One Seattle Plan Zoning Maps Released for Public Comment
- [注册人]City of Seattle
- [语言]日本語
- [区]Seattle, WA
- 注册日期 : 2024/10/16
- 发布日 : 2024/10/16
- 更改日期 : 2024/10/16
- 总浏览次数 : 23 人
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One Seattle Plan Zoning Maps Released for Public Comment
We have released an initial proposal for zoning changes to implement the One Seattle Plan. This proposal includes:
* Draft maps showing proposing zoning changes in Neighborhood Centers and the expansion areas of Regional and Urban Centers as well as along frequent transit routes
* A revised proposal for updating Neighborhood Residential zoning
* Draft legislation to update Neighborhood Residential zoning and comply with new state requirements
We are now looking for feedback on this proposal through December 20, 2024. More information is available at our new One Seattle Plan Zoning Update website [ ] that includes maps, documents, and summary videos. We will also host virtual and in-person information sessions and virtual office hours. You can find those dates, times and locations on the project website [ ].
The Zoning Update implements the One Seattle Plan which aims to create more inclusive neighborhoods by allowing middle housing throughout the city and additional options for increased density in residential areas near frequent transit and existing services and amenities. The Mayor’s Recommended Plan will be transmitted to Council in December and the Plan’s growth strategy has been released. More background on the Mayor’s Recommended Plan, including the Growth Strategy, is available on the website’s background [ ] page. [ ]
*Seattle Office of Planning & Community Development*
P.O. Box 94788
Seattle, WA 98124-7088
*Phone: 206-386-1010*
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