Air vent installation as early as September 25
- [등록자]King County
- [언어]日本語
- [지역]King County, WA
- 등록일 : 2024/10/04
- 게재일 : 2024/10/04
- 변경일 : 2024/10/04
- 총열람수 : 40 명
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October 2024
Air vent installation as early as October 7
Expect traffic detours on Frontage Rd and single-lane closures at S.E. 35th Pl and E. Mercer Way
As early as October 7, crews will install an air vent line in the roadway on East Mercer Way at S.E. 35th Pl. This work is expected to take up to three weeks. This air vent connects to the odor control structure in the cul-de-sac and the pipe in the roadway on S.E. 35th Pl. In August, we communicated that permanent paving was scheduled for mid-September. Permanent paving work has been delayed to protect other underground utilities in the area that will be installed (more information below). *We understand this is inconvenient, and we thank project neighbors for your patience as this important sewer upgrade work progresses.*
This air vent work will be completed in three phases. Access to homes on S.E. 35th Pl, El Dorado Beach Club Drive, and Briarwood Lane will be maintained via a detour route down Frontage Road and traffic control at East Mercer Way. See map below for the location of work and road closures during each phase. *Please drive carefully and follow all signage and instructions from flaggers. *
Map of South East 35th Place showing the detours used during air vent installation.
Location of three phases of air vent work on S.E. 35th Pl at E. Mercer Way.
*Phase 1* (marked in red and labeled with “Phase 1”):
*As early as October 7*, S.E. 35th Pl will be closed between E. Mercer Way and El Dorado Dr. to stage equipment and materials for the air vent work. This closure will remain in place for approximately three weeks. Residents living on and east of El Dorado Dr will be able to access their homes using the detour on Frontage Rd. Residents living west of El Dorado Dr will continue to route through East Mercer Way as usual.
*Phase 2* (marked in green and labeled with “Phase 2”):
*As early as October 10*, flaggers will restrict the right lane at the intersection of S.E. 35th Pl and E. Mercer Way, reducing it to single lane traffic. During this time residents living on or east of El Dorado Dr will continue to use Frontage Rd and residents west of El Dorado Dr will use the singe lane access at East Mercer Way.
*Phase 3* (marked in orange and labeled with “Phase 3”):
*As early as October 14*, flaggers will restrict the left lane at the intersection of S.E. 35th Pl and E. Mercer Way, reducing it to single lane traffic. During this time residents living on or east of El Dorado Dr will continue to use Frontage Rd and residents west of El Dorado Dr will use the singe lane access at E. Mercer Way.
*Remaining construction activities following air vent installation*:
After air vent installation, crews will be in the area for temporary restoration activities and to finish pipe installation and testing. Following testing, Puget Sound Energy and the City of Mercer Island Public Works will be working in the roadway near the east end of S.E. 35th Pl to work on underground utilities in the area. The utilities work currently being done by our crews, followed by Puget Sound Energy and the City of Mercer Island Public Works, will provide reliable services for your neighborhood for many years to come. Following this utilities work, permanent paving and restoration activities will take place.
During this work, there will be detours in place. We will update the project website and email the Area 6 list serv once we have more information about upcoming detours and the schedule for remaining work.
What to expect during construction:
* Permitted work hours are 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday to Friday.
* Work outside these hours will be done as approved by the City of Mercer Island.
* All work will be performed in the public right-of-way.
* Flaggers, traffic control signals, and single-lane alternating traffic may be used during this work.
* Outside work hours, S.E. 35th Pl at E. Mercer Way will be covered with steel plates and will return to two-way traffic.
* Noise, dust, and vibrations typical of an active construction project.
* Emergency vehicle access will be maintained.
* Garbage, recycling, composting, and mail service will be maintained.
* Crews will assist with pick-up and delivery services during work hours.
* If services are interrupted, or if you are expecting a delivery at a specific date or time, please call the project hotline at 425-305-3578.
* Construction schedules can change based on factors such as site conditions, weather, and material availability. Please check the project website [ https://kingcounty.gov/en/dept/dnrp/waste-services/wastewater-treatment/capital-projects/north-mercer-island-enatai-sewer-upgrade/update-sign-ups ] for updates.
Learn more about this project
* Contact the community services team at 425-305-3578 or email NMEsewer@kingcounty.gov
* Visit the project website: kingcounty.gov/MercerEnataiSewer [ https://kingcounty.gov/depts/dnrp/wtd/capital-projects/active/north-mercer-island-enatai-sewer-upgrade.aspx ].
* Alternative Formats Available: 206-477-5371 or TTY Relay: 711
*Sign up for location-specific email lists on our website.* [ https://kingcounty.gov/en/dept/dnrp/waste-services/wastewater-treatment/capital-projects/north-mercer-island-enatai-sewer-upgrade/update-sign-ups ]
Los servicios de interpretación y traducción están disponibles para usted sin costo alguno. Si los necesita, comuníquese con NMEsewer@kingcounty.gov, 425-305-3578
免費為您提供口譯和筆譯服務。如果您需要這些服 務,請聯絡 NMEsewer@kingcounty.gov, 425-305-3578
免费为您提供口译和笔译服务。如果您需要这些服 务,请联络 NMEsewer@kingcounty.gov, 425-305-3578
About King County Wastewater Treatment Division
King County Wastewater Treatment Division protects public health and the environment by collecting and cleaning wastewater while recovering valuable resources for a healthy and resilient Puget Sound. We provide services to 18 cities, 15 local sewer districts, the Muckleshoot Indian Tribe, and nearly 2 million people across a 424-square-mile area in King, Snohomish, and Pierce counties.
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