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- [Registrant]Highlighting JAPAN
- [Language]日本語
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- Posted : 2024/12/25
- Published : 2024/12/25
- Changed : 2024/12/25
- Total View : 31 persons
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オーナー&板長のRyoをはじめ、ベテラン日本人板前が日本の味を提供します!お値段もリーズナブルで気軽に入れるのも魅力😊 ランチにはお寿司・お刺身定食他、さばやさんまなどの焼き魚定食も人気です。夜にはイカの姿焼きや天ぷら、やきとりなどお酒もすすむ一品料理も!土日は混み合いますので事前にお問合せください。
+1 (469) 670-2224Masami Japanese Sushi & Cuisine
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술 구입은 TK Wine에 맡겨주세요 ! 국내외에서 구입한 희귀한 술을 홈페이지에서 수시로 업데이트 중. TK Wine에서만 만날 수 있는 와인 ・ 스피릿을 만나보세요.
TK Wine에서만 만날 수 있는 와인 증류주를 만나보세요. 온라인에서 구입한 병, 또는 감정 완료된 병을 Torrance 사무실에서 PickUp/Drop O... +1 (310) 926-4951TK Wine
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치료내용 : 임플란트, 임플란트 합병증, 크라운 및 브릿지, 시니어 리프트 / 뼈이식, 심미치료, 틀니, 치주치료, 근관치료, 임플란트, 임플란트 합병증, 크라운 및 브릿지. 각종 보험을 취급하고 있습니다. 일본어로 부담없이 상담해 주십시오.
+1 (310) 320-5661Implant and Peridontal Institute of Torrance
- 2024년 12월 알라모아나 센터 1층 라나이 푸드코트 아래 신규 오픈 ...
2024년 12월 알라모아나 센터 1층 라나이 푸드코트 아래 신규 오픈 ! 예술적인 스시를 즐길 수 있는 어른들을 위한 공간. 특별한 날의 디너에도 꼭 이용해 주십시오.
+1 (808) 570-4200Amaterasu
- 이치하라에서 이탈리안 런치 ・ 바를 찾는다면 숯불 이탈리안 CILO로 !...
이치하라에서 이탈리안 런치 ・ 바를 찾는다면 숯불 이탈리안 CILO로 ! 아늑한 공간에서 가족, 친구와 함께 엄선된 고기와 이탈리안 요리를 즐겨보세요 🍖 🐟 파티도 가능합니다 !
+81-436-26-6121炭火×イタリアン CILO チロ
E-mail Newsletter "HIGHLIGHTING Japan"
VOL. 199 (NEW YEAR'S ISSUE 2025)
Japan has many annual events throughout the year, but it has treated its New Year events with special care since ancient times. The Japanese New Year is known for a variety of customs and good luck events related to food, clothing, and shelter, and each has its own meaning. In this month’s HIGHLIGHTING Japan, we present an interview with a great scholar of folklore on the special meaning that welcoming the New Year has for Japanese people. We introduce kimono, o-sechi ryori cuisine (traditional Japanese New Year food), a New Year’s herbal sake and indoor decorations for the New Year, all of which help celebrate and add splendid color and enjoyment to the Japanese New Year. We also introduce traditional performing arts including the Shishi-mai dance, and a kite-flying event held at the foot of Mt. Fuji.
●The Origins and Significance of Japan’s New Year’s Culture
(Interview with SHINTANI Takanori, a folklorist and Professor emeritus at the Graduate University for Advanced Studies and National Museum of Japanese History.)
●Traditional New Year's Kimono: Haregi – Its Heritage and Modern Adaptations
(Introducing the history, traditions, and modern adaptations of haregi, the kimono worn, especially by women, for New Year celebrations.)
●Herbal sake O-toso for Good Health and Longevity
(Showcasing O-toso, an herbal sake traditionally consumed in Japan to welcome the New Year.)
●New Year’s O-sechi Cuisine: Wishing for Happiness in the Year Ahead
(Introducing o-sechi, the traditional New Year’s cuisine in Japan, enjoyed at home, along with its origins and significance.)
●The Significance and Spirit of Shitsurai in Japan’s New Year
(A look at shitsurai, the art of beautifully arranging indoor spaces for various traditional Japanese seasonal events, with a focus on New Year’s decorations.)
●Shishi-mai: A Lively Dance Performed in a Lion Costume
(Introducing the Shishi-mai dance, a Japanese folk performing art showcased at New Year’s and festivals to drive away misfortune and pray for good health, with a focus on Izumozaki Town in Niigata Prefecture, where it is especially popular during New Year’s celebrations.)
●Giant Kites Soar at the Foot of Mount Fuji at New Year
(Celebrating kites as a symbol of good fortune and kite flying as a New Year tradition in Japan, alongside a kite flying event in the highlands at the foot of Mount Fuji.)
●Vibrant Hagoita Decorations for the New Year
(Introducing the history and origins of the hagoita as a traditional New Year decoration in Japan, with a special focus on the Hakata Okiage style of hagoita from Fukuoka Prefecture.)
(Initiatives to Further Deepen Ties between Japan and the Caribbean States and Regions: Japan-CARICOM Friendship Year 2024)
(Technologies to Predict and Minimize the Impact of Frequent Line-Shaped Precipitation Systems Causing Heavy Rainfalls in Japan)
(Japanese Home Cooking Connects Hearts and Minds)
(Anime: A Subculture That Gives a Sense of Japanese Values and Culture)
(Short sword signed Yoshimitsu (celebrated Atsushi Toushirō))
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[E-mail Newsletter " HIGHLIGHTING Japan"]
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Published by:
Public Relations Office, Cabinet Office, Government of Japan
1-6-1 Nagata-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-8914, Japan