Traffic Advisory for Levi’s® Stadium and the Surrounding Area – Tuesday, July 2
- [注册人]City of Santa Clara
- [语言]日本語
- [区]Santa Clara, CA
- 注册日期 : 2024/06/28
- 发布日 : 2024/06/28
- 更改日期 : 2024/06/28
- 总浏览次数 : 76 人
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- 2025 年 2 月 4 日 ( 星期二 ) 新学年开始 ! 这是一所面向海外学...
! 课程以复习日本的 SAPIX 系统为主,同时也提供适合在国外生活的儿童的特定科目学习。 在家中复习所学内容以巩固所学,并通过课堂测验检查巩固程度。 课程设计针对生活在国外的儿童提供特定科目的学习,重点是复习日本的 SAPIX。 在家中复习所学内容,以巩固所学知识,并通过课堂测验检查巩固程度。 请试听我们的课程。您一定会感受到与其他补习班不同的东西。 2月4日新学期开学 ! ...
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浅蓝色的大门是这家精选商店的标志。♪ 店内除了出售手工制品外,还有出售糖果、酒类和其他食品饮料的各种商店。在这里,不仅能与物邂逅,还能与人邂逅,是一个奇妙的空间。
+81-4-7092-4778Sola street
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您有心理健康问题吗 ? 我们很乐意与您交谈。 两位经验丰富的治疗师 ( Nishina 和 Hishiya ) 拥有加利福尼亚州心理医生执照 ( LMFT™)和博士学位,可以帮助您解决各种问题,从日常生活中的小问题到阻碍您前进的严重问题。我们用日语/英语提供个人、夫妻和家庭心理治疗(疗法)/心理咨询,让许多人的心理更加健康。
+1 (408) 800-5366International Lifecycle Family Therapy Inc.
- 尔湾牙科诊所。还提供普通牙科、儿童牙科、神经治疗和口腔外科、牙周治疗、正畸/隐形...
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- 我们正在韩国城的一些卡拉 OK 包厢招募演员。
资格 : 必须年满 21 岁 语言 : 英语、日语、韩语、中文 无需经验,您可以根据自己的日程安排,每周工作 1 至 7 天,天数不限 ! 也欢迎学生。 ( 如果您来工作,您至少要待上 3 个小时。 ) 如果您有任何疑问或需要更多信息,请给我们发送电子邮件或使用图片右下方的二维码。
- 举办各种活动,宣传日本文化 ! 华大的日本留学生和对日本感兴趣的人请随时与我们联...
华盛顿大学日本学生会 (JSA ) 是华盛顿大学的一个日本学生组织,成立于 20 世纪 90 年代初,是一个校园俱乐部。我们组织各种活动,通过活动向非日本学生介绍日本文化,并让大家度过一段美好时光 ★ 请随时加入我们 !。
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Traffic Advisory for Levi’s® Stadium and the Surrounding Area – Tuesday, July 2
Post Date: 06/28/2024 1:00 PM
The South American Football Confederation carried out the draw for the Group Stage of the CONMEBOL Copa América 2024. Based on the results of the draw, Levi’s® Stadium will host Brazil vs. Colombia on Tuesday, July 2 at 6 p.m. Event information can be found on the Levi’s® Stadium website at [ ]
* Heavy traffic and delays are anticipated on major thoroughfares leading to and from the stadium, including Highways 101, 237, 880, Lawrence Expressway, Great America Parkway and San Tomas Expressway. Expect increased traffic in the area throughout the day and several hours after the event;
* Tasman Drive will be closed from Convention Center Circle to Centennial / Marie P DeBartolo Way on beginning at 9:30 a.m. on Tuesday, July 2 and will remain closed through the conclusion of the event;
* The offramp slipway from eastbound Tasman Drive to Stars and Stripes Drive will be closed except for train station, Youth Soccer Park and Gold Lot 1-5 users, and will remained closed through the conclusion of the event;
* Stadium-goers are encouraged to take public transportation. For public transportation information contact Valley Transportation Authority [ ], AMTRAK [ ] or CalTrain [ ];
* If you are driving a personal vehicle, input your address [ ] for step-by-step directions to each lot. Note, other map programs and/or apps may not take road closures into consideration;
* Parking lots will open at 3 p.m. on Tuesday, July 2. Pre-paid parking passes can be purchased at [ ]. Please note, ADA parking is available in Red Lot 1 and Green Lot 1. Additional information regarding accessible parking is available by calling 408-579-4610 or at
* Stadium gates open at 4 p.m.;
* For this event, Red Lot 7 has been designated as the post-event rideshare pick-up location;
* Complimentary bicycle valet service is located in Green Lot 1, near Gate C and near Gate A. Bicycle valet will be open 3.5 hours prior to the event through 1 hour upon completion of the Levi’s® Stadium event. Bicycle Routes leading to Levi’s® Stadium are accessible from the following trails and/or roadways: San Tomas Aquino Creek Trail, John W. Christian Greenbelt Trail/Prescott, Guadalupe River Trail, Great America Parkway, Lafayette Street, Tasman Drive/Great Mall Parkway/Capital Avenue and North First Street. Bicycle traffic on the San Tomas Aquino Creek Trail will be diverted;
* No parking will be allowed on Tasman Drive on Tuesday, July 2;
* No parking will be allowed on the clearly marked posted section of Lick Mill Boulevard on Tuesday, July 2;
* Residents and their guests should allow additional time for travel and may consider taking alternative routes to and from their homes. The City of Santa Clara Traffic Engineering Department has made traffic cameras [ ] available to help individuals make travel decisions based on road conditions;
* For public safety in residential neighborhoods, the Santa Clara Police Department will have personnel deployed;
* Everyone is encouraged to read the message boards and follow the instructions of police personnel and private security;
* Be observant and monitor your environment. If you notice suspicious objects or observe suspicious behavior, report this information to local law enforcement immediately;
* The San Tomas Aquino / Saratoga Creek Trail will close at Agnew Road at approximately 2 p.m. on Tuesday, July 2. Ticketed pedestrians and bicyclists will be able to use the Creek Trail to access the stadium for this event beginning at approximately 3 p.m. on Tuesday, July 2.
Non-ticketed bicyclists riding southbound exit the bike trail northbound onto Great America Parkway. They will then be rerouted to the temporary road/Stars and Stripes Extension, through the VTA Great America Train Station Parking lot, Gianera Street, Lakeshore Drive, Agnew Road and then back to the San Tomas Aquino Creek Trail. Alternatively, northbound non-ticketed bicyclists will be rerouted via Agnew Road, Lakeshore Drive, Gianera Street, the VTA Great America Train Station Parking lot, Stars and Stripes Drive, Temporary Road/Stars and Stripes Extension, Great America Parkway, Old Mountain View- Alviso Road, and then back to the San Tomas Aquino Creek Trail.
Non-ticketed pedestrians will be rerouted via Agnew Road, Mission College Boulevard, Great America Parkway past the Santa Clara Convention Center, and then back to the San Tomas Aquino Creek Trail.
It remains a priority of the City to return the creek trail to normal operations as soon as possible following the event for use by trail enthusiasts.
For information on closures of the trail for maintenance or weather, call (408) 615-3080;
* *Do not drink and drive*;
* There are not pyrotechnics, or a flyover planned for this event;
* California's Great America theme park will be open from 10 a.m. - 8 p.m. As a result, added traffic is expected in the area at game end;
* Counterflow is planned in the north and southbound direction to assist with exiting the parking lots. This will affect Highway 237 at Great America Parkway; the highway off-ramps will be closed. In addition, Great America Parkway will be closed northbound from Highway 101 and southbound from Highway 237 to assist with traffic management. Please be patient and follow all written and verbal instructions to assist with a smooth egress;
* To better serve our Northside residents and businesses, the Santa Clara Police Department is enhancing its services by having a staff member answer the non-emergency, stadium-related incident phone line, (408) 615-2280. During event hours, a staff member will answer the phone line in an effort to provide immediate service. Traditional methods of reaching SCPD should be utilized for any emergency or non-stadium, non-emergency situations. Refer to the chart below for resources. Please do not use social media to report issues requiring police, fire or medical response; it is not monitored regularly.
Contact Information
Emergency situations, such as fire, burglary in progress, fight or display of weapons, medical condition is life or limb threatening, sounds of breaking glass, gunshots or screaming, strange odor coming from a house or building, traffic accident with injuries, suspicious person (e.g. loitering, cruising streets repeatedly, peering into house/car window), etc.
(408) 615-5580
Non-emergency situations, such as noise (e.g. loud party, barking dog), drunk in public, vandalism, graffiti, traffic accident without injuries, etc.
(408) 615-2280
Stadium non-emergency phone line during event hours, such as a vehicle blocking a driveway, alcoholic beverages in City parks, rideshare vehicles double parked on roadways, individuals conducting themselves inappropriately, event-related noise, garbage, etc.
During non-event hours, callers will be directed to a phone tree to leave a message.
MySantaClara app
Mobile app to submit, track and view nearby service requests.
Submissions will be responded to during normal business hours.
* Future traffic advisories can be obtained by subscribing to Nixle [ ].
Santa Clara Police Department
601 El Camino Real
Santa Clara, CA 95050
General inquiries / Police building: 408-615-4700 (Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.; closed Saturday and Sunday)
Non-emergency: 408-615-5580 (available 24/7, 365)
Emergency: 9-1-1 (available 24/7, 365)
Click here for more information [ ]
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