CMS Cloud Weekly change newsletter 11/27/2024
- [登録者]Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)
- [言語]日本語
- [エリア]Baltimore, MD
- 登録日 : 2024/11/27
- 掲載日 : 2024/11/27
- 変更日 : 2024/11/27
- 総閲覧数 : 35 人
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移民弁護士を専門とし35年以上。H1-B、O1、J1、結婚や雇用ベースでのグリーンカード申請、Labor Certification Application(労働証明申請)など各種ビザ取り扱っています。柔軟な対応と、良心的な価格で皆様のビザ問題を解決します。
+1 (212) 724-5643ロジャーアルゲイズ法律事務所
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焼肉と宴会はたけ田にお任せください!コスパ最強な3つの宴会コースや2次会コースもご用意しております◎お祝いでのご利用なら『肉ケーキ』もオススメです!大人気蛇口レモンサワーはいつでもすぐに注げるので届くのを待たずにOK!お食事とお話に専念していただけます😊木更津駅近くで焼き肉・宴会するなら焼肉ホルモンたけ田 木更津店へ!2名から15名までご対応できます!それ以上の人数もご相談下さい🥳こだわりの焼き肉...
+81-438-53-8929焼肉ホルモンたけ田 木更津店
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MKラボはロサンゼルスのサウスベイ地区において、開校36年の最も歴史のある幼児から中学生対象のこども才能開発教室です。 アットホームな雰囲気の中、楽しく日本語・算数・そろばんを学び、子供の才能を伸ばしていきます。個別の指導をご希望の方にはプライベートレッスンにて個々に合わせた対応を致します。また、日本語が話せないお子様、苦手なお子様、学習に難しさを感じているお子様にもプライベートレッスンにて対応可...
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1991年にAsian Community Center (“ACC”)の下部組織として発足し、2008年に独立し、現在連邦政府より認定されたNPO (Non-profit Organization - IRS Section 501(c)(04))として認定されています。2016年は創立25周年にあたります。北はローズビル/リンカーン市、東はフォルソム市、南はローダイ市、西はデービス市を含む広い...
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ピットラインでは、修理、板金・塗装施設、すべて自社保有!お客様に納得していただける価格と品質を保証いたします。お気軽にご相談ください。☆ 一般修理☆ オイルチェンジ☆ スモッグチェック☆ 無料点検・見積もり☆ ガラス修理・交換、TINT☆ タイヤ交換☆ 修理中の代車手配☆ エアコンの修理☆ 無料点検・見積もり☆ 事故修理☆ トーイング手配☆ ペイント、フレーム修正
+1 (310) 532-0270pit line international, inc.
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足のトラブルは足の専門医(フットドクター)にご相談下さい。ねんざ、骨折はもちろん、スポーツ障害、外反母趾、かかと・アーチの痛み、アキレス腱、足の皮膚病(水虫、イボ、うおのめ・たこ など)、巻爪、通風、偏平足、糖尿病足 日本人スタッフ常勤しています。多くのバレリーナ、ダンサー、マラソンランナーなどの足のトラブルを解消してきた実績を持ちます。また子供の足部疾患の治療にも定評があり、お子様に不安感を与え...
+1 (310) 375-1417Anavian, Robert, D.P.M. Foot & Ankle Specialist
- 息をのむような景色を見ながら地中海シーフードを堪能できる『Pesca Waiki...
新鮮な魚介類をハワイの絶景を見渡しながらお食事できる特別な日やハワイでの旅行ではぜひ訪れていただきたいシーフードレストラン『Pesca Waikiki Beach』毎日空輸で届く新鮮な食材で特別な時間を演出いたします。さらにウェディングでのご利用も可能ですので、ぜひご利用くださいませ。
+1 (808) 777-3100Pesca Waikiki Beach
Weekly change newsletter 11/27/2024 -Update
Each week, the CMS Cloud program provides a list of upcoming changes, maintenance windows, and updates to help customers build awareness and plan effectively and summarizes changes from the previous week.
This newsletter includes:
* Completed change summary for the week of 11/21/2024 [ #CC ]
* 11/27/2024 - Non-Marketplace PROD SSM Patching [ #NMSSM ]
* 12/01/2024 - Splunk HTTP Event Collector (HEC) Maintenance and Index Creation [ #Splunk ]
* Reminder - Open Enrollment (OE12) - Moratorium [ #OE12 ]
Completed change summary for the week of 11/21/2024
* 11/24/2024 - DevOps Services Maintenance [ https://cloud.cms.gov/News ]
* 11/24/2024 - Splunk HTTP Event Collector (HEC) maintenance [ https://cloud.cms.gov/News ]
* 11/24/2024 - Cloud Storage Virus Scan Version Upgrade [ https://cloud.cms.gov/News ]
To learn details about previous changes please go to the News and Updates [ https://cloud.cms.gov/News ] section on cloud.cms.gov. (Secure Access required)
11/27/2024 - Non-Marketplace SSM patching - PROD
* Non-Marketplace PROD
* SSM Linux & Windows Vulnerability Patching
*Actions we are taking: *
As part of our normal patching, the CMS Cloud team will apply the latest Windows and Linux patches on Wednesday, 11/27/2024 at 9:00 p.m. ET. The week's patches will impact the PROD environment for the affected Non-Marketplace applications noted below.
*When is this happening?*
Start Time: Wednesday, 11/27/2024 at 9:00 p.m. ET
End Time: Thursday, 11/28/2024 at 2:00 a.m ET
*Who will be impacted? *
Reboot - CEDAR, Million Hearts, FFSDCS, RASS, OC Base- eLDAP, SC CLIA, NTP LMS, Spott MACBIS, MDP, OC Base- WNMG, NEIL/HRES, OC Base- EWST, MacFin, eAPD Hi-C, OC Base- CMS Cloud Legacy, OC Base- DevSecOps SecDevOps, iServ, MDP, PECOS2.0, SEI, NDW, OC Base- PWSS, TRA, CMS ARTS, MCIM, RAD Analysis Tools, MCIM, Perm, CMS Cloud - CRE, CMS Cloud - Enterprise Agile Tools, CMS Cloud tamer, CMS Cloud - CARD, CMS Cloud - ECS Fargate, CMS Cloud - Direct Connect, CMS Cloud - Jfrog SonarCube, CMS Cloud - DNS Prod, CMS Cloud - SRE, CMS Cloud - Governance 2.0, MEOWx, CMS Cloud - CloudBees Jenkins, CMS Cloud - CET, CMS Cloud - DevSecOps, CMS Cloud - Utilities, CMS Cloud - Testrail, CMS Cloud - CircleCI, CMS Cloud - Sam GSS Security GovCloud, SWIFT
No reboot - MEPBS, EACMS, MacPro, PS&R, RDS, OC Base- APIM GEO, 1115 PMDA, CMS Cloud - Governance 2.0, CMS Cloud - QuickDNS, CMS Cloud - CMSNet, CMS Cloud - CCG Web Content, CMS Cloud - Network Arch, CMS Cloud - VPC Automation, CMS Cloud - Security Team, CMS Cloud - CCG Web Content, CMS Cloud Temporal, CMS Cloud - Splunk, CMS Cloud - CET, AWS GSS Security GC, CMS Cloud - Splunk GovCloud Dev
*What is the impact? *
Patches will be transmitted to the affected areas. For some customers, reboots may occur depending upon the tags applied.
12/01/2024 - Splunk HTTP Event Collector (HEC) Maintenance and New Index Creation
In order to keep the logging environment up to date and performing well, the CMS Cloud team will conduct maintenance on the Cloud instances of the Http Event Collector (HEC) infrastructure this Sunday, December 1st.
*Actions we are taking*
* Restart Production HEC Servers
* Create New Indexes
*When is this happening?*
Start Time: Sunday, 12/01/2024 at 7:00 a.m. ET
End Time: Sunday, 12/01/2024 at 12:00 p.m. ET
*Who will be impacted?*
Customers will not be impacted by this change. There may be some slowness when executing searches.
*What is the impact? *
Restart Production HEC Servers - The old HEC instances will be replaced and restarted in batches. There should be no downtime or data loss experienced during the upgrade.
Create New Indexes - New indexes will be added. Users may experience when executing searches while the indexers are restarting.
*Benefits of the change *
The HEC forwarders will be able to support the increased size of the Persistent Queue which will improve performance.
New indexes will be available for customer reporting.
*Reminder - Open Enrollment (OE12) - Moratorium*
To help ensure that we maintain good system performance and stability during CMS Healthcare Open Enrollment, an annual Moratorium period has been established to shift the scheduling of production system changes into a designated weekly maintenance windows which occurs on most Sundays.
*KEY DATES*: (click to download the OE12 schedule and key dates pdf file [ https://content.govdelivery.com/attachments/USCMS/2024/09/25/file_attachments/3010280/OE%2012%20Moratorium.pdf ])
Start time: Tuesday, October 1, 2024 at 12:00 a.m. ET
End time: Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 5:00 a.m. ET
*Maintenance Windows: *Sunday 12:00 a.m. ET – 12:00 p.m. ET **
* December 1, 8, 22, 29
*Embargo Weekend 2: D**ecember 14, 15*
* No planned down-time – all Marketplace systems should be available
* No infrastructure changes should be implemented
*Who will be impacted?*
Any Hybrid Cloud IT Operations team planning to make a change to a system supporting the CMS Healthcare Marketplace either directly or indirectly.
Need help? We are here to support you.
If you have any questions, don't hesitate to reach out to your assigned Hosting Coordinator. CMS IT Support can be reached via cloudsupport@cms.hhs.gov, <cloudsupport@cms.hhs.gov> or call (800) 562-1963, and is documented here at Support Page [ https://cloud.cms.gov/cms-cloud-get-help ] on cloud.cms.gov [ http://cloud.cms.gov/ ].
Office of Information Technology
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This email was sent to mshinji3056@gmail.com using GovDelivery Communications Cloud 7500 Security Boulevard · Baltimore MD 21244
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