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- 医龍 マンガ 1-25巻 (21巻が抜けています)
Price $20 Location Irvine, California Delivery Option Pick-up only 医龍24冊

- 小学生低学年用の本11冊
Price $5 Location Irvine, California Delivery Option Pick-up only 小学生低学年用の本です。
読書の時間に読む本 2年生

- 小学生中学年からの単行本6冊
Price $5 Location Irvine, California Delivery Option Pick-up only レイトンミステリー探偵社1〜3
たまごっち 未来へつなげ!たまとものきづな
たまごっち タイムスリップ?!奇跡の出会い

- 【DeLonghi 温風ヒーター】お売りします
Price 50 Location Sunnyside, Queens NY Delivery Option Pick-up only DeLonghi 温風ヒーター $50
現金手渡しのみ ノーリターン ノークレームでお願いします

- 子供用スープ・ジャーお弁当箱
Price $5 Location Los Angeles (San Pedro), California Delivery Option Pick-up only 3段になったお弁当箱。下段は保温出来るので、スープとか煮物とか入れられます。中段には折り畳みのスプーンが収納されています。上段は固形のおかずやご飯が入れられます。小さめなので子供用です。ケースも付いています。

- 新品!たこ焼き器 24個焼き
Price $25 Location Culver City Delivery Option Pick-up only 日本で購入。新品未使用。

- 美品!魚焼き器 フィッシュロースター
Price $50 Location Culver City Delivery Option Pick-up only 日本で購入。数回トーストを焼いただけなので使用感はなく美品です。

- 中古美品 キーボード/ピアノ Yamaha PSR-E413
Price $80 → $70 Location Culver City Delivery Option Pick-up only いろんな機能がついていますが、残念ながら説明書はありません。Youtube等でご覧ください。キズがあるので最後の写真でご確認ください。

- 中古 花器2点セット
Price $50 → $40 Location Culver City Delivery Option Pick-up only 中古の花器2点セット。日本製。
1) 円型 陶器製 内直径28.5センチ。
2) 扇形 プラスチック製 高さ5.5センチ、幅28センチ。ひとつの器の右端に表面にフィルムの剥がれがありますが、組み合わせていろんな形で使用できるので気にならないかと思います。

- 新品!ハンギングプランター
Price $5→$3 Location Culver City Delivery Option Pick-up only 新品未使用。一個の高さ5センチ。エアプラント、観葉植物や小さなお花の一輪挿しにどうぞ。

- 新品!! VANS スニーカー Authentic Lo Pro 黒
Price $45 → $40 Location Culver City Delivery Option Pick-up only 新品未使用。サイズは2枚目の写真でご確認ください。

- 新品!! Converse スニーカー CT Shoreline Slip 白
Price $50 → $45 Location Culver City Delivery Option Pick-up only 新品未使用。サイズは2枚目の写真でご確認ください。

- チェスト
Price $30 Location Rancho Palos Verdes Delivery Option Pick-up only 4段の引き出しがあるチェストです。

- 卓上ライト
Price $15 Location Rancho Palos Verdes Delivery Option Pick-up only チェストなどの上に置くライトです。

- ライト
Price $20 Location Rancho Palos Verdes Delivery Option Pick-up only 3箇所電気がつくのでとても明るいです。

- 2段チェスト
Price $20 Location Rancho Palos Verdes Delivery Option Pick-up only IKEAの棚です。

- 冷蔵庫
Price $150 Location Rancho Palos Verdes Delivery Option Pick-up only 片開き扉の冷蔵庫です。

- iRobot Mop
Price $80 Location Rancho Palos Verdes Delivery Option Pick-up only iRobot Braava jet M6

- (お値下げ)エアーフライヤー
Price $10 Location Los Gatos, カリフォルニア州 Delivery Option Pick-up only bella PRO - 6-qt. Touchscreen Air Fryer - Stainless Steel。1年使用 金属の中敷のゴムパーツ1つなし。問題なく使用出来ます。

- 4〜5歳児用レインブーツ
Price 5ドル Location Torrance Delivery Option Pick-up only 4〜5歳児用レインブーツです。

- マリオカートレーシングデラックス
Price 20ドル Location アーバイン, カリフォルニア州 Delivery Option Pick-up only 先日日本の海外配送してくれるサイトでこちらを購入しまして一度開けました。中古品ですが全部揃っていて状態がよいです。息子は興味がなくて全く遊ばなかったのでお譲りします。

- Beautiful hoverboard test ride OK
Price Price reduction $ 40 Location Santa Clara, California Delivery Option Pick-up only razor hoverboard
8 years old and up
with box and instructions
Beautiful item that was purchased at Walmart 2 years ago, ...

- TV Wall mount/ TV wall mount
Price $ 7 Location Torrance, カリフォルニア州 Delivery Option Pick-up only I have been contacted by someone named Mr. Yoshii, but when I reply to his email, I am unable to send it due to an error. Please contact me ...

- Home Karaoke Machine
Price $ 50 Location Torrance, カリフォルニア州 Delivery Option Pick-up only This machine allows you to enjoy karaoke at home. I used to enjoy using it for a while, but I don't use it these days, so it is for people w...

- lamp
Price 10 Location Long Beach, California Delivery Option Pick-up only Stylish lamp for sale.
You can change 3 colors and the intensity of the light.
please contact me if interested !

- Hot Plate (Dining Plate) CRL-A201
Price 45 Location Long Beach, California Delivery Option Pick-up only I have only used it a few times but am selling it because of my return to Japan.
Very clean and in good condition.
please contact ...

- Color box ( Bookshelf )
Price Two together for $5.00. Location Torrance Delivery Option Pick-up only This color box can also be used to store books.
Photo right: Width 42cm, depth 27.5cm, height 88cm
Photo left: Wi...

- floor lamp
Price $15.00 Location トーランス, カリフォルニア州 Delivery Option Pick-up only light

- Hair Growth Tonic SUCCESS
Price 5 Location トーランス Delivery Option Pick-up only New

- Bathrobes 2 sets
Price $ 12 Location rosemead Delivery Option Pick-up only New, unused, 2-pack, male and female

Price $ 14 Location rosemead Delivery Option Pick-up only New and unused

Price $ 8 Location rosemead Delivery Option Pick-up only New and unused

- Frying pan, set of 2, 3 pieces $ 24
Price $ 12 Location rosemead Delivery Option Pick-up only New and unused

Price $ 10 Location rosemead Delivery Option Pick-up only New and unused

- shoulder bag handbag both> $ 24
Price $ 15 Location rosemead Delivery Option Pick-up only New, unused, reasonably priced, how about for a gift ??

- beiia russo 24" weekender bag
Price $ 20 Location rosemead Delivery Option Delivered if nearby New and unused The following bag will be attached.

- Handbag / Shoulder
Price $ 15 Location rosemead Delivery Option Pick-up only New and unused

Price $ 8 Location rosemead Delivery Option Delivered if nearby New, unused Aram watch, calendar, multifunctional type.

Price $ 8 Location rosemead Delivery Option Delivered if nearby New and unused

- 52piece socket&driver set
Price $ 15>> $ 12 Location rosemead Delivery Option Delivered if nearby New and unused

Price $ 150 Location rosemead Delivery Option Pick-up only Beautiful item, like new.

Price $ 100 Please show Location rosemead Delivery Option Pick-up only A new sale is needed.
Please show.

- bed frame
Price $ 30 Location Santa Clara, California Delivery Option Pick-up only Single size bed frame.
Please see photos for size.
It has some distortion and dents, but when I pulled the mattress off it worked ...

- chest
Price $ 30 Location Santa Clara, California Delivery Option Pick-up only 3-drawer chest
size:W70cm, D40cm, H71cm

- Long Sleeve Underwear Shirt 130 120 Plain White
Price $ 8 Location Irvine, カリフォルニア州 Delivery Option Pick-up only New ones cost 680 yen each in Japan. Two for 1360 yen
Two for $ 8

- Ski Clothes for Kids
Price $ 10 Location Irvine, カリフォルニア州 Delivery Option Pick-up only The top is 130, while the bottom is 120.

- Halloween EVE
Price $ 8 Location Irvine, カリフォルニア州 Delivery Option Pick-up only We also offer Pikachu clothing. How about matching Halloween clothes for siblings?

- Pikachu Halloween 120 size
Price $ 10 Location Irvine, カリフォルニア州 Delivery Option Pick-up only We also offer EVE clothing. How about matching Halloween clothes for siblings?

- Halloween Goku Dragon Ball
Price $ 10 Location Irvine, カリフォルニア州 Delivery Option Pick-up only Bought in Japan. The accessories are unused.

- Dishwasher detergent Cascade
Price $ 5 Location Irvine, カリフォルニア州 Delivery Option Pick-up only There are 25 Cascade units remaining.

- Glass dish, flower
Price $ 13 Location Irvine, カリフォルニア州 Delivery Option Pick-up only This is a very beautiful plate. It has a transparent feeling like stained glass.

- Set dish, flower
Price $ 7 Location Irvine, カリフォルニア州 Delivery Option Pick-up only Sold as a set.

- Set of cups
Price $ 15 Location Irvine, カリフォルニア州 Delivery Option Pick-up only Interior, sake drinking, beautiful choko.
Sold as a set.

- Digital piano CASIO PX-700
Price $ 400 → 350 → 300 Location Irvine, カリフォルニア州 Delivery Option Pick-up only Recorded, automatic, with sheet music
Please feel free to come and have a look.
The original cost about 100,000.

- New Sheet Music Children's Bayer 2.3
Price $ 12 Location Irvine, カリフォルニア州 Delivery Option Pick-up only New. In Japan, it costs 1100 yen per book.
How about $12 for 2 books?

- COSORI Air Fryer
Price $ 40 Location Torrance, カリフォルニア州 Delivery Option Pick-up only I purchased this item a year ago on Amazon for $175, but am listing it due to infrequent use.
It is in beautiful condition with few scr...

- Eiken Level 1 2 Book Set
Price $ 10 → $ 7 Location Rancho Palos Verdes Delivery Option Pick-up only Some signs of use, but contents are not particularly filled out and CD is included.
Can be picked up at a Japanese supermarket.

- Operation Kaiketsu Zorori Uchuu Daisakusen
Price $ 5 → $ 3 Location Rancho Palos Verdes Delivery Option Pick-up only Very clean with no tears or stains.
Can be picked up at a Japanese supermarket.
Please buy only if you u...

- Pokemon wo Sagasase Series 2 Book Set
Price $ 10 → $ 7 Location Rancho Palos Verdes Delivery Option Pick-up only The outer cover is torn only on the platinum side.
There are no major stains inside.
Please buy only if ...

- English books learned in elementary school
Price $ 15 → $ 10 Location Rancho Palos Verdes Delivery Option Pick-up only Very clean with CD. ( 248p total )
also has a vocabulary book in the back.
Available at Japanese supermarkets.

- Kanji Certificate Grade 5
Price $ 5 Location Rancho Palos Verdes Delivery Option Pick-up only It is a small book of the type that you can study by covering the answers with red sheets.
Available at Japanese supermarkets.

- FLY GUY 8-book set
Price $ 7 → $ 5 Location Rancho Palos Verdes Delivery Option Pick-up only In clean condition.

- Children's English Book Set
Price $ 10 Location Rancho Palos Verdes Delivery Option Pick-up only They are all in beautiful condition.
I have been collecting various books to help my children retain English.

- Infant ・ English book set for younger children
Price $ 7 Location Rancho Palos Verdes Delivery Option Pick-up only They are all in beautiful condition.

- Magic tree house set
Price $ 12 → $ 10 Location Rancho Palos Verdes Delivery Option Pick-up only It was given to me by someone, so it is not in very clean condition, but it is readable enough.
There are volumes 1 to 28, but only vol...

- Nike Golf Club Set
Price $ 280 Location ロング・ビーチ, カリフォルニア州 Delivery Option Let's Discuss Used

Price $ 250 Location ロング・ビーチ, カリフォルニア州 Delivery Option Let's Discuss Used

- Filtrete Air Cleaning Filter 2-Pack
Price $ 15 each Location ロング・ビーチ, カリフォルニア州 Delivery Option Let's Discuss 3M Micro Allergen Reduction Filter, 1000
Performance Rating:
$ 15 each
I have 3

- Trek 1200
Price $ 300 Location ロング・ビーチ, カリフォルニア州 Delivery Option Pick-up only Used

- Xbox Software CD Set Of 12
Price $ 20 Location ロング・ビーチ, カリフォルニア州 Delivery Option Let's Discuss Used

- Xbox Software CD
Price $ 10 Location ロング・ビーチ, カリフォルニア州 Delivery Option Let's Discuss Used

- Craftsman 3 1/2 Inch Track-Cut Circular Saw with M...
Price $ 50 Location ロング・ビーチ, カリフォルニア州 Delivery Option Let's Discuss Used
Delivery can be made in Long Beach or, with limited time, in the Gardena or Torrance area.

- Hitachi C10FCH2 Compound Miter Saw with Laser Mark...
Price $ 150 Location ロング・ビーチ, カリフォルニア州 Delivery Option Let's Discuss Used
Delivery can be made in Long Beach or, with limited time, in the Gardena or Torrance area.

- 5 Speed Bench Drill Press
Price $ 50 Location ロング・ビーチ, カリフォルニア州 Delivery Option Pick-up only Used
Delivery can be made in Long Beach or, with limited time, in the Gardena or Torrance area.

- The Miracle Sound 8000Hz Los Angeles Edition
Price $12.00 Location irvine Delivery Option Pick-up only Unused.
196 pages total.

- The Miracle Sound 8000Hz Travel English Conversati...
Price $10.00 Location irvine Delivery Option Pick-up only Book unused, CD listened to once.
211 pages in total

- Mini-English Conversations: Phrases for Quick Conv...
Price Two dollars. Location irvine Delivery Option Pick-up only Book unused, CD listened to once.
191 pages total

- Never, ever study English !.
Price Free with any purchase Location irvine Delivery Option Pick-up only Free with any purchase.

- Shunkan Eikaiwa
Price Eight dollars. Location irvine Delivery Option Pick-up only Unused.
246 pages total.

- English Kayo's "Secret Notebook
Price Eight dollars. Location irvine Delivery Option Pick-up only Unused.
111 pages in total

- Learn only useful English.
Price Six dollars. Location irvine Delivery Option Pick-up only Unused.
191 pages total.

- Tabi no shinazashi conversation book JAPAN
Price Eight dollars. Location irvine Delivery Option Pick-up only Unused.
128 pages in total
*Slight crease on front cover ( last photo )

- English Conversation Book for Solo Travelers
Price $10.00 Location irvine Delivery Option Pick-up only Unused.
231 pages total.

- Start from Zero English Speaking Training Book
Price $9.00 Location irvine Delivery Option Pick-up only Unused.
199 pages total.

- Bilingual Girl English Conversation
Price Eight dollars. Location irvine Delivery Option Pick-up only Unused.
127 pages total

- Dictionary of similar English words usage
Price Eight dollars. Location irvine Delivery Option Pick-up only Read several times.
399 pages total

- Junior High School Comprehensive Studies English
Price $17.00 Location irvine Delivery Option Pick-up only Unused.
544 pages total

- Simple English Phrases 2000
Price Seven dollars. Location irvine Delivery Option Pick-up only Book unused, CD listened to once.
287 pages in total

- BABYBJÖRN Bouncer&Carrying Bag
Price $ 20 Location Torrance Delivery Option Pick-up only BabyBjorn Bouncer Bliss Mesh
Wooden Toy
Carrying Back (different manufacturer but perfect size, I used it twice for travel)

- BABYBJÖRN Baby Carriers
Price $ 10 Location Torrance Delivery Option Pick-up only Instructions included.
It is easy to put on and take off, so it was useful during the newborn period.
Please understand that ...

- Ergo Baby Cradle Infant Insert • with storage bag
Price $ 10 Location Torrance Delivery Option Pick-up only The model before the change of the brand logo
with a bag that can be stored like a waist pouch while wearing it (from another manufactu...

- Electric bouncer
Price $ 5 Location Torrance Delivery Option Pick-up only Ingenuity baby bouncer
two types of vibration and shaking
music plays but volume control is disabled

- infant insert
Price $ 5 Location Torrance Delivery Option Pick-up only Boppy head&neck support
can be used for car seat, stroller, bouncer, etc.
Please understand that this is a baby used item.

- suitcase
Price $ 15 Location Honolulu (Downtown), Hawaii Delivery Option Pick-up only Silver $ 15,
Red $ 10 Locks have quirks.
Solidly built suitcase with locks.
Delivery, at the Ala Moana stop in Waikiki.

- TV stand
Price $ 15 Location Honolulu (Waikīkī), Hawaii Delivery Option Pick-up only I no longer need it as I have wall-mounted my TV. Please come to Waikiki to pick it up and return it.

- 26 mountain bike, full suspension, new tires.
Price 300 → 260 → 240 Location Torrance Delivery Option Delivered Mongoose
Mountain Bike
Full Suspension
Dual Suspension
Tire 26"
Frame 18"
Aluminum all...
- Find local business with Town Guide
- Every Saturday for 43 days a year, appro...
The school's educational goal is to "nurture students who will acquire solid skills 、 and play an active role in the international community. Students attend school on Saturdays and learn the educati...
+1 (415) 989-4535San Francisco Japanese School
- BEACH CAFE kamogawa" is a cafe with a la...
BEACH CAFE kamogawa, located along the national highway just a 3-minute walk from the station, is a stylish cafe based on the concept of a seaside cafe. The interior of the cafe looks as if the ocean ...
+81-4-7094-4200BEACH CAFE kamogawa
- The restaurant's original cuisine, which...
It is also available for banquets and group travel meals. ・ ・ Whether you are a tourist or a local, please spend your time in a relaxed atmosphere with "seasonal cuisine in a casual "enjoyable...
+81-439-57-7011和食処 季楽里
- The "Owl Castle," a cafe where you can m...
Owl Castle" is a cafe in Kimitsu where you can touch owls. Please visit us in this healing space where you can take pictures with and feed a variety of friendly owls.
- Dallas ・ Japanese Restaurant ! Masami of...
Owner & The owner ! and other veteran Japanese chefs serve Japanese cuisine
Reasonably priced and casual 😊 Sushi for lunch ・ Sashimi set menus and grilled fish set menus such as mackerel and sa... +1 (469) 670-2224Masami Japanese Sushi & Cuisine
- Fogarty Real Estate has been in business...
In business for 51 years. We are Fogarty Real Estate, a familiar and reliable company to everyone in Hawaii. We provide a wide range of consultation services from "I want to buy ・ I want to rent ・ I w...
+1 (808) 955-5100Fogarty Realty, Inc.
- In sports and life, the second half of t...
Hawaii Senior Life Association was established to help Japanese-speaking active seniors enjoy Hawaii more. We hold over 200 events a year, including regular events every Friday as well as various spe...
+1 (808) 428-5808Hawaii Senior Life Enrichment Association (HISLEA)
- We are a local online tutoring school in...
We specialize in online tutoring for elementary, junior high, and high school students living abroad for entrance examinations. VARTEX EDUCATIONS teachers have extensive experience in teaching scien...
+1 (347) 644-5968VARTEX EDUCATIONS
- We will responsibly repair, inspect, and...
Are you looking for a place where you can trust your precious car? At M's Factory, Seisei Matsuoka, a mechanic with more than 30 years of experience who loves cars more than three meals a day, will re...
+1 (310) 533-4897M's Factory
- MANAHOUSEKEEPING is based in Hawaii on t...
We have been providing house cleaning services in Oahu - for many years. We provide professional cleaning services for homes, condominiums, offices, etc. We also offer partial cleaning of floors ・ ...
+1 (808) 223-5362MANA HOUSEKEEPING
- Kameyama Onsen Retreat, a new brand of K...
This long-established ryokan is located on the shore of Kameyama Lake in Okuboso, the last unexplored region of Chiba Prefecture. Glamping facility "Grand Park Kameyama Onsen" Retreat experience "K...
- We also shampoo cats and care for small ...
Our salon will offer you a trimming service that suits your dog or dog's needs. We will adjust our appointments to accommodate those who are not comfortable with dogs or trimming, and we will provide...
+81-80-7527-1020PET salon Peterpan
- A safe and reliable dental office where ...
In addition to general dentistry, Morita Dental offers pediatric dentistry, cosmetic dentistry, and dental implants. Our office is located across the street from Tokyo Central to make it easier for ou...
+1 (408) 775-7770Morita Dental
- We are a facility that is easy to use, e...
Our children's lessons are tailored to the level of your child. We offer a trial class for children, and if you are interested ・ in learning please join us ! For adults, we have an 8-course pool w...
+81-438-36-6221スイミングスクール ビッグ・エス木更津
- Founded in 1992, the largest Japanese so...
Every Saturday morning at East River Park, they work up a fresh sweat and represent Japan against the world in the COSMOPOLITAN SOCCER LEAGUE 2nd Division on Saturdays or Sundays during the season. ...
FC Japan NYC