Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services June 2024 Data Products Recap
- [สมาชิกที่ลงทะเบียน]Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)
- [ภาษา]日本語
- [แอเรีย]Baltimore, MD
- วันที่ลงทะเบียน : 2024/07/10
- วันที่โพสต์ : 2024/07/10
- วันเปลี่ยนแปลง : 2024/07/10
- จำนวนรวมของการเปิดดู : 37 คน
- หากท่านต้องค้นหาร้าน โปรดดู [คู่มือแนะนำตัวเมือง]
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ホノルル海さくらは毎月1回ビーチクリーンをしていきます!ビーチクリーンの後は楽しい BBQがあります (ない時もあります)。いろいろな人たちと交流できるので、ハワイライフがもっと楽しくなると思います。Honolulu Umisakura will be hosting one beach cleanup event every month!After the beach cleanup, we w...
ホノルル海さくら / Honolulu Umisakura
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歯の健康は体の健康とつながっています。また美しい歯は、美しい笑顔と自信を与えてくれるでしょう。一緒に歯の健康に向けて取り組みませんか?・ 一般歯科・ 小児歯科・ 義歯(部分入れ歯、総入れ歯)・ 神経治療・ 口腔外科(抜歯、他)・ 歯列矯正・ インプラント・ 審美歯科・ ホワイトニング・ 顎関節症(TMJ)・ 歯周病・歯槽膿漏治療(LANAP)など
+1 (310) 539-9307ルイス ヤン歯科医院 / Louis F. Yang, D.D.S.
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食事療法・漢方・鍼治療を中心に、なるべくペットの体に負担をかけない診療を行なっております。また、Dr. Miwa Kanbeは日本語を話しますので、安心してご相談頂けます。院内の Hemopet/Hemolife Diagnostics では、犬、猫、馬の年齢・ブリードに応じた甲状腺ホルモン検査、ワクチン抗体検査、 独自に開発したNutriScanを用いた食物アレルギー検査を行うことができます。●...
+1 (714) 494-1175Hemopet Holistic Care
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照明リフォーム、エアコン、コンセント増設、アンテナ設置など、お気軽にお問い合わせください。☑ お部屋をお洒落に一新したい。 ☑ 室内を明るくし気分転換したい。 ☑ 店舗やオフィスの雰囲気やイメージを変えたい。 ☑ 照明で空間に奥行きをプラスしたい。 ☑ 駐車場に照明を設置したい。 ☑ コンセントを増設したい。 ☑ エ...
+81-80-5372-1000株式会社 輝耕電設
- 朗読を通して読書の喜びをお届けしています。
Voice Library in Japanese
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ウェブサイトをオープンいたしました!JAPANDVDSTORE.COM オンラインで簡単DVD購入!最新から昔の映画、ドラマ、テレビ番組と種類豊富な品揃え!日本の映画、テレビ番組はもちろん、韓国ドラマ、洋画、時代劇、スポーツ、情報報道、アニメなど、様々なジャンルをご用意しております。大人から子供まで満足していただけるDVDがたくさん見つかります!お値段$1.50からリーズナブル!安くてたくさんのD...
+1 (310) 325-2220HYPER GAMES & VIDEO JAPAN
- 不思議なポッケではなく、確かな技術であなたの生活をより快適にします💡ご家庭に眠っ...
- 1995年2月の会社設立より不動産売買のお手伝い、所有不動産の賃貸業や不在時の維...
1986年からハワイの不動産仲介業を営み、長年積み重ねた経験と実績を活かし一流のカスタマーサービスを皆様にご提供出来るようスタッフ一同日々努力をさせて頂いております。Shuko Realty社はこれからも変わりないアロハ精神で気遣いと真心を大切に心のこもったケアをご提供致します。不動産売買サポート短期バケーションレンタル賃貸長期レンタルサポート
+1 (808) 944-3003Shuko Realty
Today, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) is highlighting several data products the agency released during the month of June:
*Medicare Provider Payment and Utilization Public Use Files – Annual Update*
The Provider Payment and Utilization Public Use Files are provider-level data products that summarize service utilization and payments in the Medicare Fee-For-Service and Part D programs. The following files now include data for calendar year 2022:
* The Medicare Inpatient Hospital datasets [ https://data.cms.gov/provider-summary-by-type-of-service/medicare-inpatient-hospitals ] provide information on services provided to fee-for-service beneficiaries by Inpatient Prospective Payment System (IPPS) hospitals.
* The Medicare Outpatient Hospital datasets [ https://data.cms.gov/provider-summary-by-type-of-service/medicare-outpatient-hospitals ] provide information on outpatient services and procedures provided to Medicare fee-for-service beneficiaries by hospitals under the Outpatient Prospective Payment System (OPPS).
* The Medicare Physician & Other Practitioners datasets [ https://data.cms.gov/provider-summary-by-type-of-service/medicare-physician-other-practitioners ] provide information on services and procedures provided to fee-for-service beneficiaries by physicians and other healthcare professionals.
* The Medicare Durable Medical Equipment, Devices & Supplies datasets [ https://data.cms.gov/provider-summary-by-type-of-service/medicare-durable-medical-equipment-devices-supplies ] provide information on Durable Medical Equipment, Prosthetics, Orthotics and Supplies (DMEPOS) services provided to fee-for-service beneficiaries, ordered by physicians and other healthcare professionals. New datasets are now available that provide information on DMEPOS services provided to fee-for-service beneficiaries aggregated by supplier for calendar years 2014 – 2022.
* The Medicare Part D Prescriber datasets [ https://data.cms.gov/provider-summary-by-type-of-service/medicare-part-d-prescribers ] provide information on prescription drugs prescribed by individual physicians and other healthcare professionals and paid for under the Medicare Part D Prescription Drug program.
* The Medicare Post-Acute Care and Hospice Provider Public Use File (PAC PUF) [ https://data.cms.gov/provider-summary-by-type-of-service/medicare-post-acute-care-hospice/medicare-post-acute-care-and-hospice-by-geography-provider ] provides information on services provided to Medicare beneficiaries by home health agencies (HHAs), hospices, skilled nursing facilities (SNFs), inpatient rehabilitation facilities (IRFs), and long-term care hospitals (LTCHs). It contains information on demographic and clinical characteristics of beneficiaries served, professional and paraprofessional service utilization, submitted charges, and payments at the provider, state, and national levels. Additionally, the PAC PUF includes payment information at the case-mix grouping level for HHAs, SNFs, and IRFs.
*Medicare Part D and Medicaid Opioid Prescribing Mapping Tools – Annual Update*
The Medicare Part D Opioid Prescribing Mapping Tool [ https://data.cms.gov/summary-statistics-on-use-and-payments/medicare-medicaid-opioid-prescribing-rates/medicare-part-d-opioid-prescribing-rates-by-geography ] and the Medicaid Opioid Prescribing Mapping Tool [ https://data.cms.gov/summary-statistics-on-use-and-payments/medicare-medicaid-opioid-prescribing-rates/medicaid-opioid-prescribing-rates-by-geography ] are interactive, web-based visualization resources that present geographic comparisons of opioid prescribing rates. These tools now include data for calendar year 2022.
*Medicare Telehealth Trends – Quarterly Update*
The Medicare Telehealth Trends Data [ https://data.cms.gov/summary-statistics-on-use-and-payments/medicare-service-type-reports/medicare-telehealth-trends ] highlights trends in the use of telehealth services between January 1, 2020 and December 31, 2023. The data allow for analysis of telehealth utilization by quarter, state, and various demographic characteristics.
*Medicare Enrollment – Monthly Update*
The Medicare Monthly Enrollment file [ https://data.cms.gov/summary-statistics-on-beneficiary-enrollment/medicare-and-medicaid-reports/medicare-monthly-enrollment ] presents Medicare enrollment by geographic area and now includes enrollee counts for March 2024. This update also includes new fields with enrollee counts by coverage type, demographic characteristics, and Medicare-Medicaid enrollment.
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