Georgetown to Downtown Safety Project update - October 31
- [등록자]City of Seattle
- [언어]日本語
- [지역]Seattle, WA
- 등록일 : 2024/10/31
- 게재일 : 2024/10/31
- 변경일 : 2024/10/31
- 총열람수 : 42 명
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Georgetown to Downtown Safety Project Update
*Thank you to our community members who joined us in celebrating the groundbreaking of the Georgetown to Downtown Safety Project! *
Read more about the community's celebration of this important milestone on our blog [ https://sdotblog.seattle.gov/2024/10/30/georgetown-to-downtown-safety-project-breaks-ground/?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ].
Photo of community members at groundbreaking celebration.
Community members came together to celebrate the groundbreaking of the Georgetown to Downtown Safety Project.
*Construction of the Georgetown to Downtown Safety Project [ https://www.seattle.gov/transportation/projects-and-programs/programs/bike-program/protected-bike-lanes/georgetown-to-downtown-protected-bike-lane?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ] is anticipated to start *on the evening of Tuesday, November 5 on the Airport Way S bridge and at the intersection of Airport Way S and S Lucille St. **The start of the project is weather dependent and subject to change. Thank you for your patience as we prepare the work site to begin construction.
Continue visiting our project website [ https://www.seattle.gov/transportation/projects-and-programs/programs/bike-program/protected-bike-lanes/georgetown-to-downtown-protected-bike-lane?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ] or subscribe to our email list [ https://public.govdelivery.com/accounts/WASEATTLE/subscriber/topics?qsp=WASEATTLE_8 ] for bi-weekly updates on construction activities.
*Night work from Tuesday, November 6 through Wednesday, November 6 (6:00 PM – 6:00 AM)*
* Airport Way S between S Edmunds St and S Lucile St will be temporarily reduced to a *single lane in the southbound direction.*
* People traveling northbound on Airport Way S will be detoured to Corson Ave S, S Michigan St, 4th Ave S, and S Industrial Way.
* Crews will restripe Airport Way S into its permanent configuration: one lane in each direction, with a southbound right turn lane approaching S Lucile St
* This work is weather dependent and subject to schedule changes
*As early as Monday, November 18 (typical work hours)*
* Crews will remove sidewalk and roadway pavement to begin improving underground utilities at the *southwest corner of the Airport Way S and S Lucile St intersection*
* Crews will remove sidewalk and roadway pavement to begin installing storm drain improvements at *the intersection of Airport Way S and S Edmunds St*
*What to expect during construction:*
* Typical work hours are from Monday to Friday, starting at 9:00 A.M. and finishing at 3:00 P.M.
* We will avoid work and traffic control during the peak hours of 7:00 A.M. to 9:00 A.M. and 4:00 P.M. to 6:00 P.M.
* We may need to temporarily change the traffic flow to accommodate the construction work.
* There will be temporary restrictions on parking.
* Some of the work activities might be noisy. This includes using backup alarms for safety, heavy vehicles, and power tools.
* Some construction may require temporary changes to bus routes. Visit the King County Metro website for rider alerts.
* Pedestrian access will be maintained
* Access to businesses will be maintained
Construction work at the Airport Way S and S Lucile St intersection is expected to continue through February 2025.
Final Design
During construction, you will see us making the following changes:
* *Two-way protected bike lane *on the west side of the street from Airport Way S and S Lucille St to S Nevada St and 6th Ave S
* *One-way protected bike lanes *on 6th Ave S from S Nevada St to S Forest St
* *Two-way, center turn lane *on 6th Ave S from south of S Forest St to S Spokane St, making it safer and easier for vehicles to enter and exit driveways
* *S Spokane St and Airport Way S*: New traffic signal, signalized bike crossing, and bike ramp
* *S Lucile St and Airport Way S*: New signalized bike crossing, ADA curb ramps, and refreshed crosswalk markings
* *All-way stop *on 6th Ave S at both the intersections with S Alaska St and S Nevada St
* *Raised bus stop *on the west side of Airport Way S at S Edmonds St
* *Parking removal *on the west side of 6th from Alaska to Industrial to allow for two-way freight movements.
Map of improvements to be constructed on 6th Ave S, S Alaska St, and Airport Way S
Map of improvements to be constructed on 6th Ave S, S Alaska St, and Airport Way S.
Learn more about the project [ https://www.seattle.gov/transportation/projects-and-programs/programs/bike-program/protected-bike-lanes/georgetown-to-downtown-protected-bike-lane?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]
How to stay informed
* Call our project hotline at (206) 900-8750 [ tel:%20+1%20(206)%20900-8750 ]
* Email us at GeorgetownToDowntownSafety@seattle.gov
* Visit our project webpage [ https://www.seattle.gov/transportation/projects-and-programs/programs/bike-program/protected-bike-lanes/georgetown-to-downtown-protected-bike-lane?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ] to:
* Read about project progress
* Sign up for email updates
Thank you,
Ching Chan
Public Engagement Lead
Levy to Move Seattle Logo
*Seattle Department of Transportation*
700 5th Avenue
Suite 3800
Seattle, WA 98104
*Phone: 206-684-7623*
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