Auburn Arts July 2024
- [등록자]City of Auburn
- [언어]日本語
- [지역]Auburn, WA, US
- 등록일 : 2024/06/26
- 게재일 : 2024/06/26
- 변경일 : 2024/06/26
- 총열람수 : 102 명
- 가게를 검색하고 싶을 땐 <타운가이드>
- 베트남 호찌민 호찌민의 한적한 주택가에 위치한 일본계 유치원이다.
베트남 호치민시 호찌민 푸미흥구라는 한적한 주택가에 있는 일본계 유치원입니다. 베트남에서 생활하면서 모국어인 일본어를 소중히 여기고, 아이들이 올바른 일본어를 듣고 말할 수 있는 기회를 늘림으로써 자신이 일본인임을 자각하고, 자신이 태어난 나라를 더 잘 이해하려고 노력하는 것이 무엇보다 중요하다고 생각합니다. 또한 국제 감각을 기르기 위해 베트남과 주변 국...
+84 (028) 5417-291おおぞら日本人幼稚園
- 과거와 현재의 트라우마, PTSD / 복합성 PTSD, 우울증, 공황장애...
안녕하세요. 저는 마키노 유카리 ( 마키노 유카리 )라고 합니다.1996년부터 2018년까지 일본의 심리 임상에서 다양한 트라우마를 가진 내담자들과 마주해 왔습니다. 또한 미국으로 건너오기 전 7년간은 보육사 ・ 간호사 양성 대학에서 부교수로 심리학을 가르쳤습니다. 현재는 일본에서는 임상심리사, 미국에서는 APCC 자격증을 취득하고 심리치료를 제공하고 있습...
+1 (323) 334-0180Yukari Makino, Ph.D., AMFT, APCC, SEP
- 건강 보험이 없다 ・ ・ ・ , 집주인이 보증금을 돌려주지 않는다 ・ ・...
일미사회서비스 ( 재시 )은 1981년 창립 이래 뉴욕시내 및 근교에 거주하는 분들에게 복지 서비스를 제공하고 있는 501(c)(3) 인증 비영리 단체입니다. 언어, 문화 및 제도의 차이로 인해 발생하는 일상의 다양한 문제를 안고 지원이 필요한 분들의 삶의 질을 향상시키는 것을 사명으로 삼고, '일본계 커뮤니티의 사랑방'으로서 전문 교육 ・훈련을 받은 바이...
+1 (212) 442-1541Japanese American Social Service, Inc. (JASSI)
- 큼직한 새우를 사용한 마늘 새우를 비롯해 세계 각국의 가정식을 즐길 수 ...
만족감 넘치는 사이즈의 플레이트 요리를 정성껏 조리하여 제공하고 있습니다. 모두 먹기 편하고 맛있다는 호평을 받고 있습니다. 꼭 에비노미에서 세계 각지의 가정요리를 즐겨보세요 !
+1 (808) 744-1661EbiNomi
- Japanese Tea Garden은 샌프란시스코 골든게이트 파크의 중심...
원내에는 새로 리모델링한 티하우스가 있습니다. 티하우스는 일본 차밭의 중심에 위치하고 있으며, 그림처럼 아름다운 풍경과 연못을 바라볼 수 있습니다. 아름다운 풍경을 바라보며 간식을 즐길 수 있습니다.
+1 (415) 752-1171Japanese Tea Garden
- 매주 토요일을 중심으로 연간 43일 동안 샌프란시스코 ・ 베이 지역에 사...
'확실한 힘을 길러 、 국제사회에서 활약할 수 있는 아동・학생의 육성'을 교육목표로 삼고 있습니다. 토요일에 통학하며, 일본에서 사용되는 교과서를 사용하여 일본 학교의 교육 내용 ( 본교는 4과목 )을 배웁니다.
+1 (415) 989-4535サンフランシスコ日本語補習校
- PARADOX(パラドックス)は千葉県木更津市にある県内最大規模のサバイバルゲー...
- 미국 시장에 특화된 온라인 어시스턴트/Emily.는 미국 비즈니스의 일상...
Emily.는 미국에 본사를 둔 일본어 ・ 영어 지원 온라인 비서 서비스입니다. 일상 업무부터 전문 분야까지 폭넓은 업무를 바쁜 당신을 대신하여 지원합니다.
+1 (310) 347-8750COEL
- 라면( $ 12), 도시락( $ 12), 일식 케이터링 ・ 배달은 맡겨주...
사무실, 파티, 학교, 라면, 도시락, 일식 케이터링이 필요할 때 연락주세요, Kenichi Kawashima's kitchen이 찾아갑니다. \ Kawashima's Kitchen의 매력은 뭐니뭐니해도 라이브감 ! ! / 눈앞에서 만들어지는 요리가 그대로 셰프에 의해 당신 앞에 배달됩니다. 셰프가 고객의 생생한 목소리를 직접 들을 수 있어 신속한...
+1 (415) 238-4447Kawashima's Kitchen
- 하우스 클리닝 ・ 리폼 ・ 핸디맨이라면 피카넷에 맡겨주세요 ! 치바현 치...
하우스 클리닝 ・ 리폼 ・ 핸디맨이라면 피카넷에 맡겨주세요 ! 치바현 치바시, 이치하라시, 소지가우라시, 키사라즈시, 키미즈시, 토미즈시를 중심으로 영업을 하고 있습니다. 화장실 청소 ・ 욕실 청소 ・ 주방 ・ 레인지 후드 청소 ・ 리폼 ・ 해충 구제 ・ 가구 이동 ・ 육체노동 ・ 쇼핑 도우미 ・ 이야기 상대
(0438) 63-8394ぴかねっと
- 본교는 일영 이중언어, 일본어 몰입형 전일제 프리스쿨 ( 캠벨 캠퍼스 )...
스프링브리지에서는 하루 종일 일본어와 영어를 균형 있게 배우고 있습니다. 또한 다양한 활동을 통해 언어 학습뿐만 아니라 다양한 나라의 문화와 전통을 접하면서 서로 다름을 이해하고 존중하는 마음과 더불어 자신을 소중히 여기는 마음을 키웁니다. 스프링브리지 국제학교에서는 아이들에게 수학 ( 일본어 / 영어 )과 국어 ( 일본어 / 영어 ), 과학의 탄탄한 ...
+1 (408) 370-7600Springbridge International School
- 테이크아웃 접수 중 ! 】 미디어 취재 다수 ! 도쿄의 인기 레스토랑이 ...
알라모아나 쇼핑센터 푸드코트 ( 마카이 마켓 )에 NEW OPEN! 도쿄에 4곳의 매장을 가지고 있으며, 연예인과 유명 인사들도 몰래 방문하는 인기 가게입니다. 미디어에도 많이 소개된 '마늘 스테이크'는 이곳에서만 맛볼 수 있는 맛이다. 꼭 한번 방문해 주세요 ^ ^ 마늘 스테이크 마늘 새우 로코모코
+1 (808) 940-7979STEAK TEPPEI
- 올해야말로 집을 사자 ! '모기지 세미나' 개최 결정 ! 2025년 1월...
올해야말로 집을 사자 ! '주택담보대출 세미나' 개최 결정 ! 2025년 1월 23일 ( 목 ) 오후 5시 30분 ~ 120여 개 금융기관의 다양한 대출상품을 취급하는 브로커. 다른 곳에서 어렵다고 하는 고객님들도 한 번 연락주세요. 상담은 무료입니다. 세미나도 개최하고 있습니다. 접수는 여기.
+1 (949) 266-7761Kana Makino - WEST CAPITAL LENDING
- 최근 마음이 지쳐있지 않으신가요 ? 혼자서 고민해도 문제가 해결되지 않고...
최근 혼자서 고민해도 해결되지 않아 마음이 지쳐있지 않으신가요 ? 고민과 스트레스로 어디서부터 손을 써야 할지 모르겠다면 임상심리사와 부담 없이 한번 상담해 보세요 ? 30분 1회차 무료 온라인 상담과 편리한 온라인 상담도 진행하고 있습니다.
+1 (408) 410-2672Misao Takano, LMFT
- 바닷가 프라이빗 살롱에서 힐링의 시간을 가져보세요 ? 헤어 미용 ・ 스트...
고객에게 최상의 힐링을 제공하고자 인도, 동남아시아 국가, 남미, 북미의 다양한 민족 문화를 직접 체험하고 그곳에서 얻은 지식을 바탕으로 최상의 살롱 경험을 제공하고 있습니다. 다양한 메뉴가 준비되어 있어 고객의 컨디션에 따라 선택하실 수 있습니다. 요가 레슨 ・ 미네랄 클레이 두근 스파 ・ 유기농 헤나 트리트먼트 ・ 발효 야생초 스팀 ・ 두피 클렌징&...
+81-90-7348-0301STUDIO ANICCA(アニッチャ)
Auburn Arts Header
free community programming
Bits and Bobs Workshop
*Bits and Bobs Workshop [ https://www.auburnwa.gov/cms/one.aspx?portalId=11470638&pageId=19725576&objectId.787103=20267892&contextId.787103=19725577&parentId.787103=19725578&localStartDate=2024-06-27T14:00&localEndDate=2024-06-27T16:00&ref=mesTP9fg96fVsgzpWYeogAd4DfwxeKNMStED7SK571Q%3d ]
**Thursday, June 27 | 2-4PM*
Ages: *13+ | FREE
*Instructors: *Brenetta Ward & Debra Harris-Branham
"@ Postmark Center for the Arts. [ https://www.auburnwa.gov/city_hall/parks_arts_recreation/arts_and_entertainment/postmark_center_for_the_arts ]"*
Join featured "SISTAHS" artists Brenetta Ward and Debra Harris-Branham for a bits and bobs workshop! Work with reused, recycled, and found materials to create your own artwork.
*"SISTAHS" Artist Talk [ https://www.auburnwa.gov/cms/one.aspx?portalId=11470638&pageId=12529095 ]
**Thursday, June 27 | 5:30-6:30PM
"@ Postmark Center for the Arts. [ https://www.auburnwa.gov/city_hall/parks_arts_recreation/arts_and_entertainment/postmark_center_for_the_arts ]"*
Join us at Postmark Center for the Arts for an artist talk with Marita Dingus, Debra Harris-Branham, and Brenetta Ward.
"SISTAHS" is an exhibit of four Pacific Northwest artists of African descent. Brenetta Ward is a fabric artist, third-generation quilter, and oral historian. Jite Agbro is known for her colorful figurative artwork featuring layered patterns, sharp contrast, and fabric and paper collage. Debra Harris-Branham conjures the energy of her storytelling into artistic imagery. Marita Dingus is an environmental feminist and mixed-media sculptor focused on using recoverable materials.
Island Fest 2024
*ISLAND FEST 2024 [ https://www.auburnwa.gov/cms/one.aspx?portalId=11470638&pageId=19725576&objectId.787103=20302694&contextId.787103=19725577&parentId.787103=19725578&localStartDate=2024-06-29T12:00&localEndDate=2024-06-29T15:00&ref=mesTP9fg96fVsgzpWYeogORVSwdb1zUHj6Zrlt%2fsKZg%3d ]
**Saturday, June 29, 2024
***All Ages | FREE**
"@ Postmark Center for the Arts. [ https://www.auburnwa.gov/city_hall/parks_arts_recreation/arts_and_entertainment/postmark_center_for_the_arts ]"
Join us at *ISLAND FEST 2024* presented by Arts of Love, right here at Postmark Center for the Arts!
Enjoy cultural performances, crafting, food, lei making, fashion, and of course, Postmark’s Art Gallery! We hope to see you there!
Wol-Un Vault Gallery
*Postmark Second Saturdays [ https://www.auburnwa.gov/cms/One.aspx?portalId=11470638&pageId=20072804 ]
**Saturday, July 13, 2024 | 12-4PM*
All Ages | FREE*
"@ Postmark Center for the Arts [ https://www.auburnwa.gov/cms/One.aspx?portalId=11470638&pageId=12529131 ]."*
Postmark Center for the Arts is hosting *FREE*, all ages, arts, performance, and crafts! Every Second Saturday of the month from 12-4pm.
*July Second Saturday Activities:
* 1-3PM | Current Vault Gallery artist *Wol-Un* will do a hands-on *Minwha* *Korean ink painting* *demonstration* and *workshop* for the July Second Saturday! Materials will be supplied.
* 12-4PM | "*SISTAHS* "exhibition inspired open artmaking with recycled materials
*Upcoming Second Saturdays:*
* "August 10 | Floral design demonstration with the Auburn Garden Club and Cello Performance by Gretchen Yanover"
* "September 14 | Chinese Harvest Moon Festival"
* "October 12 | Printmaking with Brain Lane"
Kiwanis Club of Auburn
Made possible by the Kiwanis Club of Auburn! [ https://www.facebook.com/kiwanisclubofauburn ]
Summer Sounds 2022
*Free Music & Performances on Wednesdays at Les Gove Park*
A fun entertainment series the whole family can enjoy! Pack up a picnic and enjoy the Wednesday concerts in the park at 12pm and 6:30pm each week. This entertainment series will be held at the parks shelter beside the Discovery Playground.
*KIDS SUMMERSTAGE [ https://www.auburnwa.gov/cms/One.aspx?portalId=11470638&localStartDate=2023-08-04T21%3a00&pageId=13102507&localEndDate=2023-08-04T23%3a00&contextId.253644=13102509&parentId.253644=13102510&returnTo=13102510&objectId.253644=19930994¤tDate=2024-05-04&view=event ]
**Wednesdays, July 10 – August 14 | 12pm | Les Gove Park
**Summer Line-up:*
* *July 10* - Reptile Isle - an educational, interactive reptile performance everyone enjoys.
* *July 17* - Ian Dobson's Steel Drum Dance Party
* *July 24* - Kelli Welli - songs for kids and the people that love them
* *July 31* - Brian Vogan & His Good Buddies - fun, inclusive, interactive music for kids and families
* *August 7* - The Magic of Jeff Evans - a fun, unforgettable, interactive magic show
* *August 14* - Charlie Williams The Noiseguy - a vocal sound impressionist and kids' comedian
*SUMMER SOUNDS [ https://www.auburnwa.gov/cms/one.aspx?portalId=11470638&pageId=13102507&objectId.253644=20174676&contextId.253644=13102509&parentId.253644=13102510&localStartDate=2024-07-10T18:30&localEndDate=2024-07-10T20:00&ref=mesTP9fg96fVsgzpWYeogMJZdck93MSsPtzsHknWvQQ%3d ]
Wednesdays, July 10 – August 14 | 6:30pm | **Les Gove Park
*Summer Line-Up:
* *July 10* – 80’s Ladies – The Best Rock n Roll from the Women of the 80’s
* *July 17* – Darren Motamedy – Contemporary Jazz Saxophonist
* *July 24* – The Fabulous Murphtones – Classic Rock N Roll and more
* *July 31* – Hook Me Up Band – Pop, Rock, Jazz & Blues
* *August 7* – Auburn Symphony Woodwind Quintet – Pops and Classical
* *August 14* – Army 1st Corps I-5 Rock Band – Rock N Roll
Drop ins header
Drop in Drawing
*Make & Mingle
**Every Wednesday, 10:00AM - 12:00PM
**Ages: *Suggested 18+, Mixed | FREE
*Instructor:* Postmark Staff
"@ The Postmark Center for the Arts [ https://www.auburnwa.gov/cms/One.aspx?portalId=11470638&pageId=12529131 ]."
Stop by for our Artist Open Studio! Come join us for a cup of coffee with whatever art project you might be working on! This is a free, no-pressure environment for artists and creatives to gather. You can talk with other artists, ask for feedback or critique from on-site staff if available, bring your sketchbook to work out ideas, or just quietly draw in the gallery or work on your art! All are welcome. "No need to sign up or register, just drop in!"
Chinese Gongbi Painting with Amy Sie
*Drop-in Painting with Amy Sie
**Every Friday, 10:00AM - 12:00PM*
*Ages:* Suggested 18+, Mixed | FREE
*Instructor:* Amy Sie
"@ The Postmark Center for the Arts [ https://www.auburnwa.gov/cms/One.aspx?portalId=11470638&pageId=12529131 ]."
Amy Sie is offering Drop-In Gongbi Painting sessions at the Postmark! A free, no-pressure environment for you to start a new painting or work on an old one. Please bring your own tools and materials. On-site help for critique/questions/advice. All are welcome. "No need to sign up or register, just drop in!"
Drop in drawing
*Drop-in Drawing
****Every Friday, 10:00AM - 12:00PM
*****Ages:* Suggested 18+, Mixed | FREE
*Instructor:* Postmark Staff
"@ The Postmark Center for the Arts [ https://www.auburnwa.gov/cms/One.aspx?portalId=11470638&pageId=12529131 ]."*
Come stop by for our new Drop-In Drawing sessions at the Postmark! A free, no-pressure environment for artists and creatives to drop-in. Draw from a still life or the gallery, stay for whole two hours or only 10 minutes! Bring tools to either shade or color with, and your own sketchbook or drawing pad. On-site help for critique/questions/advice. All are welcome. "No need to sign up or register, just drop in!"
Art Galleries Header
*Postmark Center for the Arts Gallery [ https://www.auburnwa.gov/cms/one.aspx?pageid=19727603&portalid=11470638 ]
**20 Auburn Ave"
"*SISTAHS *"Curated by Marita Dingus
Exhibition dates:* through July 18, 2024*
"SISTAHS" is an exhibit of four Pacific Northwest artists of African descent. Brenetta Ward is a fabric artist, third-generation quilter, and oral historian. Jite Agbro is known for her colorful figurative artwork featuring layered patterns, sharp contrast, and fabric and paper collage. Debra Harris-Branham conjures the energy of her storytelling into artistic imagery. Marita Dingus is an environmental feminist and mixed-media sculptor focused on using recoverable materials.
Featured artists: Jite Agbro, Marita Dingus, Debra Harris-Branham, Brenetta Ward
*Postmark Center for the Arts Gallery [ https://www.auburnwa.gov/cms/one.aspx?pageid=19727603&portalid=11470638 ]
**20 Auburn Ave"
*"Postmarked: Connecting Communities"*
Exhibition dates:* July 25 - October 2, 2024*
"Postmarked: Connecting Communities" is a mail-art project that aims at bringing creatives from all backgrounds together under one theme: What does community mean to you?
In honor of Postmark’s upcoming one-year anniversary, this exhibition intends to capture the uniqueness and diversity of its own growing community, with a focus on themes of space, place, and identity.
Hundreds of postcards will be on display, bringing definitions of community from artists of all ages and abilities together. The exhibition will be on view from July 25 – Oct 2, 2024. Visitors are encouraged to join in the creation of postcards in the Gallery.
*Join us for an Opening Reception on July 25, 5-6:30PM! *
Sunnam Manuel
*Vault Gallery [ https://www.auburnwa.gov/cms/One.aspx?portalId=11470638&pageId=19742280 ]
**20 Auburn Ave*
Artist: *Wol-Un [ https://sunatnight.art/ ]*
Exhibition Dates:* through July 13, 2024
"Through "My World in Ink" I share how I see the world through my infatuation with the materiality of ink. My practice is strongly rooted in the cultural traditions of Korean ink painting and calligraphy. By synthesizing these centuries-old techniques with contemporary methods, through the inclusion of new motifs, unconventional compositions, and modern styles of presentation, I aim to facilitate a connection between historical visual languages, narratives, and aesthetics within the modern world. "My World in Ink" features a series of ink paintings and calligraphy made with either rice or mulberry papers. This paper was prepared through a traditional process called wet mounting, where a wheat paste or animal fat glue is applied to combine and strengthen multiple layers. This process can take up to twenty-four hours of repeated wetting and drying before resulting in a satisfactory painting surface."
Amy Simons Vault Gallery
*Vault Gallery [ https://www.auburnwa.gov/cms/One.aspx?portalId=11470638&pageId=19742280 ]
**20 Auburn Ave*
Artist: *Amy Simons [ https://www.amysimons.com/ ]*
Exhibition Dates:* July 20 - October 13, 2024*
We are happy to introduce Amy Simons as our new Vault Gallery Artist! Simons proposes the creation of a site-specific collage comprising of hundreds of woodcut prints on lightweight Kozo paper that will become an immersive installation. This exhibition aims to engage viewers in a dynamic exploration of individuality and collective action. Simons says in their statement, "I make woodcut collages on an architectural scale. Woodcut prints because from a whole comes many parts, and collages because those parts together become another whole." View this installation in the Vault Gallery at Postmark Center for the Arts starting on July 20!
Lalitha Bandaru
*Art on Main Gallery [ https://www.auburnwa.gov/cms/one.aspx?portalId=11470638&pageId=12529278 ]*
*East Main St between N Division St and Auburn Ave*
Artist: *Lalitha Bandaru [ https://www.lalithabandaru.com/ ]*
Exhibition Dates:* through July 8, 2024
*Artist Lalitha Bandaru is our current Art on Main Installation artist! Bandaru aims to tackle the concept of "unfurling" and the life cycle of a butterfly. "The ‘Unfurling’ installation explores the fragility of things in nature more specifically— the metamorphosis and disappearance of the most beautiful, delicate little beings – the butterflies. Their journey from being an egg, caterpillar, chrysalis and then into a butterfly is both unique and magical and has always fascinated me." Seven painted canvas pieces will be installed draping from a center point, mimicking a butterfly that has just emerged out of its chrysalis. Says Bandaru, "I find this stage of the butterfly –where the butterfly is drying and stretching its wings – intriguing and beautiful as it is the start of its new journey of facing the challenges of the world. "
Roark Congdon
*Art on Main Gallery [ https://www.auburnwa.gov/cms/one.aspx?portalId=11470638&pageId=12529278 ]*
*East Main St between N Division St and Auburn Ave*
Artist: *Roark Congdon*
Exhibition Dates: *July 20 - October 13, 2024
We are excited to introduce Roark Congdon as our new Art on Main artist! Says Congdon, "This installation seeks to transform the installation space into a thought-provoking juxtaposition of materials and forms that challenges the conventional perception of the city street. By reimagining, reshaping, and enclosing the familiar, I hope to provoke questions about the dynamics of urban spaces and the possibilities for reimagining the potential of vacant spaces." With a project title of "Metamorphosis," visitors will be greeted by structures seemingly defying gravity, inviting them to question the conventional understanding of physical space. View this installation starting July 20!
Esther Loopstra
*Auburn Community and Event Center [ https://www.auburnwa.gov/cms/one.aspx?portalId=11470638&pageId=12529095 ]
910 Ninth St. SE*
Artist:* Esther Loopstra [ https://www.estherloopstra.com/ ]*
Exhibition Dates:* through June 28, 2024*
We are happy to have the art of Esther Loopstra on display at the Auburn Community Center Gallery! "I am a Seattle-based artist and writer whose work reflects my ongoing relationship with my body and connection to others and the natural world. Being neurodivergent, and dealing with mental health struggles, chronic illness, and disability most of my life, I have a complex relationship with my body and mind that informs my work." These mixed media paintings swirl on the canvas and freely unfold according to intuition and Loopstra's own poems. "My work takes the viewer on a passage, revealing the abstract essences and blurring the lines between our human internal systems and the nature around us."
*Auburn Community and Event Center [ https://www.auburnwa.gov/cms/one.aspx?portalId=11470638&pageId=12529095 ]
910 Ninth St. SE*
Artists:* Saori Matsushita | Eric Kirby*
We are happy to announce our installation of two artists at the Auburn Community Center Gallery, Ceramicist Saori Matsushita and Photographer Eric Kirby!
Eric Kirby
*Eric Kirby |* *June 28 - September 12*
Eric Kirby is a photographer capturing the big journeys of small toys. Kirby states, "I was always curious how toys seemed to move on their own and how they ended up in the most random locations." A storyteller by heart, Kirby translates his woven tales into crafted imagery. "Each photo creates a link to the magic around us and lets the viewer tap into those lost stories we cherished in our youth."
Saori Matsushita
*Saori Matsushita [ https://saorimstoneware.com/ ] | July 11 - September 12*
Saori Matsushita is a contemporary ceramic artist focusing on the techniques of Nerikomi and Neriage. Since 2008, she trained in clay sculpture and completed her MFA in Contemporary Sculpture from Musashino Art University in Japan in 2016. Her pottery are minimal yet playful, consistently bringing surprise and joy with fresh ideas. Born in Japan, she has built her own style without being confined by the traditional customs of Japan's male-centric society.
William Hanley
*Cheryl Sallee Gallery [ https://www.auburnwa.gov/cms/one.aspx?portalId=11470638&pageId=12529095 ]
**Auburn Senior Center
808 Ninth St. SE*
Artist: *William Hanley* [ https://williamhanley.smugmug.com/ ]
Exhibition Dates: *May 8 - July 10, 2024*
Photographer William Hanley is our current Cheryl Sallee Gallery artist! Hanley was born and raised in Seattle, and still resides in the Pacific Northwest. "I am a professional nature photographer who emphasizes connections between positive mental health, nature, and art." As someone who has battled depression off and on for many years, he learned that his meditative, contemplative approach to photographing nature helped to lessen sadness and promote peace within himself. He hopes that in observing his photos, the viewer may experience many of the same blessings of calm and awe that he feels during his nature walks.
Jasmine Brown
*Cheryl Sallee Gallery [ https://www.auburnwa.gov/cms/one.aspx?portalId=11470638&pageId=12529095 ]
**Auburn Senior Center
808 Ninth St. SE*
Artist: *Jasmine Brown [ https://www.instagram.com/jasmineionadesign ]*
Exhibition Dates: *July 10 - September 11, 2024*
We are happy to introduce Jasmine Brown as our upcoming Cheryl Sallee Gallery Artist! "My paintings, photography and public art usually focus on the face" says Brown. "I sculpt, paint, or take photographs that highlight individual beings. I’m fascinated with human features. I use facial expressions, words and patterns that convey messages, illustrate a stream of thought, or give voice to the private thoughts of marginalized individuals."
Dancing Museum Exhibit
*White River Valley Museum Exhibit
**Dancing with Our Ancestors [ https://www.wrvmuseum.org/exhibits-entry/2024/5/31/dancing-with-our-ancestors-june-19-october-13-2024 ]
**White River Valley Museum, 918 H St SE
On Display through October 13, 2024
Museum Open Wednesday - Sunday, Noon–4pm
Admission is Free!
Dance, food, taiko drums, and remembering those who have passed makes Bon Odori a beloved celebration in Japan and across the U.S. Learn more about the traditions of Bon Odori right here in Auburn at the Museum’s newest exhibit.
Created in partnership with the White River Buddhist Temple and made possible by the City of Auburn and 4Culture.
*Free Exhibit Programs:*
* Exhibit Opening Reception [ https://www.wrvmuseum.org/events-entry/2024/6/27/bonodoriopening ]| June 27 | 5-7PM | All Ages
* Blinky Ring Bingo [ https://www.wrvmuseum.org/events-entry/2024/7/13/blinkyringbingo ] | July 13 | 12 – 4PM | up to age 12
* What is Bon? Gallery Talk [ https://www.wrvmuseum.org/events-entry/2024/8/21/gallerytalk/what-is-obon-rev-yasaki ] | August 21 | 2-3PM | All Ages
* Bon Odori Mini Documentary Screening [ https://www.wrvmuseum.org/events-entry/2024/6/27/bonodoriopening-6ss2m ] | August 29 | 2PM | All Ages [ https://www.wrvmuseum.org/events-entry/2024/9/29/bonodorifamilyday ]
* Bon Odori Family Day [ https://www.wrvmuseum.org/events-entry/2024/9/29/bonodorifamilyday ] | September 29 | 1-3PM | Families
Calls to Artists header
*2025 Site-Specific Art Galleries [ https://artist.callforentry.org/festivals_unique_info.php?ID=13443 ]*
Art on Main [ https://www.auburnwa.gov/cms/one.aspx?portalId=11470638&pageId=12529278 ] and Vault Gallery [ https://www.auburnwa.gov/cms/one.aspx?portalId=11470638&pageId=19742280 ] - Accepts applications from regional artists to install 3-dimensional or multi-media art installations in two site-specific gallery spaces in downtown Auburn: the Art on Main Gallery and the Vault Gallery. Both spaces provide an artist stipend to support the creation of new work and site-specific projects, or the installation of existing work for three-month exhibitions.
*Eligibility:* This is a call to artists residing in the Pacific Northwest (Washington, Oregon and Idaho).
*Deadline:* September 5, 2024
For more information or to apply, visit this link. [ https://artist.callforentry.org/festivals_unique_info.php?ID=13443 ]
*2025 Art Galleries [ https://artist.callforentry.org/festivals_unique_info.php?ID=13442 ]*
Artists are selected through an annual application process for exhibitions in the Community & Event Center Gallery and Cheryl Sallee Gallery, showcasing diverse artworks by regional artists.
*Eligibility:* This is a call to artists with no geographical restriction, but all artwork must be dropped off and picked up in person in Auburn, WA on the assigned exhibition dates.
*Deadline:* September 5, 2024
For more information or to apply, visit this link. [ https://artist.callforentry.org/festivals_unique_info.php?ID=13442 ]
*Postmark Arts & Cultural Programming Grant [ https://auburn.services.govos.com/f/PostmarkGrant ]
*This program provides funding support for artists, arts or cultural organizations, or community members proposing ideas for free arts and cultural programs serving residents and visitors at the new Postmark Center for the Arts. We are excited about bringing local artist and community members together in a space that aims to provide opportunities for growth, creative participation, inspiration, and understanding through dynamic and multi-faceted programming.
*Eligibility: *Individuals, groups of people, neighborhood or business organizations seeking funding for an art program or cultural event at the Postmark Center for the Arts.
*Project Budget:* Grants are typically awarded from $500 - $2,000 per project.
*Deadline:* September 30, 2024
To apply, visit this link. [ https://auburn.services.govos.com/f/PostmarkGrant ]
*2025 Mary Olson Farm Artist in Residence [ https://artist.callforentry.org/festivals_unique_info.php?ID=13527 ]
*The residency lasts two months during June and July, providing the artist with a large barn as an indoor studio space, a stipend, and access to the 67-acre farm. As the Artist in Residence, the artist is responsible for leading a variety of free public programs, typically including a free community workshop, open studio days, an artist talk, and a performance at the Mary Olson Farm.
*Eligibility: *Artists who reside in Washington or Oregon working in performing arts disciplines.
*Deadline*: October 16, 2024
For more information or to apply, visit this link. [ https://artist.callforentry.org/festivals_unique_info.php?ID=13527 ]
Arts Around Auburn Header
NW Native Transfer Printmaking
*NW Native Plant Transfer Printmaking [ https://calendar.piercecountylibrary.org/event/10188515 ]
*With *Yoshi Nakagawa [ https://yoshinakagawa.com/ ]*
Artist Yoshi Nakagawa will be hosting NW Native Plant Transfer Printmaking workshops at* Pierce County Library* branches over the Summer. Register for individual sessions at the links below! [ https://calendar.piercecountylibrary.org/event/10188515 ]
* Saturday, July 13 | Milton/Edgewood branch | 1-3PM [ https://calendar.piercecountylibrary.org/event/10085769 ]
* Thursday, July 18 | Bonney Lake branch | 4-6PM [ https://calendar.piercecountylibrary.org/event/10103072 ]
* Saturday, July 27 | Parkland/Spanaway branch | 1-3PM [ https://calendar.piercecountylibrary.org/event/10085584 ]
Workshops are also at *Tacoma Library* Locations:
* Saturday, July 6 | Moore branch | 3-5PM [ https://tacoma.bibliocommons.com/events/660898d3aab5ae427b82bff9 ]
* Saturday, July 20 | Wheelock branch | 3-5PM [ https://tacoma.bibliocommons.com/events/660899c6aab5ae427b82c015 ]
*Maker's Market [ https://downtownauburncooperative.org/upcoming-events ]*
Downtown Auburn Cooperative is hosting a Maker's Market! Find the Market in Downtown Auburn, in the parking lot across the street from Roses Market. [ https://www.auburnwa.gov/cms/one.aspx?pageid=19727603&portalid=11470638 ] Follow links below for details on specific event days.
* Friday, July 19 | 3-7PM [ https://fb.me/e/6E5Lz4LsD ]
* Friday, August 16 | 3-7PM [ https://fb.me/e/3DMAuvlgF ]
Auburn Downtown Cooperative Maker's Market [ https://downtownauburncooperative.org/home ]
Better Postmark Header [ https://www.auburnwa.gov/cms/one.aspx?pageid=19727603&portalid=11470638 ]
*Gallery and Gift Shop Hours:
*Wednesdays 12-4PM
Thursdays 12-6PM
Fridays 12-4PM
"NEW Summer Weekend Hours!:
"Saturdays, 12-4PM
*Location*: 20 Auburn Ave, Auburn, WA 98002
Stay Connected!
Click the images below and follow us on our Facebook and Arts Instagram to keep up on announcements, events, and classes!
Instagram logo [ https://www.instagram.com/auburn.arts/ ]
Facebook logo [ https://www.facebook.com/auburnwa.arts ]
Auburn Parks, Arts & Recreation
253-931-3043 | www.auburnwa.gov/arts [ http://www.auburnwa.gov/arts ] [ http://www.auburnwa.gov/seniors ]
Auburn WA Logo [ http://www.auburnwa.gov ]
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