Washington State Parks E-News June 2024
- [登録者]Washington State Parks
- [言語]日本語
- [エリア]Seattle, WA, US
- 登録日 : 2024/06/14
- 掲載日 : 2024/06/14
- 変更日 : 2024/06/14
- 総閲覧数 : 71 人
- お店を検索するなら『タウンガイド』
- 我们的目标是满足千叶县的所有新人。新车 ・ 二手车。检查・保养。
Honda Cars Kisarazu(木更津本田汽车公司)是千叶县授权的本田汽车经销商,为您提供丰富的汽车产品。您一定能找到最适合您的汽车。我们的技师对本田汽车了如指掌,将进行高标准的检查 ・ 和维护。新车 ・ 试驾 ・ 汽车保险 ・ 检查 ・ 车辆检查 ・ 保养
+81-438-20-8180Honda Cars 木更津
- [秋季开放日] 看孩子们的笑脸 !。
西山里学园加州分校 西山里学园加州分校是奈良县享有盛誉的西山里学园初中高级中学的附属学校,作为一所全日制日本语学校和一所辅助学校,已经满足南加州的日本语教育需求长达30年之久,
始终尽最大努力满足孩子们多样化的教育需求。我们始终尽最大努力满足未来儿童的各种教育需求。 为了满足更多的需求, 我们于 2022 年 4 月开设了 "西山里学园网上补习学校"。 ●"西山里网上补习学校 ... +1 (310) 325-7040Nishiyamato Academy of California
- [2023年6月开业] 从木更津站东口步行1分钟 ! 综合辅导学校 ・ 如果您正...
从木更津站东口步行1分钟 ! 综合补习学校 ・ 如果您正在寻找考试预备学校,请到木更津广场个别指导学校 ! 我们为每个学生量身定做学习指导,引导您走向成功 ! 个别指导的魅力在于,我们可以为每个学生量身定做课程。个别辅导的魅力在于为每个学生量身定制课程。 根据孩子的目标和目的・量身定制课程,高效而不不合理,不浪费,让学生加深理解。
+81-438-20-0333プラザ個別指導学院 木更津教室
- 日式美发沙龙 ! 多才多艺的发型师提供优质服务。请联系我们 ! 310-373-...
American Salon 的每位发型师都是独立的,并提供独特的服务。因此,价格也不尽相同,请在来沙龙之前向每位发型师了解详情。请通过电话或短信与我们联系。 < 服务 > 剪发、美发、染发、直发、拉直发、角蛋白护理、巴西吹风 < 招聘发型师 ! > 我们的沙龙正在寻找想要租用工作室的发型师 详情请致电 310-373-6667 AKI !
+1 (310) 373-6667AMERICAN SALON
- 20 世纪 80 年代初,由于日本和圣安东尼奥市之间的相互兴趣迅速增长,圣安东尼...
20 世纪 80 年代初,由于日本与圣安东尼奥市之间的共同利益迅速增长,圣安东尼奥日美协会(JASSA)应运而生。 该组织认识到市民和商界领袖之间合作的益处,开始接纳该地区的日本企业。
- 令人鼓舞"、"令人感动"、"令人欣慰",这家老字号企业对此充满热情。喜多方的美味...
喜多方拉面是日本最受欢迎的三大拉面之一。其中,"北形拉面 Bannai "最受欢迎,是深受人们喜爱的老字号。 请您品尝一下这家代代相传的老店的味道。 北形被称为 "东北的仓库之村"。 在北形众多的拉面店中,"Bannai食堂 "作为北形三大拉面之一,经常出现在杂志和电视上! 为了传达在会津盆地的气候和环境中孕育和保护的北形拉面的味道,每一碗面、汤和烤肉都经过精心挑选和细心制作。Bannai...
+1 (714) 557-2947喜多方ラーメン坂内
- Barley Bookkeeping
- Samurai Web Works [超过300个网络制作项目。主要公司・EC・...
自2011年成立以来,我们已经创建了300多个网站,涉及不同的行业和流派。 我们不仅注重设计的质量,而且还注重把网站作为公司的门面和营销工具来创建的理念。在创建一个新的网站或更新一个网站时,我们对内容和页面布局提出建议,重点是你希望对使用你的网站的客户有什么吸引力。我们努力创造简单而有创意的设计。 我们也了解SEO方面的最新趋势,并不断地更新我们的内容,包括SEO的关键词布局和最新对策。 ...
+1 (949) 434-4868Samurai Web Works, Inc.
- 我们提供美国最受欢迎的麻糬甜甜圈、鲜榨勃朗峰软冰淇淋等。 请访问我们的网站和 I...
海甜品店提供咖喱猪排、蛋包饭、热饮/冰饮以及木薯茶、马卡龙、草莓大福、奶油泡芙和可丽饼等甜点。从 2019 年起,mochimochi 海甜品店还开始提供麻糬甜甜圈。2021年,我们将提供各种甜点。
KAI SWEETS2022 年,Kai Creamery 将开业 ! 提供鲜榨勃朗峰软冰淇淋、泡沫奶昔等。
- HONDAYA 在室内和室外欢快地营业 ♪ 🎊烤鸡肉串、沙拉、生鱼片、寿司、拉面...
营业时间为下午4:30至凌晨12:00,不休息 ❕ 人气烤鸡肉串、生鱼片、沙拉、寿司、油炸食品、烤鱼、炒菜、拉面等300多种食品 ( 各店情况不同 ) 我们提供各种食品和饮料。☆ HONDA-YA 塔斯廷店和 KAPPO HONDA 喷泉谷店--两家分店恭候您的光临 !。
+1 (714) 832-0081居酒屋 本多屋
- ★ 托兰斯的钢琴课 ★ 加州第一位接受过专业培训的老师,传授用心弹奏、快速提高的...
钢琴课,激发孩子的天赋 ♪ 你觉得只读书弹琴很枯燥吗 ? 我们期待您的第一时间反馈。 距离滚山广场 2 分钟路程 ! 韵律课程 吉他课程 集体课程
+1 (310) 702-4355かよピアノ教室
- 美甲&睫毛专卖店的日本员工将认真完成工作。
VIANGE SPA 美甲&睫毛专卖店 日本员工 OPEN 凝胶美甲是日本制造,对指甲安全温和。无论您是在美国找不到自己喜欢的美甲沙龙,还是对当地的美甲沙龙心存疑虑,抑或是想欣赏最新的美甲作品,经验丰富的美甲师都会为您推荐最适合您的美甲方法。 嫁接的睫毛采用最接近天然睫毛的优质貂皮。嫁接的睫毛和胶水均从日本进口,每根睫毛都经过精心嫁接,以打造个性化的眼部设计。嫁接睫毛的粗细、长短、卷翘程度...
+1 (408) 320-4940VIANGE SPA NAIL&EYELASH
- 歴史とパイナップルの大地 ドールプランテーションへようこそ。
+1 (808) 621-8408ドールプランテーション | Dole Plantation
- 为什么不开始学习?从资格到爱好。一个能让你遇到理想的实践和新朋友的地方。也可租用...
橙县第一家综合性日美文化沙龙。在广大顾客的支持下,我们已经迎来了 17 周年庆典,可以帮助您从 20 种不同类型的课程中找到理想的培训。请将这里作为交友和交流信息的场所。也可以按小时出租房间。 尽你所能。尽情享受生活。因此,要有意义地利用真正重要的时间。橘子洲文化沙龙一直在支持你,为你的心动、现在、幸运、快乐、幸福导航。有没有你感兴趣的课程 ? 相信你的直觉 ! 机会来了 ! 从超过 25 种...
+1 (949) 685-7120Orange Island Culture Salon
- Vantage 是一所英语学校,旨在提高儿童的英语语言技能。Vantage 随时...
Vantage 学校开发了一种独特而有效的多媒体方法,向母语不是英语的学生传授听、说、读、写技能。其目的是让学生不把英语当作外语,而把它当作第二母语,以更自然的方式学习英语。 英语会话 ・ ESL ・ 亲子班 ・ 日语 ・ 小学、初中和高中考试班 ・ 普通大学生 ・ 行政班 ・ 在线班 … 以及更多课程,以满足您的需求。 我们还支持学生回国进入难度较大的大学。约翰毕业于麻省理工学院,他利用自己多...
+1 (408) 616-8881Vantage School
*June 2024*
concert series
*Drumroll, please! Concerts and events are coming to parks!*
Summer concerts are off to a great start at Cape Disappointment [ ], with more outdoor music at Lincoln Rock [ ] and Lake Wenatchee [ ] beginning July 4 weekend!
We’ve also got the Skandia Midsommarfest at Saint Edward [ ] *June 30* and United Communities of Laos Summer Festival at Lake Sammamish [ ] *July 27*. Save the dates and see the Folk & Traditional Arts Program event page [ ] or download/print a PDF of the calendar [ ]!
From ranger talks and tours, to craft workshops and interactive learning, this is the season for family-friendly programming in parks. Check our events calendar [ ] and time your trips to get the most out of your state park visit!
*Celebrate National Camping Month with us*
flexible booking dates
*Got wiggle room in your schedule? Check out the flexible dates feature on our reservations system!*
Last month we brought you good news of our same-day reservation program, which expanded from three to 26 parks.
Now we’re introducing another nifty addition, the flexible dates feature!
If your schedules have some give, the flexible dates feature makes it easier to pick a campsite without having to search through a bunch of dates. Visitors can also add filters to accommodate specific needs.
How it works: Visit our reservations website [ ] and choose "flexible dates.” Then pick a time period up to four months in advance. Select your park, add group size and equipment, hit “search” and, "voila!, "see all the dates and sites available at your park of choice. Finally, you can snag a spot on the day that works best for you.
For more information, please reach out to the Parks Information Center by calling (360) 902-8844 or emailing
park host
Become a Park Host
Park hosting [ ] is one of the most popular volunteer opportunities at Washington State Parks. Hosts help Parks achieve our mission, to connect all Washingtonians to their diverse natural and cultural heritage and to provide memorable recreational and educational experiences.
Hosts assist park staff in campground and park operations and assist visitors by providing park information, answering questions and explaining rules. Hosts are provided a designated host campsite and available utilities during their volunteer service. As a host, you will be joining a supportive community of volunteers and staff who serve the public and our public lands.
Check out our website [ ] to see the current Park Host openings and learn how to apply! We also periodically post openings on Facebook [ ].
Schafer anniversary
*Schafer commemorates Centennial, opens new campground*
Though the Schafer Logging Company donated what is now Schafer State Park to us in 1924, the company still held extravagant community picnics there into the late 1930s. In fact, they used to dam the Satsop River for log rolling and logging-themed competitions.
We don’t dam rivers or offer log rolling at Schafer anymore, but that doesn’t mean we’re not fun! ("We" still think we’re fun!) We’re partnering with the Friends of Schafer and Lake Sylvia (FOSLS) to host a Centennial commemoration on *Saturday, July 20, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. *The free, family-friendly event includes live music, a food truck, yard games, kids’ activities, historical displays, a raffle and square dancing.
Book [ ] an overnight stay and try the park’s* new campground*. Though summer weekends get busy, Schafer is part of the same-day reservation program [ ] — for all you last-minute planners out there.
How to have a "Beach Friendly Fourth"
It’s hard to believe it’s nearly the Fourth of July!
Many people love to celebrate Independence Day with a trip to the beach. Washington State Parks encourages everyone who celebrates to be safe and good stewards of the environment.
We remind everyone that fireworks are illegal on all state park lands, including beaches in front of state parks. Discharging fireworks on state park lands can result in a $99 ticket.
We also ask that people respect any beach driving closures in areas designated to protect wildlife and marine habitat. Although it’s legal to drive onto the beach in several areas, all the rules of the road apply. The speed limit is 25 mph. Pedestrians and horses are always granted the right of way.
*Please note: *
* You should only drive on hard-packed sand. We recommend finding a nearby paved parking lot and walking to the beach to avoid getting stuck in the sand.
* No parking is permitted along the entry to beach access points. Please obey all posted "No Parking" signs. Keep beach and beach approach roads clear. Congestion at access points limits the response ability for emergency vehicles.
* Cars parked below the high tide line may get stuck or washed out to sea. Tow support will be limited or unavailable.
* It's always illegal to use drugs or alcohol and get behind the wheel. Open container laws apply to beaches. Keep safety belts buckled when moving.
Finally, we ask visitors to dispose of their litter in designated receptacles. If one is not available, please plan to bring trash bags to pack it out yourself.
The holiday increases traffic and visitation to our coastal beaches, which means we see a spike in amounts of litter. Last year, volunteers collected more than *111,087 pounds* of garbage from ocean beaches during Parks’ annual July 5 beach cleanup. That’s equivalent to the combined weight of seven adult orca whales.
Any litter left behind on the beach threatens the safety and future of beach wildlife and marine life and can be unsafe for people and pets.
Participate in our July 5 beach cleanup
If you are interested in doing more to help keep our beaches clean and safe, join us on July 5 for a beach cleanup volunteer event. Washington CoastSavers [ ] will be putting a list of participating beaches and check-in locations on their website [ ]. Stay tuned!
Dog blog
*Field Guide Blog* [ ]
Tips for a great summer outdoors
"Question:" What do dog safety, summer groovin’ and pickle chicken sandwiches have in common?
"Answer:" They’re all recent topics in our Field Guide Blog [ ]!
Read our ideas to keep your pooch safe in our parks, our lineup of concerts and festivals, and a tangy, meaty sandwich idea to make for your picnic.
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