Covering Indian Country – June 2024
- [등록자]Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)
- [언어]日本語
- [지역]Baltimore, MD
- 등록일 : 2024/06/06
- 게재일 : 2024/06/06
- 변경일 : 2024/06/06
- 총열람수 : 57 명
- 가게를 검색하고 싶을 땐 <타운가이드>
< 활동의 목적 > ~ 이하 정관에서 발췌 ~ 1. 회원 상호간의 친목을 도모하고 그 이익의 옹호와 증진을 도모한다 2 . 일본 ・ 멕시코 양국의 경제교류의 촉진에 기여하는 활동을 한다 3 . 기타 전호의 목적에 관련된 활동을 한다 ※활동에 관한 공통 언어는 일본어이다.
3 기타 전호의 목적에 관련된 활동을 하는 것 +52 (55) 5593-2020メキシコ日本商工会議所
- 비스트로보즈 시크한 분위기에서 와인과 칵테일과 함께 이탈리안 요리를 맛볼...
식사는 물론 술과 어울리는 다양한 종류의 단품 와인과 칵테일 종류도 다양합니다. 심야까지 ( 금요일은 자정2시까지 ) 영업을 하고 있어 느긋하게 휴식을 취하며 식사를 하실 수 있습니다. 필레 스테이크, 오징어 먹물 파스타, 토마토 소스 파스타 등 식사는 물론 술과 어울리는 일품요리도 다양합니다.
+1 (310) 320-5820Bistro Beaux
- 키사라즈역 1분 거리, 조식, 중식, 석식을 운영하는 올데이 다이닝으로 ...
인기 만점인 와곤 디저트 뷔페 런치 ・ 디너를 비롯해 여성들에게 인기 있는 레스토랑입니다. 호텔의 맛을 간편하게 즐길 수 있는 '테이크아웃 메뉴'도 판매 중으로, 집이나 직장, 모임이나 선물용으로도 안성맞춤이다. 또한 계절마다 이벤트와 박람회를 개최하여 언제 방문하셔도 즐길 수 있습니다. 인접한 개인실에서는 '상견례'나 '법회' 등의 모임에도 이용하실...
- 계란 기증자를 모집합니다. 사례금 6,000달러 이상 + 교통비 지급. ...
★ 20~30세 건강한 여성 ★ 교통비 지급 ※ 차량이 없는 분도 안심하세요. ★ 타주 등 원거리에서 등록하시는 경우, 비행기비, 호텔비, 전액 부담합니다. 로스엔젤레스 인근 거주자라도 하와이를 희망하시는 경우 하와이에서 프로그램 참가가 가능합니다. 항공료와 호텔비는 저희가 부담합니다. LA와 하와이 모두 종합병원과 연계되어 있기 때문에 만일의 사태에 대...
+1 (310) 444-3087LA Baby Fertility Agency
- 피아노라면 맡겨주세요 ! 렌탈 ・ 중고 판매 ・ 수리, 조율 ・ 운반 ・...
야마하 ・ 카와이 ・ 스타인웨이 등 … 도매가로 판매합니다. 미국 전역 ・ 일본에서도 대응 가능하므로 타주로 이사하시는 분들도 상담해 주시기 바랍니다. 전화는 언제든 환영합니다.
+1 (714) 962-2508Hiro Piano Service, Inc.
- 전 세계에 매장을 전개하고 있는 '라멘 산토비'입니다. 보스턴 지역에는 ...
홋카이도에서 출발한 라멘 브랜드 야마토비입니다. 각 매장에 일본에서 연수한 매니저가 상주하여 일본과 동일한 품질의 맛과 서비스를 제공하고 있습니다.
+1 (617) 945-1460北海道らーめん 山頭火
- 해외에서 열심히 공부하는 일본 아이들의 학습을 지원합니다. 귀국 후 중 ...
지도 경험이 풍부한 베테랑 교사들이 압도적인 정보량을 활용하여 귀국학생들에게 입시대책을 지도합니다.
+1 (408) 257-1343ena (San Jose)
- 2025년 1월 수강생 모집 중 ! 】JVTA 로스앤젤레스교에서 영상번역...
JVTA 로스엔젤레스교에서는 현재 1/7/2025부터 시작하는 수업 수강생 모집 !
여러분의 희망에 맞춰 무료 개별상담을 진행합니다. 🌸 ! 🌸 체험 수업은 $ 656 ~ 수강 가능 ✨ +1 (310) 316-3121Japan Visualmedia Translation Academy / 日本映像翻訳アカデミー
- 베이글 샌드위치와 오리지널 커피가 인기이며, 밤에는 술도 마실 수 있는 ...
베이글 샌드위치와 오리지널 커피가 인기이며, 밤에는 술도 마실 수 있는 카페 & 바이다. 일본인 직원이 상주하고 있어 영어에 자신이 없어도 안심할 수 있다. 현지 분위기의 차분한 공간에서 느긋하게 즐길 수 있다. 밤에는 밤 12시까지 영업.
+1 (808) 492-1470KAKAAKO CAFE
- 기사와라즈역 동쪽 출구에서 도보 "2분" 심야 영업 ! 단체 예약 OK ...
정통 이탈리안이라면 JOYs로 ! 심야까지 즐길 수 있는 정통 이탈리안 ! 돌가마에서 구운 피자를 비롯한 아쿠아 파스타 ・ 각종 튀김 등 다양한 메뉴는 가격도 저렴해 눈이 돌아갈지도 ? 심야까지 영업. 까지 영업하므로 퇴근 후나 회식 장소로도 편리하게 이용하실 수 있습니다. ! ! 돌가마에서 구운 '마르게리타'를 합리적인 가격으로 정통 이탈리안 요리...
+81-438-42-1075PIZZA DINING JOYs 木更津店
- 우리는 코리아타운의 수많은 노래방에서 함께 일할 출연진을 모집하고 있습니...
자격 : 만 18세 이상 언어 : 영어, 일본어, 한국어, 중국어
KTOWN NIGHT영어, 일본어, 한국어, 중국어 경력자 환영, 자신의 스케줄에 맞춰 주중, 주말, 휴일 상관없이 일할 수 있습니다 ! 학생도 환영입니다. ( 출퇴근 시 최소 근무시간만 지켜주시면 됩니다. ) 궁금하신 점, 자세한 사항은 이메일 또는 이미지 우측 하단의 QR코드를 통해...
- 매일 직접 만든 맛있는 주먹밥을 꼭 한번 드셔보세요. 주먹밥의 재료도 정...
안도하고 싶을 때, 그럴 때는 '이야스유메'로 오세요. 쌀과 손수 만든 맛있는 주먹밥과 도시락을 제공하고 있습니다. 2000년 하와이 최초의 주먹밥 전문점으로 오픈한 하와이 일본 주먹밥계의 선구자. 쌀과 수제를 고집하며 갓 지은 상태로 제공하는 일본식 주먹밥은 국적을 불문하고 손님들에게 큰 사랑을 받고 있다. 가장 인기 있는 메뉴는 일본과 하와이의 식재...
(808) 465-9682Musubi Cafe Iyasume
- 시니어, 비시니어, JVJCI를 이용하세요 ? 우리는 일본계 사회의 역사...
우리는 일본계 사회의 역사와 문화를 계승하고 공유하는 것을 사명으로 하는 비영리 단체입니다. 댄스, 운동, 유화, 마작 등 시니어 회원을 위한 문화교실, 워크숍 개최, 도시락 프로그램, 어린이와 성인을 위한 주말 일본어 학교, 개인 축하행사 및 단체 그룹을 위한 시설대여 등을 운영하고 있습니다.
+1 (310) 324-6611Gardena Valley Japanese Cultural Institute
- 친절, 정중, 신속을 모토로 한 일본계 이사업체에서 20년 경력의 직원이...
안심과 품질을 제공하기 위해 끊임없는 노력을 기울이고 있습니다. 많은 고객의 단독주택에서 원룸까지 이사를 도와드린 지혜와 경험을 바탕으로 고객의 요구에 맞는 플랜을 제공합니다.
+1 (808) 650-1239便利ーず ハワイ
- 고민에 대해 함께 고민해 보지 않겠습니까 ? 어떤 일이든 상담 가능합니다...
True Resource Coaching&Consulting True Resource의 코칭과 컨설팅에 대해 매일 밝고 즐겁게 미국 생활을 하기 위해 고민하는 것들에 대해 함께 고민해 봅시다. 에 대해 함께 고민해 봅시다 ? 생활 속에서 곤란한 점은 없으신가요 ? 인간관계의 고민, 일본과의 문화 차이 등으로 고민하는 미국 거주 일본인들도 많습...
+1 (424) 625-8720True Resource Coaching & Consulting
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services: Covering Indian Country [ https://www.cms.gov/Outreach-and-Education/American-Indian-Alaska-Native/AIAN/Outreach-and-Education/index.html ]
June 2024
Spotlight: E3 Pilot Community Development Project
Achieving and maintaining high vaccination rates helps keep tribal communities safe from diseases such as COVID-19, measles, polio, and whooping cough.
That’s why Indian Health Service (IHS), tribal, and urban Indian providers are encouraged to apply the national IHS E3 Vaccine Strategy in day-to-day practice. According to that strategy, *every* patient at *every* encounter should be offered *every* recommended vaccine when clinically indicated.
To further the E3 Vaccine Strategy’s success, IHS recently launched the E3 Pilot Community Development Project [ https://www.ihs.gov/newsroom/ihs-blog/may-2024-blogs/ihs-national-e3-vaccine-strategy-launches-pilot-community-development-project/ ], which supports the sharing of best practices and lessons learned at 28 pilot sites in nine of the 12 IHS areas. The project is intended to help advance the E3 Vaccine Strategy’s objectives in clinical, public, and community health settings.
"As you conduct outreach in tribal communities, share resources to help bolster the work of IHS to increase vaccination rates."
Outreach presents opportunities to talk with people in tribal communities about the range of services that Medicare, Medicaid, the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP), and the Health Insurance Marketplace cover to promote health and prevent disease.
To that end, we hope you’ll help bolster the work of IHS to increase vaccination rates by:
* Sharing CMS’s checklist of vaccinations [ https://www.cms.gov/outreach-and-education/american-indian-alaska-native/aian/vaccinations-fact-sheet-adults-and-children.pdf ] (PDF, 688 KB, 2 pp)
* Reminding families that Medicaid and CHIP cover vaccinations as preventive health services [ https://www.healthcare.gov/coverage/preventive-care-benefits/ ]
* Referring people to their local Indian health care provider for more information on routine and catch-up vaccinations
June: Men’s Health Month
Drop-in ad features a person riding a bicycle outside and a message encouraging people to take charge of their health by checking in with their health care provider
Share this ad in your newsletter or on your website. For more information, please visit CMS’s Outreach and Education Resources page [ https://www.cms.gov/Outreach-and-Education/American-Indian-Alaska-Native/AIAN/Outreach-and-Education/index.html ].
Public service announcements
Share these brief audio clips and videos, available in certain Native languages and English, on your local radio station, website, and Facebook page.
SoundcloudAudio clips [ https://soundcloud.com/kauffmaninc/sets/june-is-mens-health-month ]
YoutubeVideos [ https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLaV7m2-zFKpjsQFh8BTlOc6FH4bFLuqw2 ]
New 2023 twitter logo x icon designPost it
Take charge of your health! Make sure you’ve got Medicaid or Marketplace coverage, and schedule a wellness visit today.
Brochures about health care coverage
A collage of three resources: (1) CMS's regional brochure for Colorado, Montana, and Wyoming (2) CMS Programs at a Glance brochure (3) CMS's regional brochure for Idaho, Oregon, and Washington
Access these resources online at your convenience.
* The CMS Programs at a Glance brochure [ https://www.cms.gov/files/document/cms-programs-glance.pdf ] (PDF, 1.1 MB, 2 pp) reviews health care coverage options and benefits specific to American Indians and Alaska Natives.
* CMS’s regional brochures [ https://www.cms.gov/training-education/partner-outreach-resources/american-indian-alaska-native/outreach-education-resources ] help people learn more about health care coverage and locate their nearest Indian health facility.
Health observances
June is Men’s Health Month
Wellness visits are opportunities to get a primary care provider’s guidance in setting and achieving health goals. However, many men do not see a primary care provider regularly.
In observance of Men’s Health Month, please highlight the importance of wellness visits when talking with men in your community about health care coverage.
Also, remind men that cancer screenings and many other preventive health services [ https://www.healthcare.gov/preventive-care-adults/ ] are covered by health insurance.
National HIV Testing Day: June 27
Living with HIV infection is manageable with treatment, and transmission of the virus is preventable. That’s why knowing our HIV status is so important.
As National HIV Testing Day approaches, share a CDC video [ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rZKGp8OnOSg ] to help people:
* Better understand the results of HIV self-tests [ https://www.cdc.gov/stophivtogether/hiv-testing/self-testing.html?CDC_AA_refVal=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.cdc.gov%2Fhivselftesting%2Findex.html ]
* Choose options to keep themselves and their sexual partners healthy
Also, recommend that people use the HIV Testing Sites & Care Services Locator [ https://locator.hiv.gov/ ] to find HIV testing in their area.
Additional resources
Protecting communities from mpox
Mpox, formerly known as monkeypox, is a rare but serious disease that is spread through skin-to-skin contact.
A safe and effective two-dose vaccine is available to help protect communities from mpox. That’s why we encourage you to share a:
* Short animated video titled What You Need to Know About Mpox [ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K1X3eQwVb-E&t=72s ]
* Fact sheet explaining who should get the mpox vaccine [ https://iasquared.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/Mpox-Fact-Sheet-Final.pdf ] (PDF, 54 MB, 2 pp)
* Brief video message from Indian Health Service [ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zr6cYCfzzWc&t=101s ] about how mpox vaccination helps Native LGBTQIA2S+ people stay well
Funding opportunities
Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Part C EIS
*Deadline:* June 17
View the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Part C EIS funding opportunity [ https://grants.hrsa.gov/2010/Web2External/Interface/FundingCycle/ExternalView.aspx?fCycleID=5cd092d8-4680-40ab-a48e-d7e66e9b360d ]
Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Part C Early Intervention Services (EIS) funding is available to help increase access to comprehensive primary health care and support in outpatient settings for people of low-income living with HIV. Grantees will be required to provide:
* HIV counseling and testing
* Periodic medical evaluations and other clinical/diagnostic services for HIV care and treatment
* Therapeutic measures to prevent and treat conditions arising from HIV
* Referrals for health and support services as appropriate
It is estimated that 357 grantees will be funded for a three-year performance period. Tribes and tribal organizations are encouraged to apply.
OVW’s Healing and Response Teams Special Initiative
*Deadline:* June 25
View OVW’s Healing and Response Teams funding opportunity [ https://www.grants.gov/search-results-detail/354075 ]
An Office on Violence Against Women (OVW) special initiative will support the creation, training, and sustainability of Healing and Response Teams using tribal-based care models to respond to cases involving missing or murdered Indigenous people.
One cooperative agreement of up to $2 million will be awarded for a three-year performance period. Tribal organizations with the capacity to provide tribal-specific training and technical assistance on a national level are encouraged to apply.
Good Health and Wellness in Indian Country
*Deadline:* June 28
View the Good Health and Wellness in Indian Country funding opportunity [ https://www.grants.gov/search-results-detail/349788 ]
The goal of this year’s Good Health and Wellness in Indian Country funding opportunity is to support a comprehensive, holistic approach to wellness that will help prevent, manage, and control chronic diseases.
The Healthy Tribes Program at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention expects to award 30 cooperative agreements for a five-year performance period. Tribes, tribal organizations, and urban Indian organizations are encouraged to apply.
Sweetgrass Grants to address chronic disease
*Deadline:* June 28 at 11:59 p.m. Pacific
View the Sweetgrass funding opportunity [ https://www.uihi.org/sweetgrass-grants/ ]
Up to four Sweetgrass Grants of $10,000 each are available to support public health programs related to chronic disease prevention and management for urban American Indian and Alaska Native populations.
The grants are offered by the Urban Indian Health Institute and funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Eligible applicants include:
* Title VI urban Indian organizations as defined by Indian Health Service
* Organizations that are members of the National Urban Indian Family Coalition
* Not-for-profit urban Indian organizations that provide public health services
Tribal Opioid Response Grants
*Deadline:* July 1
View the Tribal Opioid Response funding opportunity [ https://www.samhsa.gov/grants/grant-announcements/ti-24-009?utm_source=SAMHSA&utm_campaign=9d6d748dd1-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2024_05_02_01_29&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_-9d6d748dd1-%5BLIST_EMAIL_ID%5D ]
The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration is offering grants for services to help prevent and treat opioid use disorder and co-occurring substance use disorders in tribal communities.
As many as 130 grants will be awarded. Tribes and tribal organizations are encouraged to apply individually, as a consortium, or in partnership with an urban Indian organization.
Calendar of events
Maternal Health Summer 2024 Webinar Series
CMS has launched a webinar series [ https://mathematicaorg.webex.com/webappng/sites/mathematicaorg/webinar/webinarSeries/register/0afcb2a5de864194ad1505ec1885c0a7?utm_campaign=fyi_newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ] highlighting approaches implemented by Medicaid and Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) to improve maternal health outcomes. Each webinar begins at 2 p.m. Eastern and lasts one hour.
*June 25:* "Decreasing Fragmentation in Maternal Substance Use Disorder Screening and Treatment"
*July 16:* "Addressing Hypertension Before, During and After Pregnancy"
*August 6:* "Overview of Maternal Health Affinity Groups and the Expression-of-Interest Process"
*August 20:* "Medicaid and CHIP Program Collaboration with Hospitals on AIM Bundles"
Gender-Affirming Care Gathering
*June 25–27*
Boise, Idaho, with the option to attend virtually
Register for the Gender-Affirming Care Gathering [ https://www.aaip.org/events/gender-affirming-care-gathering ]
The Association of American Indian Physicians will host a gathering to explore Indigenous approaches to gender-affirming care and incorporate strategies for providing that care in Indian Health Service, tribal, and urban Indian clinics. Clinical and non-clinical health care professionals, health care administrators, and tribal leaders are invited to participate.
National UNITY Conference
Logo for United National Indian Tribal Youth, Inc.
*June 29–July 3*
Portland, Oregon
Register for the National UNITY Conference [ https://unityinc.org/national-conference/ ]
Sponsored by United National Indian Tribal Youth, Inc. (UNITY), this annual youth leadership development conference addresses social issues that impact communities nationwide. The intended audience includes adults who work with youth and could benefit from training in topics such as rapport building and conflict resolution.
Being Trauma and Healing Informed
Native Wellness Institute logo
*July 16–17
12–7 p.m. Eastern*
Register for Being Trauma and Healing Informed [ https://www.nativewellness.com/being-trauma-and-healing-informed.html ]
Native Wellness Institute will facilitate an interactive training session to help health and social service program staff, tribal leaders, and others better understand how trauma impacts behavior in workplaces and communities.
12th Annual National Native Harm Reduction Summit
*July 16–18*
Mahnomen, Minnesota
Register for the National Native Harm Reduction Summit [ https://web.cvent.com/event/8235e02d-e138-4065-9aec-5a38ba34c748/summary ]
The National Native Harm Reduction Summit is an opportunity for behavioral health care professionals, social service providers, public health professionals, and community members to share knowledge of Indigenous practices to improve the well-being of Indigenous people who use drugs.
World Indigenous Suicide Prevention Conference
World Indigenous Suicide Prevention Conference logo
*July 22–25*
Niagara Falls, New York
Register for the World Indigenous Suicide Prevention Conference [ https://thewispc.com/ ]
Hosted by the Seneca Nation, the World Indigenous Suicide Prevention Conference is an opportunity to share stories and knowledge highlighting the role of identity, resilience, and culture in efforts to promote life and reduce suicide risk.
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Contact us
Do you have news to share? Send it to coveringic@kauffmaninc.com for possible inclusion in an upcoming newsletter. Contact us with other comments or feedback, too.
About the newsletter
Covering Indian Country is published by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Division of Tribal Affairs to share resources, success stories, and best practices with the people who connect tribal communities to health care coverage.
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