LEVY TO MOVE SEATTLE | Your Levy Dollars at Work in November
- [注册人]City of Seattle
- [语言]日本語
- [区]Seattle, WA
- 注册日期 : 2024/12/09
- 发布日 : 2024/12/09
- 更改日期 : 2024/12/09
- 总浏览次数 : 20 人
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资格 : 必须年满 21 岁 语言 : 英语、日语、韩语、中文 无需经验,您可以根据自己的日程安排,每周工作 1 至 7 天,天数不限 ! 也欢迎学生。 ( 如果您来工作,您至少要待上 3 个小时。 ) 如果您有任何疑问或需要更多信息,请给我们发送电子邮件或使用图片右下方的二维码。
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LEVY TO MOVE SEATTLE | Your Levy Dollars at Work in November
Thank you for your interest in the Levy to Move Seattle.
SDOT leadership, community members, and project supporters celebrate the start of construction on November 22, 2024.
SDOT leadership, community members, and project supporters celebrate the start of construction on November 22, 2024.
Georgetown to South Park Connection project breaks ground, expands protected bike & scooter route through Georgetown [ ]
* Construction is now underway on the Georgetown to South Park Connection project [ ] creating better access for people biking, scooting, walking, and rolling between South Park and Georgetown.
* Today we held a groundbreaking event in Georgetown alongside project partners and community stakeholders to mark the milestone.
* By adding approximately 1.2 miles of new bike and pedestrian shared path, this project will make biking a safe and preferred transportation option for many people as they head from South Park into Georgetown, SODO, Downtown, and beyond.
* We encourage you to visit our website [ ] and sign up for email updates [ ] to stay informed during construction.
* This project is the final project in a series of bike and safety projects to begin construction in South Seattle funded by the Levy to Move Seattle [ ].
* Nearby, we’re also working closely with Seattle Parks and Recreation to develop a new off-leash area [ ] at a former industrial site, for people to enjoy with their dogs.
Beacon Ave S & 15th Ave S Safety Project Continues [ ]
* In November, we continued construction on several improvements throughout the project area, including:
* A concrete buffer for protected bike lanes on 15th Ave S from S Judkins to S State St
* New sidewalk and curb ramps on 15th Ave S from S Plum St to S College St
* Beginning underground electrical work at 15th Ave S and Beacon Ave S, and at 15th Ave S and S Bayview St
* These safety improvements represent important and effective near-term upgrades in the public right-of-way, helping to advance our Vision Zero safety goals for all travelers in Seattle.
* When this project is complete, it will be safer and easier to walk, bike, and roll to the many businesses, community destinations, and transit stations in the growing North Beacon Hill neighborhood.
Construction on 15th Ave NW Continues [ ]
* We continued to work on the 15th Ave W/NW & Ballard Bridge Paving & Safety Project! We are working at several areas along *15th Ave NW at NW Market St, NW 52nd St, NW 51st St, NW 50th St, NW 49th St, and Leary Way NW.*
* Through this construction we will upgrade ADA accessible ramps, rebuild sidewalk corners, install upgraded traffic signals and cameras, improve storm drainage, and repair the sidewalk and roadway in select areas.
* At *NW 51st St*, crews continued electrical and signal lighting work for the new pedestrian and bicycle crossing.
* Crews also continued electrical work at *Leary Way NW* and they will soon begin work to strengthen and improve earthquake safety on the Leary Way Bridge.
Read more on the SDOT Blog. [ ]
*Thank you making this work possible through the Levy to Move Seattle. *
Levy to Move Seattle
"Approved by voters in November 2015, the 9-year, $930 million Levy to Move Seattle (the Levy) provides 30% of Seattle’s transportation budget to improve safety for all travelers, maintain our streets and bridges, and invest in reliable, affordable travel options."
* "You can see a list of all Levy programs in our Levy to Move Seattle Tableau Dashboard. [ ]"
* "Learn how to use the dashboard. [ ]"
"If you need assistance or translation of this material, please contact us at or 206-684-7623. "
* "Servicios de traducción e interpretación disponibles bajo petición 206-684-7623. "
* "요청하시면 번역이나 통역을 제공해드립니다 206-684-7623. "
* "Matutulungan ka naming maintindihan kung hihingi kang tulong 206-684-7623. "
* "Dịch và thông dịch viên sẵn sàng nếu có sự yêu cầu 206-684-7623. "
* "Haddii aad dooneyso turjubeen fadlen wac 206-684-7623."
""Thank you for your interest in the Levy to Move Seattle. ""
*Seattle Department of Transportation*
700 5th Avenue
Suite 3800
Seattle, WA 98104
*Phone: 206-684-7623*
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