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  • Vivinavi Los Angeles
    Nature / Scenery
  • Nature / Scenery
    Vivinavi Los Angeles

    This text has been translated by auto-translation. There may be a slight difference between the original text and the translation. (Original Language: 日本語)

    Natural healing in Corona

    It was my first walk on the beach after Corona
    I always marvel at the grandeur of nature.

    Photo Location Chapman Woods, カリフォルニア州, アメリカ合衆国
    Photo Date 2021/10/02 Device Unkown
  • Vivinavi Los Angeles
    Nature / Scenery
  • Nature / Scenery
    Vivinavi Los Angeles
    Redondo Beach Pier

    Photo Location Redondo Beach, California, USA
    Photo Date 2021/06/13 Device AppleiPhone 5s
  • Vivinavi Los Angeles
    Nature / Scenery
  • Nature / Scenery
    Vivinavi Los Angeles
    Redondo Beach Pier

    Photo Location Redondo Beach, California, USA
    Photo Date 2021/06/13 Device AppleiPhone 5s
  • Vivinavi Los Angeles
    Nature / Scenery
  • Nature / Scenery
    Vivinavi Los Angeles

    This text has been translated by auto-translation. There may be a slight difference between the original text and the translation. (Original Language: 日本語)

    Blue Cut Fire

    Second day of wildfires. Evacuation advisory issued. The flames are closing in about 8 miles from ou...

    Photo Location Wrightwood, California, アメリカ合衆国
    Photo Date 2016/08/17 Device AppleiPhone 6s
  • Vivinavi Los Angeles
    Nature / Scenery
  • Nature / Scenery
    Vivinavi Los Angeles

    This text has been translated by auto-translation. There may be a slight difference between the original text and the translation. (Original Language: 日本語)

    Hermosa Beach Pier

    I went with a hiking buddy to learn more about Southbay Beach.
    We left our bikes at the entranc...

    Photo Location Hermosa Beach, California, アメリカ合衆国
    Photo Date 2016/09/11 Device NIKONCOOLPIX S3600
  • Vivinavi San Diego
    Nature / Scenery
  • Nature / Scenery
    Vivinavi San Diego

    This text has been translated by auto-translation. There may be a slight difference between the original text and the translation. (Original Language: 日本語)


    Photo Location Torrance, California, USA
    Photo Date 2020/05/02 Device AppleiPhone 5s
  • Vivinavi Los Angeles
  • Food
    Vivinavi Los Angeles
    Afuri Ramen Dumpling

    Photo Location Arts District, California, USA
    Photo Date 2021/05/28 Device Unkown
  • Vivinavi Los Angeles
    Nature / Scenery
  • Nature / Scenery
    Vivinavi Los Angeles
    Manhattan Beach

    Photo Location Manhattan Beach, California, USA
    Photo Date 2020/05/02 Device AppleiPhone 5s
  • Vivinavi Los Angeles
    Event / Occasion
  • Event / Occasion
    Vivinavi Los Angeles
    Manhattan Beach

    Photo Location Manhattan Beach, California, USA
    Photo Date 2020/05/02 Device AppleiPhone 5s
  • Vivinavi Los Angeles
  • Food
    Vivinavi Los Angeles

    This text has been translated by auto-translation. There may be a slight difference between the original text and the translation. (Original Language: 日本語)

    日本料理 隼人

    Photo Location Arts District, California, USA
    Photo Date 2021/06/19 Device Unkown
  • Vivinavi Los Angeles
    Nature / Scenery
  • Nature / Scenery
    Vivinavi Los Angeles

    This text has been translated by auto-translation. There may be a slight difference between the original text and the translation. (Original Language: 日本語)

    LA New Place

    Let's go see.

    Photo Location Hermosa Beach, California, USA
    Photo Date 2023/12/23 Device AppleiPhone 12
  • Vivinavi Los Angeles
    Nature / Scenery
  • Nature / Scenery
    Vivinavi Los Angeles

    This text has been translated by auto-translation. There may be a slight difference between the original text and the translation. (Original Language: 日本語)

    stealing from vehicles

    Bear. I wonder if the smell of snacks is coming from inside the car
    He has yellow tags on his e...

    Photo Location Azusa, California, アメリカ合衆国
    Photo Date 2017/08/05 Device SONYDSC-W800
  • Vivinavi Los Angeles
  • 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
    Vivinavi Los Angeles

    This text has been translated by auto-translation. There may be a slight difference between the original text and the translation. (Original Language: 日本語)

    Chris Speier

    My friend Chris is now coach of the Astros,
    so I'll
    Up a funny video of him when he was co...

    Photo Location Redondo Beach, California, USA
    Photo Date 2020/03/11 Device Unkown
  • Vivinavi Los Angeles
  • Animal
    Vivinavi Los Angeles

    This text has been translated by auto-translation. There may be a slight difference between the original text and the translation. (Original Language: 日本語)

    eternal family

    She left us at nearly 20 years old and is a forever family member to all of us. We still have conver...

    Photo Location Chapman Woods, カリフォルニア州, アメリカ合衆国
    Photo Date 2021/10/02 Device Unkown
  • Vivinavi Los Angeles
    Nature / Scenery
  • Nature / Scenery
    Vivinavi Los Angeles
    Redondo Beach Pier

    Photo Location Redondo Beach, California, USA
    Photo Date 2021/06/13 Device AppleiPhone 5s
  • Vivinavi Los Angeles
  • Other
    Vivinavi Los Angeles
    Yui Restaurant

    Photo Location Sierra Madre, California, USA
    Photo Date 2018/04/26 Device AppleiPhone 6
  • Vivinavi Los Angeles
  • Food
    Vivinavi Los Angeles
    Afuri Ramen Dumpling

    Photo Location Arts District, California, USA
    Photo Date 2021/05/28 Device Unkown
  • Vivinavi San Diego
    Nature / Scenery
  • Nature / Scenery
    Vivinavi San Diego

    This text has been translated by auto-translation. There may be a slight difference between the original text and the translation. (Original Language: 日本語)


    Photo Location Torrance, California, USA
    Photo Date 2020/05/02 Device AppleiPhone 5s
  • Vivinavi Los Angeles
  • Food
    Vivinavi Los Angeles
    Afuri Ramen Dumpling

    Photo Location Arts District, California, USA
    Photo Date 2021/05/28 Device Unkown
  • Vivinavi Los Angeles
    Nature / Scenery
  • Nature / Scenery
    Vivinavi Los Angeles
    Manhattan Beach

    Photo Location Manhattan Beach, California, USA
    Photo Date 2020/05/02 Device AppleiPhone 5s
  • Vivinavi Los Angeles
    Nature / Scenery
  • Nature / Scenery
    Vivinavi Los Angeles

    This text has been translated by auto-translation. There may be a slight difference between the original text and the translation. (Original Language: 日本語)

    Eaton Canyon Falls

    The river runs along the path to the waterfall.
    There was more water than we expected at the fa...

    Photo Location Sierra Madre, カリフォルニア州, アメリカ合衆国
    Photo Date 2022/03/06 Device SONYDSC-W830
  • Vivinavi Los Angeles
  • Food
    Vivinavi Los Angeles

    This text has been translated by auto-translation. There may be a slight difference between the original text and the translation. (Original Language: 日本語)

    日本料理 隼人

    Photo Location Arts District, California, USA
    Photo Date 2021/06/19 Device Unkown
  • Vivinavi Los Angeles
  • Food
    Vivinavi Los Angeles

    This text has been translated by auto-translation. There may be a slight difference between the original text and the translation. (Original Language: 日本語)


    Photo Location Manhattan Beach, California, USA
    Photo Date 2021/05/19 Device AppleiPhone 5s
  • Vivinavi Los Angeles
    Nature / Scenery
  • Nature / Scenery
    Vivinavi Los Angeles

    This text has been translated by auto-translation. There may be a slight difference between the original text and the translation. (Original Language: 日本語)


    There are fewer wild flowers in summer, but some were still in such full bloom!

    Photo Location Azusa, California, アメリカ合衆国
    Photo Date 2017/08/05 Device SONYDSC-W800