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US Department of Labor, Office of the Trade Representative seek review of alleged denial of labor rights at Hidalgo, Mexico, cement plant facility
- [Registrante]United States Department of Labor
- [Idioma]日本語
- [Área]Washington, DC
- Fecha registrada : 2024/10/23
- Fecha de Publicación : 2024/10/23
- Fecha de cambio : 2024/10/23
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US Department of Labor, Office of the Trade Representative seek review of alleged denial of labor rights at Hidalgo, Mexico, cement plant facility [ ] 10/23/2024 08:00 AM EDT
WASHINGTON – The U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement’s Interagency Labor Committee for Monitoring and Enforcement today requested that the Mexican government review an alleged denial of workers’ rights at Odisa Equipment Services, a cement plant machinery manufacturing facility in Hidalgo, Mexico.The U.S. Department of Labor and U.S. Trade Representative co-chair the Interagency Labor Committee.The request follows a Sept. 23, 2024, petition filed by a union affiliated with the Confederación Regional Obrera Mexicana, a federation of Mexican labor unions. Filed under the USMCA’s Rapid Response Labor Mechanism, or RRM, the petition alleges Odisa interfered with workers’ rights to freedom of association and collective bargaining through the intimidation and dismissal of workers for union activity. “We are deeply concerned by the anti-union activity at the Odisa facility,” said Deputy Undersecretary for International Affairs Thea Lee. “Such practices violate Mexican labor laws and undermine the labor protections established under the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement. We look forward to working closely with the government of Mexico to resolve these denials of rights.”The Interagency Labor Committee found sufficient and credible evidence that supports the allegations, resulting in USTR submitting the request for review using the RRM. “This is another example of how the Biden-Harris administration is keeping corporations accountable and lifting up working communities by protecting workers’ rights to freedom of association and collective bargaining,” said Ambassador Katherine Tai. “The United States remains committed to empowering workers through the USMCA, and we look forward to collaborating with the government of Mexico to address the ongoing denials of rights at this facility.”The Mexican government has 10 days to decide whether to conduct a review and 45 days to investigate the claims and present its findings. A subsidiary of Odisa, which has manufactured concrete batch plants, truck mixers and material handling equipment for nearly 50 years, Odisa Equipment Services exports material handling equipment, including sheet metal and aluminum goods, to dozens of countries including the U.S. Learn more about the department’s international work. body { font-size: 1em; font-family: Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; font-weight: normal; font-style: normal; color: #333333; }
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