Washington State Parks E-News June 2024
- [注册人]Washington State Parks
- [语言]日本語
- [区]Seattle, WA, US
- 注册日期 : 2024/06/14
- 发布日 : 2024/06/14
- 更改日期 : 2024/06/14
- 总浏览次数 : 70 人
- 当地商业的『城市指南』
- 我们在这里帮助您节食💦 🤗FIT BODY 不是一次性的节食,而是真正的节食和身...
Diet Pro FIT BODY 私人健身教练提供个性化支持,帮助您在最短时间内实现理想身材 ! < 减肥 ・ 燃烧脂肪 > 减去大腿和腰部等下半身脂肪 中年肥胖 < 缺乏运动 ・ 健康管理 > 内脏脂肪、甘油三酯、血糖等健康指标恶化 肩部僵硬、肩痛、背痛等症状减轻 << 塑造理想身材 > 适合产后体重增加且难以恢复体重的人 塑造美腿和美臀 < 提高运动成绩 > 提高...
+1 (310) 803-0155FIT BODY
- 纽约日裔美国人协会是一个被美国政府、州和市认可的非营利组织(NPO)。在 "百年...
我们组织各种活动,让各个年龄段的人都能参与其中。请加入我们 ! 我们还提供免费咨询服务等,包括健康 ・ 生活方式咨询室、移民法法律咨询室和遗嘱法律咨询室。 健康 ・ 生活方式咨询室 有关移民法的法律咨询 有关遗嘱的法律咨询 一般法律咨询室 ™ (遗嘱和移民 ™ 除外) 税务咨询室 苹果儿童 女商人 奖学金计划 艺术展览 学会使用 图书馆&档案馆
+1 (212) 840-6942ニューヨーク日系人会
- 这是一家公共图书馆,收藏有 13 000 多种日语图书。
图书馆位于日本城以西约三个街区处。 图书馆面向斯科特街,位于吉尔利大道和邮政街之间。 图书馆有日本工作人员,每天开放。 任何居住在加利福尼亚州的人都可以获得一张免费的借书证。 ( 您需要持有加州驾照或护照以及当前住址证明、信件或已张贴的账单 )。
+1 (415) 355-5727サンフランシスコ公共図書館ウェスタンアディション館
- 南帕萨迪纳美发沙龙在剪发和染发方面都享有盛誉。在日本和美国拥有超过 25 年经验...
我希望以合理的价格为您提供 "美丽的发型",满足您的个性化需求。 活跃于南帕萨迪纳,曾在历史悠久的帕萨迪纳玫瑰花车游行中为公主们设计发型。
+1 (626) 233-2272SALON DE ELEGANCE (Hair Stylist Masako)
- 2025 年 2 月 4 日 ( 星期二 ) 新学年开始 ! 这是一所面向海外学...
可以在美国学习 SAPIX 课程。 课程根据居住在国外的儿童的需求量身定制,重点复习 SAPIX 在日本的课程。 在家中复习所学内容以巩固所学,并通过课堂测验检查巩固程度。 到目前为止,大多数课堂都是被动的,老师面对学生,讲解如何解决问题,但在 SAPIX 的互动课堂上,学生和老师一起思考采取什么步骤最好,同时相互交流。课堂继续进行。 这种课堂形式可以让学生接触到不同人的思维,学习从...
+1 (914) 358-5337SAPIX USA
- 过去现在的创伤、创伤后应激障碍 / 如果您患有复杂的创伤后应激障碍、抑郁症、恐慌...
大家好我叫牧野由香里(,从1996年到2018年,我一直在日本的心理学实践中为有各种创伤的客户提供服务。在来美国之前,我还作为副教授在一所保育・护士培训学院教授了7年心理学。目前,我在日本是一名合格的临床心理学家,在美国是一名APCC,提供心理治疗。 [擅长领域] 创伤、创伤后应激障碍 / 复杂创伤后应激障碍、抑郁症、恐慌症、焦虑症、强迫症 ( 强迫症 ) 等 [使用技术] 躯体
+1 (323) 334-0180Yukari Makino, Ph.D., AMFT, APCC, SEP
- 想吃当地的鱼就来本店 ! 馆山 ・ 这里是使用南房总当地的鱼和食材的美味屋 "若...
可提供宴会 ! 馆山 ・ 可以品尝到从南房总到外房总(Sotobo)一带海域的最新鲜、最优质的当地鱼类 ! 我们有丰富的菜肴选择,还备有饮料菜单和最多可容纳 24 人的宴会座位。 除了常规菜单,我们还提供每日更新的今日推荐。 我们期待您的光临 ! ✨
+81-470-23-9022美味い家 若鈴
- 这是一个社区托儿支持组织,帮助母亲们保持微笑。
享受你现在唯一的时间来抚养你的孩子「在妈妈的微笑思考小组」 ? 随时与我们联系,以获得更多信息。
- 家庭摄影和影楼摄影(七五三、成人仪式、大宫斋、和服婚礼) & 外景摄影交给我们 ...
我们提供各种特殊的摄影套餐,将和服出租、发型和化妆以及摄影集于一身。 如需在美国全境进行现场拍照和现场化妆,请联系我们。
+1 (818) 646-8088ワンストップ着物スタジオ KIMONO SK
- M&夏威夷的专业公司。我们正在寻找想要出售店铺、美容院、商店、公司等!的人。我们...
出售您的夏威夷商店或公司 ? 我们是一家专门从事夏威夷业务的 M&A 经纪公司。出售您的夏威夷企业 ・ 转让您的企业 ・ 我们可以帮助您进行企业继承。我们将您的企业介绍给日本企业主和投资者。我们的代表同时也是日本的一家行政法律事务所,因此我们具有高度的可靠性和良好的业绩记录。
- 世界在线医生] 为香港的医院・咨询
联系我们。 -
在国外接受医疗时的5个顾虑 1.对 "医院 "的顾虑 Q1.哪里是治疗疾病・和受伤的最佳医院 ? A1.将你的病情告知医生,他/她会将你转到最近的医院・诊所。 2.对 "语言 "的关注 Q2.是否讲日语 ? 是否有医疗翻译 ? A2.必要时,将派遣医疗翻译到现场。 3、对 "医疗费用 "的担心 Q3:我担心医疗费用,治疗费用是多少 ? A3:我们会联系每家医院和诊所,提供比...
(+852) 5632-1500世界オンラインドクター
- 世界在线医生] 为香港的医院・咨询
- 得克萨斯州历史博物馆位于奥斯汀市中心。
德克萨斯州奥斯汀历史博物馆。博物馆以 "德克萨斯州的故事 "为主题欢迎所有游客。
+1 (512) 936-8746Bullock Texas State History Museum
- 本田广场牙科诊所是一家非常明亮、预约爆满、氛围轻松的诊所。普通牙科 ・ 神经治疗...
位于小东京的本田广场牙科诊所是一家以种植牙治疗为主的美容牙科诊所。拥有 20 年临床经验的伊藤医生会用日语详细讲解治疗细节。伊藤医生有 20 年的临床经验,会用日语详细讲解治疗细节,还与日本牙科诊所合作,即使是短期停留的患者也可以放心接受治疗。 ● 普通牙科 ● 神经治疗 ● 牙周科 ● 口腔外科 ● 植牙科 ● 激光牙科 ● 牙科美容 ● 修复科 ● 麻醉科 ● 隐形牙齿矫正...
+1 (213) 687-3895Itoh DDS / ホンダプラザ歯科医院
- 德克萨斯州 ・ 我们是麦金尼的一家儿童牙科专科诊所。我们自豪地为从婴儿到初高中生...
德克萨斯州 ・ 我们是麦金尼的一家儿童牙科专科诊所。我们自豪地为从婴儿到初高中生・等有特殊需要的儿童提供服务。我们讲英语 ・ 韩语 ・ 西班牙语和日语,并提供定期检查 ・ 清洁 ・ 龋齿治疗 ・ 美容牙科 ・ 早期牙齿矫正等服务。 ● 定期检查 ・ 清洁 ● 龋齿治疗 ● 唇系带/舌系带(上唇 ・ 治疗 velar 短缩 )) ● 美白 ・ 牙齿美容 ●夜间护具 ・ 运动护具等口器 ...
+1 (469) 336-3269Sprout Dentistry for Kids
*June 2024*
concert series
*Drumroll, please! Concerts and events are coming to parks!*
Summer concerts are off to a great start at Cape Disappointment [ ], with more outdoor music at Lincoln Rock [ ] and Lake Wenatchee [ ] beginning July 4 weekend!
We’ve also got the Skandia Midsommarfest at Saint Edward [ ] *June 30* and United Communities of Laos Summer Festival at Lake Sammamish [ ] *July 27*. Save the dates and see the Folk & Traditional Arts Program event page [ ] or download/print a PDF of the calendar [ ]!
From ranger talks and tours, to craft workshops and interactive learning, this is the season for family-friendly programming in parks. Check our events calendar [ ] and time your trips to get the most out of your state park visit!
*Celebrate National Camping Month with us*
flexible booking dates
*Got wiggle room in your schedule? Check out the flexible dates feature on our reservations system!*
Last month we brought you good news of our same-day reservation program, which expanded from three to 26 parks.
Now we’re introducing another nifty addition, the flexible dates feature!
If your schedules have some give, the flexible dates feature makes it easier to pick a campsite without having to search through a bunch of dates. Visitors can also add filters to accommodate specific needs.
How it works: Visit our reservations website [ ] and choose "flexible dates.” Then pick a time period up to four months in advance. Select your park, add group size and equipment, hit “search” and, "voila!, "see all the dates and sites available at your park of choice. Finally, you can snag a spot on the day that works best for you.
For more information, please reach out to the Parks Information Center by calling (360) 902-8844 or emailing
park host
Become a Park Host
Park hosting [ ] is one of the most popular volunteer opportunities at Washington State Parks. Hosts help Parks achieve our mission, to connect all Washingtonians to their diverse natural and cultural heritage and to provide memorable recreational and educational experiences.
Hosts assist park staff in campground and park operations and assist visitors by providing park information, answering questions and explaining rules. Hosts are provided a designated host campsite and available utilities during their volunteer service. As a host, you will be joining a supportive community of volunteers and staff who serve the public and our public lands.
Check out our website [ ] to see the current Park Host openings and learn how to apply! We also periodically post openings on Facebook [ ].
Schafer anniversary
*Schafer commemorates Centennial, opens new campground*
Though the Schafer Logging Company donated what is now Schafer State Park to us in 1924, the company still held extravagant community picnics there into the late 1930s. In fact, they used to dam the Satsop River for log rolling and logging-themed competitions.
We don’t dam rivers or offer log rolling at Schafer anymore, but that doesn’t mean we’re not fun! ("We" still think we’re fun!) We’re partnering with the Friends of Schafer and Lake Sylvia (FOSLS) to host a Centennial commemoration on *Saturday, July 20, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. *The free, family-friendly event includes live music, a food truck, yard games, kids’ activities, historical displays, a raffle and square dancing.
Book [ ] an overnight stay and try the park’s* new campground*. Though summer weekends get busy, Schafer is part of the same-day reservation program [ ] — for all you last-minute planners out there.
How to have a "Beach Friendly Fourth"
It’s hard to believe it’s nearly the Fourth of July!
Many people love to celebrate Independence Day with a trip to the beach. Washington State Parks encourages everyone who celebrates to be safe and good stewards of the environment.
We remind everyone that fireworks are illegal on all state park lands, including beaches in front of state parks. Discharging fireworks on state park lands can result in a $99 ticket.
We also ask that people respect any beach driving closures in areas designated to protect wildlife and marine habitat. Although it’s legal to drive onto the beach in several areas, all the rules of the road apply. The speed limit is 25 mph. Pedestrians and horses are always granted the right of way.
*Please note: *
* You should only drive on hard-packed sand. We recommend finding a nearby paved parking lot and walking to the beach to avoid getting stuck in the sand.
* No parking is permitted along the entry to beach access points. Please obey all posted "No Parking" signs. Keep beach and beach approach roads clear. Congestion at access points limits the response ability for emergency vehicles.
* Cars parked below the high tide line may get stuck or washed out to sea. Tow support will be limited or unavailable.
* It's always illegal to use drugs or alcohol and get behind the wheel. Open container laws apply to beaches. Keep safety belts buckled when moving.
Finally, we ask visitors to dispose of their litter in designated receptacles. If one is not available, please plan to bring trash bags to pack it out yourself.
The holiday increases traffic and visitation to our coastal beaches, which means we see a spike in amounts of litter. Last year, volunteers collected more than *111,087 pounds* of garbage from ocean beaches during Parks’ annual July 5 beach cleanup. That’s equivalent to the combined weight of seven adult orca whales.
Any litter left behind on the beach threatens the safety and future of beach wildlife and marine life and can be unsafe for people and pets.
Participate in our July 5 beach cleanup
If you are interested in doing more to help keep our beaches clean and safe, join us on July 5 for a beach cleanup volunteer event. Washington CoastSavers [ ] will be putting a list of participating beaches and check-in locations on their website [ ]. Stay tuned!
Dog blog
*Field Guide Blog* [ ]
Tips for a great summer outdoors
"Question:" What do dog safety, summer groovin’ and pickle chicken sandwiches have in common?
"Answer:" They’re all recent topics in our Field Guide Blog [ ]!
Read our ideas to keep your pooch safe in our parks, our lineup of concerts and festivals, and a tangy, meaty sandwich idea to make for your picnic.
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