SISTAHS | Closing Reception
- [登録者]City of Auburn
- [言語]日本語
- [エリア]Auburn, WA, US
- 登録日 : 2024/07/17
- 掲載日 : 2024/07/17
- 変更日 : 2024/07/17
- 総閲覧数 : 101 人
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Auburn Arts Header
*Postmark Center for the Arts Gallery [ https://www.auburnwa.gov/cms/One.aspx?portalId=11470638&pageId=20284225 ]
Sistahs Artists 2
*"SISTAHS"* [ https://www.auburnwa.gov/cms/One.aspx?portalId=11470638&pageId=20284225 ]
*Closing Reception
Thursday | July 18 | 5:00 - 6:30 PM*
Join us at Postmark Center for the Arts for the closing reception of "SISTAHS", an exhibition curated by local artist and Auburn resident Marita Dingus!
"SISTAHS" is an exhibit of four Pacific Northwest artists of African descent. Brenetta Ward is a fabric artist, third-generation quilter, and oral historian. Jite Agbro is known for her colorful figurative artwork featuring layered patterns, sharp contrast, and fabric and paper collage. Debra Harris-Branham conjures the energy of her storytelling into artistic imagery. Marita Dingus is an environmental feminist and mixed-media sculptor focused on using recoverable materials.
Please join us to celebrate their work *this Thursday, July 18th from 5 – 6:30 p.m. at the Postmark Center for the Arts: 20 Auburn Ave, Auburn, WA, 98002.*
Featured Artists
Brenetta Ward
*Brenetta Ward* [ https://www.brenettaward.com/ ] is a Seattle-based fabric artist, third-generation quilter, and oral historian. Using cloth as a metaphor for identity, Ward explore the themes of ancestry, cultural storytelling, and legacy. As a fiber artist, she believes quilts have the power to nurture our spiritual needs for creativity, beauty, and comfort.
“My work celebrates life – the joys, sorrows and triumphs of everyday living.”
*Jite Agbro [ https://www.jiteagbroart.com/ ]* is best known for her colorful figurative artwork featuring layered patterns, sharp contrast, and fabric and paper collage. Outside of the galleries you can also find the Nigerian-American artist on a ladder affixing massive installation pieces. She’s completed multiple solo exhibitions and installations throughout the Pacific Northwest, and is artistically honing in on how people deploy status symbols to protect and preserve themselves, while those same signifiers “use” them to perpetuate social hierarchies and their systems.
“Conceptually I'm interested in nonverbal communication, the process of exchanging shared cultural, historical, and familial cues between individuals and groups.” -Jite Agbro
Debra Harris
*Debra Harris-Branham* [ https://www.instagram.com/debcreating/ ] is a local multi-media artist, writer, and storyteller.
Debra’s mixed media pieces use items such as melted plastic, fabric scraps, and metal. “I’ve always loved dabbling in art, creating and designing art, thus I have taken countless classes through the years from painting, collage, mixed media, wire work, metal work and jewelry making.” Evidence of Harris-Branham’s passion for narratives and storytelling is evident through her work. Painted figures interact across gallery walls, and in some cases, speak to one another.
Marita Dingus
*Marita Dingus* [ https://maritadingus.com/ ], artist and curator, is a local who's medium is typically large found object sculpture.
“My art draws upon relics from the African Diaspora. The discarded materials represent how people of African descent were used during the institution of slavery and colonialism then discarded, but who found ways to repurpose themselves and thrive in a hostile world. I seek to use recovered materials, reconfiguring and incorporating them into pieces of art where possible and appropriate, and to mitigate waste and pollution in all my work. This is a creative challenge, but a commitment I incorporate into my professional and personal activities.” -Marita Dingus
We're pleased to have worked with Marita this quarter to bring "SISTAHS" to Postmark Center for the Arts.
Stay Connected!
*Gallery and Gift Shop Hours:
*Wednesdays 12-4PM
Thursdays 12-6PM
Fridays 12-4PM
*Additional Summer Hours:
*Saturdays, 12-4PM
*Location*: 20 Auburn Ave, Auburn, WA 98002
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