olympics 2020 #I want to support athletes #Heat stroke and Corona. Be careful. |
269. | Vivinavi Hokkaido Tokyo Olympics Athletes related to Hokkaido |
724 view | 0 res | Sports | 2021/07/23 10:17 |
Let's support athletes associated with Hokkaido ! #Tokyo Olympics 2020 #Support athletes I want to #Be careful of heat ... |
270. | Vivinavi Chiba Tokyo Olympics Athletes associated with Chiba |
6k view | 0 res | Sports | 2021/07/23 10:14 |
Let's support the athletes associated with Chiba ! #Tokyo Olympics 2020 #I want to support the athletes # Be careful of he... |
271. | Vivinavi Wakayama A collection of letters to Daishin Minamide, a nat... |
454 view | 0 res | Sports | 2021/07/21 17:05 |
More than 570 elementary and junior high school students have written their names on the wall. I know there is a lot of pressure, but I wish her the best ! #Olympics #Wakayama #Swimming |
272. | Vivinavi Fukui Inter-High School HOKUSHIN-ETSU General Championsh... |
396 view | 0 res | Sports | 2021/07/21 16:24 |
Pocari Sweat products and other products will be distributed to InterHigh School athletes to prevent heat stroke. |
273. | Vivinavi Niigata Niigata City Marathon 2021 Running Festival |
406 view | 0 res | Sports | 2021/07/21 15:19 |
They will have events on October 2 and 10. #2km #10km |
274. | Vivinavi Saitama Held in Saitama ! Tokyo2020 |
510 view | 0 res | Sports | 2021/07/21 14:28 |
It seems to be a collection of information on athletes and events related to Saitama Prefecture. #Tokyo Olympics |
275. | Vivinavi Ibaraki Ibaraki Live Stadium ~ Home × Kashima |
343 view | 0 res | Sports | 2021/07/21 14:18 |
Ibaraki Prefecture has opened a special website to promote the Olympics. |
276. | Vivinavi Chiba Japan's National High School Baseball Tournament (... |
3k view | 2 res | Sports | 2021/07/21 10:40 |
The Chiba tournament is going on and on. I just want you to be careful not to get heat stroke ! Good luck to all the ball players !. |
277. | Vivinavi Tokushima Ai Yoshinogawa Trolley Special Operation |
621 view | 0 res | Sports | 2021/07/20 13:07 |
The Ai Yoshinogawa Trolley will be back in service in September. There will be sales on the train and it will be fun. |
278. | Vivinavi Ishikawa Panels of athletes associated with Fukui City at t... |
477 view | 0 res | Sports | 2021/07/20 12:44 |
They have a row of panels of athletes related to Fukui at the Fukui City Prefectural Library. It is difficult to watch the Olympics, so I hope you can at least enjoy the panels. |
279. | Vivinavi Los Angeles What's a karate dojo in Los Angeles …? |
1k view | 1 res | Sports | 2021/06/06 16:30 |
There are so many, where should I send him in the end Please give me your opinion! |
280. | Vivinavi Los Angeles 5歳〜野球リーグ又はサッカーリーグを探しています。 |
924 view | 0 res | Sports | 2020/09/15 03:50 |
5歳の息子にサウスベイ近辺で5歳児〜の野球リーグとサッカーリーグに参加させてあげたいです。何方か知ってる方小さいことでも良いので教えて頂けると幸いです。宜しくお願いします。 |
281. | Vivinavi Los Angeles ときどきバスケットボール |
1k view | 0 res | Sports | 2019/06/18 03:26 |
もしトーランス付近でバスケットボールのサークルとかあったら教えてくださいっ ぜんぜん上手ではないのですがときどきバスケットボールがしたくなり仲間がいたらなぁーと思っています。 |
282. | Vivinavi Hawaii バレーボール |
3k view | 1 res | Sports | 2019/03/22 22:27 |
ハワイでママさんバレーのようなバレーボールチームはありますか? もしご存知であれば、情報を教えてください。 |
283. | Vivinavi Los Angeles ヴィッセル神戸 |
5k view | 2 res | Sports | 2019/01/26 15:41 |
ヴィッセル神戸がUSツアーで来日しましたね。 試合は28日月曜日にアーバインのChampionship Soccer Stadiumであるようです。 公式ツイッターを見ると、イニエスタも来ているし、宿はコスタメサのミツワ前のヒルトンのようですね。 ミツワとかサウスコーストプラザで誰か選手見れるかもしれないと思うとミーハー心がくすぐられます。 試合見に行きます。 |
284. | Vivinavi Hawaii オアフ島のバドミントンクラブ |
4k view | 3 res | Sports | 2019/01/23 05:07 |
12/1〜2/25 オアフ島に避寒に行きます。 日本でもバドミントンクラブに通っていますが、オアフ島にはホノルルバドミントンクラブという所がネットで見つかり参加させて貰おうかと考えています。 どなたか、このクラブや、他にオススメの情報が有れば教えてください。 58歳メンズ、学生の時に経験が無く7年前から週2でプレーしているレベルです。 |
285. | Vivinavi Los Angeles 魚釣りplace |
3k view | 6 res | Sports | 2018/09/03 22:35 |
ロサンゼルス周辺でバス釣りができる場所あれば教えてください!!🎣 |
286. | Vivinavi Los Angeles Los Angeles Dodgers |
16k view | 51 res | Sports | 2017/09/06 13:45 |
教えて下さい。 ドジャースのゲームをどの様にして見ていますか。 何年か前からタイムワーナーが独占してから見れません、、、、。 タイムワーナーの入る地域に住んでいないし、 スペクトラムになった今も同じです。 iPhoneやipodで見る方法はありませんでしょうか、 ダルビッシュ投手が来てから、益々見たいです。 情報をよろしくお願い致します。 |
287. | Vivinavi Los Angeles studio zoo nagoya 優勝おめでとう!! |
3k view | 4 res | Sports | 2017/07/26 16:56 |
昨日若いハリウッドダンサーの登竜門と呼ばれているアバロンハリウッドのカーニバルが主催したキッズカーニバルのコンテストで 日本より予備審査を突破して参加した名古屋スタジオズーの子供たちが見事1位優勝を勝ち取りました 本当におめでとう!! パフォーマンスは他のグループの追随を許さない程圧倒的なものでした。 それはパフォーマンスが終わった後の観客の反応からも そして背の... |
288. | Vivinavi Bangkok 様々なヒトと巡り会えるアットホームなPD41バドミントンサークル |
3k view | 0 res | Sports | 2016/04/21 02:02 |
PD41の最大の特徴は、その個性豊かなメンバー。10代から60代、国籍はヨーロッパ、北米、中東、アジア等、非常に多岐にわたります。 初参加の方でもゲームに参加できるよう、運営自体も工夫されており、すぐにPD41メンバーに溶け込めると思います。 PD41バドミントンサークルでは、バド仲間募集中!初心者の方でも、ご夫妻でも、お気軽にお問い合わせください。 日時:毎週土... |
289. | Vivinavi Los Angeles テニスのフォアハンドのTOPSPINをかけた強いストロークの打ち方 |
6k view | 4 res | Sports | 2016/03/19 03:05 |
テニスのフォアハンドのTOPSPINをかけた強いストロークの打ち方、なおかつ、ちゃんとコートに入れる方法、肩の辺りの高さでのハイストロークを強く打ち抜きつつ、ちゃんとコート内に入れる方法、セカンドサーブをスピンで強く打って必ず入れるこつなどを アドバイスいただけますか? 何年やっても、30からの手習いだからでしょうか。 これらが強く打てません。 ミスするのを恐れすぎいて思い切... |
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#Tokyo Olympics 2020 #I want to support athletes #Heat stroke and Corona. Be careful.