Progress with restoration of Lahaina water, wastewater services and other important updates shared For
- [注册人]County of Maui
- [语言]日本語
- [区]Maui, HI
- 注册日期 : 2024/06/13
- 发布日 : 2024/06/13
- 更改日期 : 2024/06/13
- 总浏览次数 : 94 人
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June 13, 2024
The County of Maui Office of Recovery and federal recovery officials shared several important updates for Lahaina residents at the County of Maui’s Weekly Disaster Recovery Community Update Meeting on Wednesday, June 12, 2024, at the Lahaina Civic Center social hall.
County announcements included lifting the Unsafe Water Advisory for a portion of Lahaina, amending sewer service status for certain parcels, fully reopening the first disaster zone and assisting with the installation of three mobile outdoor warning sirens.
U.S. Environment Protection Agency (EPA) provided an update on its drinking water sampling operations, as well as resources for Wahikuli Houselots Subdivision cesspool inspections.
To view the recorded livestream of the June 12 community meeting, visit the County of Maui Facebook page; no account is needed to view the meeting.
Unsafe Water Advisory removed for portion of Lahaina: County Department of Water Supply Deputy Director Kimo Landgraf announced that the Unsafe Water Advisory for Lahaina was removed for area L-6B. Water serving buildings and homes in this area was declared safe for unrestricted use effective June 12, 2024. Residents can use the interactive Water Advisory Map to confirm whether their address is in an advisory area at For more information,
Sewer service amendments for certain parcels: County Department of Environmental Management (DEM) Director Shayne Agawa announced the Wastewater Reclamation Division has amended the Sewer Service Status from “red,” which indicates a property does not currently have active sewer service, to “green,” meaning the sewer service is active for a property, in the following areas:
- June 7, 2024: Five parcels near Baby Beach off of Kai Pali Place: Area makai of Honoapiʻilani Highway, north of Kapunakea Street including parcels on Olona Place, Hoapili Street, Huea Street, Keao Street, and Front Street.
- May 24, 2024 (this update was previously made during the Homeowners Webinar that was held on May 30, 2024): Area north of Lahainaluna Road including parcels off of Kahena Street, Kalena Street, Kahako Street, Kaʻakepa Street, Ka’akolu Street, and Ka’alo Place. One parcel off of Kupuohi Street. Area in Kapunakea including parcels off of Ainakea Road, Kahoma Street, Nahale Place, and Hiki Place.
Some wastewater infrastructure was damaged during the fire, which cut off wastewater service for many properties in fire-impacted areas. To determine if wastewater service is impacted, visit enter the address.
Please note, some areas may have changed from “red” to “gray” on this map, meaning those areas have been identified as not being a sewered parcel; or from “gray” to “light blue,” meaning the areas have been identified as not having County sewer service. The update specifically points out the Wahikuli Houselots Subdivision as not currently being a County-sewered area.DEM anticipates continuing amending areas in Lahaina impacted by the August 2023 wildfires in coming weeks and months. If you have any questions regarding your sewer status, please call the Wastewater Reclamation Division at (808) 270-7417.
Lahaina Disaster Area access: Maui Emergency Management Agency (MEMA) announced that it reopened its first Lahaina Disaster Area zone on Komo Mai Street at 8 a.m. June 12, and the checkpoint on Keawe Street has moved up to Lui Street. Komo Mai is not a through street at this time because it terminates in restricted areas. Residents and contractors do not need vehicle passes to enter this area.
Installation of three temporary sirens: Everett Balmores of MEMA announced that MEMA staff partnered with HI-EMA and Federal Signal Corporation to deploy and make operational three mobile outdoor warning sirens in Lahaina. The sirens are located at: The Boys and Girls Club; Kelawea Mauka Park; and near Wastewater Pump Station 3 adjacent to Wahikuli Terrace Park.
EPA drinking water sampling mission update: EPA’s Incident Commander Dawn Ison announced that EPA recently completed drinking water sampling in the wildfire-impacted areas of Lahaina, which is a critical step in helping the County restore drinking water services to the community. This included sampling of 1,306 lateral lines and 135 hydrants. The County uses data from the sampling results to evaluate whether it is appropriate to amend the Unsafe Water Advisories.If contamination is detected or if a lateral is too damaged to be sampled, the line will be isolated from the main distribution line and marked for future replacement. As of yesterday, 441 laterals have been cleared, 457 have been isolated, 178 are awaiting isolation, 79 are being deferred to the County, and the EPA is awaiting the results of 151 samples.
Wahikuli cesspool inspection resources: EPA’s Maui Wildfire Recovery Coordinator/Sustainability Advisor Sebastian Rodriguez announced EPA has secured funding and will be offering inspection services through a local contractor for homes serviced by cesspools in the Wahikuli Houselots Subdivision.
This program is designed to assist homeowners in satisfying Hawai‘i Department of Health’s March 19 Guidance for Existing Cesspool Use in Wahikuli; it provides a free option for interested homeowners to comply with the March 19 guidance as appropriate; and the program is voluntary— homeowners may withdraw from the program at any time.
Interested homeowners will need to complete a right of entry form granting EPA and its contractors access to their property to complete the inspection. For more information, and to find the appropriate forms, visit under the header “Resources for Wahikuli Houselots Subdivision Cesspool Inspections.” Property owners with cesspools in Wahikuli who do not wish to participate in the program should consult with a licensed engineer/plumber, in accordance with the March 19 guidance, at their expense.
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