The Fremont Connection, October 11, 2024 Issue
- [登録者]City of Fremont
- [言語]日本語
- [エリア]Fremont
- 登録日 : 2024/10/11
- 掲載日 : 2024/10/11
- 変更日 : 2024/10/11
- 総閲覧数 : 115 人
- お店を検索するなら『タウンガイド』
- 海辺の創作料理店 CAMA Kitchen。TVでも紹介された、ランチ限定のハン...
海まで30秒の窯焼きピザと創作料理のお店『CAMA Kitchen』当店の魅力はシーンを選ばずどんなときにもご利用いただける空間とこだわりの食材を使用して作っているメニューの数々。テラス席ではペットと一緒にご飯を食べることが出来るので海まで散歩に来たらぜひCAMA Kitchenへお立ち寄りください♪
(04) 7096-7307CAMA Kitchen
- 🎥映像/動画制作ならお任せください!企業PR、商品プロモーション、コマーシャルC...
+1 (424) 290-0637Media Focus, Inc.
- ラスベガスに位置する、『核実験』の歴史を学ぶ博物館です。
全米で37箇所存在する "National" 博物館のひとつであり、ネバダ州唯一の"National" 博物館です。(国定の一級博物館に昇格し、名称が変更されました)The National Atomic Testing Museum では1950年代から1990年代までに発生した核実験の歴史に関して、様々な展示を観ながら学ぶことができます。また、現在「ネバ...
+1 (702) 794-5151The National Atomic Testing Museum
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アメリカには数多くの語学学校があります。数ある学校の中で当校が大切にしているもの、 それは「教育の質」と「価格」です。 英語はコミュニケーションのツール。1人でも多くの留学生がこのツールを身につけ、世界で活躍してもらうこと、これが私たちの願いです。だからこそ当校は生徒がいち早く学べる環境を整えること、そして一人でも受講しやすい価格にこだわっています。ESL Program(一般英語)ESL + C...
+1 (310) 887-0777Mentor Language Institute, LLC
- 木更津・君津・袖ケ浦で人気の『自立学習指導の塾 松陰塾』ショウイン式の完全個別指...
塾ナビ-学習塾口コミランキング「第1位」自立学習指導の塾 松陰塾5教科学べて通い放題、100%わかるまで学べます!松陰塾は1980年の創業以来、小中学生の学習指導実績を積み上げてまいりました。劇的な学力の向上のためには、「生徒自らが学ぶ」という意思が必要です。先生から一方的に習うだけでは、わかったつもりになっているだけで、学力は定着しません。この教育理念に基づき試行錯誤を重ねた学習法が「ショウイン...
+81-439-27-0263松陰塾 君津南子安校
- 離婚:親権:養育費:扶養費:家庭内暴力 などでお悩みですか?お電話での初回相談(...
離婚:親権:養育費:扶養費:家庭内暴力 お困りでしたら Law Office of Miyuki Nishimuraまでご連絡ください。■ 離婚 (Divorce)■ 親権 (Child Custody)■ 養育費 (Child Support)■ 扶養費 (Spousal Support)■ 財産分与 (Division of Property)■ 家庭内暴力 (Domestic Violenc...
+1 (213) 278-2780Law Office of Miyuki Nishimura
- 売上アップWeb集客/広告活用/SNS運用/制作/各種デジタル業務は成果にこだわ...
Web・デジタルマーケティングの総合コンサルティング会社です。企画から事業戦略、ホームページ作成、SEO対策、広告運用改善、UI/UXデザイン改善、デジタルマーケティング全般事業プロデュースまでWebサイト戦略に関する全てを成果にこだわる DIGINEX. へお任せください。デジタル系の業務は全て業務代行も可能です!経験と実績豊富なプロが本物のノウハウで成果にこだわったご提案で確実な売上げアップに...
+1 (310) 584-7300DIGINEX.
- 日本の老舗ラーメンブランドのUS1号店グランドオープンしました!OCエリアのラー...
東京ラーメンアワード大賞等の受賞歴のある『麺魚』がプロデュースしたMUNCHIE軒Japanese ramenがアメリカにOPEN!お店一番のウリであるサーモンラーメンはサーモンの身以外で出汁をとっており、あっさりとした味わいで虜になること間違いなし。スモークされたサーモンラーメンは、香ばしさただよう味わいを堪能していただけます。アメリカで大人気の豚骨ラーメンもご用意◎気になる方はぜひ一度お越しく...
(714) 465-9729Munchie-Ken Japanese Ramen
- For Your Career Design - 関わった人すべてをHAPPYに...
「信頼して相談できる、お仕事探しのパートナー」として、あなたのキャリアアップ実現をお手伝いいたします。QUICK USAは、「関わった人全てをハッピーに!」をモットーに、あなたのキャリアデザインを一緒に考えるパートナーです。様々な業界・職種のポジション・就職情報ともに豊富に取り揃えてお待ちしております。【http://www.919usa.com/】
+1 (310) 323-9190QUICK USA, INC.
- 郵便中興の恩人と言われる坂野鉄次郎の業績を紹介しています。
- 香港の病院を探すなら【世界オンラインドクター】ご相談・お問合せを承ります。
海外で医療を受けられる時、5つの心配事1.『病院』の心配Q1. 病気・ケガの時、どこの病院が良いですか?A1. 主治医に患者様の病状を伝え、最寄りの病院・クリニックをご紹介致します。2.『言葉』の心配Q2. 日本語が通じますか?医療通訳はいますか?A2. 日本語での予約受付を承ります。必要時は現場に医療通訳を派遣致します。3.『医療費』の心配Q3. 医療費が不安、治療にどれくらいかかりますか?A3...
(+852) 5632-1500世界オンラインドクター
- ★ヘアカット新規ご予約受付中★「おもてなし」をコンセプトに、お客様だけでなくスタ...
+1 (408) 656-2766K's Hair Salon
- 経験豊富な19年目、Irvine, Newport Beach, Orange ...
安全で気候のよいCaliforniaのOrange County にあなたも住んでみませんか? 学校区域がよくて有名なIrvineをはじめ、美しい町並み、海の見える家 Corona Del Mar(Newport Beach)など、世界の人々から注目を集めているこの地域は、住みながらにして、投資ができる最適の場所です。投資はご自分の住む家から…
+1 (949) 922-5998Miyo Nishimuta / Berkshire Hathaway (California不動産)
- ハワイ北海道会の歴史は、1972年11月3日に発足し、当時の方々の思いをしっかり...
北海道が出身地、北海道に勤務したことがある方、北海道の景色や風土が好き、 北海道人が好き・・など、北海道にゆかりのある方々の親睦団体です。道民のアロハスピリットまた、世界各国に住む道産子の方々との交流、ハワイにおいてゆっくりと流れる時間、美しい自然、さわやかな気候、安全な環境とアロハスピリットを充分満喫しながら、心身ともにリフレッシュしていただくサポートいたしますのでお気軽に相談下さい。世界の憧れ...
+1 (808) 282-8376ハワイ北海道人会
- 海辺のプライベートサロンで癒しのひとときを過ごしませんか?美髪・ストレス緩和・血...
+81-90-7348-0301STUDIO ANICCA(アニッチャ)
View as a webpage / Share [ https://content.govdelivery.com/accounts/CAFREMONT/bulletins/3bb0549 ]
Fremont building, lake, sign, police and fire employees, and business district. The Fremont Connection in Text with City of Fremont logo
October 11, 2024
Age Well Center Wellness Expo [ https://anc.apm.activecommunities.com/fremont/activity/search/detail/13872?onlineSiteId=0&from_original_cui=true ]
Age Well Center Wellness Expo Next Week on Oct. 16
The Age Well Center at Lake Elizabeth will host its 2nd annual Wellness Expo, WE 2024! for older adults 55+ in the Tri-City Area.
The event will take place on Wednesday, October 16, from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm at the Age Well Center at Lake Elizabeth, 40086 Paseo Padre Pkwy.
WE 2024! will have over 40 community organizations and older adult service providers, including Haller’s Pharmacy, administering Flu and COVID vaccinations, Bay Area Community Health (BACS) providing blood pressure and A1C testing, and Institute on Aging conducting fall risk assessments.
The event will also include:
* Interactive demonstrations for older adults 55+
* Cookie-making and tasting demonstrations with the Age Well Center at Lake Elizabeth’s chefs
* Dancing to the rhythms of African Dance, experience the Latin flavor of Zumba, or sit in on a Fall Prevention presentation to learn exercises to improve your balance and mobility
A limited amount of $7 to-go box lunches will be available for pickup at the end of the event. Vaccinations must be scheduled in advance through the *California Department of Public Health [ https://myturn.ca.gov/scheduling?config=ce019367-feae-4d4f-8458-60fd26581a69 ]*. __
*Event Registration* [ https://anc.apm.activecommunities.com/fremont/activity/search/detail/13872?onlineSiteId=0&from_original_cui=true ]
laptop with small microphones and video cameras to watch Council meetings [ https://fremontca.viebit.com/watch?hash=Aw410y7JnlX0Aqbe ]
*Catch up on October 8 Council Meeting*
Did you miss this week’s October 8 City Council meeting? Catch up on the *meeting agenda [ https://www.fremont.gov/Home/Components/FlexAgendaCenter/AgendaCenter/2937455/608 ]* and webcast on our website. Topics included a Parking Enforcement Authority Ordinance to introduce an Ordinance Amending Section 10.05.550 and Adding Section 10.05.555 to the Fremont Municipal Code to Enhance Parking Enforcement Authority.
*Watch Meeting Recording* [ https://fremontca.viebit.com/watch?hash=Aw410y7JnlX0Aqbe ]
City seal in mosaic tile, City Council Meeting in text, and City of Fremont logo with three mountain peaks [ https://www.fremont.gov/home/showdocument?id=16599&t=638640707534965717 ]
October 15 City Council Meeting Cancelled
The October 15, 2024 City Council meeting is cancelled.
You may view past city council agendas, meeting recordings, and meeting presentation materials on the *City's website [ https://www.fremont.gov/government/agenda-center ]*.
*Notice of Cancellation* [ https://www.fremont.gov/home/showdocument?id=16599&t=638640707534965717 ]
Disability Employment Awareness Month [ https://www.fremont.gov/government/mayor-city-council/ceremonial-flags ]
Disability Employment Awareness Month
During the month of October, the City invites everyone to celebrate the diversity of our community and to recognize the importance of sharing our culture, customs, and traditions with those around us. A Disability Employment Awareness Month flag is on display throughout October at City Hall.
Fremont Police Department Youth Advisory Board [ https://www.fremontpolice.gov/about-us/office-of-the-chief-of-police/youth-advisory-board ]
Apply for the Chief’s Youth Advisory Board
Fremont Police Department is looking for high school students to join the Chief’s Youth Advisory Board! The Chief's Youth Advisory Board is a great opportunity for students to make their voice heard.
The Board does the following:
* Connect young leaders with members of the Fremont Police Department, up to and including, the Chief of Police
* Conduct listening sessions with one another to learn of shared experiences
* Collaborate on long term goals for our community
* Introduce youth to subject matter experts within the field of criminal justice
* Provide educational opportunities and learning experiences for participating stakeholders
The Chief's Youth Advisory Board is open to all high school students (9th through 12th grade) who attend public, private, or alternative schools located in the city of Fremont. Members of the Chief’s Youth Advisory Board must attend monthly meetings, which are held in the evening on the first Monday of each month.
Applications are due October 18, 2024, and interviews will be conducted October 21 - November 25, 2024.
*More Information* [ https://www.fremontpolice.gov/about-us/office-of-the-chief-of-police/youth-advisory-board ]
International Walk and Roll to School [ https://www.fremont.gov/government/departments/transportation-engineering/walking-bicycling/safe-routes-to-school ]
International Walk and Roll to School Day Success!
October 9 was International Walk and Roll to School Day. Students and families walked, biked, skated, took transit, and more to get to school. Thirty-four of Fremont’s public schools (including four high schools) participated in the event. Fremont elected officials and staff were present at schools across the city to help greet students, distribute giveaways, and to thank them for walking and rolling. For more information on the City’s Safe Routes to School Program and the best route to bike or walk to your schools, please visit the *City’s [ https://www.fremont.gov/government/departments/transportation-engineering/walking-bicycling/safe-routes-to-school ]website [ https://www.fremont.gov/government/departments/transportation-engineering/walking-bicycling/safe-routes-to-school ]. [ http://www.city.fremont.gov/saferoutestoschool ]*
*Safe Routes to School* [ https://www.fremont.gov/government/departments/transportation-engineering/walking-bicycling/safe-routes-to-school ]
Veranda Project [ https://public.govdelivery.com/accounts/CAFREMONT/signup/37320 ]
Construction Begins for New Development with Affordable Housing in Centerville
Construction of the Veranda Project, a new mixed-use development in Centerville, has started. The project will occupy a 1.9 acre site comprising three separate lots, 37447 to 37471 Fremont Boulevard. The site, previously occupied by three privately owned buildings, was recently cleared for construction.
The Veranda Project will consist of eight buildings and feature the following:
* A total of 60 for-sale townhome-style condominium units with private garages for parking
* 9 for-sale affordable housing units for low- and moderate-income households who have not owned a home within the last three years
* 8 units with accessory dwelling units
* 2 ground-floor commercial spaces covering 1,100 square feet
* 6,000 square feet of community open space
The Veranda Project will be located within an existing town center area and will further the City’s General Plan policies that emphasize development close to transit. The project will offer convenient access to the Centerville Train Station, AC Transit, and pedestrian-oriented commercial uses. The project is expected to be completed in 2025.
To receive information when the new affordable housing units become available, sign up for the City’s *First Time Homebuyer Program Interest List [ https://city.fremont.gov/affordablehousinginterest ].*
Winter Needs List 2024 [ https://www.fremont.gov/residents/homeless-response/how-to-help ]
Donate to Help Keep Our Unhoused Neighbors Safe and Warm
As the weather turns colder, the needs of our unhoused neighbor’s shift. The City is continuing our partnership with *Bay Area Community Services (BACS) [ https://www.bayareacs.org/ ] *and asking the community to donate essential items to help our unhoused neighbors stay safe and warm during these colder months. Donated items will be distributed through City programs and services, such as the *Safe Parking Program* [ https://www.fremont.gov/residents/homeless-response/homeless-services/safe-parking ] and the *Housing Resource Center [ https://www.fremont.gov/residents/homeless-response/homeless-services/housing-resource-center-access-point-services ].* Items will also be shared with BACS to ensure they get to those who need them as quickly as possible.
An updated *Homeless Services Needs List [ https://www.fremont.gov/home/showpublisheddocument/14346/638422259207530000 ]* is available for those interested in donating items. The items most needed are the following:
* T-shirts
* Jackets/Coats
* Sweatpants
* Sweaters
* Undergarments
* Socks
All clothing items should be in adult sizes from small to XXXL. Drop-off locations and hours are listed on the *Homeless Services Needs List [ https://www.fremont.gov/home/showpublisheddocument/14346/638422259207530000 ].* No appointment is necessary.
If you have questions, please contact Paula Manczuk-Hannay in the City’s Human Services Department at 510-574-2088 or by *email <pmanczuk-hannay@fremont.gov>*.
Every donation, no matter how small, can help ensure that our neighbors have the essential items they need to stay safe during the cold weather. If you have already donated items or plan to do so, thank you for your support and for giving back!
For other ways you can help, including making a monetary donation online, please visit the City's *How to Help webpage [ https://www.fremont.gov/residents/homeless-response/how-to-help ].*
*How to Help* [ https://www.fremont.gov/residents/homeless-response/how-to-help ]
Vote By Mailbox [ https://www.alamedacountyca.gov/rovapps/maps/ballotdropbox_map.htm ]
*Vote By Mail Drop Boxes in Fremont and Throughout Alameda County*
Looking for an official drop box in Fremont to drop off your voting ballot? Every voter will be mailed a ballot for the November 5, 2024, General Election. Ballot drop boxes are located throughout Fremont and Alameda County for those who do not wish to mail their ballots. Voters may drop off their ballots at any of the following Fremont locations, 24 hours a day, through November 5, 2024:
* Fremont City Hall - 3300 Capitol Ave.
* Centerville Library - 3801 Nicolet Ave.
* East Bay Depot Café - 37260 Fremont Blvd.
* Fremont Main Library, 2400 Stevenson Blvd.
* Irvington Library - 41825 Greenpark Dr.
* Niles Library - 150 I Street
* Northwestern Polytechnical University - 47671 Westinghouse Dr.
* Ohlone College (Building 19) - 43600 Mission Blvd.
In-person voting locations and Vote By Mail Drop Boxes will close at 8:00 pm on Election Night, November 5.
Additional ballot drop-off locations can be found throughout Alameda County. Please visit the *County’s website* [ https://www.acgov.org/rovapps/maps/ballotdropbox_map.htm ] for the most up-to-date list of locations. The Registrar of Voters Office will have staff available to close all Vote By Mail Drop Boxes and secure them until the next election.
Once you have mailed or submitted your ballot at a drop box location, you can *sign up to track your ballot* [ https://acvote.ballottrax.net/voter/ ]*.*
calendar and stars [ https://www.fremont.gov/residents/city-calendar ]
Upcoming Events & Community Meetings
*Friday, October 11 [ https://links-1.govdelivery.com/CL0/https:%2F%2Fwww.fremont.gov%2FHome%2FComponents%2FCalendar%2FEvent%2F1922%2F17%3Fcurm=10%26cury=2024/1/0100019259f2d636-41f920b4-bb1f-468d-9b75-99bbbe73e5f8-000000/N1ts1vGswDxN08BF9Y5_Ru8wP69wAZxQAxr4tUhmhY0=373 ]: *Fremont Street Eats from 5:00 to 9:00 pm, at the Downtown Event Center, 3500 Capitol Ave.
*Saturday, October 12 [ https://links-1.govdelivery.com/CL0/https:%2F%2Fwww.fremont.gov%2FHome%2FComponents%2FCalendar%2FEvent%2F2167%2F17/1/0100019259f2d636-41f920b4-bb1f-468d-9b75-99bbbe73e5f8-000000/dQiXR3-DTr9blbstT2v18cQo3gSbHcgxB_0Q3wzjH60=373 ]*: Nature Learning Center Open House from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm, 40224 Paseo Padre Pkwy.
*Tuesday, October 15 [ https://www.fremont.gov/Home/Components/Calendar/Event/2179/17 ]:* Facility Subcommittee Meeting at 11:00 am at the Age Well Center South Fremont, 47111 Mission Falls Court.
*Wednesday, October 16 [ https://links-1.govdelivery.com/CL0/https:%2F%2Fanc.apm.activecommunities.com%2Ffremont%2Factivity%2Fsearch%2Fdetail%2F13872%3FonlineSiteId=0%26from_original_cui=true/1/0100019259f2d636-41f920b4-bb1f-468d-9b75-99bbbe73e5f8-000000/TIvZ9hBb_OynMvfS03aeWjePvVbYeMauyv1gmHqXZZU=373 ]: *Wellness Expo from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm at the Age Well Center Lake Elizabeth, 40086 Paseo Padre Pkwy.
*Friday, October 18: [ https://links-1.govdelivery.com/CL0/https:%2F%2Fwww.fremont.gov%2Fgovernment%2Fdepartments%2Fparks-recreation%2Fevents%2Ftrick-or-treat-event/1/0100019259f2d636-41f920b4-bb1f-468d-9b75-99bbbe73e5f8-000000/-0fmA_1ToNoRqhF0GWV_mfoBX-KEi7PgSNV3e6EbTkQ=373 ]*Trick-or-Treat Event from 5:00 to 9:00 pm at the Downtown Event Center, 3500 Capitol Ave.
*Friday, October 18 [ https://links-1.govdelivery.com/CL0/https:%2F%2Fwww.fremont.gov%2FHome%2FComponents%2FCalendar%2FEvent%2F1923%2F17%3Fcurm=10%26cury=2024/1/0100019259f2d636-41f920b4-bb1f-468d-9b75-99bbbe73e5f8-000000/ZvR3ByzfVw4ZHlev6dFJIh216t1eEwRpNTtyIVlSe8k=373 ]: [ https://links-1.govdelivery.com/CL0/https:%2F%2Fwww.fremont.gov%2FHome%2FComponents%2FCalendar%2FEvent%2F1922%2F17%3Fcurm=10%26cury=2024/2/0100019259f2d636-41f920b4-bb1f-468d-9b75-99bbbe73e5f8-000000/Dm0UIzygoyGwnkJj1tsWWZsDlVHMjl_L3CSDpJoBlv8=373 ]*Fremont Street Eats from 5:00 to 9:00 pm, at the Downtown Event Center, 3500 Capitol Ave.
*Tuesday, October 22 [ https://links-1.govdelivery.com/CL0/https:%2F%2Fanc.apm.activecommunities.com%2Ffremont%2Factivity%2Fsearch%2Fdetail%2F13237%3FonlineSiteId=0%26from_original_cui=true/1/0100019259f2d636-41f920b4-bb1f-468d-9b75-99bbbe73e5f8-000000/le-U729teUlQ413G5b671pdaAJjnmzwIWmNPixgk2Cw=373 ]*: Abracadabra Kids Edition from 3:40 to 4:50 pm at the Centerville Community Center Park: 3355 Country Drive.
*Thursday, October 24* [ https://links-1.govdelivery.com/CL0/https:%2F%2Fcity.fremont.gov%2FFRC25tickets/1/0100019259f2d636-41f920b4-bb1f-468d-9b75-99bbbe73e5f8-000000/1VhTHCUnhbRGsLhiI77YDv8EkgXp02MesypQaF5yZHw=373 ]: Fremont Family Resource Center 25th Anniversary Celebration and Fundraiser, from 5:00 pm to 9:00 pm at the Downtown Event Center, 3500 Capitol Ave.
*Friday, October 25* [ https://links-1.govdelivery.com/CL0/https:%2F%2Fwww.fremont.gov%2Fgovernment%2Fdepartments%2Fparks-recreation%2Fevents%2Fmovies-under-the-stars/1/0100019259f2d636-41f920b4-bb1f-468d-9b75-99bbbe73e5f8-000000/s6E1I4S7oK9SQ6y8EkHvPMbbskYvlYGpQ9dlfJxmxZs=373 ]: Movies Under the Stars: Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire, at 7:00 pm in Central Park.
*Saturday, October 26 [ https://links-1.govdelivery.com/CL0/https:%2F%2Fanc.apm.activecommunities.com%2Ffremont%2Factivity%2Fsearch%2Fdetail%2F13206%3FonlineSiteId=0%26from_original_cui=true/1/0100019259f2d636-41f920b4-bb1f-468d-9b75-99bbbe73e5f8-000000/KQSJzO1N-5xn3skwO3zV7UZhUiUVnffLBlK5hzrbjfk=373 ]*: Diwali Art Workshop from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm at the Shinn Historic Park and Arboretum: 1251 Peralta Blvd.
*View Full Calendar* [ https://www.fremont.gov/residents/city-calendar ]
In Case You Missed It:
Fremont Commissioner or Advisory Board Member Openings [ https://www.fremont.gov/government/departments/city-clerk/boards-commissions-committees ]
Navigated Fremont Streets [ https://www.fremont.gov/government/departments/transportation-engineering/navigating-fremonts-roadways ]
conversation bubbles, and my Fremont, my city, my voice in text [ https://my.fremont.gov ]
*Help the City of Fremont **turn your thoughts **into actions! *
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