PM2.5 (smoke) High Pollution Advisory issued for Saturday, December 21 and Sunday, December 22
- [登録者]Maricopa County
- [言語]日本語
- [エリア]Morristown, Arizona, アメリカ合衆国
- 登録日 : 2024/12/20
- 掲載日 : 2024/12/20
- 変更日 : 2024/12/20
- 総閲覧数 : 22 人
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居民、游客和留学生(包括儿童和成人)均可就诊 ♪ 可转诊至专科医生。大多数保险都无需现金。 每周每天开放,夏威夷居民和旅行中的突发健康问题均可前来就诊!。
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- 来与心理治疗师?加利福尼亚州心理学家执照(LMFT)和两位拥有博士学位的经验丰富...
您有心理健康问题吗 ? 我们很乐意与您交谈。 两位经验丰富的治疗师 ( Nishina 和 Hishiya ) 拥有加利福尼亚州心理医生执照 ( LMFT™)和博士学位,可以帮助您解决各种问题,从日常生活中的小问题到阻碍您前进的严重问题。我们用日语/英语提供个人、夫妻和家庭心理治疗(疗法)/心理咨询,让许多人的心理更加健康。
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- Dr Miwa Kanbe 会讲日语,是一家提供中西医结合疗法的兽医诊所。欢迎随...
饮食疗法 ・ 中医疗法 ・ 针灸疗法以及其他尽可能对宠物身体无害的疗法。金部美和医生会讲日语,因此您可以放心向她咨询。 诊所内的 Hemopet/Hemolife Diagnostics 可以为狗、猫和马进行年龄 ・ 品种特定的甲状腺激素检测和疫苗抗体检测,还可以使用自主开发的 NutriScan 进行食物过敏检测。 ● 针灸 / 穴位按摩 ● 中药治疗 ● 按摩(推拿™)- 即将推出 ...
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大黑屋小东京店今年迎来了开业 20 周 ! 我们将继续用心制作拉面,让大家都能品尝到我们的拉面 !。
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- 蒙特梭利国际学校 蒙特梭利国际学校是一所双语学校,教授日语 ・ 英语,设有 2 ...
蒙特梭利国际学校是一所双语学校,教授日语 ・ 英语,设有 2 个 ~ 3 岁班级、3 个 ~ 5 岁班级、幼儿园和小学班级。 课程以蒙特梭利教育原则为基础,在尽可能好的环境中培养孩子的独立性和自立能力。蒙特梭利国际学校尊重每个孩子的个性,帮助每个孩子形成自我。我们每天与孩子们一起工作,以最大限度地实现这种自我教育。最重要的是,我们的主要愿望是让孩子们享受学习。
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- Futtsu Kagemaru是千叶县Futtsu市的一家海藻生产和直销店。请到...
- 您的牙齿健康吗?让我们托兰斯牙科诊所 Luis Yang Dental Clin...
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- 欢迎来到圣路加诊所。位于阿拉莫阿那(Ala Moana)的日本诊所在威基基・购物...
该诊所位于阿拉莫阿纳购物中心(Ala Moana Shopping Centre)附近,面向日本居民。诊所提供日语和英语两种语言的体检服务,因此前往夏威夷的日本游客和在夏威夷的日本居民可以放心接受治疗。诊所提供赴日旅行的电晕筛查,并出具出发前检查证明。 诊所提供全面的病人护理服务,包括内科、家庭医学科、外科、妇科、糖尿病科和老年人护理科。日常常见症状和疾病都会得到妥善处理,并决定是否需要专科治...
+1 (808) 945-3719聖ルカクリニック / St. Luke's Clinic
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- 木更津站东口 ・ 步行 5 分钟 / 直接从公共鱼市场 ! 鲜鱼经销商经营的新鲜...
二津海鳗・白密尔鱼。胜浦鲣鱼 ・ 马鲛鱼。鸭川鲷鱼铫子的金线鱼蛤蜊 ・ 笨蛤蜊 ・ ・ ・ 来自木更津半津滩涂的蛤蜊。以当地海鲜为主的时令怀石料理。Boshu ・ 品尝对江户木更津的鱼类了如指掌的 "四季味宴拓 "提供的新鲜海鲜料理。当然是下关虎河豚。Shiki Aji Banquet Taku 的厨师们对宝珠红眼・等河豚的美味了如指掌。河豚生鱼片 ・ Nabe ・ Karaage ・ 河豚柳清酒...
- 纽约 ・ 学塾/大学预科学校,为新泽西州努力学习的孩子们提供支持。我们提供从幼儿...
+1 (888) 362-1177ena (New York/New Jersey)
- 位于纽约市曼哈顿的眼科诊所,提供日语服务。普通眼科 ( 干眼症、红眼病、眼痒、白...
日语和英语双语眼科医生将为您仔细检查・和治疗。主要保险 ・ 可办理海外旅行者保险。 ♢ 普通眼科 : 干眼症、红眼病、眼痒、白内障手术、青光眼治疗、糖尿病和高血压引起的眼部并发症 ♢ 眼镜 ・ 隐形眼镜处方 ♢ 激光♢ 角膜移植手术
+1 (212) 500-1148アップル眼科 / Apple Ophthalmology
Orange underline web
*The Arizona Department of Environmental Quality has issued a PM2.5 High Pollution Advisory (HPA) for Saturday, December 21 and Sunday, December 22.*
*Take Action*
* Eliminate wood burning in fireplaces, stoves, chimeneas, and outdoor fire pits.
* Convert your wood burning fireplace to natural gas or propane. Check if you are eligible to receive up to $2,000 to upgrade your fireplace to natural gas by visiting [ ].
* Drive less, carpool, use public transit, or telework. For information on transportation alternatives, visit [ ].
* Avoid using leaf blowers. Use a rake or broom to keep debris out of the road and away from storm drains, ditches, and streams.
* Use electric lawn and garden equipment. Check if you are eligible to receive up to $200 to replace gasoline powered lawn equipment by visiting [ ].
* Reduce your wait time in long drive-thru lines. Park your vehicle and walk inside at coffee shops, fast-food restaurants, curbside pick-ups, and banks.
* Fuel your vehicle after dark or during cooler evening hours.
* Use low-VOC (volatile organic compound) or water-based paints, stains, finishes, and paint strippers.
* Delay large painting projects until HPAs have passed.
* Properly seal household cleaners, garage and yard chemicals, and other solvents to prevent vapors from evaporating into the air.
*HPA Restrictions*
* Wood burning in residential fireplaces, chimeneas, outdoor fire pits, and similar outdoor fires is prohibited in Maricopa County. This includes individuals and businesses which have burn permits for open burning.
* Employees and contractors of government entities are prohibited from operating leaf blowers. Residents are encouraged to avoid leaf blowing.
* Off-road vehicles are prohibited from being used.
*Transportation Coordinators*
Due to unhealthy levels of particulate matter, all Transportation Coordinators are requested to email employees and activate your HPA plans. The department encourages the use of alternative modes of transportation, especially when pollution levels are expected to be on the rise.
*PM2.5* is fine particulate matter less than 2.5 micrometers in diameter that result from fuel combustion from motor vehicles, power generation, and industrial facilities, as well as from residential fireplaces and wood stoves.
*"High Pollution Advisory" or "HPA"* means the highest concentration of pollution may exceed the federal health standard. Active children, adults, and people with lung disease such as asthma should reduce prolonged or heavy outdoor exertion.
Saguaro Line
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