City of North Las Vegas Daily Digest Bulletin
- [登録者]City of North Las Vegas
- [言語]日本語
- [TEL]702-633-1000
- [エリア]Las Vegas, NV, US
- 登録日 : 2024/02/09
- 掲載日 : 2024/02/09
- 変更日 : 2024/02/09
- 総閲覧数 : 325 人
- お店を検索するなら『タウンガイド』
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こだわりのスムージーを片手に海辺をお散歩しませんか? 健康食材をたっぷりと使ったフレッシュジュースでお肌に栄養を!近くの海岸をお散歩しながら飲むのも◎こだわりのフルーツは市内にある「山田青果店」で厳選されたフルーツを使用 こだわりの食材◆収穫後すぐに冷凍した鴨川産の苺◆千葉県で採れた旬のフルーツを使ったジュース◆勝浦市の豆腐を使用したスムージージュースだけでなく旬のフルーツの販売や雑貨などもござい...
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サービス内容 *食事の準備、介助、買い物、家事援助、家内安全確認、付き添いなどのサービス*入浴介助、歩行援助、清潔援助、更衣介助などのパーソナルサービス献身的なスタッフ*各スタッフは、州への登録、指紋認証、健康診断、ツベルクリン検査を済ませています。サービス地域、時間*サウスベイを中心にロサンゼルス郡全域、オレンジ郡において、週7日、毎日24時間提供しております。
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*Parks & Recreation February Newsletter* "02/08/2024"
Parks & Recreation February Edition!
Join us in February for a burst of community joy! Our Parks and Recreation team has curated an exciting array of events that you won't want to miss. Dive into the spirit of love with our enchanting Valentine's Day celebration, mark your calendars for a vibrant Chinese New Year celebration that promises cultural richness and festivities for all ages, and check out our new sports classes!
But that's not all – we've crafted a host of family-friendly activities, including movie nights, gardening, and interactive workshops.
Don't miss out – check out our Parks and Recreation February listing and join us for a month of fun, connection, and shared experiences! You can find information about all of our classes, parks, special events, and more by visiting our *website [ https://www.cityofnorthlasvegas.com/things-to-do/parks-and-recreation ]*.
Would you like more information about the *Public Safety Ballot Questions* that will be before North Las Vegas Residents in June 2024? Go to *Questions1and2.org* [ https://questions1and2.org/ ] to find out more.
Please read the entire email for some exciting winter activities at the City of North Las Vegas.
Check out our Class Brochure* CLICK HERE [ https://www.cityofnorthlasvegas.com/home/showdocument?id=6945&t=638428181354746440 ]*
Check out our new web calendar *CLICK HERE [ https://www.cityofnorthlasvegas.com/things-to-do/parks-and-recreation/parks-rec-calendar#!/ ]*
February Activity Highlight
February brings a burst of warmth and excitement at our Parks and Recreation centers! Join us for a love-filled Valentine's Day celebration featuring dance parties, arts and crafts, delicious food, and activities for the entire family. Embrace the spirit of the Chinese New Year with our enchanting lantern ceremony, dragon scavenger hunt, and a special field trip to the Chinese New Year Spring Festival.
*New This Month *
This month also marks the launch of new activities! Both the Neighborhood Rec Center and Silver Mesa will host family movie nights, while the Crafting Days series at Silver Mesa every Tuesday and Friday will offer creative delights like beaded hearts/bracelets, Valentine's Day cards, popsicle photo frames, and more.
*_Senior Activities_*
Both Silver Mesa and the Neighborhood Recreation Center, offer a range of activities, including flower arrangement classes, yoga, bingo, field trips, dance classes, crafting, and more.
Check our event calendar or stop by the front desk for detailed information!
To register for classes please click *here [ https://anc.apm.activecommunities.com/cityofnorthlasvegas/home?onlineSiteId=0&from_original_cui=true ] *and visit our website.
Movie flyer [ https://www.cityofnorthlasvegas.com/home/showpublisheddocument/6128/638290810035847455 ]
Open registration for youth soccer, basketball, and sand volleyball are now underway, providing exciting opportunities for young athletes to engage in physical activity, build teamwork skills, and have fun. Additionally, adult basketball and adult softball leagues are open for registration, catering to a broader range of participants seeking recreational sports experiences.
We are thrilled to introduce *three new sports programs! *
The *Shooting Stars Youth Track Meet* takes place at the Cheyenne Sports Complex, offering a unique twist on traditional Olympic-style events. This series of engaging and accessible activities is tailored specifically for youth participation, featuring events such as the discus throw, miniature hurdles, and a showcase of long jump prowess.
The *City Knights Ball Hockey* program dives into the skills and fundamentals of hockey, including stick handling, shooting, passing, and teamwork. Through a series of active drills and fun games, this program ensures an enjoyable learning experience for all involved.
*Dig It Sand Volleyball*, located at the Craig Ranch Regional Park Sand Volleyball Courts. This program serves as an introduction to the sport, focusing on teaching participants the essential skills and fundamentals. From bumping and setting to hitting, positioning, and teamwork, participants will engage in active drills and fun games, fostering a love for sand volleyball.
Whether you're a seasoned athlete or a newcomer looking to try something new, our diverse range of sports program caters to all ages and skill levels.
To register for classes or to find out more information, visit our registration link. [ https://anc.apm.activecommunities.com/cityofnorthlasvegas/activity/search?onlineSiteId=0&activity_select_param=2&viewMode=list ]
New sportsSports
Craig Ranch Regional Park & Amphitheater
The City of North Las Vegas has dedicated significant effort to curate an unforgettable lineup of events for our community this year. From sensational concerts that will have you dancing under the stars, vibrant carnivals filled with laughter and excitement, to camping under the star. We have something special in store for every resident.
To ensure you don't miss a beat, we encourage you to stay connected with us on the *Craig Ranch Park Facebook page [ https://www.facebook.com/craigranchregionalpark ]*, where we regularly share information on upcoming events.
For a comprehensive list of all events at the park be sure to check visit the *Craig Ranch website. [ https://www.cityofnorthlasvegas.com/things-to-do/parks-and-recreation/craig-ranch-regional-park/the-amp-park-events ]*
Our commitment is to bring you the best in entertainment and community engagement, and we look forward to creating lasting memories with you throughout the year. Stay tuned for more!
Craig Ranch
Now Hiring Summer 2024
We are hiring
City Manager Qiong Liu on Twitter [ https://twitter.com/cnlv ]
City Manager Qiong Liu on Facebook [ https://www.facebook.com/CityofNorthLasVegas ]
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