News Release - City of Toronto opens new Leslie Lookout Park with stunning views
- [登録者]City of Toronto
- [言語]日本語
- [エリア]Toronto, Canada
- 登録日 : 2024/09/14
- 掲載日 : 2024/09/14
- 変更日 : 2024/09/14
- 総閲覧数 : 69 人
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News Release
September 14, 2024
City of Toronto opens new Leslie Lookout Park with stunning views
Today, Mayor Olivia Chow was joined by Councillor Paula Fletcher (Toronto-Danforth), representatives from CreateTO and City of Toronto staff to officially open the City’s newest park in Toronto’s Port Lands.
Located on the Martin Goodman Trail near the entrance to Tommy Thompson Park, the new park includes an artificial public beach and is designed to be a multi-use community destination in Toronto’s east end. The centrepiece of Leslie Lookout Park is the 1.9-acre open space at 12 Leslie Street that connects the public to the water’s edge with views of the entire length of Toronto’s Ship Channel.
This new destination offers opportunities for year-round programming including pop-up events, concerts and public art, a unique lookout experience with a west-facing view of the downtown core and a stunning 360-degree view of the Port Lands.
The park uses porous asphalt, a first for a park in Toronto, to filter runoff water and does not need to rely on the City’s stormwater system. This is one example of how the City is delivering more climate resilient infrastructure.
A reimagined industrial space
The new park hosts a wide range of features that include:
• A Miyawaki-inspired (Japanese botanical technique to create density with native plants) mini-forest comprised of approximately 5,000 plants representing 45 species including 2,470 trees, 2,473 shrubs and 1,260 forbs and grasses.
• A 13.5 metre (44 feet) tall lookout tower
• A public drinking fountain and bottle fill station at the base of the lookout tower.
• 25 Muskoka-style chairs on the beach, stadium seating leading up to the lookout tower as well as benches and picnic tables throughout the park.
• 50 spots for cyclists to lock their bikes.
Leslie Lookout Park is also situated near Toronto Bike Share docking stations that are available to the north and south of the park at the corner of Leslie and Commissioners Streets and at Tommy Thompson Park. A bike repair station can also be found at the base of the lookout tower and is free to use.
CreateTO led and funded the development of the park which repurposes an underused industrial parcel of City-owned land and brings the site back into public use, creating a stronger connection between the city and the natural areas south of Unwin Avenue within Tommy Thompson Park.
To honour the significance of the site and the involvement of Indigenous communities in shaping the park design, the opening ceremony took place in a circle and included a ceremonial fire. The park itself includes Indigenous placemaking elements including the lookout tower which has openings to the sky and the four cardinal directions.
Leslie Lookout is the first major public space to open in the regenerated Port Lands
area and the first artificial sandy beach in the area fronting the sprawling Ship Channel.
"Leslie Lookout Park marks the dawn of a new chapter in the continued development of our beautiful city. This thoughtfully designed space invites visitors to immerse themselves in a harmonious blend of breathtaking views and serene landscapes. As you explore the beautiful beach, you’ll find more than just a park — you’ll discover a haven. Leslie Lookout Park is set to become a cherished retreat that will invite everyone to pause, take in the view and rejuvenate.”
- Mayor Olivia Chow
"Leslie Lookout Park is more than just a new addition to our community; it’s a breath-taking spot with panoramic views that offers a rare opportunity to escape the hustle and bustle of daily life. It’s the perfect spot if you're seeking a peaceful greenspace for reflection or a picturesque place for family outings.”
- Councillor Paula Fletcher (Toronto-Danforth)
“CreateTO is honoured to deliver Toronto’s newest park for the people of the city to explore and enjoy. Leslie Lookout Park is a beautiful and unique spot to relax and reset with a one-of-a-kind view of Toronto’s iconic skyline – it’s also a key example of the types of city-building initiatives CreateTO was established to realize. This project has transformed an underutilized parcel of industrial land into a year-round multi-use destination, and it represents the start of transformative change in the Port Lands to a mixed-use area where people will live, work, and play for generations to come.”
– Vic Gupta, CEO, CreateTO
Toronto is home to more than three million people whose diversity and experiences make this great city Canada’s leading economic engine and one of the world’s most diverse and livable cities. As the fourth largest city in North America, Toronto is a global leader in technology, finance, film, music, culture, innovation and climate action, and consistently places at the top of international rankings due to investments championed by its government, residents, and businesses. For more information visit www.toronto.ca or follow us on X at www.x.com/CityofToronto, on Instagram at www.instagram.com/cityofto or on Facebook at www.facebook.com/cityofto
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Media contact: Media Relations, media@toronto.ca
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