Marine Information Agent (On-Call)
- [登録者]King County
- [言語]日本語
- [エリア]King County, WA
- 登録日 : 2024/09/27
- 掲載日 : 2024/09/27
- 変更日 : 2024/09/27
- 総閲覧数 : 44 人
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*Learn how Metro connects you with what matters* [ http://kingcountymetro.blog/2019/04/24/how-metro-connects-you-with-what-matters/ ]
* This position is open to current King County employees and the general public. *
The* Marine Division* with King County Metro Transit is hiring for *multiple On-Call Marine Information Agent positions *for the Water Taxi team.
Marine Information Agents work shoreside at our Water Taxi terminal, which is located at Pier 50 on the Seattle waterfront. Marine Information Agents *provide front-line communication *with boarding passengers and the public regarding ferry services, sailing schedules, fares and fare media, terminal facilities, complaints, accessibility, and related topics. These positions directly support the County's interest in ensuring our commuters have a reliable way to access our downtown core through our Vashon Island and West Seattle service routes. Additionally, Information Agents have the opportunity to receive vessel-related training in order to also provide support aboard the Water Taxi vessels.
The *Short-Term Temporary/On-Call Marine Information Agent positions* provide a great opportunity for those looking to earn supplemental income while having the flexibility to accept work when available. On-Call Marine Information Agents fill a vital role with King County Water Taxi by supplementing the current workforce and helping to staff vacant shifts as needed. Short-Term Temporary/On-Call positions are not benefit-eligible, and available shifts and hours will vary.
This recruitment will immediately fill* *up to *two (2) Short-Term Temporary (STT)/On-Call positions*. This recruitment may be used to create an eligibility pool to fill future Short-Term Temporary (STT)/On-Call openings in this classification and division. Eligibility pools remain valid for six (6) months upon creation, or until the pool is exhausted, at the discretion of the hiring authority.
Interviews are anticipated to occur between* Monday, October 21, through Friday, October 25, 2024* , though dates are subject to change.
*King County Water Taxi System*
King County has been operating Water Taxi services since October 2009. In 2019, the Marine Division joined King County Metro to help Metro meet its goals of incorporating multiple modes of transit that including: buses, boats, trains, shuttles, accessible services, and rideshare programs.
The Marine Division operates the Water Taxi ferry service on two routes in Puget Sound, both originating at Pier 50 in downtown Seattle: one route to West Seattle and the other to Vashon Island. Both routes provide year-round service 7 days a week, 11 to 16 hours daily.
*To Apply:*
*Forms and Materials *_Required_
* *An online employment application* with employment history going back at least ten years if you have ten years of employment (or more to include all relevant experience). Be sure to list all job duties, dates of employment, and reasons for leaving.
* *Completed supplemental questions*.
*Note*: A cover letter/letter of interest and/or resume are highly encouraged, but are not required. Other uploaded documentation will not be considered.
*Want to make sure your application materials are as competitive as possible?*
We highly recommend visiting the Career Support Services website for tips and examples on how to make your application materials most effective: *Career Support Services - King County* [ https://kingcounty.gov/depts/human-resources/for-employees/career-support.aspx ].
Applicants who are unable to apply online should follow the instructions at Application FAQ’s- King County. [ https://kingcounty.gov/audience/employees/careers/application-tips-and-FAQ.aspx ]
*For more information regarding this recruitment, please contact:*
*Erica Minshull, Talent Advisor for King County Metro Transit*
Erica.Minshull@KingCounty.gov or 206-477-6059
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