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Upcoming classes & programs with Auburn Parks, Arts & Recreation
- [Registrant]City of Auburn
- [Language]日本語
- [Location]Auburn, WA, US
- Posted : 2024/04/29
- Published : 2024/04/29
- Changed : 2024/04/29
- Total View : 117 persons
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- 공항픽업, 시찰 ・ 관광투어 등 다양한 픽업 서비스를 제공하고 있습니다....
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- 라스베가스 ~ 헨더슨의 부동산에 관한 것은 어반네스트 부동산의 이노우에 ...
주거용 부동산 매매, 투자용 부동산 매매 및 상담, 임대물건 찾기와 임대차 중개 및 통역 등 부동산 전반을 다루고 있습니다. 고객님 한 분 한 분께 VIP 서비스를 제공합니다. 팔리지 않을 것 같다, 살 수 없을 것 같다고 포기하신 고객님들과도 진지하게 무료 스크리닝과 상담을 통해 불가능을 가능케 해왔습니다. 어떤 난제라도 고객을 위해 노력하겠으니, 궁금하...
+1 (702) 355-8050URBAN NEST REALTY(井上かおり)
- 자동차 수리 ・ 점검은 맡겨주세요. 타이어 ・ 와이퍼 교체까지 일본어로 ...
자동차 수리 ・ 점검은 맡겨주세요. 타이어 ・ 와이퍼 교환까지 일본어로 안심하고 서비스를 제공합니다. 고객님 댁으로 직접 픽업, 저녁에는 직접 배달도 가능합니다. ( 요점 ) 오일 교환 브레이크 서비스 트랜스미션
변속기 +1 (949) 951-5398Shinzo Auto Service
- ✅ 웹, SNS, 인터넷 광고, 앱 개발, 시스템 개발, 디지털 마케팅,...
웹 개발, SNS 지원, SNS 대행, 인터넷 광고 지원, 앱 개발, 시스템 개발, 디지털 마케팅 등을 진행하고 있습니다. ・ 웹 ・ 앱 구축 ・ 운영 ・ 소셜미디어 구축 ・ 운영 ・ 디지털 마케팅(SEO, SEM, 제휴) ・ 온라인 트러블 대응 ・ 서버 ・ 네트워크 설정 ・ 업종별 IT 솔루션 제안 ・ 비용절감 IT 컨설팅 등 당사는 기업...
+1 (619) 794-0122アイティーワークス
- 일본과 미국 면허를 가진 수의사, 그리고 직원들이 성심성의껏 일본어와 영...
우리는 여러분이 소중히 여기는 강아지, 고양이의 건강관리를 도와드립니다. 보호자님과 그 가족인 동물들을 위해 가능한 최선의 진료를 논의하고 정중하게 대응하겠습니다. 일본과 미국에서 최첨단 수의학을 공부한 수의사가 높은 수준의 의료 서비스를 제공합니다. 최신 의학적 근거에 근거한 진단 ・ 치료 ・ 조언과 함께 반려동물에게 적합한 부드러운 핸들링을 제공합...
+1 (949) 502-5531ソラ動物病院
- TV 프로그램 주문 사이트에서도 소개된 인기 NO.1 훈제 BBQ 치킨🍗...
TV 프로그램 주문 사이트에서도 소개된 인기 NO.1 스모크 BBQ 치킨🍗 하와이 요리의 대표 메뉴인 로코모코와 마늘 새우도 준비되어 있습니다◎ 카모가와에서 하와이안 요리를 드시려면 저희 가게로 ☆
여러분들의 방문을 기다리고 있습니다! 기다리고 있습니다🍍 +81-4-7093-1432GuriGuri house & wagon
- 생선과 고기의 소재를 살린 이자카야입니다🏮하지만 약간의 중화요리도 준비되...
11월 기사와라즈역 동口에 OPEN한 『yairo』 세련된 공간에서 재료를 살린 요리와 요리를 더욱 맛있게 해주는 술로 식사를 화려하게 장식합니다 ✨ 아키타규 램프 로스트 외에도 인기 중화요리점 점주를 아버지로 둔 오너가 만드는 중화요리도 맛있게 드실 수 있습니다 ! ・
여러분의 방문을 기다리고 있습니다 ♪ 차분한 ... +81-438-71-6719Yairo
- Weee! 최신 세일 ❄ ️ 이번 주에는 고등어노미린구이, 흑초 양념 낫...
Weee! 최신 세일 ❄ ️ 이번 주에는 고등어노미린구이, 흑초 양념 낫토, 아라비키 소시지, 오이나리산, 이토엔 자스민차 등이 특가 ✨ 떡과 화과자 등 설날 상품도 취급 중 !
+1 (510) 358-8960Weee!
- 뉴욕의 일본 ・ 소사이어티 어학센터는 북미 최대 규모를 자랑하는 뉴욕시의...
일본 ・ 소사이어티 어학센터 일본 ・ 소사이어티 어학센터는 북미에서 가장 큰 규모를 자랑하는 뉴욕시의 일본어 교육기관이다. 센터에서는 연중 일본어 강좌 외에도 서예, 일본어 교사 양성 강좌, 일본인을 위한 영어 회화 교실 등 다양한 수업과 워크숍, 집중 강좌를 개설하고 있다. 또한, 매달 한 번씩 뉴욕에 거주하는 일본인과 일본어를 배우는 뉴욕 시민이 한자...
+1 (212) 715-1269Japan Society Language Center
- 지바현 기미츠시에 위치한 '기미츠 시민문화홀'에서는 아티스트의 콘서트, ...
지바현 기미츠시에 위치한 '기미츠 시민문화홀'에서는 아티스트의 콘서트, 영화 상영회 ・ 발표회 등 다양한 이벤트가 진행 중 !이다.
- 만권 이상의 일본어를 소장하고 있는 공공도서관입니다.
도서관은 재팬타운에서 서쪽으로 약 한 블록 떨어진 곳에 있다. 스콧 스트리트에 접해 있으며, 기어리블버드와 포스트 스트리트 사이에 있습니다. 일본인 직원도 있으며, 매일 개관하고 있으니 부담 없이 들러 주시기 바랍니다. 캘리포니아 거주자라면 누구나 무료로 도서관 카드를 만들 수 있습니다. ( 캘리포니아 면허증 또는 여권, 현 주소를 증명할 수 있는...
+1 (415) 355-5727サンフランシスコ公共図書館ウェスタンアディション館
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+1 (310) 782-7877Starts Pacific, Inc.
- 子どもるーぷ袖ケ浦は、袖ケ浦市とその近郊の子どもと大人が交流できる居場所づくりや...
+81-438-63-2850NPO法人 子どもるーぷ袖ケ浦
- 우리는 코리아타운의 수많은 노래방에서 함께 일할 출연진을 모집하고 있습니...
자격 : 만 18세 이상 언어 : 영어, 일본어, 한국어, 중국어
KTOWN NIGHT영어, 일본어, 한국어, 중국어 경력자 환영, 자신의 스케줄에 맞춰 주중, 주말, 휴일 상관없이 일할 수 있습니다 ! 학생도 환영입니다. ( 출퇴근 시 최소 근무시간만 지켜주시면 됩니다. ) 궁금하신 점, 자세한 사항은 이메일 또는 이미지 우측 하단의 QR코드를 통해...
- 전 세계에 매장을 전개하고 있는 '라멘 산토비'입니다. 보스턴 지역에는 ...
홋카이도에서 출발한 라멘 브랜드 야마토비입니다. 각 매장에 일본에서 연수한 매니저가 상주하여 일본과 동일한 품질의 맛과 서비스를 제공하고 있습니다.
+1 (617) 945-1460北海道らーめん 山頭火
24_spring_summer_reccover [,%20Arts,%20&%20Recreation/Recreation/Current%20Recreation%20Guide.pdf ]
Register now for spring & summer programs and activities with Auburn Parks, Arts & Recreation
*Online **Recreation Registration [ ]*
As we head into May and gear up for summer, we invite you to check out all the offerings, opportunities and experiences with Auburn Parks, Arts & Recreation.
We encourage you to follow us on social media or subscribe to our electronic newsletters to see what we are up to:
"* Facebook: *"Auburn Parks, Arts & Recreation [ ]
*"Instagram": *@auburnparks_rec [ ]
"*Auburn@Play Electronic Newsletter*": Subscribe Now [ ]
You can also visit [ ] for updates, registration information and a full listing of upcoming opportunities. We are looking forward to our upcoming endeavors and hope to see you very soon.
Play safe! Your Auburn Parks, Arts & Recreation Team
"-Your Auburn Parks, Arts & Recreation Team"
*Check out the Spring & Summer 2024 Recreation Guide
**PDF Version [,%20Arts,%20&%20Recreation/Recreation/Current%20Recreation%20Guide.pdf ]*
Summer Camp 2024 [ ]
2024 Summer Camp Registration [ ] still accepting registrations
No fooling! Summer is just around the corner and it's time to start thinking about Summer Camps! The Auburn Parks, Arts & Recreation Department has everything you’re looking for to keep your child active and engaged. Camp options are offered for pre-school age through teens in various topics and settings. Summer Camp season will begin on Wednesday, June 26.
Hiring Banner - general [ ]
We're Hiring for a variety of positions!
Join our team!
Auburn Parks, Arts & Recreation is looking for a variety of seasonal and year-round positions with varying pay rates and schedule flexibility: Seasonal Park Maintenance Workers, Fitness Instructor, Mobile Recreation Program Staff, Outdoor Adventure Camp Counselors, Bike Program Staff, Museum/Farm Program Assistant, Gym/Ballfield Attendants, Rental Facility Assistant, Summer Camp Counselors and Leads, and Teen Summer Camp Counselors. For full details and all open positions, please visit [ ]. You can be paid to play! Parks and Recreation staff get the opportunities to work and play in the programs they serve.
preschool heading fall
Ace Bikes
* *Let's Get Movin' * [ ]| Ages 3-5 | Mondays, May 13 - June 10 | 5:00-5:45 PM
* *Irish Dancing-Little Leapers* [ ] | Wednesdays, May 1-22 | 4:45-5:15 PM
* *Farm Tots [ ] *| Ages 3-5 | Tuesdays, May 7 - 28 | 10:00AM-11:00AM
* *Pedal Power Learn-to-Ride Workshop* [ ] | Ages 2.5-6 | Wednesdays, May 15-June 5 | 11:15 AM-12:00 PM
* *Busy Bees [ ]* | Ages 3.5-5 | Tuesdays, May 14 - June 4 | 10:30 AM-12:00 PM
* *How Does Your Garden Grow [ ] | *Ages 3-5 | Thursdays, May 16 - June 6 | 9:30-10:30 AM
youth baseball photo
* Football [ ]| | Thu | May 2-23 | 4:15-4:55 PM
* Baseball [ ] | Wed | May 8 - 29 | 4:15-4:55 PM
* Soccer [ ] | Wed | May 22 - Jun 12 | 5-5:40 PM
* Basketball [ ] | Wed | May 22 - Jun 12 | 6-6:40 PM
Indoor Playground
*Indoor Playground*
*Pre-school drop in program in the gymnasium at Les Gove Park!!
*Monday, Wednesday, Friday | May 1-June 14 | 9:30-11am | $3 per child.
*Indoor Playground Resumes Wednesday, May 1* | *No program May 27*
*Kids Playtime*
*Ages 2-10 | $10 for 2 hours of care | Auburn Community & Event Center
*Do you need a couple of hours to yourself, have an appointment, or want to meet up with a friend and do not have a sitter? We can help! Bring your child, ages 2-10 to our drop-in childcare program and we will keep them entertained and safe. All staff have undergone a National Background Check. Call the Auburn Parks, Arts & Recreation Office at 253-931-3043 for specific times and days. Times and days coordinate with fitness classes [ ] and may change quarterly. Staff are unable to change children’s clothing.
Fall Youth 2020 Heading
STEAM Kids Photo
* *Youth Tumble/Dance Mix [ ]* | Ages 6-10 | May 13-June 10 | 6:00-6:45 PM
* *Irish Dance* [ ] | Ages 6-12 | Wednesdays, May 1-22 | 5:25-6:10 PM
* *Irish Dance - Continuation* [ ] | Ages 6-12 | Wednesdays, May 1-22 | 6:15-6:55 PM
* *Parkour 101* [ ] | Ages 6-8 | Thursdays, May 23-June 20 | 4:30-5:20 PM
* *Parkour 201* [ ] | Ages 9-12 | Thursdays, May 23-June 20 | 5:30-6:20 PM
* *Private Piano Lessons* [ ] | Ages 6-18 | Wednesdays, June 12 - July 17| 3:45-6:45 PM | 20 Minute Lessons
* *Private Piano Lessons* [ ] | Ages 6-18 | Thursdays, June 13 - July 18 | 3:45-6:5 PM | 20 Minute Lessons
* *All Kids Bike [ ]Learn-to-Ride* | Ages 6-11 | Wednesdays, May 15-June 12 | 5:30-6:30PM
Youth Bikes
STEAM graphic photo
STEAM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts & Math - and we've got it all! Is your kid a maker? A Tinkerer? An Artist? An aspiring inventor or engineer?
* *Little STEAMERS* [ ] | Ages 5-7 | Tuesdays, May 14-June 4 | 4:30-5:25 PM
* *STEAM Tweens* [ ] | Ages 8-11 | Tuesdays, May 14-June 4 | 5:30-6:25 PM
Little Steamers - Winter
Drop your kids, ages 5-10, off the gymnasium for an evening of games, arts & crafts, sports and a pizza dinner while you enjoy a parent night out. Select Saturdays each month. If you are registering online and wish to register a second sibling at a reduced price, please call our office at 253-931-3043. Must be registered by Wednesday prior to the Saturday event. Space is limited.
* *Let's Move* [ ] | Ages 5-10 | May 18 | 5:00-9:00 PM
Party Packages 2023
Schedule your party package [ ] with us - you bring the party and we’ll provide the fun! Our party crew will facilitate an action-packed party for your child, sport team, art enthusiasts and more. We will do all the work! Packages available in the gymnasium, on the rock climbing wall, and in the Maker Space
Family Climb
*Rock Wall Now Booking Private Groups for Spring/Summer Dates!*
Packages are designed for groups and families wanting to develop teambuilding skills and have fun in the bargain. This program will be customized to meet your groups' or families' individual needs. Perfect for teams, clubs, workplace training, youth groups, and especially families. The program will be customized at time of registration. All equipment, instruction and facilitation are provided. The following time blocks are available. Please call for available times.
Teen Fall 2020 Heading
The Rec
The REC Teen Center [ ]
Auburn's REC Teen Center [ ] is located at 910 9th Street SE in Les Gove Park. The REC is open during the school year, Monday through Friday from 2pm-5pm. Transportation is provided from the Auburn middle schools and high schools courtesy of the Auburn School District.
The REC Teen Center offers great fun for grades 6-12 and features:
* Ping Pong, foosball, air hockey, teen lounge & video games
* A Gymnasium for drop-in basketball & volleyball
Last Late Night this year! Come to The REC for a late night BBQ, Open Gym, VR, MakerSpace Activity & backyard games.
* Friday, May 17 | 6-9pm
Learn the skills needed to hit the trail! This program will give teens the tools to take their riding to the next level! Using the skills areas, pump track and flow trail at the Cedar Lanes Bike Park to develop balance, improve body position, basic bike handling skills and safety, and tackling obstacles safely. Transportation to and from the Bike Park is provided from the REC. REC Riders is free with admission to the REC Teen Center. Bikes & helmets are provided. Grades 6-12.
* *April 21-June 14 [ ]*
Summer Camp
*Summer Camps *
Tweens are youth entering fifth and sixth grades! Each week will offer a new theme with activities to match in the morning. Then, in the afternoon it's special events and activities that are sure to be a blast!
Get ready to MOVE! This fast-paced camp will take teens to new heights, check out local hot spots and embark on epic adventures and competitions! Get ready to meet new people, travel all around the Puget Sound and have a summer you'll never forget! The teens will end each week with a BBQ. All trip admissions are included in camp fee.
Teen Camp
* Teen Rock & Roll [ ] | Ages 11.5-16 | June 26-28
* Teen Scapes [ ] | Ages 11.5-16 | July 1-3
* Adventure Camp- Hit the Road [ ] | Ages 11.5-16 | July 8-12
* Teen MTB- Flow Riders [ ] | Ages 11.5-16 | July 15-19
* Teen Scapes [ ] | Ages 11.5-16 | July 22-26
* Adventure Camp- Trekking Teens [ ] | Ages 11.5-16 | July 29-August 2
* Adventure Camp- So Far Away [ ] | Ages 11.5-16 | August 12-16
* Teen X-Treme Camping Trip [ ] | Ages 11.5-16 | August 6-8
Check our camp guide for additional information and register online Auburn@Play [ ].
Sports Fall 2020 Heading
Check out [ ] for all the details, including dates, times & registration links
*Youth Options [ ]:*
*Skyhawks Sports Classes Ages 5-12: *
*Youth Spring Sport Options:*
* Foot [ ]ball [ ] | Ages 5-7 | Thu | May 2-23 | 5-5:45 pm
* Foot [ ]ball [ ] | Ages 8-12 | Thu | May 2-23 | 6-6:45 pm
* Baseball [ ] | Ages 5-7 | Wed | May 8-29 | 5-5:45 pm
* Baseball [ ] | Ages 8-12 | Wed | May 8-29 | 6-6:45 pm
* Basketball [ ] | Ages 5-7 | Wed | May 21-Jun 11 | 5:15-6 pm
* Basketball [ ] | Ages 8-12 | Wed | May 21-Jun 11 | 5:15-6 pm
*Youth Tennis Lessons:*
* Tennis [ ] | Ages 5-7 | Thu | May 16-Jun 6 | 4:30-5:15 pm
* Tennis [ ] | Ages 5-7 | Tue | May 21-Jun 11 | 4:30-5:15 pm
* Tennis [ ] | Ages 5-7 | Thu | Jun 13-Jul 11 | 4:30-5:15 pm
* Tennis [ ] | Ages 5-7 | Tue | Jun 18-Jul 9 | 4:30-5:15 pm
* Tennis [ ] | Ages 8-13 | M/W | May 6-Jun 3 | 5:30-6:30 pm
* Tennis [ ] | Ages 8-13 | T/Th | May 23-Jun 18 | 5:30-6:30 pm
* Tennis [ ] | Ages 8-13 | M/W | Jun 5-Jul 1 | 5:30-6:30 pm
*Youth Summer Sport League Options:*
* Baseball [ ] | K | Coed | M-Th | Jun 4 - Aug 8
* Baseball [ ] | 1st & 2nd | Coed | M-Th | Jun 3 - Aug 7
* Baseball [ ] | 3rd & 4th | Coed | M-Th | Apr 29 - Jun 20
* Baseball [ ] | 5th & 6th | Coed | M-Th | Apr 29 - Jun 20
* Baseball [ ] | 7th & 8th | Coed | M-Th | Apr 29 - Jun 20
* Track [ ] | 1st - 8th | Coed | M or T or W & Th | Jun 3 - Jul 11
Kid Crawlers
*Family Options:*
*Rock Climbing*
* Family Open Climb | Ages 4 and up | Wed | May 8 | 5:30-7:30 PM Equipment & instruction is provided.
Hop on your bike for this 22-mile Bike Adventure! Don't be daunted by the distance because it's all downhill! We'll start at Hyak on Snoqualmie Pass and bike through the Snoqualmie Tunnel before continuing down the Pass to Rattlesnake Lake where we'll re-fuel with a BBQ lunch. We'll provide the bikes, helmets, lights, and lunch; you'll just need comfortable shoes and clothing for biking, layered clothing for the tunnel, a headlamp if you have one, and a water bottle.
*Adult Options [ ]:*
* *Summer League [ ]* - Adult 4-on-4 full court. Each team plays 10 games. No officials, standings or playoffs. Team Fee is $225, $25 discount if paid by June 12. Games start July 2.
* *Summer League [ ]* - Adult 2-on-2 league. Each team plays 8 weeks, 3 games per night. Team Fee is $80, Games start June 12.
*Pickleball Clinics*:
* Introduction to Pickleball Clinics: *June 11 [ ]* & *June 22 [ ]*
* Introduction to Pickleball-Next Steps:* May 28 [ ]*.
*Tennis Lessons:*
* Tennis [ ] Intermediate | Ages 14+ | M/W | May 6-Jun 3 | 6:30-8 pm
* Tennis [ ] Intermediate | Ages 14+ | T/Th | May 21-Jun 13 | 7:45-9:15 pm
* Tennis [ ] Beginner | Ages 14+ | T/Th | May 23-Jun 18 | 6:30-7:45 pm
* Tennis [ ] Intermediate | Ages 14+ | M/W | Jun 5-Jul 1 | 6:30-8 pm
* Tennis [ ] Beginner | Ages 14+ | T/Th | Jun 20-Jul 18 | 7:45-9:15 pm
*Open Gym* [ ] (Please note: if nothing is listed on the calendar, there is no open gym)
*Open gym pickleball ends on May 30 & Open gym volleyball ends on June 18. These will restart in September.*
* Open Gym *Pickleball* | Ages 18 & over | Fridays, 6-8 pm (exception dates May 17, 24, 31)
* Open Gym *Pickleball *| Ages 18 & over | Tuesday and Thursdays, 7:15-8:45 am; Monday-Thursday 12:00-1:45pm
* Open Gym *Volleyball *| Ages 50 & over | Tuesday and Thursdays, 9:30-11:30 am
art fall heading
Muckleshoot Tribe members outside of Postmark Center for the Arts
*Postmark Center for the Arts [ ] *
*Gallery and Gift Shop Hours:
*Wednesdays & Fridays 12-4pm | Thursdays 12-6pm
Location: 20 Auburn Ave, Auburn, WA 98002
*Final Date: May 1st “Muckleshoot: Alive and Strong”*
The Postmark Center for the Arts is proud to present *”Muckleshoot: Alive & Strong,”* a group exhibition featuring artists from the Muckleshoot Indian Tribe. The Postmark Gallery and Vault Gallery will be filled with artwork in a variety of mediums, sizes, and themes by a variety of incredibly talented artists from January 17 through May 1. "Featured artists include: Isiah Corwin, Sam Obrovac, Kim Saladin"", J""ulie James"", Tyson Simmons, Joyce Starr,""Gail White Eagle, Donny Stevenson, and Keith Stevenson."" "
*Upcoming Exhibition: Sistahs *
The Postmark Center for the Arts is excited to open *“*Sistahs”,** an exhibit of four Pacific Northwest artists of African descent. Brenetta Ward is a fabric artist, third-generation quilter, and oral historian. Jite Agbro is known for her colorful figurative artwork featuring layered patterns, sharp contrast, and fabric and paper collage. Debra Harris-Branham conjures the energy of her storytelling into artistic imagery. Marita Dingus is an environmental feminist and mixed-media sculptor focused on using recoverable materials. The exhibition will be on view from May 9 – late July, 2024.
Join us at Postmark Center for the Arts for the opening reception of Sistahs, an exhibition curated by local artist and Auburn resident Marita Dingus! Thursday, May 9th, from 5-7PM. Light refreshments and snacks will be provided.
*Art Classes*
*One Day Art Experiences *"(""check out all the class details and images online" [ ]")" [ ]
* *Watercolor and What? [¤tDate=2024-02-15&view=event ]* | Ages: 18 + | May 3 | 12-4pm
* *Ukelele for Adults 2 [¤tDate=2024-02-15&view=event ]* | Ages: 18 + | Wednesdays, May 8 - May 29 | 6-6:50pm
* *Intro to Portrait Drawing [¤tDate=2024-02-15&view=event ]* | Ages: 12 + | May 16 | 5-7pm
* *Intro to Guitar 1 [¤tDate=2024-02-15&view=event ]* | Ages: 15 + | May 23 | 5:30-7pm
* *Intro to Guitar 2 [¤tDate=2024-02-15&view=event ]* | Ages: 15 + | May 30 | 5:30-7pm
*FREE Drop-In Art Opportunities at the Postmark*
* **P**oetry at the Postmark* [ ]* *| Ages: All | First Wednesdays of each month | 6:30-8:30pm*
* *Make & Mingle [ ]* | Suggested Ages: 18+ | Wednesdays | 10am-12pm
* *Drop-In Gongbi Painting* [ ] | Ages: 18+ | Fridays | 10am-12pm
* *Drop-In Drawing [ ]* | Suggested Ages: 18+ | Fridays | 10am-12pm
Makerspace Project
*T**ake & Make Art Kits- **Choose your kit, pick up your kit at the Community Center and get crafting! OR check out the Postmark Center for the Arts and get your kits on the spot and browse the other great gifts available in their giftshop!*
* *My Weekend is Booked Sign [ ]*
* *Howdy Door Sign [ ]*
* *Teacher Sticky Note Holder [ ]*
Makerspace Craft
*Make & Take Art Classes **"(""check out all the class details and images online" [ ]")"*
* *Adult Open Craft Night* [ ] | Ages 14+ | Thursday, May 16 | 5:30-8:00 PM
*Open Make*
* *Daytime* | Ages 16+ | Wednesdays, through March 13 | 10am-1pm
* *Daytime* | Ages 16+ | Fridays through March 15 |11am-2pm
* *Evening* | Ages 16+ | Second Monday each month through March 11 | 5pm-8pm
*Youth Make & Take Classes *"(""check out all the class details and images online" [ ]")"
* *Mothers’ Day Gifts* [ ] | Ages 8-14 | Thursday, May 9 | 5:30-8pm
*Laser Cutting Intensive [ ] *Learn to cut and etch with beams of light! In this course you will be guided through the basics of designing your projects in Corel Draw and then cutting and etching them with a laser. Successful completion of this course will allow you to use the laser independently during open times in the Makerspace. Email the Maker Space-, to schedule a class. Classes will be held for small groups as dates are
*Private Parties*
Celebrate the season with a private craft class for just your family and friends! Party packages are available for youth and adults and custom projects are available. Party goers will enjoy private space to complete their project in the cozy holiday vibe of the Maker Space. Email for sample projects and availability. Maker Space parties are a great option for office parties, a girls’ night out, kids birthday party, end of season team party and more! All instruction and supplies are provided. Parties are welcome to bring their own refreshments.
Senior Eblast Heading
Auburn Senior Activity Center
The Auburn Senior Activity Center enhances the quality of life of senior adults 50+ in the Auburn community through social, recreational, health and wellness, educational, and nutritional programs. The Center is located at 808 9th Street SE, Auburn. Center hours are Monday – Friday, 8:00 am-5pm.
Check out the *current Senior Brochure [,%20Arts,%20&%20Recreation/Senior%20Center/Senior%20Center%20Brochure.pdf ]* &* current Activity Calendar [,%20Arts,%20&%20Recreation/Senior%20Center/senior%20center%20event%20calendar.pdf ]* for all the class and program options and offerings this session. All programs below held at the Auburn Senior Activity Center.
Spotlighted classes and programs upcoming at the Auburn Senior Activity Center include (*Registration Required*)
* *May is Older Americans Month and we have 3 special programs*
* *Update: Hot Lunches are back on Fridays! *We have partnered with the Auburn School District’s Child Nutrition Program to offer hot lunch for Seniors. $4.50 suggested donation. Drop in *No registration required. Doors open at 11:30a and lunch served at 12p.
* *Lecture & Demo: How to Make Gorgeous Hanging Baskets* I May 8 I 10a-11a I Drop in *No registration required
* *Lecture: Back to Basics with Trish* I May 9 I 10am I Free I Drop in *No registration required
* *Lecture:* *Identifying & Avoiding Scams* I May 16 I 10a I Free I *No registration required
* *Birthday Lunch* I May 16 I 11:30am-12pm I $4.50/$6.50 *Must register in-person
* *Plants, Flowers and More Trip* I Monday May 20 I 9am $20/$25 I Registration # 58681 [ ]
* *Diabetes Screening *I May 29 I 11a-12p I Drop in *No registration required
Fitness Heading Fall 2020
Winter Barre
*Membership | $25 Regular; $20 Seniors/Teens
**Daily Drop In | $5 Regular; $4 Seniors/Teens*
Fitness Membership gets you moving with all the perks! Full details and class schedule at [ ]:
* Unlimited access to fitness classes
* Unlimited use of the fitness center
* Open gym programs
* Unlimited access to the full virtual fitness class library
* Drop-in childcare
Membership Fees with unlimited childcare:
Adult + 1 child $40/month
Adult + 2 children $55/month
Adult + 3 children $70/month
Run Auburn
*Run Auburn | **April 6-June 22 [ ] | Saturdays, 8:30-9:30am
*NEW! Want to run a 5k? Or maybe you're just looking for a supportive community to get moving with. Whether you're looking to walk, jog or run we've got just the group for you! Join the Auburn Community Fitness team for a Saturday morning meet up at Les Gove Park for a 5k (3.1 miles) around the path. Keep coming back and find a community of runners looking to increase their endurance, improve their run and have fun! Running experience is not required; walkers are welcome. 5k Training program is available upon request. Registration not required. Check-in on the back patio of the Community Center. No meetup 6/3. FREE MEETUP!
Fitness Photos
*Fitness for Moms | *May 21* [ ] [ ] | Tuesday, 5:30-6:30pm*
New Class! Calling all moms near Auburn! Join us for a rejuvenating fitness experience. Nicolette, our Perinatal Postnatal Fitness Specialist who is a mom and dedicated community advocate, invites you to a monthly guided exercise class at the Auburn Community Center. It's more than just a workout; it's a chance to connect with fellow moms, bond through exercise, and empower one another on your wellness journey. This one-hour class will include a HIIT style guided workout to tone and strengthen the body. Don't miss out on this fantastic opportunity to build a stronger, healthier, and more supportive community. Childcare is available. FREE CLASS!
*Open gym pickleball ends on May 30 & Open gym volleyball ends on June 18. These will restart in September.*
* Open Gym *Pickleball* | Ages 18 & over | Fridays, 6-8 pm (exception dates May 17, 24, 31)
* Open Gym *Pickleball *| Ages 18 & over | Tuesday and Thursdays, 7:15-8:45 am; Monday-Thursday 12:00-1:45pm
* Open Gym *Volleyball *| Ages 50 & over | Tuesday and Thursdays, 9:30-11:30 am
*(Please note: if nothing is listed on the calendar [ ], there is no open gym)*
Drop in Childcare
New hours for Drop-in Childcare are available now! Bring the kids to play while you use the Community Center Facilities. $4/session for drop in up to 2 hours of play or add on unlimited sessions to your fitness membership for $15/month/child. Ages 4 months-10 years; parents must remain onsite. Need to run errands or meet a friend for lunch? Drop off the kids for Kidz Playtime and enjoy up to 2 hours of free time. $10/child up to 2 hours. Children must be potty trained.
*Childcare Hours:*
* Mondays-Fridays: 9am-1:30pm
* Mondays-Thursdays: 4:15-8pm
special events fall heading
Bravo Champagne Sunday
Lights on! Stage set! BRAVO Performing Arts has taken the stage! The City of Auburn is excited to present an incredible lineup of music, comedy, theater, and kids’ programming as part of the BRAVO Performing Arts Season. Check out the full schedule at [ ].
"*Upcoming Shows:*"
* Saturday, May 4 | *Bravo Kids - A Little Mermaid [ ]* | **2:00pm
* Saturday, May 10 | *Champagne Sunday [ ]* *| *7:30pm
* Saturday, May 11 | *Comedy at the Course [ ]* *| *7:30pm
Tree branch turned into art
Last Chance to See
Where Castoffs Go to Heal and Grow: The Art of Marita Dingus [ ]
On Display: Now through May 26
White River Valley Museum
See the exquisite assemblage art of nationality recognized artist and Auburn native Marita Dingus. Her pieces will be on display in the Museum’s temporary gallery as well as throughout the permanent exhibits Wednesday through Sundays from 12 pm to 4 pm Sponsored by City of Auburn and 4Culture.
* *Artist Studio Open House [ ] *| May 18 |1-3pm
* *Exhibit Closing Reception [ ]* | May 23 | 5-7pm
Cedar Lane Park and Pump Track Opening
Saturday, May 11 | 10 am-12 noon
Cedar Lanes Bike Park
Join us in celebrating the opening of the Pump Track in Cedar Lanes Park with a free ride! Ride the trails, test out the pump track and enjoy a day in the park. Bikes and helmets of all sizes are available to borrow at the event. Waiver required.
Free Ride 2
8Th Street NE Community Garden:
Register Now for a Plot [ ]
Get one or two 10 by 20 foot Community Gardens to grow your spring, summer, and fall vegetables. This is an environmentally friendly garden area with sociable gardeners, red-wing blackbirds, and all the water you need (water is turned off the last weekend in October and turned on the first Saturday in April), provided by the City of Auburn. We're asking for a chemical free, GREEN environment. Planting begins on the first Saturday in April. You must make proof of planting by May 1 or we will have the option of re-renting your garden. Ages: 18 & Over | Fee: $55/$63
For questions contact us at
Community Garden Sign
Dog Trot participant
*Dog Trot – 3K/5K Fun Run [¤tDate=2024-03-22&view=event ]*
*Saturday, May 18 | 9:30-11am*
*Game Farm Park, 3030 R St SE | Ages 5 and up*
A pet/owner 3K/5K Fun Run that kicks off the annual Petpalooza
event. The routes will take you from Game Farm Park and along the White River Trail. Registration includes T-Shirt (size guaranteed with early registration), race bib and finisher’s medal. The course is flat, easy and enjoyable for all ages and ability levels. Water will be available on the course for both human and dog participants. Registration is per person. Each person participating on the course (other than children in strollers) must register and pay. Join us at Petpalooza after the Dog Trot from 10am - 5pm! [¤tDate=2024-03-22&view=event ]
Registration Fee [¤tDate=2024-03-22&view=event ]: $20/person through March 31; $25 (April 1-May 14); $30 (On-site Fee)
Pet Contest
*Petpalooza [ ]*
*Saturday, May 18 | 10am – 5pm*
*Game Farm Park, 3030 R St SE*
Petpalooza is a FREE event for pet lovers and a special day for your four-legged family member or other furry friend. Petpalooza is kicked off with a Dog Trot 3K/5K Fun Run [ ]. The event features animal entertainment, flydog and agility demos, Emerald Downs’ ‘Unleashed’ Pet Contest, a free agility area, over 130 vendor booths, adoptions, free and low-cost pet services, give-a-ways, a food court and beer garden, children’s activities and TONS more to keep both humans and pets entertained. Leashed, licensed and well-behaved pets welcome.
Auburn Farmers Market [ ]
Sundays, June 2-September 15
Les Gove Park | 10am - 3pm
The Auburn Farmers Market is a forum for the purchase of a variety of healthy and locally grown products to the area residents. The Market serves as a convenient marketplace for local farmers, artisans, food processors and is a vibrant gathering place for the community to enjoy AUBURN!
Market Site a 2022
Mary Olson Farm
Unwind and Wine [ ]
Wednesday, June 12 | 6:00-7:30PM
Mary Olson Farm, 28728 Green River Road | 21 + Only
The Mary Olson Farm + Yoga Flow + Wine + Cheese? Yes, please!
Joins us for a yoga flow class in the historic barn and enjoy a tasting of local wine and cheese after class. Grab your yoga mat and a pal and head out to the farm! Yoga flow is accessible to all yoga levels. Mats will be available to borrow onsite.
*Space is limited. | *Registration Fee: $25
Story Club at WRVM: The Peace Bell [ ]
Thursday, June 13| 4:00-5:00 PM
White River Valley Museum, 918 H St SE | Ages 6-12
Join us as we prepare for our upcoming exhibit "Dancing with Our Ancestors". Auburn Children’s Librarian Ms. Robbin will be reading “The Peace Bell” by Margi Preus.
Free Program!
Story Club
Juneteenth Celebration [ ]
Sunday, June 23 | 10am-3pm
Les Gove Park
Juneteenth, an annual holiday commemorating the end of slavery in the United States. The celebration will feature live music, food trucks, inflatable rides for the kids to enjoy and opportunities to support Black businesses.
KidsDay [¤tDate=2024-05-04&view=event ]
Tuesday, June 25 | 11am - 4pm
Les Gove Park
An event to celebrate Auburn's youngest citizens! This FREE, fun-filled, one-day event includes inflatable rides, live entertainment, arts and craft opportunities, mini golf, loads of vendors, a touch-a-truck display, food concessions and so much more!
Registration Info - Fall 2020
On-line:* Auburn @Play online registration
[ ]*Phone:* 253-931-3043; VISA, MasterCard, Discover or American Express
*Check out the Spring & Summer 2024 Recreation Guide
**PDF Version [,%20Arts,%20&%20Recreation/Recreation/Current%20Recreation%20Guide.pdf ]
*Online Recreation Registration [ ]*
* [ ] | 253-931-3043*
Auburn WA Logo [ ]
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