Upcoming Performing Arts in Auburn - April & May
- [注册人]City of Auburn
- [语言]日本語
- [区]Auburn, WA, US
- 注册日期 : 2024/04/10
- 发布日 : 2024/04/10
- 更改日期 : 2024/04/10
- 总浏览次数 : 184 人
- 当地商业的『城市指南』
- 日本诊所用日语(提供全面的医疗和精神治疗,包括在线)。对于没有保险的人,我们可以...
+1 (702) 994-7267Nippon Clinic
- 从日常食品到纪念品・和礼品,种类繁多,甚至还有使用JSHOP独特食材精心制作的盒...
J Shop 每天提供新鲜食材。 作为批发商,您可以在家里享用餐厅级别的优质食材。 如果您想订购日本特产,请随时与我们联系。 我们还拥有大型停车场。 我们每天都用最好的食材和诚意制作午餐。 午餐或晚餐请光临本店。您一定会满意的。 我们不使用冷冻食品。 我们提供各种午餐盒饭,每天更换。 您可以订购来自日本的新鲜海鲜和肉类。 在科罗娜灾难中,您可以在家安全地享用最好的食材。 您还...
+1 (808) 200-5076J-Shop - 生鮮日本食料品専門店
- 国际脑教育协会 ( IBREA ・ 联合国公报办公室的官方非政府组织 ) ,一个...
我们,国际脑教育协会(IBREA ・ 联合国公报办公室官方非政府组织),是一个提供学术培训的非营利性教育组织,旨在发挥大脑的无限潜能,创造健康、幸福与和平。 我们的愿景是促进 "大脑教育 "的实用性,以了解和利用大脑的无限资产和力量来恢复人类。 我们倡导利用脑教育计划来实现联合国的世界和平目标,从而为社会做出贡献。
+1 (212) 319-0848IBREA Foundation
- 索德鸠拉新开业的 "tasso no mori no eki"!是一家销售当地新...
从Anesaki Sodegaura IC出来后仅2分钟!宽敞的停车场可停放几辆大型车辆。 有一家直销店,有当地农民直接送来的新鲜蔬菜,还有一个受欢迎的美食广场。 该地区交通便利,靠近东京德国村和休闲设施,离市中心只有60分钟的路程。
+81-438-38-3707tassoの森の駅 農産物直売所&フードコート
- 如果您有来自日本或其他州的房地产事宜,请随时与我们联系。我们主要经营拉斯维加斯・...
自 2008 年以来,我一直住在拉斯维加斯,因此对当地 ・ 有广泛而深入的了解。 我在日本拥有 20 多年的丰富经验,曾在摩根士丹利日本有限公司、美林日本证券公司、德意志证券公司等金融公司工作过,在许多国家与许多人共事过。 我的目标是通过掌握最新的房地产信息,为房主和房地产投资者提供支持。 如果您想出售您的房产,请与我联系。
+1 (702) 635-6249Junko Shimada/Realty One Group
- 油炸马鲛鱼 🐟 酥脆松软的口感 ! 为了达到这种口感,所有的骨头都被剔除
2023 年夏天,在市原的山里开了一家专营炸鲭鱼的餐馆。除了经过精心烹制、不会留下油腻残留物的炸马鲛之外,还有家鸡・、熟萝卜・和三种当地时令蔬菜等非常受欢迎的混合炸鱼套餐。! 来过我们餐厅的顾客都对我们的炸马鲛鱼赞不绝口,说 "比他们吃过的任何其他马鲛鱼都好吃"。欢迎前来品尝我们的特色炸马鲛鱼 🍚。
- 和平是该组织在夏威夷原住民区 "阿罗哈之乡 "开展活动的主题。
它介绍了欧胡岛上的夏威夷土著自治区。 阿罗哈之乡・是一个实施各种项目的空间,旨在提高人们对实现世界和平的认识。Puuhonua ・ O ・ Waimanalo ・ Village ( 正式名称为 ) Waimanalo
Village,位于欧胡岛 Waimanalo 地区的夏威夷原住民圣地,被选为家园。这个特殊的地方将成为实现 "承诺 "的基地,在全世界扩大和平圈。 "・阿罗哈之乡 ... +1 (808) 551-2240Land of Aloha
- 0分钟等待时间 ! 日本人在夏威夷租车。还车时,我们会在指定的时间来到您指定的地...
0分钟等待时间 ! 日本人在夏威夷租车。还车时,我们会在指定的时间来到您指定的地点,因此不需要额外的时间。为了确保每个人都有一个愉快的体验,每辆车都经过仔细的手工清洗和内饰清洁。基本价格中从一开始就包含了全额保险 ! 免费租用智能手机代替导航系统 ! 在威基基(Waikiki)为顾客提供低价停车 !.
+1 (808) 253-1344STAR Rent A Car / スターレンタカー
- 我们是洛杉矶一家历史悠久的海运货代公司。小到汽车・,大到摩托车,我们都乐意提供帮...
我们的日本员工将真诚地协助您将货物从收货到发货运往日本和世界各地。 无论您是出口还是进口,我们都会为您办理所有复杂的手续。 多年来,Interline 已在亚洲所有主要地区建立了自己的办事处和合作伙伴,并将业务扩展到 50 多个国家。 我们致力于为客户提供高质量的服务,如具有竞争力的价格和不断变化的运输行业所需的灵活性。 如需免费报价,请随时与我们联系!(日语)。
+1 (310) 834-5500Interline
- 广岛烤鸡肉串餐厅 Carp Tori 现已在威基基 ・ McCully 购物中心...
广岛烤鸡肉串餐厅 "鲤鱼鸟"(Carp Tori)现已在威基基开业 ・ 位于麦卡利购物中心,步行即可到达阿拉莫阿纳 ! 推荐正宗的炭火烤鸡肉串、拉面和什锦烧。 \ 招聘员工 ! / 很多棒球爱好者 ・ 与鲤鱼球迷见面 ! 位于麦卡利购物中心,从威基基/阿拉莫阿纳步行即可到达。 一个充满当地风情和笑脸的欢快场所。
+1 (808) 949-7872カープ鳥
- 夏威夷母亲 "获得夏威夷州颁发的执照,为居住在夏威夷的老年人提供家庭护理 ! 家...
夏威夷母亲 "在日本从事福利事业已有40多年,2014年夏天开始在檀香山运营。夏威夷母亲 "的员工均已完成规定的培训,大部分持有夏威夷认可的NA和CAN执照。我们将根据您的个人需求、身体状况和生活环境为您提供支持。如有任何疑问,请随时联系我们 ! 808-923-0077 ・
+1 (808) 923-0077mother hawaii
- 新泽西州和纽约州的日本学校。这是东海岸唯一一所全日制学前班和小学的综合学校。本校...
・ 幼儿教育 ・ 通过综合小学教育提供稳定的基础教育 ・ 小班教学和家庭式的成长和学习氛围 ・ 由熟悉日本和美国教育情况的专职教师提供生动的教育 ・ 日本 MEXT符合学习课程的课程和英语教育 ・ 位于纽约和新泽西交界处的安全和便利的通勤路线的学校
+1 (201) 947-4832ニューヨーク育英学園 Japanese Children's Society
- 了解美国的护理工作 ! 并积极开展活动 ! 由经验丰富的讲师和日语翻译人员精心授...
夏威夷保健学校(HHCS)将为日语人士开设课程,让他们在学习英语的同时获得护士助理资格证书。课程以英语进行,但将提供日语翻译。 由经验丰富的讲师负责授课,以通俗易懂的方式提供实用课程。还将逐一细致地传授实用技能。 您不仅能学到必要的知识和技术,还能学到实际工作中所需的应用和技能。 体验一线专业人员的关怀,掌握知识和技能,以便立即就业,为世界做出贡献。
+1 (808) 791-5825Hawaii Healthcare School
- 为什么不开始学习?从资格到爱好。一个能让你遇到理想的实践和新朋友的地方。也可租用...
橙县第一家综合性日美文化沙龙。在广大顾客的支持下,我们已经迎来了 17 周年庆典,可以帮助您从 20 种不同类型的课程中找到理想的培训。请将这里作为交友和交流信息的场所。也可以按小时出租房间。 尽你所能。尽情享受生活。因此,要有意义地利用真正重要的时间。橘子洲文化沙龙一直在支持你,为你的心动、现在、幸运、快乐、幸福导航。有没有你感兴趣的课程 ? 相信你的直觉 ! 机会来了 ! 从超过 25 种...
+1 (949) 685-7120Orange Island Culture Salon
- 我们以 "更便宜 ・ 更快捷 ・ 更美丽 "为座右铭,致力于成为深受客户信赖的清...
我们以 "更便宜 ・ 更快捷 ・ 更美丽 "为座右铭,致力于成为深受客户信赖的清洁店。
April 2024 BRAVO
The BRAVO Performing Arts Season presents an incredible lineup of music, comedy, theater, and kids’ programming as part of the BRAVO Performing Arts Season.
Performances are held in various venues around Auburn, including the Auburn Performing Arts Center at Auburn High School, the Auburn Community & Event Center or Les Gove Gymnasium located in Les Gove Park, Cascade Hall located at Green River College, and Bogey’s Banquet Room at Auburn Golf Course. Additionally, Auburn's new Postmark Center for the Arts [ ] is featured as a venue this season, with several small-scale musical performances.
Full Season Line-up & Ticket information
at [ ]
Saturday, April 13 | 7:30 PM
*Kalimba - The Spirt of Earth Wind & Fire [ ]
*Auburn Performing Arts Center
702 4th St. NE
Kalimba - The Spirit of Earth Wind and Fire provides an experience so satisfying it transports audiences back to the excitement of the first time they heard these unforgettable songs. Reproducing the infectious grooves created by EWF’s late founder Maurice White, Kalimba pays homage to Maurice with its exciting stage and lighting production. The show authentically replicates the signature high notes of Philip Bailey, the thick vocals harmonies of Maurice and Ralph Johnson, along with the grooving bass lines of Verdine White. Kalimba has the soul, spirit, musicianship, love and talent of the original – their energetic performance will leave you completely satisfied! Tickets: $30/$25
Zan Fiskam
Friday, April 19 | 7:30 PM
*Zan Fiskum [ ]
*Postmark Center for the Arts,
20 Auburn Ave.
Zan Fiskum’s angelic voice soars over her soulful and ethereal storytelling. Reminiscent of artists Lana Del Ray and Brandi Carlile, she blends the lines between indie/pop and americana/folk as she writes about childhood trauma, the intricacies of family dynamics, connection to the natural world as well as a fan-favorite: love. Zan’s newest album “Forbidden Art” showcases Zan’s range and beautifully exposes her maturity not only as a songwriter and vocalist but also as an individual as she conveys the stories of her life with resilience and grit. While staying true to her folk/pop songwriting she incorporates sounds of soul, dream pop, world percussion and indie rock into her music. She is sure to captivate both fans and artists for years to come. Tickets: $20/$17
comedy at the course2
Saturday, April 20 | 7:30 PM
*April Comedy at the Course [ ]
*Auburn Golf Course - Bogey’s Public House, 29630 Green River Rd. SE
Comedy at the Course will keep you laughing all night long as three comedians work to twist your funny bone. Ages 18 and over only.
Tickets: $20/$17
Saturday, April 27 | 7:30 PM
*Yesterday Once More [ ]
A Tribute to Songstresses of the 1970s [ ]
*Green River College - Student Affairs Building, 12401 SE 320th St.
“Yesterday Once More” brings you groovy songs of the 1970s originally made hits by THE CARPENTERS, ANNE MURRAY, LINDA RONSTADT, and OLIVIA NEWTON JOHN! Treat yourself to a full “lite rock” experience with piano, sax, violin, flute, and full band! If you miss the simpler times as much as we do, then put on your bell bottom jeans - let’s roll back the clock and get ready to bring back the good stuff you haven’t heard in Far. Too. Long! Tickets: $23/$20
BRAVO_Little Mermaid
Saturday, May 4 | 2:00 PM
*BRAVO KIDS: Little Mermaid [ ]
*Les Gove Gymnasium, 910 9th Street SE
Life underwater isn’t easy for Sirena, a little mermaid who dreams of running and dancing. In StoryBook theater’s production of Hans Christian Andersen’s classic, the audience decides whether Sirena should keep her legs or high-tail it back to the sea. StoryBook Theater’s musicals are 55-mins geared to ages 3-10. Based on familiar fairy tales, each show focuses on a life lesson and has a happy ending. With catchy songs and clever stories, Little Mermaid is fun for the whole family! Tickets: $12
Champagne Sunday
Friday, May 10 | 7:30 PM
*Champagne Sunday [ ]
*Postmark Center for the Arts
20 Auburn Ave.
Husband and wife Jessi and Jared Fredeen tear up stages and crowds nationwide with their unique upbeat, roller coaster style shows. They fire off gypsy-punk rock songs alongside everything from intimate tear-jerkers to anthemic foot-stompers, and pepper their sets with compelling stories behind their music. Champagne Sunday is a rare original act that performs with stadium-level energy, regardless of whether it’s for a festival crowd, a club, a or group of coffee shop patrons. With a show that packs the power of an entire orchestra, Jessi and Jared have created a sound that is totally unique, fun, emotional, and captivating. This act has a ton of showmanship, heart, and talent that make it a powerful musical experience. Tickets: $20/$17
For a full listing of shows and to purchase tickets, call Auburn Parks, Arts & Recreation at 253-931-3043, Monday-Thursday, 8:00 a.m.-7:00 p.m.; Friday, 8:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m., or order online for print-at-home tickets at * [ ]*. All tickets subject to $1.00 processing fee.
Full Season Line-up at [ ]
* Friday, April 19 | *Zan Fiskum [ ] |* 7:30pm*
*Postmark Center for the Arts, 20 Auburn Ave.
Friday, May 10 | *Champagne Sunday [ ]* | 7:30pm
Postmark Center for the Arts, 20 Auburn Ave.
* Saturday, April 13 | *Kalimba - The Spirt of Earth Wind & Fire [ ] | *7:30pm
Auburn Performing Arts Center, 702 4th St. NE
Saturday, April 27 | *Yesterday Once More - A Tribute to Songstresses of the 1970s [ ] | *7:30pm
Green River College - Student Affairs Building, 12401 SE 320th St.
* Saturday, April 20 | *April Comedy at the Course [ ] | *7:30pm
Auburn Golf Course - Bogey’s Public House, 29630 Green River Rd. SE
Saturday, May 11 | *May Comedy at the Course [ ] | *7:30pm
Auburn Golf Course - Bogey’s Public House, 29630 Green River Rd. SE
* Saturday, May 4 | *BRAVO KIDS: Little Mermaid [ ] | *2:00pm
Les Gove Gymnasium, 910 9th Street SE
July 26 & 27 at 7:00pm & July 27 & 28 at 2:00pm
*Auburn Community Junior Players: Finding Nemo Jr. [ ]
*Auburn Riverside Theater, 501 Oravetz Rd. SE
* July 26 & 27 at 7:00pm & July 27 & 28 at 2:00pm
*Auburn Community Junior Players: Finding Nemo Jr. [ ]
*Auburn Riverside Theater, 501 Oravetz Rd. SE
Full Season Line-up at [ ]
For a full listing of shows and to purchase tickets, call Auburn Parks, Arts & Recreation at 253-931-3043, Monday-Thursday, 8:00 a.m.-7:00 p.m.; Friday, 8:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m., or order online for print-at-home tickets at * [ ]*. All tickets subject to $1.00 processing fee.
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