LTSS Newsletter—May 2024
- [登録者]Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)
- [言語]日本語
- [エリア]Baltimore, MD
- 登録日 : 2024/05/20
- 掲載日 : 2024/05/20
- 変更日 : 2024/05/20
- 総閲覧数 : 62 人
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+1 (808) 922-3387GINZA WON RESTAURANT
LTSS webinar, May 22 – UNITE Natives 2024 Part 1 – Rezilient: Preserving Our Culture Through Our Elders
American Indian/Alaska Native Long-Term Services and Supports
Technical assistance for culturally competent care
May 2024
CMS LTSS banner
LTSS Technical Assistance Center Visit the online LTSS TA Center [ https://www.cms.gov/Outreach-and-Education/American-Indian-Alaska-Native/AIAN/LongTermCare.html ] for videos, best practices, toolkits, a resource library, and a step-by-step planning roadmap.
Get email updates [ https://public.govdelivery.com/accounts/USCMS/subscriber/new ]
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Follow us on X [ https://twitter.com/cmsgov ]
*Shedding light on the issue of elder abuse*
Next month is Elder Abuse Awareness Month, and June 15 is World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (WEAAD).
Mistreatment of elders tends to be underreported and can be difficult to address, especially in tribal communities where elder abuse codes [ https://iasquared.org/naeji/elder-abuse-codes/ ] have not been developed.
Clearly, more work is needed to shed light on the issue of elder abuse in Indian Country. You can help by sharing a:
* Guide to using social media to promote WEAAD [ https://eldermistreatment.usc.edu/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/WEAAD-Social-Media-Guide.pdf ] (PDF, 120 KB, 2 pp)
* Flyer listing signs of mistreatment [ https://pstrapiubntstorage.blob.core.windows.net/strapib/assets/NCEA_FS_Signs_Of_Abuse_1pg_flyer_web_51e8aebc55.pdf ] (PDF, 205 KB, 1 p)
* Tribal elder protection team toolkit [ https://iasquared.org/naeji/resources/tribal-elder-protection-team-toolkit/ ]
*Why elder abuse is underreported*
For various reasons, many Native elders are reluctant to report their experiences of abuse. Those reasons include:
* Fear of being perceived as weak or dependent
* A desire to protect their abuser
* Feelings of shame and embarrassment
* The belief that one cannot leave an abusive situation because of finances
To learn more, watch the LTSS webinar titled Abuse of AI/AN Elders and Vulnerable Adults: What LTSS Program Staff Should Know [ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OphkYDRYOP0 ].
*Benefits Enrollment Centers network expands*
Recently, the National Council on Aging expanded its network of Benefits Enrollment Centers [ https://www.ncoa.org/article/ncoa-expands-network-of-specialists-who-help-eligible-older-adults-and-people-with-disabilities-enroll-in-benefits-programs ] (BECs).
Located in 39 states, BECs help eligible elders and people with disabilities enroll in benefits programs such as Medicaid and the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program.
Additionally, BECs prioritize outreach to populations that are historically underenrolled in benefits or face unique challenges when trying to access services. Those populations include:
* Native people
* LGBTQIA2S+ individuals
* People with disabilities
* Residents of rural areas
*Social engagement supports aging in place*
2024 Older Americans Month logo
May is Older Americans Month (OAM), and this year’s theme for OAM is “Powered by Connection,” which highlights how connectedness supports aging in place
In observance of OAM, download and share a resource on increasing social engagement for elders and people with disabilities in rural areas [ https://committoconnect.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/2-13-CtoC-3-Rural-Communities_508-1.pdf ] (PDF, 603 KB, 8 pp).
The resource includes examples of initiatives that your community may want to consider replicating. Two of those examples highlight efforts to help Native elders stay engaged and connected during the pandemic.
LinkedIn Tribal Affairs Group
Join the conversation on LinkedIn
Want to learn more about or discuss LTSS in Indian Country? Looking to connect with others working in the same field?
Join the Tribal Affairs Group [ http://cms.us9.list-manage.com/track/click?u=c0033d065eadb44cbd20725a3&id=116fe94e25&e=8f57678a0b ] on LinkedIn.
Upcoming webinar
*UNITE Natives 2024 Part 1 – Rezilient: Preserving Our Culture Through Our Elders*
* Wednesday, May 22 *
The evolution of post-acute care has challenged providers to reach beyond their individual care settings to better support relationships across the health care spectrum. This shift is evidenced in current CMS Quality Reporting Program (QRP) measures related to supporting effective care transitions and the recently allowed flexibility to provide care via telehealth and remote therapeutic/physiologic monitoring. This webinar will highlight practical ways to engage with acute care, skilled nursing facilities (SNFs), and other care settings within the Native community.
* Define current SNF QRP measures related to discharge from post-acute care and 30-day post-discharge readmissions
* Explain how telemedicine and remote therapeutic/physiologic monitoring can increase the likelihood of successful care transitions for Native elders
* Suggest common-sense approaches to engagement with acute care partners, including collaborative use of clinical pathways and outcomes sharing
* Discuss the role of social determinants of health Z codes in quality improvement initiatives
Register [ https://kauffmaninc.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_pwwBGVxtRmKOPAcWvZ8Rcg ]
*Please note your *
*location's call-in time:*
8 a.m. Hawaii
10 a.m. Alaska
11 a.m. Pacific
12 p.m. Mountain
1 p.m. Central
2 p.m. Eastern
Have questions for our presenters? Let us know before the webinar by emailing ltssinfo@kauffmaninc.com.
_Register now [ https://kauffmaninc.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_pwwBGVxtRmKOPAcWvZ8Rcg ]_.
Dr. Kendall Brune
*Dr. Kendall Brune*
UNITE Board Member
Adjunct Associate Professor
Meharry Medical College
Travis Le Duc
*Travis Le Duc*
UNITE Board Member
Director of Operations & Communications
Tohono O’odham Nursing Care Authority
Brandi Hodges
*Brandi Hodges*
UNITE Secretary
White River Health Care Center
Caregiver's corner
*Support for caregivers of people with dementia*
A directory of evidence-based dementia support programs for informal caregivers [ https://bpc.caregiver.org/ ] is now available online, thanks to a partnership between Benjamin Rose Institute on Aging and Family Caregiving Alliance.
People who provide care for friends or family members with dementia can use the directory to identify programs that:
* Are available in person, online, or over the phone
* Reduce caregiver stress and improve well-being
* Increase confidence in caregiving
Community-based organizations that serve informal caregivers may also find the directory helpful for conducting side-by-side comparisons of programs and or determining which evidence-based support program to adopt.
Funding opportunities
*Dementia-related respite care*
*Applications due: June 1*
Learn more about the dementia-related respite care funding opportunity [ https://www.alz.org/professionals/professional-providers/center-for-dementia-respite-innovation ]
The Alzheimer’s Association Center for Dementia Respite Innovation, which is funded by the Administration for Community Living, is offering start-up, pilot, and continuation grants to fund respite care for people with dementia and their caregivers.
Tribes and tribal organizations are encouraged to apply. A previously recorded webinar [ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VrGFVGIpxCo ] includes information about developing innovative and cost-effective respite services.
*NADTC transportation planning*
*Applications due: June 7*
Learn more about the NADTC transportation planning funding opportunity [ https://www.nadtc.org/2024-rural-community-innovations-transportation-planning-grant/ ]
The National Aging and Disability Transportation Center (NADTC) is offering grants for the development of written plans to increase the availability of accessible and equitable transportation services in rural areas. Proposals should:
* Identify transportation barriers
* Consider current and future community needs
* Actively engage elders and people with disabilities in the process
* Create or strengthen multisector collaborative partnerships
Grants of up to $35,000 will be awarded. Tribal Title VI aging programs and tribal transit agencies are encouraged to apply.
*Dementia-capable HCBS*
*Applications due: June 11*
Learn more about the dementia-capable HCBS funding opportunity [ https://www.grants.gov/search-results-detail/349507 ]
The Administration for Community Living (ACL) is offering funds to develop and expand dementia-capable, home- and community-based services (HCBS).
ACL expects to award 49 cooperative agreements of up to $1 million each.
Tribes and tribal organizations are encouraged to propose improvements to HCBS for elders who have intellectual/developmental disabilities and are either living with dementia or at high risk of developing dementia.
Upcoming events
*ASA webinar on navigating Alzheimer’s*
*June 5, from 1–2 p.m. Eastern*
Register for the webinar [ https://asaging.org/web-seminars/navigating-alzheimers-unraveling-diagnosis-challenges-and-finding-solutions ]
Join the American Society on Aging (ASA) for a webinar on helping elders and their families navigate the challenges of an Alzheimer’s diagnosis. The webinar will cover topics such as:
* Encouraging people to consult a health care professional regarding early signs of Alzheimer’s in a family member
* Supporting families of elders recently diagnosed with Alzheimer’s
*Annual NANASP conference*
*June 12–14, in Denver *
Register for the annual NANASP conference [ https://www.nanasp.org/event-5418108 ]
Nutritionists, senior center directors, and others working to provide elders with community-based nutrition services are encouraged to attend the annual National Association of Nutrition and Aging Services Program (NANASP) conference. Topics will include:
* Trauma-informed approaches to serving elders
* Programs that address malnutrition and improve food security
* Role of senior centers in empowering elders and promoting health equity
*National NADONA conference*
*June 23–26, in Kansas City, Missouri *
Register for the national NADONA conference [ https://web.cvent.com/event/5ace61c2-4fc8-40ee-b570-d194ba99b5dc/websitePage:f5f1940b-980e-4398-96f6-3b681ef5e4a3?RefId=McKnight%27s%20April%20Banner ]
The theme of this year’s National Association of Directors of Nursing Administration in Long-Term Care (NADONA) conference is “Follow the Yellow Brick Road to Success.” Conference tracks include leadership and infection prevention.
Send us your news
Do you have news to share about LTSS in Indian Country? Send it to ltssinfo@kauffmaninc.com for possible inclusion in an upcoming newsletter. Contact us with other comments or feedback, too.
About the newsletter
American Indian/Alaska Native Long-Term Services and Supports Solutions is published monthly by the CMS Division of Tribal Affairs to share information, funding opportunities, and resources with LTSS planners, tribal leaders, and supporters.
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services [ http://cms.gov ] Indian Health Service [ http://ihs.gov ]Administration for Community Living [ http://acl.gov ] [ http://ihs.gov ]
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