Delridge Pedestrian Bridge Seismic Project Updates
- [등록자]City of Seattle
- [언어]日本語
- [지역]Seattle, WA
- 등록일 : 2024/11/06
- 게재일 : 2024/11/06
- 변경일 : 2024/11/06
- 총열람수 : 30 명
- 가게를 검색하고 싶을 땐 <타운가이드>
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신뢰할 수 있는 변호사를 찾고 계신가요? 코엔법률사무소는 3년 연속 SUPER LAWYER에 선정된 검증된 법률사무소로, 24시간 언제든지 일본어로 무료 상담을 받을 수 있습니다. 합리적인 요금으로 대응해 드립니다. 누구나 이해할 수 있도록 전문용어를 사용하지 않고 일본어로 알기 쉽게 설명해 드리므로 복잡한 사건이라도 안심하고 상담해 주시기 바랍니다.
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Delridge Pedestrian Bridge Seismic Project Updates
Construction updates: November 6, 2024
Construction to help the Delridge Pedestrian Bridge better withstand earthquakes is ongoing! Crews have been working on retrofits to the bridge’s east superstructure, including preparing forms and pouring concrete to reinforce this component. They are now preparing to wrap the bridge’s west superstructure with carbon fiber as well as continuing retrofits to the bridge’s distribution slab and ramp walls. In the coming weeks, crews will continue work on the bridge’s east superstructure which will include installing a handrail and other finishing touches.
We are closing sidewalks and car lanes under the bridge on Delridge Way SW in three phases to divert people walking, rolling, biking, and driving where work is occurring. W*e have transitioned into our second phase of sidewalk and lane closures*. During this second phase, Delridge Way SW is reduced to one lane in each direction, with car traffic shifted to the west. Between SW Genesee St and SW Oregon St, the sidewalk on the east side of Delridge Way SW is closed while crews work on the east side of the bridge. In addition, *no street parking will be allowed on the east side of Delridge Way SW while this phase is in effect*.
The map below shows the upcoming sidewalk and lane closures:
Delridge BSR Detour Map [20241003]
At least one lane of travel in each direction and a sidewalk on one side of the street will be maintained throughout each phase. Please visit our project webpage [ https://www.seattle.gov/transportation/projects-and-programs/programs/bridges-stairs-and-other-structures/bridges/delride-pedestrian-bridge?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ] to learn more about how travel will be impacted during each phase.
The *Delridge Pedestrian Bridge is closed to all people walking, biking, and rolling for the duration of construction* (up to 12 months) to ensure their safety and allow our crews to work as efficiently as possible. As a reminder, we anticipate that construction will last approximately 12 months. Construction schedules are subject to change and depend on factors such as weather and availability of crews and materials.
We will continue to provide updates on construction activities on our project webpage [ https://www.seattle.gov/transportation/projects-and-programs/programs/bridges-stairs-and-other-structures/bridges/delride-pedestrian-bridge?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ] and via these email updates. Please feel free to share this email with your neighbors and encourage them to sign up for our email updates [ https://public.govdelivery.com/accounts/WASEATTLE/subscriber/new?qsp=WASEATTLE_8 ] to stay informed on the project.
*What to expect during construction*
We understand our closure of the Delridge Pedestrian Bridge for the duration of construction and phases of sidewalk and lane closures impacts everyone who uses the bridge and Delridge Way SW regularly. We are actively working to ensure our traffic control plan runs smoothly and impacts travelers as little as possible.
In addition to the phases of sidewalk and lane closures, you can expect:
* A full closure of the bridge during construction
* Work in the public right-of-way near your home or business
* Temporary on-street parking restrictions, with "no park" signs placed 72 hours in advance
* Staged construction equipment and materials as well as noise, dust, and vibrations in the work area
* Typical weekday work hours of 7 AM – 5 PM, Monday through Friday
*Thank you! *
Thank you for your interest in the Delridge Pedestrian Bridge Seismic project and for your patience during construction.
Matthew Howard
Communications and Outreach Lead
Delridge Pedestrian Bridge Seismic Project
"You are receiving this email because you have expressed interest in receiving updates on the Delridge Pedestrian Bridge Seismic project."
*Seattle Department of Transportation*
700 5th Avenue
Suite 3800
Seattle, WA 98104
*Phone: 206-684-7623*
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