Director, Public Defense (Public Defender)
- [登録者]King County
- [言語]日本語
- [エリア]King County, WA
- 登録日 : 2024/11/04
- 掲載日 : 2024/11/04
- 変更日 : 2024/11/04
- 総閲覧数 : 25 人
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This position will remain open until filled but the screening process will move quickly. In order to be considered for the first round of interviews please submit your application materials at karrasconsulting.net [ https://karrasconsulting.net/ ] by December 4, 2024.
The Department of Public Defense (DPD) is seeking a *Public Defender* to lead the *Department*. The Public Defender must be a *visionary and strategic leader* with a demonstrated commitment to the delivery of *high-quality legal representation to indigent clients*. Candidates should have strong administrative skills suitable to a complex organization that values employees' professional judgment and their active engagement in the development and implementation of policy. The Public Defender must be able to advocate effectively on behalf of the department within a complex political system while protecting the independence essential to quality public defense. Candidates should have an in-depth understanding of the public policy areas that connect with public defense, a demonstrated commitment to reforms in systemic change, and competency working with communities of color and other impacted communities.
*About the Department*
The King County Department of Public Defense was established in 2013, by voter approval of a charter amendment. Prior to the Department's creation, four nonprofit law firms contracted with the county to provide public defense services. The Department now has four divisions, each created from the staff of one of the former firms and led by its own Managing Attorney, who is appointed by and reports to the Public Defender. The department is required under the county charter to foster and promote system improvements, efficiencies, access to justice and equity in the criminal justice system, as well as other duties assigned by ordinance. The Public Defender manages the department. Once nominated by the County Executive and confirmed by the County Council, the Public Defender enjoys operational independence from the political branches of County government pursuant to the charter amendment that created DPD.
DPD is widely regarded as one of the best public defense offices in the country, drawing graduates from the nation’s top law schools while also prioritizing hiring local law graduates dedicated to serving their community. DPD’s reputation stems from the department’s holistic approach to public defense with in-house investigators, mitigation specialists, paralegals, and legal assistants available to support attorneys on every case.
Led by the Public Defender, staff in DPD’s Director’s Office have a proven track record of substantial systemic change to support the Department’s clients. In recent years, DPD has worked in coalition with community partners to pass legislation both locally and in the state legislature, successfully advocated for court rule amendments affecting both civil and criminal practice, and engaged in affirmative litigation to vindicate clients’ rights.
The Department represents individuals accused of crimes (in both conventional and therapeutic courts), involved in the child welfare system, or subject to involuntary commitment. Cases are assigned to a division after a screening process to ensure there are no conflicts of interest. The four divisions handle about 90 percent of the county's public defense cases; the remainder go to private attorneys on an assigned counsel panel overseen by the Department.
The Department employs more than 480 people, about half of whom are attorneys. Its biennial budget is approximately $177 million. DPD is the single largest provider of public defense services in the first state in the country whose Bar Association has voted to adopt new caseload standards [ https://www.wsba.org/news-events/media-center/media-releases/state-bar-adopts-new-public-defense-standards ] for public defenders following the release of the 2023 ABA/RAND study [ https://www.rand.org/pubs/research_reports/RRA2559-1.html ] on public defense workloads. Advocating for the resources needed to implement those standards over the next several years will be a core responsibility of King County’s next Public Defender.
Public defenders at DPD enjoy competitive pay, top-flight benefits including a county pension, ample funding for expert witnesses, continuing education and training provided by both local and nationally recognized experts, and support from experienced supervisors.
*The Department’s Mission Statement*
The King County Department of Public Defense represents indigent adults and children facing a loss of liberty. Our department is an independent voice that promotes justice and equity for our clients and advocates for their objectives, interests, and dignity.
DPD advocates to reduce the harm and reach of the criminal and civil legal systems that restrict our clients’ liberty, and advances policy reforms to reduce systemic racism. We strive to create a flexible workplace culture that is inclusive, respectful, and supportive, premised on a shared anti-oppression framework. To learn more about DPD, visit our website [ https://kingcounty.gov/depts/public-defense.aspx ].
*Advisory Board*
The 2013 charter also established an 11-member Public Defense Advisory Board, which advises the department, reviews its proposed budget, advocates for high-quality public defense, and issues an annual report on the state of the county's public defense system.
The Advisory Board also plays a key role in the selection of the Public Defender: After a county-led recruitment process, the board selects and interviews the top candidates and then forwards to the County Executive the names of three candidates the board believes are best able to serve the county as Public Defender.
*About the Position*
In accordance with King County Code (KCC) 2.60.026 [ https://kingcounty.gov/en/legacy/council/legislation/kc_code/05_title_2 ], the Public Defender is appointed by the County Executive, subject to confirmation by the County Council. The term of appointment for this position is aligned with the election cycle of the King County Prosecutor (four-year terms), with removal permitted only for cause.
The Executive may reappoint the Public Defender to additional terms, subject to confirmation by the Council.
The annual salary for this position is $241,873.10. body { font-size: 1em; font-family: Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; font-weight: normal; font-style: normal; color: #333333; }
[ https://www.kingcounty.gov/ ]
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