Making a Difference in Workers' Lives/Marcar la diferencia en la vida de los trabajadores
- [登録者]United States Department of Labor
- [言語]日本語
- [エリア]Washington (Northwest Washington), District of Columbia, アメリカ合衆国
- 登録日 : 2024/11/18
- 掲載日 : 2024/11/18
- 変更日 : 2024/11/18
- 総閲覧数 : 0 人
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November 18, 2024 • OSHA's twice-monthly bilingual newsletter about workplace safety and health.
OSHA QuickTakes - OSHA, Occupational Safety and Health Administration
*Making a Difference in Workers' Lives*
* The Bureau of Labor Statistics revealed that *the rate of recordable workplace injuries and illnesses in 2023 fell to its lowest level in 20 years* [ https://www.osha.gov/news/newsreleases/osha-national-news-release/20241108 ].
* Preliminary OSHA data (below) shows *fewer workers are dying* [ https://www.osha.gov/news/newsreleases/osha-national-news-release/20241104 ] from hazards where we focused our enforcement resources, such as *trench collapses* [ https://www.osha.gov/trenching-excavation ] and *falls* [ https://www.osha.gov/stop-falls ].
*Marcar la diferencia en la vida de los trabajadores*
* La Oficina de Estadísticas Laborales reveló que *la tasa de lesiones y enfermedades laborales registrables en 2023 cayó a su nivel más bajo en 20 años* [ https://www.osha.gov/news/newsreleases/osha-national-news-release/20241108#googtrans(en%7Ces) ].
* Los datos preliminares de OSHA (más abajo) muestran *que mueren menos trabajadores* [ https://www.osha.gov/news/newsreleases/osha-national-news-release/20241104#googtrans(en%7Ces) ] por riesgos en los que hemos centrado nuestros recursos de aplicación, como *derrumbamientos de zanjas* [ https://www.osha.gov/trenching-excavation#googtrans(en%7Ces) ] y *caídas* [ https://www.osha.gov/stop-falls#googtrans(en%7Ces) ].
Making a Difference in Workers' Lives / Marcar la diferencia en la vida de los trabajadores Their Side of the Story: A Whistleblower / Su versión delos hechos: Un denunciante
My boss threatened to deport me after I asked questions about the safety of a cargo container. I'm protected under something called the *International Safe Container Act (ISCA)* [ https://www.osha.gov/sites/default/files/publications/OSHA4153.pdf ]. Follow *50 years of whistleblower protections* [ https://www.whistleblowers.gov/wb50 ]. If you also have a concern, *file a complaint* [ https://www.osha.gov/workers/file-complaint ].
Mi jefe me amenazó con deportarme después de que hiciera preguntas sobre la seguridad de un contenedor de carga. Estoy protegido por la *Ley Internacional de Seguridad de los Contenedores (ISCA)* [ https://www.osha.gov/sites/default/files/publications/OSHA4154.pdf ]. Sigue *50 años de protecciones a los denunciantes* [ https://www.whistleblowers.gov/wb50#googtrans(en%7Ces) ]. Si a usted también le preocupa algo, *presente una denuncia* [ https://www.osha.gov/workers/file-complaint#googtrans(en%7Ces) ].
Continúe en español [ #qt-spanish ]
Trenching Safety Summit
*Trenching Safety Summit*
Calling all construction workers! OSHA and the *North American Excavation Shoring Association* [ https://www.naxsa.org/page/about ] are hosting a Florida Trench Safety Summit in Orlando on November 22. *Registration is free* [ https://www.naxsa.org/events/EventDetails.aspx?id=1885934 ].
*Preventing Workplace Violence*
Workplace violence incidents are on the rise. *Register for our free November 20 webinar* [ https://www.eventbrite.com/e/workplace-violence-awareness-and-prevention-tickets-1059881125979 ] to help prevent it at your workplace.
Preventing Workplace Violence
Total Worker Health [ https://www.osha.gov/heat/national-heat-contest ]
*Photo Contest Winners*
Our Beat the Heat photo contest captured inspiring images to *keep workplaces safe from the heat* [ https://www.osha.gov/heat ]. *See the winners* [ https://www.osha.gov/heat/national-heat-contest ]!
*Making a Difference*
*Meet Russell* [ https://www.osha.gov/I-am-OSHA#russell ], an OSHA compliance officer, veteran, husband and father. Visit *I Am OSHA* [ https://www.osha.gov/I-am-OSHA ] and meet more members of our team.
I Am OSHA - Russell [ https://www.osha.gov/I-am-OSHA#russell ]
OSHA Tweet [ https://x.com/OSHA_DOL/status/1853811029781733776 ]
*Stay Informed*
Follow OSHA on *X* [ https://twitter.com/OSHA_DOL ] and *LinkedIn* [ https://www.linkedin.com/showcase/us-department-of-labor-osha/ ] to stay up-to-date with the agency's activities and resources, and look for our posts on the U.S. Department of Labor's *Instagram* [ https://www.instagram.com/USDOL/ ] account.
*Employer Held Accountable*
A *commercial roofing company was ordered to pay $16,782 in penalties* [ https://www.osha.gov/news/newsreleases/new-york-city/20241024 ] after failing to protect a worker from a 40-foot fall hazard.
Employer Held Accountable - gavel
Massachusetts state silhouette: Preventable Trenching Tragedy
*Preventable Trenching Tragedy*
A worker was fatally injured due to a waterproofing company's *failure to protect a trench and building foundation against collapse* [ https://www.osha.gov/news/newsreleases/boston/20241018 ].
*Fatal Grain Engulfment*
A farm cooperative *did not have adequate rescue equipment* [ https://www.osha.gov/news/newsreleases/kansas-city/20241029 ], which resulted in the death of a worker who was engulfed in grain.
Missouri state silhouette: Fatal Grain Engulfment
Texas state silhouette: Failure to Prevent Injuries
*Failure to Prevent Injuries*
A worker cleaning machine rollers suffered permanent injuries because a furniture manufacturer *failed to install machine guards* [ https://www.osha.gov/news/newsreleases/dallas/20241021 ].
*Read about more OSHA* *enforcement cases* [ https://www.osha.gov/news/newsreleases/enforcement/ ].
*Innovating Worker Safety*
See how a *North Dakota tire company created new ways to address safety* [ https://www.osha.gov/successstories/northwest-tire ] such as putting QR codes on chemical containers for workers to access safety information on their phones.
Innovating Worker Safety [ https://www.osha.gov/successstories/northwest-tire ]
Alliance - An OSHA Cooperative Program logo [ https://www.osha.gov/alliances ]
*Alliances Improve Safety*
* *Associated General Contractors of Arkansas* [ https://www.osha.gov/alliances/regional/birmingham/agreement_20241009 ]
* *Associated General Contractors of Kansas and the Mental Health Association of South Central-Kansas* [ https://www.osha.gov/alliances/regional/kansas-city/agreement_20240506 ]
* *Consulate of Mexico in Houston* [ https://www.osha.gov/alliances/regional/dallas/renewal-agreement_20240826 ]
* *South Dakota Safety Council* [ https://www.osha.gov/alliances/regional/denver/renewal-agreement_20241002 ]
*Useful Resources*
* *Avian Flu in Dairy Cattle Hazard Alert* [ https://www.osha.gov/publications/publication-products?publication_title=Avian+Flu%3A+H5N1+ ] (20 languages)
* *Cleanup Hazards Fact Sheet* [ https://www.osha.gov/publications/publication-products?publication_title=cleanup+hazards ] (English, Spanish and Portuguese)
Useful Resource: Hazard Alert [ https://www.osha.gov/sites/default/files/publications/OSHA4442.pdf ]
"QuickTakes subscribers occasionally receive *DYK? bulletins* [ https://www.osha.gov/quicktakes/11042024 ] about a single timely topic, resource or upcoming event."
*Share QuickTakes on your social media networks.*
OSHA X [ https://twitter.com/intent/tweet?text=Read%20the%20November%2018%20OSHA%20QuickTakes%20newsletter%20for%20the%20latest%20information%20on%20workplace%20safety%20and%20health.%20https%3A//www.osha.gov/quicktakes/11182024 ] QuickTakes Facebook [ https://www.facebook.com/sharer/sharer.php?u=https%3A//www.osha.gov/quicktakes/11182024 ] U.S. Department of Labor - LinkedIn [ https://www.linkedin.com/shareArticle?mini=true&url=https%3A//www.osh%20a.gov/quicktakes/11182024&title=Read%20the%20latest%20OSHA%20QuickTakes%20newsletter.&summary=&source= ]
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Occupational Safety and Health Administration
200 Constitution Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20210
*www.osha.gov* [ https://www.osha.gov/ ] | 202-693-1999
You can *unsubscribe* [ https://www.osha.gov/quicktakes#unsubscribe ] from this list. (We will miss you!)
Cumbre sobre seguridad en zanjas
*Cumbre sobre seguridad en zanjas*
¡Llamada a todos los trabajadores de construcción! OSHA y la *Asociación Norteamericana de Excavación y Apuntalamiento* [ https://www.naxsa.org/page/about ] están organizando una Cumbre de Seguridad en Zanjas en Orlando el 22 de noviembre. *La inscripción es gratuita* [ https://www.naxsa.org/events/EventDetails.aspx?id=1885934 ].
*Prevención de la violencia laboral*
Los incidentes de violencia laboral van en aumento. *Inscríbase en nuestro seminario web gratuito del 20 de noviembre* [ https://www.eventbrite.com/e/workplace-violence-awareness-and-prevention-tickets-1059881125979 ] para ayudar a prevenirla en su lugar de trabajo.
Prevención de la violencia laboral
Ganadores del concurso de fotografía [ https://www.osha.gov/heat/national-heat-contest#googtrans(en%7Ces) ]
*Ganadores del concurso de fotografía*
Nuestro concurso de fotografía Beat the Heat capturó imágenes inspiradoras para *mantener los lugares de trabajo a salvo del calor* [ https://www.osha.gov/heat#googtrans(en%7Ces) ]. ¡*Vea los ganadores* [ https://www.osha.gov/heat/national-heat-contest#googtrans(en%7Ces) ]!
*Marcando la diferencia*
*Conozca a Russell* [ https://www.osha.gov/I-am-OSHA#russell ], oficial de cumplimiento de OSHA, veterano, marido y padre. Visite *Yo Soy OSHA* [ https://www.osha.gov/I-am-OSHA#googtrans(en%7Ces) ] para conocer a más miembros de nuestro equipo.
Yo Soy OSHA - Russell [ https://www.osha.gov/I-am-OSHA#russell ]
OSHA Tweet [ https://x.com/DOL_esp/status/1853189267150790750 ]
*Manténgase informado*
Siga a OSHA en *X* [ https://twitter.com/OSHA_DOL ] y *LinkedIn* [ https://www.linkedin.com/showcase/us-department-of-labor-osha/ ] para estar al día de las actividades y recursos de la agencia, y busque nuestras publicaciones en la cuenta de *Instagram* [ https://www.instagram.com/USDOL/ ] del Departamento del Trabajo de los Estados Unidos.
*Responsabilizar al empleador*
Una *empresa comercial de techado fue condenada a pagar $16,782 en multas* [ https://www.osha.gov/news/newsreleases/new-york-city/20241024#googtrans(en%7Ces) ] tras no proteger a un trabajador de un riesgo de caída de 40 pies.
Responsabilizar al empleador
Estado de Massachusetts: Tragedia evitable en una zanja
*Tragedia evitable en una zanja*
Un trabajador resultó mortalmente herido debido a que una empresa de impermeabilización *no protegió una zanja y los cimientos de un edificio contra el derrumbe* [ https://www.osha.gov/news/newsreleases/boston/20241018#googtrans(en%7Ces) ].
*Engullimiento mortal de granos*
Una cooperativa agrícola *no disponía del equipo de rescate adecuado* [ https://www.osha.gov/news/newsreleases/kansas-city/20241029#googtrans(en%7Ces) ], lo que provocó la muerte de un trabajador que fue engullido por el grano.
Estado de Missouri: Engullimiento mortal de granos
Estado de Tejas state silhouette: Falta de prevención de lesiones
*Falta de prevención de lesiones*
Un trabajador que limpiaba rodillos de máquinas sufrió lesiones permanentes porque un fabricante de muebles *no instaló protecciones en las máquinas* [ https://www.osha.gov/news/newsreleases/dallas/20241021#googtrans(en%7Ces) ].
*Lea más *casos de aplicación de la ley* [ https://www.osha.gov/news/newsreleases/enforcement#googtrans(en%7Ces) ] de OSHA.*
*Innovación en la seguridad de los trabajadores*
Vea cómo una *empresa de neumáticos de Dakota del Norte* [ https://www.osha.gov/successstories/northwest-tire#googtrans(en%7Ces) ] ha creado nuevas formas de abordar la seguridad, como la colocación de códigos QR en los contenedores de productos químicos para que los trabajadores puedan acceder a la información de seguridad en sus teléfonos.
Innovación en la seguridad de los trabajadores [ https://www.osha.gov/successstories/northwest-tire#googtrans(en%7Ces) ]
Logo de Programa de alianza de OSHA [ https://www.osha.gov/alliances#googtrans(en%7Ces) ]
*Las Alianzas promueven la seguridad*
* *Contratistas Generales Asociados de Arkansas* [ https://www.osha.gov/alliances/regional/birmingham/agreement_20241009#googtrans(en%7Ces) ]
* *Contratistas Generales Asociados de Kansas y Asociación de Salud Mental de South Central-Kansas* [ https://www.osha.gov/alliances/regional/kansas-city/agreement_20240506#googtrans(en%7Ces) ]
* *Consulado de México en Houston* [ https://www.osha.gov/alliances/regional/dallas/renewal-agreement-spanish_20240826 ]
* *Consejo de Seguridad de Dakota del Sur* [ https://www.osha.gov/alliances/regional/denver/renewal-agreement_20241002#googtrans(en%7Ces) ]
*Recursos útiles*
* *Alerta sobre la gripe aviar en el ganado lechero* [ https://www.osha.gov/publications/publication-products?publication_title=Avian+Flu%3A+H5N1+#googtrans(en%7Ces) ] (20 idiomas)
* *Hoja informativa sobre los peligros de la limpieza* [ https://www.osha.gov/publications/publication-products?publication_title=cleanup+hazards#googtrans(en%7Ces) ] (inglés, español y portugués)
Recursos útiles: Alerta de Peligro [ https://www.osha.gov/sites/default/files/publications/OSHA4443.pdf ]
"Los suscriptores de QuickTakes reciben ocasionalmente *boletines DYK? (¿Sabias?)* [ https://www.osha.gov/quicktakes/11042024 ] sobre un único tema de actualidad, un recurso o un evento próximo."
*Comparta QuickTakes en sus redes sociales.*
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Administración de Salud y Seguridad Ocupacional
200 Constitution Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20210
*www.osha.gov* [ https://www.osha.gov/ ] | 202-693-1999
Puedes *darte de baja* [ https://www.osha.gov/quicktakes#unsubscribe ] de esta lista. (¡Te extrañaremos!)
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