City of Seattle and King County Approve New Agreement to Streamline G overnance Structure of the King County Regional Homelessness Authority
- [登録者]City of Seattle
- [言語]日本語
- [エリア]Seattle, WA
- 登録日 : 2024/10/08
- 掲載日 : 2024/10/08
- 変更日 : 2024/10/08
- 総閲覧数 : 59 人
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Press Release
For Immediate Release
*Contact Information*
Callie Craighead; callie.craighead@seattle.gov
Amy Enbysk; aenbysk@kingcounty.gov
City of Seattle and King County Approve New Agreement to Streamline Governance Structure of the King County Regional Homelessness Authority
New structure creates one decision-making board to enhance coordination, oversight, and accountability
*Seattle* – Following votes from the Seattle City Council and King County Council, Seattle Mayor Bruce Harrell and King County Executive Dow Constantine will sign a revised interlocal agreement (ILA) to streamline the governance structure of the King County Regional Homelessness Authority [ https://kcrha.org/?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ] (KCRHA).
The amended ILA [ https://harrell.seattle.gov/2024/08/15/king-county-and-city-of-seattle-renew-commitment-to-the-regional-homelessness-authority-and-enhance-governance-structure-to-further-coordination-and-collaboration/?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ] reaffirms the City and County’s commitment to a regional approach to address homelessness and creates a single oversight board to improve the agency’s coordination, accountability, and transparency.
“The homelessness crisis doesn’t start or stop at the borders of any one city, and we need meaningful regional collaboration to bring more people inside to safe, stable housing with the services they need to get well,” *said Mayor Harrell.* “This new ILA builds on the important lessons learned from the first three years of KCRHA’s operations to improve efficiency and accountability in decision making, strengthening the agency’s capacity to deliver real results that reduce homelessness and improve lives. Working together with Dr. Kinnison and partners throughout King County, we will continue to act with a sense of urgency and compassion to help people in need in Seattle and across our region.”
"With the updated leadership and framework of the King County Regional Homelessness Authority, we are pushing forward on confronting the homelessness crisis, strengthening the agency to help those in need while making a clear impact on our streets and in our communities,” s*aid Executive Constantine. *“As KCRHA moves into its next phase, with Dr. Kinnison at the helm, we are committed to learning from those who have experienced homelessness firsthand, confronting the outsized impact on communities of color, and building a crisis response system that is both equitable and effective.”
The new ILA will create a single Governing Board responsible for setting strategic policy direction, providing fiscal oversight, monitoring performance metrics, and ensuring the authority is making progress to fulfill its mission.
The new Governing Board will be comprised of 12 total members, including:
* The King County Executive
* The Seattle Mayor
* Two members of the King County Council, one representing a district in Seattle and one representing a district outside of Seattle
* Two members of the Seattle City Council
* Three elected officials from the Sound Cities Association
* Three members representing individuals with lived experience each individually appointed by the City of Seattle, King County, and Sound Cities Association.
The Continuum of Care Board will continue to carry out mandatory functions required by U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and may opt to serve in an advisory capacity to the Governing Board.
“It is often said that our homelessness crisis is a regional problem that requires regional solutions. The King County Regional Homelessness Authority is how we not only recognize this truth but act on it and I am committed to empowering the agency to fulfill its potential, working with our partners at the City of Seattle, our 38 other cities, and the community as a whole,” *said King County Councilmember Claudia Balducci.* “We must continue to work toward a system that provides people in crisis with the services and support they need to get on a path to safe, stable housing, and to do so in a way that is informed by the lived experiences of people in homelessness and addresses the challenges of the entire community.”
“I am pleased to move into this next chapter of the KCRHA. While I am hopeful that the changes made in this ILA will streamline decision-making, it is abundantly clear that our work does not end here,” *said King County Councilmember Jorge Barón.* “Our homelessness crisis response system is stretched increasingly thin, and it is our responsibility as elected officials and Governing Board members to recommit ourselves to supporting and expanding the services that are so urgently needed by our unhoused neighbors.”
“This ILA establishes a new governance structure for the KCHRA that provides better oversight and accountability, which is critical to improving the agency’s effectiveness and rebuilding public trust,”* Seattle City Council President Sara Nelson said.* “I am proud to have joined Councilmember Moore in working with Mayor Harrell, Executive Constantine, and County Councilmembers on these much-needed reforms. If we truly want to make an impact in reducing unsheltered homelessness and help people who are struggling, it’s key that the RHA have the clarity and focus it needs to administer services that meet the immediate needs of people experiencing homelessness, using an evidence-based approach.”
“Six months ago, I was not confident about the future of KCRHA due to the lack of meaningful impact in addressing homelessness in the region, particularly in Seattle,” said *Councilmember Cathy Moore,* Chair of Seattle’s Housing and Human Services Committee and a representative on the KCHRA governing committee. “This year regional leaders convened to have tough and transparent conversations about the future of KCRHA and what changes were needed to see the results our homeless neighbors deserve. Out of those conversations came a new streamlined governance structure, a clarity of mission, and a new CEO. I appreciate Mayor Harrell’s leadership and commitment to KCRHA. I am optimistic that these structural and foundational changes will be the catalyst to a new and drastically improved KCRHA for achieving real results for our unhoused neighbors, and broader community.”
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