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Open now12:11 left before closing time 28:00(PST)
Open now13:11 left before closing time 29:00(PST)
Open now15:11 left before closing time 31:00(PST)
Open now13:11 left before closing time 29:00(PST)
K.J. Ben Kim, DDS
Open now2:11 left before closing time 18:00(JST)
- 550-0004 Osaka Osaka honmachi-tatsumi bld 7F
- 挨拶状を出すなら挨拶状.com どんなご要望もフェッショナルがご対応いたします。
- Printing / Copying/Gift / Present
Open now1:41 left before closing time 17:30(PST)
Adams College of English
- #985, Glendale (Montecito Park), California, 91208 アメリカ合衆国
- ACCET認定校★ 楽しくしっかり英語を学びませんか?リーズナブルな授業料!週2日半コースあり。
- College/Language school/Studying abroad
Open now3:11 left before closing time 19:00(HST)
Eisai Kids Academy
- Suite 785, Honolulu (Ala Moana), Hawaii, 96814 アメリカ合衆国
- License : ドーマン研究所 Child Brain Development Course (2005) / 幼児教育指導者認定資格 (2011)
- 集中力や思考力がぐんぐんと伸びるバイリンガル英才教室のご案内
- Parenting / Child care/Child and family class/Learning center / Cram school
Open now2:11 left before closing time 18:00(PST)
Kirihara Masayoshi / West Shores Realty
- , Rancho Palos Verdes, California, 90275 US
- トーランス、パロスバーデス、ビーチシティーの不動産売買は桐原まで。(最低手数料保証かAirlines Mileage)オフィス:310-541-0975
- Real estate/Property investment/Agency / Broker
Open now2:11 left before closing time 18:00(PST)
Open now4:11 left before closing time 20:00(PST)
Misako Hair Studio
- , Vancouver, British Columbia, V6Z 2M9 カナダ
- バンクーバーの美容室Misako’sヘアスタジオは、ダウンタウン並びにその近郊(リッチモンド、メトロタウン、ノース・バンクーバー)に店舗を展開しています。Misako’sの日本人スタイリストは、日本の最新技術(デジタルパ...
- Hair salon/Cosmetic / Make-up
Open now5:11 left before closing time 21:00(HST)
Open now3:11 left before closing time 19:00(PST)
Run USA Auto sales
- #A, Lomita, CA, 90717 US
- License : 33764
- 特選中古車、新車(各種)、 高価買取、無料出張査定、エンジンチェックランプ修理、ダイアグノーシス、電装修理、一般修理、カスタム、定期点検、タイヤ、オイル交換!車の事ならRun USAまで!
- Auto sales / purchase/Auto repair / maintenance/Auto import / export
Open now1:11 left before closing time 17:00(PST)
Open now1:11 left before closing time 17:00(PST)
Asset plan and protect / LPL Financial / 羽鳥美保(ファイナンシャルアドバイザー)
- , Santa Clara, CA, 95054 US
- License : CA Insurance #0F51975
- 生命保険、年金、資産運用、学資保険など、お金と賢く付き合う方法をアドバイスいたします
- Stock / Certificate / Investment/Insurance/Financial planning
Open now2:11 left before closing time 18:00(PST)
Gellipop - Gel Nail Supply, Education & DIY Studio
- , Torrance, CA, 90503 United States
- 初心者からワンランクアップをご希望の方、ネイルに興味のある方、ネイルスクールをお探しの方、まずはご連絡ください!
- Nail salon/Beauty school / class/Employment / Internship support
Open now1:11 left before closing time 17:00(HST)
Hale Hana Waikiki
- #202, Honolulu, HI, 96815 US
- 初心者の方でも、気軽に楽しめるクラフトクラスや、ハワイのローカルアーティストの作品の販売
- Fancywork / Handcraft / Sewing/Other Education Culture/General store / sundries
Open now3:11 left before closing time 19:00(CST)
Open now2:11 left before closing time 18:00(PST)
- , Wilmette, Illinois, 60091 アメリカ合衆国
- 各種保険、無料見積もりにて、お客様のご要望に応じた的確な保険をお世話させて頂きます。
- Insurance/Other Finance Insurance
Open now2:11 left before closing time 18:00(PST)
Open now2:11 left before closing time 18:00(PST)
Local Japan Inc
Open now3:41 left before closing time 19:30(PST)
Angus Meat Mart
- , Torrance, California, 90505 US
- Yelpでも高評価!高品質のお肉なら、トーランスのAngus Meat Martへ。新鮮、安心、こだわりの美味しいお肉を販売しています。和牛、グラスフェットビーフ、乾燥熟成肉、豚バラ、カルビ、プルコギ、鴨肉、オックステー...
- Barbecue / BBQ/Japanese grocery/Grocery
Open now3:11 left before closing time 19:00(PST)
Aqua Pacific Technology LLC
Open now1:11 left before closing time 17:00(CST)
Open now1:11 left before closing time 17:00(PST)
Open now13:11 left before closing time 29:00(HST)
Open now1:41 left before closing time 17:30(PST)
World Compass
- Ste 215, Ontario, California, 91764 US
- License : California Seller of Travel 2102781-40
- Welcome to your time! 冒険心をくすぐる、あなただけの旅へ
- Travel agency
Open now4:11 left before closing time 20:00(HST)
Anai 87 Massage Salon
- Century Center 1F Suite 101B, Honolulu, Hawaii, 96826 United States
- 効くマッサージはいかがですか?本格的指圧からロミロミマッサージ、おすすすめはオリジナルコンボマッサージです。
- Acupuncture / Moxibustion / Shiatu / Massage
Open now2:11 left before closing time 18:00(PST)
Kintetsu International Express (U.S.A.), Inc.
Open now2:11 left before closing time 18:00(PST)
- , East Los Angeles, California, 90022 アメリカ合衆国
- 22年の信頼と実績。車の修理からスモッグチェック、中古車購入のご相談サービスまで、車のことならGushi Automotiveにご相談ください。
- Auto repair / maintenance/Other Automobile Motorcyle/Upholstery / Car interior decoration
Open now4:11 left before closing time 20:00(PST)
My Old Tatoo Parlor
- , Lomita (Harbor), California, 90717 アメリカ合衆国
- License : Licensed Body Art Program / Bloodborne Cetificate
- 日本で修行を積んだ経験豊富な彫師が和洋問わずお客様の満足いく世界で一点物の作品を提案し作り上げます
- Tattoo / Piercing / Body Art/Artist/Other Beauty Health
Open now5:11 left before closing time 21:00(HST)
Open now2:11 left before closing time 18:00(HST)
Open now5:41 left before closing time 21:30(PST)
Banzai Sushi Bar
- , Haleiwa (North Shore), Hawaii, 96712 アメリカ合衆国
- ノースショアのハレイワにある本格寿司BanzaiSushiBarでは、ハワイでしか取れない魚を使った品や、こだわりの宮崎牛の石焼、ポアソン・クルー、ポキなど豊富なメニューをご用意しております。
- Sushi
Open now5:11 left before closing time 21:00(HST)
Hawaii Acupuncture Clinic
- , ホノルル, ハワイ州, 96816 アメリカ合衆国
- ギックリ腰、寝違え、我慢できない緊張型頭痛は即対応します。施術経験27年以上の知識と治療技術で体調を改善いたします。
- Acupuncture / Moxibustion / Shiatu / Massage
Open now5:11 left before closing time 21:00(PST)
Hawaii Shiatsu Massage Clinic
- , ホノルル, ハワイ州, 96816 アメリカ合衆国
- あなたの期待に応えます。上手な整体マッサージ師による出張訪問サービス、日米で施術歴27年以上。体調を改善します。
- Acupuncture / Moxibustion / Shiatu / Massage
Open now6:11 left before closing time 22:00(HST)
Open now2:11 left before closing time 18:00(PST)
Neptune Speed
- Suite D, Huntington Beach, CA, 92647 US
- オイル交換、定期点検、修理など、車の事は是非ネプチューンスピードにお任せください!修理見積り無料
- Auto repair / maintenance/Parts / Accessories
Open now1:11 left before closing time 17:00(PST)
スターズ アンド ストライプス スクーター
Open now2:11 left before closing time 18:00(PST)
Open now5:11 left before closing time 21:00(HST)
Royal Selection / Kings Village
- #25, Honolulu, HI, 96815 3242 US
- ウェッジウッドを始め、マイセン、ロイヤルコペンハーゲン、セーブルなど、ヨーロッパの西洋磁器のトップブランドを取り揃えております。
- Tableware / Pottery / Porcelain/Gift / Present
Open now6:41 left before closing time 22:30(HST)
Royal Selection / Sheraton Waikiki
- , Honolulu, HI, 96815 US
- アメリカ政府御用達ブランドのキルトバックを始め、PUNANI HAWAII、クリスタルジュエリーなど、厳選されたブランドが揃うセレクトショップ
- Tableware / Pottery / Porcelain/Gift / Present
Open now0:11 left before closing time 16:00(HST)
Open now0:11 left before closing time 16:00(HST)
Open now6:41 left before closing time 22:30(HST)
Gyu-Kaku - Kapiolani
- #105, Honolulu, HI, 96814 US
- 上質なお肉が魅力♪期間限定プレミアム焼肉食べ放題コースが$35から!$10以下で食べられちゃう焼肉ランチセットも大好評
- Japanese/Barbecue / BBQ/Asian
Open now3:11 left before closing time 19:00(PST)
Eleve Education
- #A, Torrance, CA, 90504 US
- ●正確に読む・書く・聞く・話す学習を通して基礎学力を身につける教室 ●発達の遅れが気になるお子さまのための教室
- Learning center / Cram school/Education / school information service/Japanese language Class
Open now5:11 left before closing time 21:00(PST)
- Ste 371, Redondo Beach, California, 90278 アメリカ合衆国
- 運命のブラに出会いませんか?日本人フィッターによるカウンセリングとお直しで、感動の付け心地に♪ 日本製の下着も取り扱っています!
- Lingerie/Womens clothing/Beauty / Esthetique
Open now2:11 left before closing time 18:00(PST)
All American Tickets, Inc.
- Ste 305, Los Angeles, CA, 90012 US
- 野球、バスケ、ゴルフ観戦のチケットはもちろん、レディーガガ、ジャスティン・ビーバーのコンサートチケットもアメチケで!
- Sports center / Arena/Stadium / Theater / Concert hall/Ticket service
Open now1:11 left before closing time 17:00(PST)
Kearny Mesa Automotive & Transmission
- #C, San Diego, California, 92111 US
- License : ASE Master Auto Technician / Smog Test Star Certified
- ★SMOG TEST・修理・中古車販売 車の事は全てお任せください★
- Auto repair / maintenance/Auto sales / purchase/Auto body shop / painting
Open now6:11 left before closing time 22:00(HST)
Open now5:11 left before closing time 21:00(PST)
English Language Clinic
- , Cupertino, CA, 95014 United States
- Private, one-on-one, lessons in American English: $25 per hour for 1 lesson per week or $20 per hour for >1...
- Tutor/Language school/Distance / Online Learning
- Find local business with Town Guide
- We are a licensed Hawaii Real Estate Bro...
We are a licensed Hawaii Real Estate Broker ・ and handle the buying and selling of real estate in the state of Hawaii, including ・ life insurance ( annuities ) ・ long-term care insurance, 401K, IRA ro...
+1 (808) 387-1148ヒラタ ・コンサルティング
- It is a non-profit organization that con...
FLAT ・ FLAT is a non-profit organization based in New York City and operating throughout the United States, connecting Japanese-speaking medical professionals and patients and supporting the Japanese ...
+1 (772) 349-9459FLAT ・ふらっと
- We offer the best transportation and cha...
Thank you for reading our Town Guide. We offer the best service at reasonable prices. Our pricing system varies seasonally, so please contact us by email or phone for a quote. Please also visit ...
+1 (310) 508-9272Akihira Enterprise Limousine Service
- Leave the cleaning to us when you are mo...
Hawaii ・ We provide house cleaning services for vacation rental properties in Honolulu, vacation home properties throughout Oahu, and for Hawaii residents. Our staff is Japanese, and all of them are p...
+1 (808) 224-4108Yuka's Housekeeping
- [6 months to 6 years old ! ] Japanese Am...
[6 months to 6 years old kindergarten !] on the ground floor of
, day care up to 12 children, a thoroughly small group, so you don't have to worry about it. The kindergarten has a homelike atmo... +1 (949) 433-8600Orange Leaf Daycare
- Trusted and proven for over 30 years, Yu...
Trusted and proven for over 30 years, Yun Company is your one-stop shop for commercial refrigeration ・ chiller sales, installation, and maintenance. Quick emergency response, free estimates and phone ...
+1 (213) 820-8095Yun Company / Commercial refrigeration
- JCCCNC strives to meet the evolving need...
JCCCNC strives to meet the evolving needs of the Japanese American community through offering programs, affordable services and facility usage.
+1 (415) 567-5505Japanese Cultural and Community Center of Northern California
- \ Okonomiyaki ・ Monja ・ Teppan-yaki / Vi...
KONAYA kamogawa, open near the seashore, offers the Osaka specialty ・ Precious Japanese beef oil cake is now available in Kamogawa ! We also use other special ingredients such as the Hayashi SPF brand...
+81-4-7007-5732KONAYA kamogawa
- Gulliver is the No.1 seller of used cars...
◆Gulliver Silicon Valley Store◆ Gulliver is the No.1 used car sales company in Japan. We provide the same reliable and convenient service in the US as Gulliver does in Japan. We also offer advice o...
+1 (888) 430-3664Gulliver USA, Inc. Silicon Valley / San Francisco
+1 (503) 644-9579Shokokai of Portland
- Why don't you spend a healing time at ou...
With a desire to provide the highest level of healing to our clients, we have personally experienced various ethnic cultures from India, Southeast Asian countries, South America, and North America, an...
+81-90-7348-0301STUDIO ANICCA(アニッチャ)
- Residential ・ Investment ・ Commercial ・ ...
Residential ・ Investment ・ Commercial ・ We are here to help you with real estate property sales and management ! Business Area : Orange County and nearby Los Angeles County, Riverside County, and Las...
+1 (866) 966-3217HomeSmart / Team Ichiro
- *Sun Mom Playgroup is currently suspende...
If you are interested, please contact me with your name and your child's name ・ and age.
- Izu Animal Kingdom is the largest animal...
The park is open and full of wildness, just like a 360 ° into the Wild! Come and join us for an exciting ・ experience!
- Why don't you spend a good time in Kamog...
How about a happy time with your friends at the sunken kotatsu seating ? We offer reasonable prices. Night time in Kamogawa at yakiya We look forward to seeing you at our restaurant. We have a wi...
(04) 7093-0121yakiya やきや